Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Mignotte M., Stefanescu D. — Polynomials: An Algorithmic Approach |
Предметный указатель |
Representation, vector 150
Resultant 33
Resultant, matrix 33
Root 29
Root of order k 30
Root of unity, nth 154
Root of unity, primitive 154
Root, multiplicity 30
Schoenemann, Th.v. 58 59
Schoenhage, A 169
Schreier, O. 193
Schubert, F.T. 241 242
Schur, I. 62 110 112
Similar polynomials 21
Size of a polynomial 7
Size of an integer 7
Space complexity 6
Splitting field 143
Squarefree polynomial 200
Stable polynomial 101
Stefanescu, D. 60 69 133 135
Strassen, V. 169
Substitution 3
Support 69
Sylvester matrix 34
| Sylvester, J.J. 33
Symmetric elementary function 42
Symmetric polynomial 42
Szegoe, G. 101 134
Takagi, T. 96 98
Takaku, A. 62
Taylor interpolation 51
Taylor's formula 32
Taylor's generalized formula 32
Tchebytcheff, P.L. 184
Time complexity 6
Tuckey, J.W. 162 166
Tverberg, H. 74 75
UFD 14
Unique factorization domain 14
Van Vleck, E.B. 126 127
Variable 2
Vector representation 150
Vector space 48 262
von zur Gathen, J. 222
Walsh, J.L. 127
Winograd, S. 169
Wright, E.M. 184
Zassenhaus, H. 249
Zermelo, E. 15
Реклама |