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Coxeter H.S.M. — Introduction to Geometry |
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MAP 373 382—395
Marvin, J.W. 409
Mascheroni, L. 79
Matrix notation for Pappus’s theorem 232
Matzke, E.B. 409 412
McBride, J.A. 420
Mean curvature 353—356
Median 10
Meijering, J.L. 412
Menaechmus 116
Mendelsohn, N.S. 89 146
Menelaus of Alexandria 191 220
Meridians 343
Mersenne, M. 125
Metric 94
midpoint 110 197
Midsphere 155 407
Miller, J.C.P. 37
Minkowski, H. 176 299
Mirror 6 29 280
Mitrinovic, D.S. 419
Models, of hyperbolic geometry 289—291 294 302—304 377—378
Models, of polyhedra 150—152 280 402 412
Modulus of a complex number 141
Moebius involution 91 147
Moebius strip (or Moebius band) 382 393
Moebius, A.F. 91 147 217 221 258 280 389
Mohr, G. 79
Monge, G. 131 343 363 368
Monkey saddle 365
Monogon {1} 388
Moore, R.L. 263
Mordell, L.J. 9 392 419
More, H. 397
Morley, C. 23 79
Morley, F. 23 115
Moseley, H. 172 326
Moser, W.O.J. 32 51 55 66 286 381—388
Motion 29 39 125
Motzkin, Т. 65
Mozzi, G. 321
Multiplication 136 139
Napoleon 23
Naraniengar, M.Т. 24
Nautilus shell 104
Nephroid 114
Net see also Orthogonal net
Net, of a polyhedron 149
Net, of curves on a surface 346
Network of triangles 63 281—285
Neville, E.H. 70 226
Newman, J. 143
Newman, M.H.A. 110 191
Newton, Sir Isaac 29 108 115 119 144 164
Niggli, P. 50
Nine-point center 71
Nine-point circle 18 83 114
Non-Desarguesian plane 234
Non-Euclidean geometry 94 230 263—303 375—378
Nonintersecting pencil of coaxal circles 86
Nonorientable surface 382
Nonreflexible maps 388
Nonsecant 252
normal 123 314 339 349 see Principal
Normal curvature of a surface 342 350
Normal plane of a twisted curve 322
Normal subgroup 199
Oblique Cartesian coordinates 340
Octagon 212 425
Octagram {8/3} 37
Octahedral group Sit 272
Octahedron {3, 4} 4 149—151
Odd permutation 270
One-dimensional forms 242
One-sided surface 382
Oppenheim A. 9
Opposite isometry 39
Opposite similarity 73—76
Oppositely congruent figures 39
Oppositely similar figures 72
Orbit 442
Orchard 51
Order, of a group 31
Ordinate 109
Orientable surface 382
Oriental mathematics 10
Origin 108
Orthic triangle 18
orthocenter 17
Orthocentric quadrangle 19
Orthogonal circles 79—80 84—87 113
Orthogonal matrix 340
Orthogonal net of curves on a surface 348
Orthogonal projection 290 325 396
Orthogonal systems of surfaces 361
Orthogonal trajectories 348
Orthoscheme 155—156 277
Osculating plane of a twisted curve 322
Ostrowski, A. 315
Outer product of vectors 308
Pacioli, L.(or Paciuolo) 150 158—162
Packing density 405—410
Pantograph 69
Pappus Of Alexandria 6 39 229—243
Pappus's Theorem 231—234
parabola 116 118 319
Parabolic point on a surface 354
Parabolic projectivity 244 247
Parabolic rotation 207
Paraboloid see Elliptic Hyperbolic
Parallel curves 316
Parallel displacement 268
Parallel lines 67 93 189 265—268 287—303
Parallel planes 222
Parallel rays 187
Parallel surfaces 361
Parallel-ruler 441
Parallelepiped 127—128 223 309
Parallelogram 23 193
Parallels of latitude 343
PARAMETER 109 118 127 255 343
Parametric curves on a surface 343
Pascal, B. 229 254—255 260
Pasch, M. 176—182 256 263
Patent for the Moebius strip 382—383
Patterns 47—64
Peano, G. 176
Peaucellier, A. 83
Pedal line see Simson line
Pedal triangle see Orthic triangle
Pedoe, D. 18 22 79 113 238 289
Peirce, B. 143
Pencil, of circles 85—89 114
Pencil, of lines 242 256 266 300
Pentagon {5} 26—28 160—163
Pentagram {5/2} 37
Permutation 270—276
Perspective collineation 247
Perspective tetrahedra 260—261
Perspective triangles 238
Perspectivity 242
Peterson, J. 431
Petrle, J.F. 282 412
Phenylketonuria 278
Philip, W.E. 24
Phyllotaxis 169—172
Pick, G. 208—209
Pieri, M. 229
Piero della Francesca 162
| Pineapple 169—171
Planar graph 382
Plane 127 180
Plato 152 191
Platonic solids 4 148—163 263—273 400 413
Play 77
Poincare, H. 288
Point at infinity 83 266
Point groups 278
Point, of accumulation 103 283
Point, of contact 252
polar 130 248
Polar coordinates 38
Polarity 248—252 see
Pole 248 274
Polygon 16 26—38 95 207—208 299 444
Polyhedral group 271—276
Polyhedron 148 154 see
Polytope 396—404
Poncelet J.V. 229
Pons asinorum 6 39 264
Positive definite quadratic form 119
Postulates, Euclid’s 4
Poussin see La Vallee Poussin
Power of a point 81
Primitive concepts 4 176—177
Principal curvatures 352—353 358—360
Principal directions 352 356—359
Principal normal 322
prism 148—149 280
Proclus 4
PRODUCT 29 308
Projection 308 see Orthogonal Stereographic
Projective collineation 247
Projective coordinates 235
Projective correlation 248
Projective geometry 93—94 229—262 289
Projective plane 383
Projectivity 242
Pseudosphere 377—378
Ptolemy, Claudius 27
Purse of Fortunatus {4, 3}/2 387
Pyihagoras 8 73 137 160 371
Pyramid 4 148—149 280
Quadrangle 23 56—57 see Orthocentric Simple
Quadrangular set 240
Quadratic form 119
Quadratic number 138
Quadric, or Quadric surface 130 259—262 341
Quadrilateral see Complete quadrilateral Quadrangle
Quadrirectangular tetrahedron 155—156
Quarter-turn 30 139 164—165
Quaternions 135 236
Quintessence 149
Rabbits 165
Rademacher, H. 20 153—154
Radical axis 86
Radical center 87
Radii, of a polygon 38
Radii, of a polyhedron 155—157
Radius of curvature 315
Rainich, G.Y. 310
Random packing of spheres 410
Ratio of magnification 72
Rational number 135—137
Rational plane 227—332
Ray A/B 178
Ray QB 179
Real number 137—138
Reciprocal lattices 332—334
Reciprocal polyhedra 157—159
Reciprocal polytopes 402
Rectangular hyperbola 118 119 124
Reduced parallelogram 53
Reeve, J.E. 208
Reflection 7 29 97—102 280 295
Reflexible maps 388
Region see Convexity
Regular dodecahedron {5, 3} 4 149—151 403 409
Regular maps 386—399
Regular polygon {n} 26 207—208 443—444
Regular polyhedron 4 148—159
Regular polytope 396 404
Regular simplex {3, 3, 3} 397
Regular tessellation 61 —64
Regular tetrahedron {3, 3} 4 149—151
Regulus 259
Relativity 176—299
Renaissance 238
Reynolds O. 405
Rhombic dodecahedron 334 407
Rhombohedron 150 334
Ricci, G. 328
Rice trick 410
Richelot, F.J. 27
Richmond, H.W. 27 258
Riemann, B. 230
Riesz, M. 38
Right angle 4 264
Right-angled triangle 16
Ring of circles 87—88
Ringel, G., vii 394—395
Robbins, H. 23 79
Robinson, G.de B. 135 137 234 243 255
Robinson, R.M. 276
Robson, A. 114 123
Rodrigues, O. 357—360
Rogers, C.A. 409
Rollett, A.P. 28 165
Rotation 30 96—102 112 269—276 301
Rotatory inversion (or Rotatory reflection) 99
Roulettes 114
Rouse Ball see Ball
Routh, E.J. 211 219—220
Ruled quadric 131 259—260
Russell, Bertrand xix 176 177 186
Russell, H.N. 175
Salmon, G. 130 220 365
Sand on the sea-shore 405
Satyanarayana, M. 24
Sawyer, Tom 393
Sayers, Dorothy L. 279
Scalar product see Inner product of vectors
Schemer, C. 69
Schlaefli symbol, for a honeycomb 399 411
Schlaefli symbol, for a map 386
Schlaefli symbol, for a polygon 26
Schlaefli symbol, for a polyhedron 150
Schlaefli symbol, for a polytope 398
Schlaefli symbol, for a tessellation 61
Schlaefli, L. 37 61 150 156 183—186 379 396 399
Schlegel, V. 151—152 373
Schmidt, H. 132
Schoenflies, A. 278—280
Schumacher, H.K. 187
Schutte, K. 276
Scott, G.D. 410
Screw 97
Screw displacement see Twist
Sea-change 291
Secant 120 252
Sector of a hyperbola 122
Segment (i.e., Line segment) 176 177
Self-conjugate lines, points 248 252
Self-polar triangle 248
Sense 39—41 47 72—76 82 96—102
Separation 184
serial 176—182 195
Series 168
Serret, J.A. 322
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