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Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4

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Íàçâàíèå: The World of Mathematics, Volume 4

Àâòîð: Newman J.R. (ed.)


Volume 4 of a monumental 4-volume set covers such topics as mathematical machines, mathematics in warfare, a mathematical theory of art, mathematics of the good, mathematics in literature, mathematics and music, and amusements, puzzles, and fancies. Individual contributions by A. M. Turing, Aldous Huxley, Sir James Jeans, Lewis Carroll, and other notables. Informative commentary by noted mathematics scholar James R. Newman precedes each essay. Numerous figures.

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Phaedrus (Plato), quoted      79
Phenotypical inversion      694
Phidias      103 418 421
Philip uI (king of Spain), offer for discoverer of longitude measurer      781—782
Phillips, H.F.      1018 fn.
Phillpotts, Eden, quoted      2369
Philo of Megara      1916 fn.
Philolaus, treatise on mathematics      83
Philosophic der Griechen (Zeller), quoted      1555
Philosophical atheists      2376—2378
Philosophy and the Physicists (Stebbing)      1049 fn. 2276
Philosophy, arithmetic needful to      215
Philosophy, idealistic movement      412
Philosophy, mathematical      1580
Philosophy, mathematicians      27
Philosophy, modern, beginning      129
Philosophy, Principles of (Veitch)      2350 fn.
Philosophy, relation to social conditions      393
Philosophy, revision by Descartes      132
Phon, scale of loudness      2305
Phosphorus, discovery      923
Photographs, breaking soap bubbles      896
Photometric Researches (Peirce)      1768
Phrenology      1149
Phyllotaxis      718 719
Phyllotaxis, Relations to Mechanical Laws (Church)      719
Physical Geography (Somerville)      2349 fn.
Physical geometry      2035
Physical science, Aristotelian Logic      409
Physical science, beginning      120
Physical science, invariance      353
Physical Science, The Growth of (Jeans)      2277
Physical Science, The Philosophy of (Eddington)      1069 fn.
Physical Sciences, The (Bragg)      1048 fn.
Physical Sciences, The Connection of the (Somerville)      2349 fn.
Physical World, The Nature of the (Eddington)      1050 fn. 1091
Physics, analysis, applications      1330
Physics, arithmetic needful for      214
Physics, differential equations      325
Physics, economy of thought      1792
Physics, History of (Von Laue)      851 fn.
Physics, indeterminacy, principle of      1469
Physics, mathematical      52 399 1402
Physics, On Understanding (Watson)      1049 fn.
Physics, probability calculus      1403
Physics, quantitative and qualitative assertions      1071—1072
Physics, the Elements (Campbell)      1796
Physics, theoretical, mathematics      2061—2063
Physics, universal      1742—1744
Physics, work done by a body      1399 1400
Physiological Optics (Helmholtz)      643 644
Physique of Young Males, The (Martin)      1505
Piaggio, H.T.H.      1092
Piazzi, Giuseppe      313
Picard, Abbe Jean      787 788 792—793 803
Picot, George      786 fn.
Pigafetta, Antonio, navigation      780 789
Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan)      952
Pillai, S.S., Waring problem      515
Pisa, leaning tower, rotary symmetry      705
Pitch, optical polishing      263
Planck, Max      874 1203
Planck, Max, quantum theory      841 974 976 1048 1089 2467
Plane Equilibriums, On (Archimedes)      195
Plane geometry, axiomatic system      568 1640—1641 1651 1672—1673
Plane geometry, rotational group of order n      719
Plane mirrors, reflecting      110 132 153—154
Plane, at infinity      1702—1706
Plane, complex numbers      31
Plane, curve      31—32 37 151 344
Plane, figure, rotation      659
Plane, figures, disentangling      133
Plane, geodesic surface      564
Plane, point, determining      61
Plane, problems      91
Plane, projective geometry      1551—1552
Plane, reflection in      682
Plane, rotations, finite groups      713 719 721
Plane, surfaces, motions on      729 740—742 746—747
Plane, symmetry      706 713
Planetarium, nainiature buu4 by Archimedes      179
Planetary motion, Aristarchus’s hypotheses      104 109 418—419 420
Planetary motion, cause      223
Planetary motion, circular      96 126 227
Planetary motion, ellipse      126 218 1102
Planetary motion, Eudoxus’ theory      96
Planetary motion, Greek astronomy      14
Planetary motion, inertia, law of      52
Planetary motion, Kepler’s laws      126 132 218 220—234 257 266 412
Planetary motion, Newton’s theories      140 144—145 267
Planetary motion, predictions      44
Planetary motion, Rudolphine tables      225 232—233
Planetary motion, vortices, theory of      132
Planets, Bode’s law      221—222 fn.
Planets, concentric sphere theory      96
Planets, Coperaican system      120 221
Planets, distances from sun      221 fn.
Planets, eighth, search for      314
Planets, elliptic orbit      823—824
Planets, equilibrium of spinning      152
Planets, minor, distribution      1382—1383 1387
Planets, orbits, computing      313
Planets, perturbations      1317—1318
Planets, Ptolemaic system      221
Planets, speeds      1098
Planets, times and distances connected      218
Planets, tunes      127—128
Planisphere, Paris Observatory      794
Plank, Stephen      806
Plant-hybridization, experiments in      937—938
Plants, experimental, selection of      938—939
Plants, hybrids      940—941
Plants, mental life      1151
Plasma, bipotentiality      694
Plateau, Felix, Insect strength      1014
Plateau, Joseph Antoine Ferdinand, soap bubbles, geometrical construction      898
Plateau, Joseph Antoine Ferdinand, Statique des Liquides      898
Plateau, Joseph Antoine Ferdinand, surface tension, soap bubbles      891
Plateau’s problem      884 885 887 901—909
Platinum, discovery      923
Plato, Academy in Athens      95
Plato, analysis, method of      245 fn. 1991
Plato, anamnesis      1601
Plato, cardinal integers      389
Plato, cubes, solid      872
Plato, Euclid’s geometry      1295
Plato, geometrical analysis      16 245
Plato, geometry, views on      96
Plato, lecture on the Good      192
Plato, logarithmic series      138
Plato, mathematics, abstraction      1774
Plato, mathematics, philosophy of      188 193
Plato, mechanical instruments, use of      15 181
Plato, metaphors      1308
Plato, quoted      79 212
Plato, Republic      188 193
Plato, science, practical application of      15
Plato, stratification      95
Plato, symmetry, origin      674
Plato, Symposium      688
Plato, Timaeus      96 2325
Plato, treatise by Philolaus      83
Plato, universal cycle, doctrine      1455
Plato, “saving the phenomena”      727
Platonic solids      719 720
Playing cards, shuffling      1385 1387—1388 1461
Pluecker, Julius      359
Plurality      537
Plutarch      103 179 189 190
Plutarch, quoted      15 82 180—185
Poe, Edgar Allen, quoted      568
Poetry, metrics in      703
Poincare, Henri, axioms of geometry      645 fn. 2355
Poincare, Henri, commentary on      1374—1379
Poincare, Henri, conventionalism concerning geometry      1644—1646
Poincare, Henri, culture change and growth, process of      2361
Poincare, Henri, elliptic functions      1375
Poincare, Henri, fluid, gravitating mass in rotation      1377
Poincare, Henri, Fuchsian functions      1377 2044—2045 2361
Poincare, Henri, group theory      1552
Poincare, Henri, mathematical invention      2360
Poincare, Henri, publications      1375
Poincare, Henri, quoted      402 1378 1558 1668
Poincare, Henri, Science et Methode      2321 fn.
Poincare, Henri, space      1607
Poincare, Henri, “Chance”      1380—1394
Poincare, Henri, “Mathematical Creation”      1377 2041—2050
Point set, dimensionality      1971—1972
Point set, theory of      1941—1945
Point-event, line intersections      352
Points and lines, reciprocation      112
Points, aggregates      562 563
Points, at infinity      1701—1706
Points, axioms      1588
Points, between zero and one      1060—1061
Points, boundaries of part of a line      555—556
Points, circle, tangents to      636 637
Points, co-ordinates      658—659
Points, collinearity      638
Points, congruent pairs      658
Points, continuum      1840—1841
Points, curve      889—890
Points, direction from      560
Points, functions      887
Points, geometrical      37
Points, in space      1942
Points, intersection      36 93
Points, involution      112
Points, line composed of      42
Points, measurements of position      656
Points, measuring distance between      660
Points, moving      17 19 20 82 1203—1204 1959—1960 1964 1965—1966
Points, on a curve      1972—1973
Points, parallel lines      628 634
Points, positions in space      2334
Points, saddle      1272—1273 1275
Points, shortest line between      651 654
Points, straight line      25—26 28 33 36 63 64 528
Points, two-dimensional manifold      336
Points, value variations      1206
Points, vertices      572
Poisson distribution      1257—1258 1259
Poisson, Simeon Denis, biography      2419
Poisson, Simeon Denis, large numbers, law of      1448 1450
Poisson, Simeon Denis, Petersburg Paradox      1368 1370
Poker, strategic determination      1264
Polanyi, M.      979
Polar axis, egg      691
Polar triangle      121
Polarization phenomena      263
Pole star, latitude, reckoning      778
Pole, W.      486
Political arithmetic      1416
Political Arithmetic (Buffon)      1333
Political economy, distribution of commodity      1228—1229
Political economy, disutility and discommodity      1227—1228
Political economy, economics, relation to ethics      1221
Political economy, exact measurement      1219
Political economy, exchange, theory of      1231—1235
Political economy, feeling and motives, measurement      1219—1220
Political economy, indifference, law of      1229—1231
Political economy, labor, theory of      1235—1237
Political economy, mathematical and exact sciences, confusion between      1218—1219
Political economy, mathematical character      1217—1218
Political Economy, Principles of (Mill)      1234 fn.
Political economy, symbolic statement of theory      1233—1235
Political Economy, The Theory of (Jevons)      1202 1217—1237
Political economy, utility, theory of      1222—1235
Political science, economics, logical method      1220—1221
Political verse, Byzantine      187 fn.
Politics, content-analysis techniques      1312
Pollen-grains, magnitude      1038 1038
Polya, George, commentary on      1979
Polya, George, How to Solve It      1978—1992
Polya, George, symbolism      1853
Polybius      181 fn. 182
Polygon      40—41 56 107 208 303 502 719 2389
Polygonal Numbers (Diophantus)      114
Polyhedra tabulation      723
Polyhedron, Euler’s formula      571 581—585
Polykleitos, symmetry      671 671 713
Polynomial, graph      309
Poncelet, Jean Victor      91 359 631 632
Pope, Alexander, quoted      295 1074 1094 1576 2268 2412
Popoff, M.      1032 fn.
Poppy seeds and large numbers, commentary on      418—419
Poppy seeds and the universe      420—425
Population and food, mathematics of      1193—1197
Population As It Affects the Future Improvement of Society, Principle of (Malthus)      1189—1190
Population, checks to      1197—1199
Population, equilibrium      967—968
Population, increase      1189 1190 1194 1196—1197
Porisms (Diophantus)      114
Porisms (Euclid)      102
Porson, Richard      1179
Port Royal Logic      1361 1372
Portsmouth Papers      274 284
Portugal, Bull of Demarcation      781
Poseidonius, earth, measurement      792
Position, change of      64 fn.
Position, geometry of      573
Positive and negative electricity, equivalence      686
Positive numbers      27—28 34 65 96
Positivism      1733 1784
Positivism (von Mises)      1617
Possibility, mathematics of      1322
Postulates, reasoning pattern      407—408
Postulational system      1295—1296
Potential, dynamical concept      1835
Potter, George Reuben, “Swift and Natural Science”      2212 fn.
Poultry, broodiness      969
Pound, Roscoe      2206
Powder grains suspended in water      1385 1388
Powers, symbol      23
Pragmatism      1307 1769
Prasad, Ganesh      1374 fn.
Pre-linguistic thinking      495—496
Precision, limits      1048
Predicate, quantified      1862—1863
Predicting future events      43 44
Prepositional calculus      1910
Preston, Thomas, Light, The Theory of      882 fn.
Prevost, Pierre      1005 fn.
Prichard, J.C.      2359
Primary matter      918
Prime numbers      101 157 501 505—508 1678—1679
Prime numbers, infinity of      2030 2033 2437
Primes, rational      512
Primitive propositions      1895—1896
Principia (Newton)      62 144 145 257—259 264 268 269 272—275 279 280 282 284 286 1307 1648 1725 2055
Principia (Newton), quoted      265—266 267
Principia Mathematica (Russell-White-head)      378 388 389 390 392 397 1668 1678—1681 1855 1874 1875 1894—1900 1953
Principia Mathematica (Russell-White-head), Goedel’s Proof      1685—1695
Principia Mathematica (Russell-White-head), theorems      1894—1900
Principles, calculus of probabilities      1329—1333
Prisms, volumes      174
Probabilism, Jesuit doctrine      1360—1361
Probabilites, Calcul des (Bertrand)      1380
Probabilities, A Philosophical Essay on (Laplace), quoted      1047
Probabilities, Letters on (Quetelet)      1181 1183
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
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