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Mignotte M., Stefanescu D. — Polynomials: An Algorithmic Approach |
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Abnormal prs 22
Algorithm, A1 277
Algorithm, A2 278
Algorithm, basis reduction 271
Algorithm, Berlekamp over large fields 215
Algorithm, Berlekamp over small fields 211
Algorithm, Euclidean division 17
Algorithm, Euclidean pseudo-division 20
Algorithm, fast polynomial multiplication 170
Algorithm, generalized Euclidean division 23
Algorithm, Hasse — Teichmueller 234
Algorithm, Horner 11
Algorithm, Kronecker factorization 242 243
Algorithm, Kronecker — Haussmann 245
Algorithm, linear lift 253
Algorithm, LLL 279
Algorithm, Niederreiter 237
Algorithm, Niederreiter — Goettfert 232
Algorithm, polynomial GCD 18
Algorithm, sparse polynomial multiplication 10
Algorithm, squarefree polynomial decomposition 201
Algorithm, Zassenhaus — Berlekamp 256
Angermueller, G. 76
Apolar polynomials 95
Apostol, T.M. 161 162
Artin, E. 193
Associated elements 14
Base points 48
Basis, reduced 262
Berlekamp, algebra 208 223
Berlekamp, algorithm 204
Berlekamp, E.R. 204 241 249
Berlekamp, matrix 208
Bezout, M. 33
Binary length 268
binomial 192
Birkhoff, G.D. 117
Blaschke multiplicator 79
Blaschke, W. 79
Boyd, D.W. 84 90
Brillhart, J. 135
Cantor, D.G. 180 249
Cantor, G. 169
Cauchy, A.L. 33 114
Characteristic polynomial 39
Characteristic, zero 31
Chinese remainder theorem 54
Chipart, M.H. 107
Circular region 93
Coefficient 2
Coefficient, ring 3 5
Coefficients of similarity 21
Cohn, A. 110 112
Companion matrix 39
Complexity, space 6
Complexity, time 6
Content 22
Convolution 165
Cooley, J.W. 162 166
Cost 6
Cost, exponential 6
Cost, polynomial 6
Degree of a polynomial 2
Degree of a rational function 3
Degree of an algebraic number 81
Degree, index 66
Derivative of a polynomial with respect to a point 93
Derivative, formal 31
Derivative, kth polar 96
Derivative, polar 93 96
DFT 163
Dickson, L.E. 182 191 196
Difference of ith order 53
Difference order 54
Difference polynomial 66
Difference table 53
Discriminant 39
Divide and conquer 9
Divisor 13
Divisor, improper 13
Domain, GCD 14
Domain, integral 14
Domain, unique factorization 14
Dumas, G. 70
Durand, A. 88
Eisenstein, G. 58 59
Element, irreducible 14
Element, primitive 145 198
Elements, associated 14
Euclidean prs 22
Euclidean remainder sequence 18
Euler, L. 33
Exponent of a polynomial 186
Exponential cost 6
FFT 168
Field characteristic 142
Field, algebraically closed 66
Field, finite 142
Field, Galois 144
Field, perfect 201 230
Field, prime 142
Field, splitting 143
Filaseta, M. 135
Flammang, V. 91
Fleishmann, P. 222
Form, Hermitean 108
Formal derivative 31
Formal power series 69
Fourier transform, discrete 163
Fourier transform, fast 168
Fourier transform, finite 163
Fujiwara, M. 108 115
Function, elementary symmetric 42
Function, Euler 155
Function, Moebius 156
Function, polynomial 3
Function, rational 3
Function, Von Mangoldt 172
Galois field 144
Galois, E. 144
Gao, S. 222
Gauss' integers 24
Gauss, C.F. 24 26 58 93 178
GCD 14
Generating function 202
Glesser, Ph. 73
Goettfert, R. 222 230
Goncalves, G. 80
Grace, J.H. 97
Group generator 144
Group, cyclic 144
Gueting, R. 89
Hardy, G.H. 184
Hasse — Teichmueller derivative 234
Hasse — Teichmueller space 234
Hausmann, B.A. 245
Height of a polynomial 83
Henrici, P. 120
Hensel, K. 249
Hermite, C. 108 112
Horner's method 11
Horner, W.G. 11
Hurwitz polynomial 101
Hurwitz, A. 102 105
Hyperderivative of order k 31
Inclusion radius 113
Indeterminate 2
Index degree 66
Integer cyclotomic 175
Integers of Gauss 24
| Integral, domain 14
Interpolation, Lagrange 49
Interpolation, Lagrange — Hermite 49 50
Interpolation, linear 48
Interpolation, Newton 50 51
Interpolation, Newton — Hermite 52
Interpolation, polynomial 48
Interpolation, problem 48
Interpolation, Taylor 51
Irreducible element 14
Irreducible polynomial 26 58
Jacobi, C.G. 33
Kaltofen, E. 169 180
Knuth, D.E. 260
Kronecker, L. 58 241 242
Kuniyeda, M. 118
Lagrange — Hermite interpolation 50
Lagrange, interpolation formula 49
Lagrange, J.L. 49 50
Laguerre, E. 94 96
Landau, E. 79 80
Lattice 261
Lattice, basis 261
Lattice, determinant 261
Lattice, rank 261
LCM 14
Leading coefficient 2
Leading term 2
Legendre, A.M. 178
Lehmer, D.H. 90
Length of a multivariate polynomial 85
Length of a polynomial 83
Length, binary 268
Lenstra, A.K. 241 261
Lenstra, H.W. 241 261
Lienard, A. 107
Lift, linear 253
Lift, quadratic 255
Linear interpolation 48
List representation 4
Lovasz, L. 241 261
Lucas, F. 93
MacEleice, R.J. 220
Mahler, K. 79
Matrix of the DFT 164
Matrix representation 152
Matrix, Berlekamp 208
Matrix, companion 39
Measure of a multivariate polynomial 82
Measure of a polynomial 79
Measure of an algebraic number 81
Mignotte, M. 87 89 139 182 282
Minimal distance between two roots 137
Moebius inversion formula 157
Moebius, A.F. 156
Montel, P. 125 131
Multiplicative order of an integer 187
Multiplicity of a root 30
Newton — Hermite interpolation 52
Newton's formulas 45
Newton, diagram 69
Newton, I. 45
Newton, interpolation 50
Newton, polygon 69
Nicolas, J.L. 182
Niederreiter space 223
Niederreiter, H. 221
Norm of a polynomial 78
Normal prs 22
Number, algebraic 81
Odlyzko, A. 135
Order of a group 143
Order of a polynomial 186
Order of an element 143
Order, multiplicative 187
Ostrowski, A.M. 128
Panaitopol, L. 60 69 133 135
Peano, G. 36
Pellet, A. 114
Perfect field 201
Period of a polynomial 186
Polynomial 2
Polynomial in n variables 3
Polynomial, Artin — Schreier 193
Polynomial, bivariate 3
Polynomial, c-primitive 148
Polynomial, characteristic 39
Polynomial, coefficient 2
Polynomial, cost 6
Polynomial, CRT 55
Polynomial, cyclotomic 154
Polynomial, difference 66
Polynomial, exponent 186
Polynomial, height 83
Polynomial, Hurwitz 101
Polynomial, irreducible 26 58
Polynomial, lacunary 132
Polynomial, length 83
Polynomial, measure 79
Polynomial, minimal 81
Polynomial, monic 2
Polynomial, multivariate 3
Polynomial, null 2
Polynomial, order 186
Polynomial, primitive 22
Polynomial, reciprocal 108
Polynomial, reducible 58
Polynomial, reducing 209
Polynomial, representation 149
Polynomial, squarefree 200
Polynomial, stable 101
Polynomial, symmetric 42
Polynomials, apolar 95
Polynomials, similar 21
Power representation 148
Primitive element 145 198
Primitive polynomial 22
Primitive prs 22
Primitive root of unity 154
Procedure, reduced1 270
Procedure, reduced2 270
PRS 21
Prs, abnormal 22
Prs, Euclidean 22
Prs, normal 22
Prs, primitive 22
Prs, reduced 22
Pseudo-division 20
Pseudo-quotient 20
Pseudo-remainder 20
Pseudo-remainder sequence 21
Quadratic norm of a multivariate polynomial 82
Quadratic norm of a polynomial 77
Quadratic reciprocity law 178
Quotient 16
Reciprocal polynomial 108
Reduced basis 262
Reduced prs 22
Reducible polynomial 58
Reducing polynomial 209
Relatively prime 14
Remainder 16
Representation, dense 4
Representation, g-adic 9
Representation, list 4
Representation, matrix 152
Representation, polygonal 4
Representation, polynomial 149
Representation, power 148
Representation, sparse 4
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