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Coxeter H.S.M. — Introduction to Geometry |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
38 53 137—138 264
120-cell {5, 3, 3} 402—404 414
16-cell {3, 3, 4} 400—402 414
24-cell {3, 4, 3} 402 414
600-cell {3, 3, 5} 402 404 412 414
Abbott, E.A. 397
Abscissa 109
Absolute geometry 175 263—287
Absolute polarity 261
Abstract group 32 48
Acceleration 322
Addition 136 138
Aeschylus 10
Affine collineation see Affinity
Affine coordinates 202 223 339—340
Affine geometry 175 191—230
Affine reflection 203 207—208 225
Affinity vii 202—207 225 441
Algebraic number 138
Alhambra 58
Alias and alibi 111—112
Alternating group 271
Alternating symbol 341
Altitude of a triangle 17 264
Amplitude of a complex number 141
Analytic geometry 107—134 138—141 202—228 234—239
angle 84 95 183 see
Angle of parallelism 291—293 303 376—377 453
Angular defect 296—299
Angular region 183
Anticlastic surface 354
Antihomography 147
Antipodes 92—94
Antiprism 149 152
Apollonius of Perga 88 92 103 107—108 116 429
Apple core 35
Archibald, R.C. 165
Archimedes of Syracuse 10 107—108 164 191 201 215 287
Area 8 53 94—95 122 203—221 282 295—299 346
Areal coordinates 218—221 224
Argand, J.R. 135 138
Argument see Amplitude
Aristophanes 191
ART 57—61 229 261
Artin, E. 54 176 191 193 199
Associative law 33
Astroid 115
Asymptote 118
Asymptotic triangle 267 291—296 see Trebly
Atoms in a crystal 332 408
Automorphism 200 386
Axes of a conic 117
Axioms 4 177 178 184 187 192 288 see Continuity Incidence Order
Bachmann, F. 40 41 43—46 94 229 260 295
Bahai Temple 35
Baker, H.F. 115 243 262 427
Ball bearings 410
Ball, W.W.R. 28 65 141 149 150 160 168 237 388 390 392 395 397 408 411 457
Bankoff, L. 9 24
Barlow, W. 60 65 279 408
Barrow, D.F. 419
Barycentric coordinates 216—221 235 445
Basis for a lattice, or for a vector space 226 307 328
Beecroft, P. vii 14 421
Beehive 62 406
Beetles 59
Bell, E.T. 94 107 125 152 181 361
Bell, R.J.T. 130—133
Beltrami, E. 289 368 376
Bend 15 314
Bennett, G.T. 27
Bernal, J.D. 410—412
Bernoulli, J. 114 119 125
Bible 11 41 397
Bilinear form 251 330
Bimedians of a quadrangle 199
Binary quadratic forms 119
Binet, J.P.M. 167
Binomial coefficients 168 183 186
Binormal 322
Birkhoff, G. 31 140 144 199 236 307 320
Bisection of a segment 196
Bitangent plane of a torus 133
Blake, W. 30
Blaschke, W. 83 131 191 216 382
Blum, R. 89 114
Bocher, M. 84
Body-centered cubic lattice 334
Bol, G. 382
Bolyai, J. 175 187 263—267 287 293—296 304
Bolzano, N. 285
Bonola, R. 187 294 296 303
Borsuk, K. 289
Botany 169—172
Bottema, O. 24 419
Bounded surface 383
Brabant, H. 9
Bradwardine, T. 37
Brahana, H.R. 385
Braikenridge, W. 254
Bredwardin see Bradwardine
Brewster, Sir David 35 64 119 279
Brianchon, C.J. 254—255
Bricard, R. 24
Brooks, R.L. 390
Brueckner, M. 154
Buchanan, R. 11
Buerger, M.J. 225—228 332—334
Burckhardt, J.J. 278—279
Burnside, W. 64 282 302
Busemann, H. 189
Bussey, W.H. 237
Butler, S.(the elder) 203
Butler, S.(the younger) 401
Cake and icing 38
Calculus 20 120—126 312—326 371—376
Cannon balls 408—411
Cantor, G. 137 187
Caravelli, V. 386
Cardioid 114 119
Carroll, Lewis 4 26 39 45 50 67 137 150 387 389
Carslaw, H.S. 267—268 287—295 376
Cartesian coordinates 43 108—110 158—159
Casey, J. 16 74 75 92
Categorical system 287 289
Catenary 317—321
Cayley, A. 230
cell 186 see
Center of a conic 117
Center of curvature 314
Center of similitude 70—71 101
Central conies 112—113 117
Central dilatation 194
Central inversion 98 277
Central projection 93
Centroid 10 109 214—217
Ceva, G. 191
Cevian 204
Characteristic see Euler — Poincare
Characteristic tetrahedron 155
Chasles, M. 96 249 452
Chepmell, C.H. 24
Chessboard 50 411
Chilton, B.L. 402—403
Christoffel, E.B. 366—375
Church, A.H. 169 172
Ciamberlini, C. 421
circle 14 132—133 262 300
Circle of Apollonius 88—89
| Circle of curvature 314
Circle of similitude 90
Circle-preserving transformation 91 146 290
Circular helix 170 323—325
circumcircle 12 262
Circumradius 155—157
Circumsphere 155 273
Clemens, S.L. see Twain
Clifford, W.K. 72 262
Close packing of spheres 405—412
Coaxal circles 85—89 114
Coaxal equidistant curves 300
Coe, C.J. 310
Cohn—Vossen, S. 53 54 83 101 148 152 234 355 363 365 369 382 384 402 406—408
Colatitude 343
Coleman, A.J. 354
Collinear points 65 178
Collineation 247 see Equiaffine Perspective Projective
Combinatorial topology 379—395
Common parallel 292
Common perpendicular 293
Commutative law 237 269
Compasses 79
Complete K-point 389
Complete quadrangle 19 230
Complete quadrilateral 231
complex numbers 135—147
Compound interest 127
Compound polyhedron 158
Concentric horocycles 300 378
Concho-spiral 172 326—327
Cone 129—130
Configuration 233 237—239
Confocal quadrics 340 362—363
Conformal geometry 84 92
Conformal models of hyperbolic geometry 289 302—304
Conformal transformation 145—147 203
Congruence 5 198 263—268
Congruent transformation see Isometry
conic 115—118 252—255 260
Conjugate axis of a hyperbola 117
Conjugate complex number 142
Conjugate hyperbolas 364
Conjugate lines, points 248
Consistency 229 287—290
Continued fraction 146
Continuity 5 103 187
Contravariant components 329
Convexity 53 148 183—186
Coordinate transformation 111—119 218—219
coordinates see Affine Areal Barycentric Cartesian Cylindrical General Homogeneous Polar Tangential
Copenhagen’s Stock Exchange Building 327
Correlation, projective 248
Correspondence see Transformation
Corresponding points on parallel rays 266
cosh 118 124
Cotes, R. 144
Courant, R. 23 79 123
Court, N.A. 9 10 12 17 23 69 70 71 89
Covariant components 329
Cox, Homersham 258—262
Cramer, G. 330
Critical lattice of a sphere 335—337
Cross-cap 383—385
Crowe, D.W. 294
Crystal classes 278—279
Crystallographic restriction 60—61 444
Crystallography 50—61 225—228 278—280 332—334 413
Cube {4, 3} 4 149—151
Cubic close packing 407—411
Cubic graph see Trivalent
Cubic honeycomb {4, 3, 4} 399 407 414
Cundy, H.M. 28 165
Curvature 15 314 322 see Circle Normal Principal
Cyclic group 32 270
Cycloid 49 317 319
Cyclotomy 26—28 141—142 443
Cylinder 129—130
Cylindrical coordinates 323 337—338
D-stix Pre-engineering Kit 412
Dandelin, G.P. 260
Danese, A.E. 168
Darboux, G. 321 324—326 361
Darwin, C. 407
Davenport, H. 335
Davis, R.F. 24
De La Vallee Poussin see La Vallee Poussin
de Moivre, A. 141
De Morgan, A. 390
de Sitter, W. 299
Decagram {10/3} 37
Dedekmd, R. 187 200 201
Definite quadratic form 119
Degenerate conic 255
Degree of a graph see Valency
Dehn, M. 180
Deltoid 115
Dempster, A.P. 335
Denk, F. 39
Density of a polygon 36 38
Derivative of a vector 312
Desargues, G. 93 192 229 238—240
Descartes, R. vii 108 125 154 422
Developable surface 354
Diagonal points 19
Diameter of a horocycle 300
Differential geometry 307—378
Digon {2} 37
Dihedral angle 35 150 157 400 413
Dihedral group 32 271
Dihedron {p, 2} 282 386
Dilatation 68 79 101 110—111 136 193—203 399
Dilative reflection 72—76 110—111 147
Dilative rotation 72—76 101—104 111 125 133 139 145 164—165 317 326—327
Dipyramid 150 280
Direct isometry 39 96—101 269
Direct product of groups 49
Direct similarity 72—74
Direction cosines 128
Directly congruent figures 39
Directly similar figures 73
Directrix 116
Dirichlet region 53—57 169—170
Dirichlet, G.L. 54 334
Discrete group 283
Disk 385
Displacement 107 see
Dissection 152
Distance 220
Distributive law 309—310
Djordjevic, R.Z. 419
DNA 278
Dodecagram {12/5} 37
dodecahedron see Regular dodecahedron Rhombic
Dodgson, C.L. 6 295 387 see
Dominoes 60
Donchian, P.S. 402 404
Donkin, W.F. 269 299
Dorrie, H. 211—212
Doubly asymptotic triangle 294—299
Dual bases for a vector space 328
Dual maps 379 386
Duality see also Reciprocal polyhedra
Duality, projective 231—233 256
Duality, topological 386
Dudeney, H.E. 27
Duerer, A. 229
Dupin, C. 361—365
Dupin’s indicatrix 363—365
Eccentricity 116
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