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Peajcariaac J.E., Tong Y.L. — Convex functions, partial orderings, and statistical applications |
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Abdel-Hameed, M. 295 419
Abel's identity 254
Abel's identity and star-shaped sequences 258
Abel's identity, generalization of 254 274
Abel's inequality 271
Aczel's inequality for isotonic functionals 125
Aczel, J. 6 53 124 419
Adamovic, D.D. 6 175 176 247—249 251 419 453
Agovic, E.M. 257 260 445
Ahlswede, R. 200 419
AI functions see "Arrangement increasing functions"
Alzer, H. 151 304 305 419
Anderson's inequality 224
Anderson, B.J. 224 419
Ando, T. 11 52 419 433
Andreief, C. 198 201 420
Andrica, D. 4 68 70 105 247 420 445
Apery, R. 182 420
Arama O. 293 294 420
Arrangement increasing (AI) functions 376
Arrangement increasing (AI) functions and densities 379
Arrangement increasing (AI) functions and moment inequalities 391—392 394
Arrangement increasing (AI) functions and probability inequalities 392 395 396
Arrangement increasing (AI) functions and rank order problems 397—400
Arrangement increasing (AI) functions and Schur-concave densities 379
Arrangement increasing (AI) functions and selection of populations 400—404
Arrangement increasing (AI) functions for overlapping sums of random variables 386—389
Arrangement increasing (AI) functions, definition of 376
Arrangement increasing (AI) functions, examples of 376 377 384—386 392
Arrangement increasing (AI) functions, multivariate generalization of see "MAI functions" "MAD
Arrangement increasing (AI) functions, preservation properties of 379—384 391 392
Artin, E. 294 420
Atanackovic, T.M. 228 420
Atkinson, F.V. 204 420
Autar, R. 292 449
B-spline 20
Barlow, R.E. 156 354 394 420
Barnes, D.C. 224 225 228 420 421
Baston, V.J. 172 176 303 421
Bechhofer, R.E. 400 421
Beck, E. 112 127 421
Beckenbach's inequalities 123 161
Beckenbach, E.F. 8 12 72 95 121 123 138 156 159 161 163 181 191 209 421
Beesack, P.R. 45 56 92 93 98 99 101 103 110 111 117 118 122 124 133 146 156 159 161 200 222 225 244 245 272 292 421 422 445
Bellman's inequality for isotonic functionals 125
Bellman, R. 12 72 121 156 159 161 181 191 209 224 226 421 422
Berger, R.L. 400 401 405 422
Bergh, J. 191 422
Berljand, O.S. 199 422
Bernoulli inequality 163
Bernstein's polynomials 293 326
Bernstein's polynomials and continuous convex functions 293
Bernstein's polynomials, definition of 293
Bernstein, F. 218 422
Berwald's inequality 216
Berwald, L. 214 216 223 422
Bhattacharjee, M.C. 331 422
Biernacki, M. 89 199 206 422
Blaschke, W. 212 422
Boas' inequality 229
Boas, R.P. 58 60 62 63 160 161 229 243 271 422 423
Bodin, N. 295 423
Bohr's inequality 131
Bojanic, R. 265 423
Boland — Proschan Inequality 330—331
Boland, P.J. 329 330 391 392 407 415 416 423
Borell's theorem 351
Borell, C. 214 225 347 350 351 423
Bourbaki, N. 128 423
Brascamp, H.J. 353 354 423
Breiman, L. 299 423
Brenner, J.L. 120 423
Bromwich, T.J.I'A. 270 424
Bruckner, A.M. 279 424
Brunk — Olkin Inequality 156
Brunk, H.D. 13 14 60 62 159 161 266 424
Brunn — Minkowski inequality 348
Brunn, H. 348 424
Bullen, P.S. 71 80 82 88 95 109 112 115 124 127 141 181 231 233 240 245 278 300 302—304 323 424
Burkill's inequality 171 172
Burkill, H. 89 199 424
Burkill, J.C. 82 172 176 424
Callebaut's inequality 118
Callebaut, D.G. 118 424
Capocelli, R.M. 292 424
Cargo, G.T. 7 424
Carleman's inequality 231
Carroll, C.E. 315 317 424
Cauchy inequality 131
Cavaratta, A.S. 19 424
Cebaevskaja, I.V. 118 188 191 300 424 429
Cebysev — Gruess Inequality 88 206—209
Cebysev — Gruess Inequality, discrete analogue of 206
Cebysev — Gruess Inequality, improvements of 210—211
Cebysev's inequality 197
Cebysev's inequality, generalizations of 198—201
Cebysev's inequality, interpolation inequalities of 205
Cebysev's ratio 223
Cebysev, P.L. 197 207 424
Cheng, K.W. 324 424
Choi, M.-D. 52 424
Chokhate, J. 201 424
Chow, Y.S. 340 424
Ciesielski, Z. 161 424
Clausing, A. 200 292 424
Concave functions 1
Concave functions and hyperbolic forms 314—317
Concave functions of higher order 15 325
Concave functions of higher order and Fan — Lorentz Inequality 325
Concave functions, definition of 1
Convex functions and Jensen's inequality 43—46 83
Convex functions and Jensen-convex functions 7
Convex functions and majorization 320 321
Convex functions and Schur-convex fUnctions 333
Convex functions and Wright-convex functions 7
Convex functions in means 8
Convex functions of higher order 15—17 22 23 203
Convex functions of higher order and inequalities for derivatives 31—39
Convex functions of higher order and inequalities for differences 33—37
Convex functions of higher order and Jensen's inequality 71—75 77 79—82
Convex functions of higher order and kth order divided difference 14 22
Convex functions of higher order and Popoviciu's inequality 175
Convex functions of higher order in Jensen sense 17 21
Convex functions of higher order, definition of 15 17
Convex functions of higher order, inequalities for 262
Convex functions of one variable see "One variable convex functions"
Convex functions of order (m, n) 18 21 208 325
Convex functions of order (m, n) and (m, n) divided differences 18
Convex functions of order (m, n) and Fan — Lorentz Inequality 325
Convex functions with respect to ECT system of functions 23—29
Convex functions, characterizations of 140—142
Convex functions, characterizations of, in terms of Bernstein's polynomial 293
Convex functions, characterizations of, in terms of Steklov functions 140
Convex functions, closure properties of 5
Convex functions, definition of 1 13
Convex functions, geometric interpretation of 2 3
Convex functions, inequalities for derivatives 31—39
Convex functions, inequalities of a normed linear space 9—13
Convex functions, operator convex functions 11
Convex functions, P-convex functions of order n 18
Convex functions, strongly convex functions 40
Convex functions, strongly Jensen-convex functions 40
Convex sequences of higher order 21 250
Convex sequences of higher order, equivalent conditions for 279
Convex sequences of higher order, identities of 277 278
Convex sequences of higher order, inequalities for 253—257 260 261
Convex sequences, closure properties of 289
Convex sequences, conditions for 279
Convex sequences, definition of 6
Convex sequences, implications of 279
| Cooper, R. 246 424
Crstici, B. 27 32 33 105 204 424 445 446
Cunningham, F. 242 244 424
Curri, H.B. 15 424
Dahmen, W. 20 424
Danskin, J.M. 121 426
Daroczy, Z. 292 426
Darst, R. 272 426
Das Gupta, S. 347 348 426
Davenport, H. 288 289 426
Davis, C. 11 51 52 426
Dawson, D.F. 39 426
Daykin, D.E. 118 200 419 426 427
De Finetti's theorem 344
Delange, H. 169 426
Delbosco, D. 134 426
Derman, C. 411 426
Diaconis, P. 418 426
Diaz, J.B. 240 426
Djordjevic, R.Z. 35 204 225 426 453
Dragomir, S.S. 89 97 133 135 427 445
Drazin, M.P. 255 427
Dresher's inequality 120
Dresher, M. 120 121 292 427
Drimbe, M.O. 105 420
Dwass, M. 388 389 427
Dykstra, R.L. 344 427
Eaton, M.L. 386 401 402 405 427
ECT (extended complete Tchebycheff) system of functions 23
ECT (extended complete Tchebycheff) system of functions, definition of 24
ECT (extended complete Tchebycheff) system of functions, functions convex with respect to 23—29 203
Ehrenberg, A.S.C. 418 427
Eliezer, C.J. 118 426 427
Esary, J.D. 345 368 427
Everitt, W.N. 209 427
Faber, G. 218 427
Fan — Lorentz Inequality 325
Fan, K. 204 325 329 330 427
Farwig, R. 30 31 75—77 79 427
Favard's inequality 212 224
Favard's inequality, generalizations of 213 214
Favard, J. 212 223 224 427
Fejer, L. 138 427
Feller, W. 299 427
Fempl, S. 212 427
Fink, A.M. 63 89 193 194 427 428
Fomin, S.V. 269 433
Frank, Ph. 212 428
Frechet derivatives 10
Fuchs, L. 323 428
Fujii, J.I. 52 53 428
Fujiwara, M. 218 428
Gabler, S. 97 428
Gadziev, A.D. 305 431
Garding, L. 314 428
Gauss' inequality 195
Gauss, C.F. 217 218 428
Gavrea, I. 70 428
Ger, R. 23 428
Giaccardi, F. 155 428
Gini, C. 120 428
Godunova — Levin Inequality 80
Godunova, E.K. 80 118 121 188 191 224 225 227 228 231 233 235 237 300 303 304 428 429
Goldman's inequality 109
Graham, R.L. 418 426
Gram's inequality 201
Groenman's inequality 312
Grolous, J. 42 429
Grossman, N. 242 244 424
Gruess, G. 206 211 212 429
Gupta, S.S. 400—402 405 429 430
Gurzau, M. 72 428
Guseinov, F.V. 51 429
H-positive functions 176—178 180
Haber, S. 77 430
Hadamard, J. 138 430
Hakopian, H.A. 77 430
Hamel, G. 6 430
Hansen, F. 52 430
Hardy — Littlewood — Polya Inequalities 234 412—413
Hardy's inequality 230
Hardy, G.H. 1 4 6 45 72 108 139 152 154 165 182 199 211 234 300 301 303 319 320 361 365 409 430
Hartman, P. 142 430
Hayashi, T. 182 430
Hays, W.L. 418 430
Henderson, R. 42 430
Henstock, R. 348 430
Hermite — Hadamard's inequality 79 137 139
Hermite — Hadamard's inequality for positive linear functionals 146
Hermite — Hadamard's inequality, discrete analogue of 145
Hermite — Hadamard's inequality, generalizations of 143 144 147—151
Hermite — Hadamard's inequality, historical background of 137—139
Hewett, J.E. 42 344 427
Hilbert's inequality 234
Hlawka's inequality 172
Hoelder O. 44 430
Hoelder's inequality for isotonic functionals 113 118
Hoelder's inequality, generalizations of 127 128
Hoelder's ratio 223
Holgate, P. 388 430
Hollander, M. 375 387 397 400 414 430 446
Horova, I. 140 431
Hsu, I.C. 117 245 431
Hu, K. 148 431
Hwang, L.-N. 163 431
Ibragimov, I.I. 305 431
Imoru, C.O. 324 431
Inequalities for absolute moments 217 218
Inequalities for complex functionals and norms 128—135
Inequalities for dependent random variables 368—374
Inequalities for exchangeable random variables 343—347 366—368
Inequalities for exchangeable random variables and de Finetti's theorem 344
Inequalities for generalized means and moments 107 342 343
Inequalities for generalized means and moments, generalization to functionals 108—112
Inequalities for generalized means and moments, log-convexity property of 117 118 222 342 365
Inequalities for generalized means and moments, via majorization see "Majorization"
Inequalities for generalized means and moments, via Muirhead's theorem see "Muirhead's theorem"
Inequalities for means for isotonic functionals 108 109
Inequalities for star-shaped functions 153 164
Inequalities for sums of order p 165—168
Inequalities, via arrangement increasing property see "Arrangement increasing functions"
Issacson, E. 15 431
Izumi, S. 218 223 431
Janic, R.R. 72 130 133—135 162 163 194 200 445 453
Jensen — Boas Inequality 59
Jensen — Boas Inequality, reversal of 86
Jensen — Brunk Inequality 60
Jensen — Steffensen Inequality 57 324
Jensen — Steffensen Inequality, generalizations of 60 91
Jensen — Steffensen Inequality, integral analogue of 59
Jensen — Steffensen Inequality, refinements of 89
Jensen — Steffensen Inequality, reversal of 83
Jensen's inequality and convex functions see "Convex functions"
Jensen's inequality for random variables 339 340
Jensen's inequality for random variables, generalizations of 340—342
Jensen's inequality, companion inequalities of 63—64
Jensen's inequality, converses of 98—103
Jensen's inequality, generalizations and refinements of 47 48 51—53 87 88 90—97
Jensen's inequality, geometric formulation of 48—51
Jensen's inequality, higher order of 71 73—78 82 97
Jensen's inequality, reversals of 83—85
Jensen's inequality, via monotonicity 90
Jensen, J.L.W.V. 6 44 53 139 152 166 431
Jensen- (J-)convex functions 5
Jensen- (J-)convex functions and convex functions 7 13 44
Jensen- (J-)convex functions and Wright-convex functions 7
Jensen- (J-)convex functions of higher order 17 21
Jensen- (J-)convex functions, definition of 5
Jensen- (J-)convex functions, strongly Jensen-convex functions 40
Jessen, B. 47 431
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