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Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4

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Íàçâàíèå: The World of Mathematics, Volume 4

Àâòîð: Newman J.R. (ed.)


Volume 4 of a monumental 4-volume set covers such topics as mathematical machines, mathematics in warfare, a mathematical theory of art, mathematics of the good, mathematics in literature, mathematics and music, and amusements, puzzles, and fancies. Individual contributions by A. M. Turing, Aldous Huxley, Sir James Jeans, Lewis Carroll, and other notables. Informative commentary by noted mathematics scholar James R. Newman precedes each essay. Numerous figures.

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Geometry, projective      see “Projective geometry”
Geometry, Projective (Veblen and Young)      1616
Geometry, pure and physical      152 1641—1644 2034—2035
Geometry, quoted      239—253
Geometry, replaced by algebra      1298
Geometry, revival      207
Geometry, rhetorical      130
Geometry, Rhind papyrus      174
Geometry, scientific method      647
Geometry, shape      1547—1548
Geometry, solid      14 568
Geometry, space      67 86 110 342 1547
Geometry, Thales’      82
Geometry, The Axioms of (Helmholtz)      550 fn.
Geometry, topology      570
Geometry, trigonometry separated frGeometry, The (Descartes)      26—27 31 32 237 520
Gerhardt, Charles Frederic      914
Germain, Sophie      325 332 333—334
Germanium, discovery      921
Germany, mathematics, rise of      118 120
Germany, mathematics, teaching reform      1832
Germany, number designation by knots      463
Ghiberti, Lorenzo      616
Gibbon, Edward, quoted      381 1373
Gibbs, Willard, statistical physics      994
Gibbs, Willard, surface tension      891 892 893
Gilbert, William Schwenck, quoted      937 1936 2385
Gilbert, William, magnetism and gravitation, theory of      728
Gilman, Daniel Coit      355
Ginsburg, Jekuthiel, Numbers and Numerals      430
Ginsburg, Jekuthiel, Numbers and Numerals, “From Numbers to Numerals”      442—464
Girard, Albert      23
Glaisher, J.W.L.      821 fn.
Glanvill, Joseph, quoted      552
Gliding flight, aeronautics      1023 1024
Globular star-clusters, diameters      1039 1039
Gnomon, L-shaped border      84—85
Goedel number      1688—1692
Goedel, Kurt, axiomatic method      1668—1669 1849
Goedel, Kurt, Peano’s primitives      1626 fn.
Goedel, Kurt, “Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematica and Related Systems”      1668
Goedel’s Proof      1615—1616 2059 2109
Goedel’s Proof, Principia Mathematica      1685—1695
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Farbenlehre      2016
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Faust      271—272 2329
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, mathematics      1754 2325
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, quoted      975 1034 1832 2320
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, spiral tendency in nature      718
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, tails of vertebrates      702
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, tree, height      1007
Gold, atomic weight      925—926
Goldbach, Christian      365 367 499 507 1686 2437
Golden section, Fechner’s paper on      1154
Golden section, Great Pyramid      80
Golden section, ladder of numbers      98
Golden section, star pentagram      88
Goldschmidt, Richard B., Understanding Heredity      934 fn.
Golenischev papyrus      169
Gompertz, Benjamin      2373—2374 2376
Gonseth, F.      1743 1744
Goodeve, Sir Charles      1245
Goodness, organic nature of      1363
Googol      1953 fn. 2007—2010
Goths, alphabetic numerals      451
Gottschalk, E.      510
Goudsmit, Samuel A., Alsos      1050 fn.
Gould, R.T.      817
Grafe, A. von      643 fn.
Graham, George      808 808 809 811
Grammar, arithmetic needful for      214
Grant, Duncan      1356 1358
Grapes, fermenting (optically dextroactive)      689
Graph, configuration      572
Graphic representation      605
Grassmann, Hermann, Ausdehnungslehre      396 1649
Grassmann, Robert      293 fn.
Gratry, Abbe      1353
Graunt, John, commentary on      1416—1418
Graunt, John, Natural and Political Observations made upon the Bills of Mortality      1416 1437
Graunt, John, “Vital Statistics, Foundations of”      1421—1435
Graves, L. M      889
Graves, Robert, “Dog Walking Ordinance”      1890—1893
Gravitation, astronomical phenomena      1319
Gravitation, Einstein’s theory      146 328 409 841 1077 1095 1096 1100 1101—1102 1103
Gravitation, electromagnetism      881
Gravitation, inverse square law      823
Gravitation, Newton’s law of      798 799 880 1094—1095 1096 1098 1100 1101 1103 1317
Gravitation, solar system      1004 1004
Gravity, animals affected by      1025
Gravity, form control      1038
Gravity, law of      62 111 142 144 145 146 256 257—258 266 268 315 548 798—799 880 1077 1080 1094—1104
Gravity, lessening influence      1038
Gravity, mass-energy      1030
Gravity, small animals      953
Gravity, surface-tension      1038
Greater Logic (Hegel)      387
Greatest common measure      16—17 101
Greek Geometry from Thales to Euclid (Allraan)      2324 fn.
Greek Mathematics, A Manual of (Heath)      76 191
Greeks, algebra      13 16
Greeks, analytical geometry      236
Greeks, astronomy      14
Greeks, curvilinear figures      34 40 41 42 53
Greeks, eclipses, sun and moon      1839
Greeks, ellipse      229
Greeks, Euclidean construction      502
Greeks, fractions, reducing      12
Greeks, geometry      10 11 13 61 68—69 881
Greeks, incommensurable lines      26 528
Greeks, infinity, forbidden notion of      2324 2329
Greeks, irrational numbers      89
Greeks, logistica      498
Greeks, mathematics      18 89 116 188 2327
Greeks, motion, conception of      19
Greeks, notation      92 99 114—115
Greeks, number symbols      418 443 446
Greeks, numbers and magnitudes, distinction      17 61—63
Greeks, polyhedra, tabulation      723
Greeks, problems, classification      91
Greeks, projective geometry      632
Greeks, prolixity      38
Greeks, space      2340
Greeks, tangent to a curve      36
Greeks, triquetrum      714
Greeks, “symmetric,” use of word      720
Green, George      1320
Greene, Robert, quoted      489
Greenhili, George      1004 fn. 1006 1006 1019 1107
Greenhood, David, Down to Earth, Mapping for Everybody      779 fn.
Greenwich (Richardson)      800 fn.
Greenwich, London, mean time      778 1127
Greenwich, London, Royal Observatory      800
Gregg, R.B.      1253
Gregory, James      78 137 138 139 140 143
Gregory, R.P.      1035 fn.
Griffin, Jonathan      1253
Griffiths, John      2373
Grimaldi, Francesco Maria, on nature of light      260 262
Gross, Mason      399 fn.
Grosseteste, Robert      605 726
Grosseteste, Robert, and the Origins of Experimental Science (A.C. Crombie)      726 fn.
Grote, George      1191
Ground of Artes, The (Recorde)      210—211
Groups, automorphisms      696
Groups, axiomatic concepts      1847
Groups, definition      1539
Groups, function theory      2346
Groups, relationships, numbers      402
Groups, simple      1999
Groups, system      1538—1543
Groups, theory      167 879 1376 1534—1573
Groups, transformation and invaria      1544—1546 2341
Groups, units, comparing      492
Growth and Form (Thompson)      708 884 996 998—1000 1030
Growth, rate of      1002
Gruppen von endlicher Ordnung, Theorie der (Speiser)      702
Guldin, Paul      111
Gulliver’s Travels (Swift)      26 1001—1002 1002 1003 1076 2210—2220
Guttman, Louis, Measurement and Prediction      1303 1305 1306
Habsburg lip      976
Hadamard, Jacques S., Mathematical Field, Psychology of Invention in the      2039 2351
Hadamard, Jacques S., prime number theory      158 507
Haddon, A. C      440 fn.
Haeckel, Ernst, Challenger Monograph      708 720
Haeckel, Ernst, Kunstformen der Natur      707
Hahn, Hans, commentary on      1591—1592
Hahn, Hans, Vienna Circle      1935
Hahn, Hans, “Crisis in Intuition, The”      1942 fn. 1956—1976
Hahn, Hans, “Infinity”      1593—1611
Hahn, Hans, “Logik, Mathematik, und Naturerkennen”      1935 fn.
Haldane, Elizabeth S.      235 fn.
Haldane, J.B.S., Causes of Evolution, The      950
Haldane, J.B.S., commentary on      950—951
Haldane, J.B.S., On Being the Right Size      950 952—957
Haldane, J.B.S., quoted      1787 2012
Haldane, J.B.S., “Mathematics of Natural Selection”      958—972
Hales, Stephen      1033 fn.
Hall, A.R., Scientific Revolution, The      126 fn.
Hall, G.S., quoted      1148
Halley, Edmund, commentary on      1418—1419
Halley, Edmund, Jupiter and Saturn, motions      1317
Halley, Edmund, longitude problem      804 814
Halley, Edmund, Mortality of Mankind, Degrees of      1416 fn.
Halley, Edmund, mortality tables, Breslaw      1416 1416 1419 1437
Halley, Edmund, Newton’s Principia      286 1418
Halley, Edmund, planetary motion      144 264 278
Halley, Edmund, publications      1418
Halley, Edmund, surveying      795
Halley, Edmund, variation, lines of      784
Halley, Edmund, “Life Insurance Tables, First”      1437—1447
Halley’s comet      144 1326 1419 2212
Halphen, Georges      363
Halsted, George Bruce      1375
Hambidge, J., Dynamic Symmetry      718 fn.
Hamel, C, axioms of set theory      1732
Hamilton, William Rowan, algebraic discoveries      76
Hamilton, William Rowan, biography      161
Hamilton, William Rowan, Characteristic Function      161 162 164
Hamilton, William Rowan, dynamics, laws of      659
Hamilton, William Rowan, least action, principle      110 132
Hamilton, William Rowan, quaternions      76 162 163 164 332
Hamilton, William Rowan, Rays, Account of a Theory of, quoted      161
Hamilton, William Rowan, symbolic logic      1862—1863
Hankin, E.H.      1024 fn.
Hansen, Peter Andreas, Neptune, discovery      837
Harcourt, William      1355
Hardy, Godfrey Harold, analytic theory of numbers      158
Hardy, Godfrey Harold, autobiography      2036—2038
Hardy, Godfrey Harold, commentary on      2024—2026
Hardy, Godfrey Harold, definite integrals      371
Hardy, Godfrey Harold, Littlewood, collaboration with      2024 2037
Hardy, Godfrey Harold, mathematical reality      2349 2353 2363
Hardy, Godfrey Harold, Mathematician’s Apology, A      1855 fn. 2027—2038
Hardy, Godfrey Harold, partitions of n      167
Hardy, Godfrey Harold, prime number theorem      508
Hardy, Godfrey Harold, Principia Mathematica      1855
Hardy, Godfrey Harold, Pure Mathematics, A Course of      2024
Hardy, Godfrey Harold, quoted      2138
Hardy, Godfrey Harold, Ramanujan      366 fn. 367 370—373 375 2024—2025 2037
Hardy, Godfrey Harold, Waring problem      515
Hardy’s law      2026
Hare, Maurice Evan, quoted      2070
Harmonic analysis      2297—2301
Harmonic mean      1489 1490—1491 1492
Harmonic progressions, civil life      127
Harmonices Mundi (Kepler)      126 127
Harmonics (Ptolemy)      232
Harmony of numbers      2322
harmony, applications      671
Harmony, Elements of (Aristoxenus)      192
Harriot, Thomas      23 29
Harrison, John, award for making marine chronometer withheld      814—819
Harrison, John, biography      807
Harrison, John, Copley medal      811
Harrison, John, escapement, grasshopper      808 809
Harrison, John, grandfather clocks      807 808
Harrison, John, gridiron pendulum      807 808
Harrison, John, marine chronometer      779 804 808
Harrison, John, sea trials, marine timekeepers      809—810 812 815 818
Harrison, Mr. John, The Case of      819
Harrison, R.G.      692
Harrison, William      812 813 815 819
Harrod, R.F.      1355 fn.
Harrod, R.F., quoted      1203 1356 1359
Hartree, D.R.      2114
Hartshorne, Charles      395 fn.
Hartsoeker, Niklaas      786
Hatchett, Charles      923
Hauey, Rene Just, atom, theory      873—874
Hauey’s Law      874 876 880
Haughton, Rev. Mr., cubical curves      918
Hausdorff, sphere, surface measurement      1944—1945
Haycraft, Howard      2221 fn.
Headley, F.W., Birds, The Flight of      1019
Heap, symbol      12
Hearing, (table)      2303
Hearing, sensation of      2301—2302
Hearing, threshold of      2302—2304
Heart beats, animal      1025
Heart beats, atom      164
Heart, mammals, an asymmetric screw      687
Heat, statistical theory      979
Heath, Thomas, Archimedes, The Works of      181 fn. 197 198
Heath, Thomas, Euclid’s Elements, The Thirteen Books of      191 fn. 1647
Heath, Thomas, Greek Mathematics, Manual of      16 191
Heavenly Bodies, The Circular Motion of the (Cleomedes)      205
Heaviside, Oliver      1003
Heawood, four-color problem      591
Hebrews, numerals      451
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich      314 316 387
Heiberg, Johan Ludvig      94
Heisenberg, Werner; biography      1050
Heisenberg, Werner; biography, quantum mechanics      362 396 1047 1050
Heisenberg, Werner; biography, Quantum Theory, The Physical Principles of      1049
Heisenberg, Werner; biography, uncertainty principle      1047—1055
Heisenberg, Werner; biography, wave mechanics      164
Heitler — London theory      977 978 983 985
Heitler, W.      977
Heliocentric theory, Copernicus      110 120 218 226 227 2327
Heliodorus of Larissa, perspective      605
Heliotrope, invention      327
Helium, discovery      919 927
Helmert, Frederick Robert, “Earth, Figure of the”      792 fn.
Helmholtz, Hermann von, Axioms of Geometry, The      550 fn.
Helmholtz, Hermann von, Axioms of Geometry, The, birds’ flight      1018 fn.
Helmholtz, Hermann von, Axioms of Geometry, The, commentary on      642—646
Helmholtz, Hermann von, Axioms of Geometry, The, energy, conservation      643
Helmholtz, Hermann von, Axioms of Geometry, The, geometry, assumptions      550
Helmholtz, Hermann von, Axioms of Geometry, The, metaphysics      645 fn.
Helmholtz, Hermann von, Axioms of Geometry, The, ophthalmoscope, invention      643
Helmholtz, Hermann von, Axioms of Geometry, The, Physiological Optics      643 644
Helmholtz, Hermann von, Axioms of Geometry, The, psychophysics      1153 1166
Helmholtz, Hermann von, Axioms of Geometry, The, sensations of tone      643
Helmholtz, Hermann von, Axioms of Geometry, The, space geometry      546
Helmholtz, Hermann von, Axioms of Geometry, The, space structure      645 647 681—682 696
Helmholtz, Hermann von, Axioms of Geometry, The, Theory of Animal Heat      643
Helmholtz, Hermann von, Axioms of Geometry, The, “On the Origin and Significance of Geometrical Axioms”      644 647—668
Hemibel thinking      2160—2161
Hemisphere, area of      175
Hempel, Carl G., biography      1615
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