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Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
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Íàçâàíèå: The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
Àâòîð: Newman J.R. (ed.)
Àííîòàöèÿ: Volume 4 of a monumental 4-volume set covers such topics as mathematical machines, mathematics in warfare, a mathematical theory of art, mathematics of the good, mathematics in literature, mathematics and music, and amusements, puzzles, and fancies. Individual contributions by A. M. Turing, Aldous Huxley, Sir James Jeans, Lewis Carroll, and other notables. Informative commentary by noted mathematics scholar James R. Newman precedes each essay. Numerous figures.
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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 07.04.2008
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L’Estrange, Sir Roger, quoted 1240
MacClement, W.D. 1036 fn.
Macdonald, Charles Baird, quoted 2456
Macdonald, James 439 fn. 1007
Macfarlane, Alexander 340 fn. 2435
Mach, Ernst, commentary on 1784—1786
Mach, Ernst, continuity, principle of 1833
Mach, Ernst, magnetic needle deviation 683 685
Mach, Ernst, Mechanics, The Science of 1725—1727 1785—1786
Mach, Ernst, Newtonian mechanics 1725—1727
Mach, Ernst, positivism 1784
Mach, Ernst, “Economy of Science, The” 1787—1795
Machine, discrete state 2104—2105 2106 2115
Machine, learning 2117—2123
Machine, self-regulating 2066
Machine, thinking see “Thinking machine”
Mack, Heinrich 294 fn.
MacLane, S., Algebra, Modern, A Survey of 1625 fn.
Maclaurin, Colin, analysis 165
Maclaurin, Colin, biography 151
Maclaurin, Colin, fluxions 152 287
Maclaurin, Colin, Fluxions, A Treatise of 287 fn.
Maclaurin, Colin, lines and figures 153
Maclaurin, Colin, planets, equilibrium 152
Maclaurin, Colin, projective geometry 102
Maclaurin, Colin, spheroids, elliptical 149
MacMahon, P.A., quoted 341
Maelzel Chess Automaton 2125
Magellan, Ferdinand, navigation 780 789 871
Magendie, Francois 1149
Magian, limit-feeling 2331 2332
Magic square 2436
Magnan, A. 1020 fn.
Magnetic needle deviation 683
Magnifying glass, invention 116—117
Magnitude, absolute 1003
Magnitude, cells 1031 1032—1033
Magnitude, concrete 2336
Magnitude, measurable 2333 2334
Magnitude, negative 2325
Magnitude, number 2324 2331
Magnitude, proportion 2341
Magnitude, relative 1002 1003
Magnitude, science of 1856
Magnitude, spatial 1001
Magnitude, table 1037
Magnus, Albertus 726
Mahaffy, J.P., Descartes 235 fn.
Main Theorem of von Neumann 1288 1289 1293
Maine, Henry James Sumner, quoted 189
Males and females, Mortality, Bills of 1431—1433
Maloney, Russell, “Inflexible Logic” 2261 2262—2267
Malthus, Thomas Robert, commentary on 1189—1191
Malthus, Thomas Robert, Population As It Affects the Future Improvement of Society, Principle of 1189 1190
Malthus, Thomas Robert, “Mathematics of Wealth” 1192—1199
Malthusian parameters 965
Malus, Etienne Louis 161
Mammals, evolution 962
Mammals, metabolic activity (table) 1011 fn.
Man and Culture (Wissler) 2351 fn.
Man, ability to fly 1022—1023
Man, primitive, inventions 8
Man, unnamed numbers, grasping 495
Mandelstam, Stanley 882 fn.
Mangiamele, Vito 476
Manifold, three-dimensional closed 598—599
Mankind, Nature and Providence, Prospects of (Wallace) 1189
Mankind, study of 1294—1295
Mann, Thomas, snow crystals, symmetry 712—713
Mansfield, Lord, quoted 288
Mantegna, Andrea 616
Many-dimensional geometry 134
Mapping, conformal 337
Mapping, congruent 696
Mapping, defined 672
Mapping, transformation 694—695
Maps, geographical, coloring 590—591
Maps, geographical, measuring angles 17
Maps, geographical, three-country corners 1968—1970
Maps, The Story of (Brown) 778 fn. 779
Marcellus (Plutarch), quoted 180—185
Marchant, Nicholas 786
Marignac, Jean Charles de 916
Marine chronometer 779 804
Mariotte, Edme 1381
Market, meaning 1213 fn.
Marlowe, Christopher, quoted 220
Mars (planet), motion of 226—228 230
Mars (planet), observation 793 799
Marsh, Adam 726
Marshall, Alfred 1200 1200 1202 1356
Martin, W.J., Physique of Young Males, The 1505
Martin, W.R., “Navigation” 780 fn.
Martingale, gambling 1337—1338
Martini, Francesco di Giorgio 616
Martini, Simone, “The Annunciation” 622 623
Maskelyne, Rev. Nevil 814 815 817
Mason, C.W. 1028 fn.
Mass point attraction 266
Mass, gravitational and inertial 268
Mass-ratio, proton and electron 1075
Master pattern, culture 2312
Matching pennies 1264 1286—1288 1311
Materialism and Empirio-Criticism (Lenin) 1785
Materialism, History of (Lange) 958
Materialistic theory, probability 1342—1343
Mathematica, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia 290 fn.
Mathematical analysis 1836
Mathematical Analysis of Logic, The (Boole) 1679 1856—1858
Mathematical Biology of Social Behavior (Rashevsky) 1299
Mathematical culture, origin 2361
Mathematical demonstration 2042
Mathematical Discoveries of Newton (Turnbull) 520 fn.
Mathematical economics 1200
Mathematical entities, mystic significance 2017
Mathematical entities, status 408—409
Mathematical evidence, foundations of mathematics 1745—1747
Mathematical Excursions (Merrill) 2417 fn.
Mathematical expectation 1363 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368
Mathematical fallacies 1945—1953
Mathematical Field, Psychology of Invention in the (Hadamard) 2039
Mathematical formulas, independent existence 2355 2357
Mathematical growth, process 2357
Mathematical logic 1576—1590 1781—1783
Mathematical Logic (Quine) 1628 fn.
Mathematical logic, basic logical relations 1736—1737
Mathematical logic, deduction, difficulty 1739—1740
Mathematical logic, formalization 1737—1739
Mathematical logic, symbolic logic 1852 1859 1910
Mathematical logic, tautologies and factual statements 1733—1736
Mathematical Methods of Statistics (Cramer) 1257 fn.
Mathematical operations, morphology of 2342
Mathematical Papers (Sylvester) 348
Mathematical Papers, Collected (Cayley) 362
Mathematical Philosophy (Keyser) 570 fn. 1536
Mathematical philosophy of left and right 679
Mathematical Philosophy, Introduction to (Russell) 378 1815
Mathematical Philosophy, Introduction to (Russell), quoted 1558
Mathematical physics, first text-book 267
Mathematical postulates, axiomatics 1723—1733
Mathematical postulates, foundations of mathematics 1744—1754
Mathematical postulates, logistic 1733—1744
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (Newton) see “Principia”
Mathematical Principles of the Theory of Wealth (Cournot) 1201
Mathematical Probability, An Introduction tO 1450 fn.
Mathematical probability, birth of idea 135
Mathematical problems, Rhind papyrus 171—178
Mathematical propositions 1708—1722
Mathematical propositions, analytic character 1621—1622
Mathematical propositions, self-evident truths 1619—1620
Mathematical Psychics (Southworth) 2199 fn.
Mathematical Psychology of War (Richardson) 1238 1246
Mathematical Recreations and Essays (Ball) 466 1947 2417
Mathematical science, accuracy 1219
Mathematical science, consistency, categoricalness, independence 1697—1701
Mathematical science, growth in ancient times 8—18
Mathematical science, ideal elements in geometry 1701—1703
Mathematical science, points, lines, and plane at infinity 1703—1706
Mathematical science, projective and metric geometry 1706—1707
Mathematical science, undefined elements and unproved propositions 1696—1697
Mathematical Society, American 503
Mathematical Society, London 2372—2376
Mathematical space 1605—1610
Mathematical statistics 1301—1302 1463
Mathematical terms, Greek derivation 152
Mathematical theology 2369—2370
Mathematical theorems 2029—2034
Mathematical Theory of Communication (Shannon and Weaver) 1312 2069
Mathematical Theory of Human Relations (Rashevsky) 1299
Mathematical Tracts (Robins) 287 fn.
Mathematical truth, arithmetic, concepts 1627—1630
Mathematical truth, axiomatized deductive system 1622—1623
Mathematical truth, mathematics, applicability to empirical subject matter 1631—1634
Mathematical truth, mathematics, branch of logic 1631
Mathematical truth, mathematics, empirical science 1620—1621
Mathematical truth, Peano’s axiom system 1623—1626
Mathematical truth, Peano’s postulates, truth of 1630
Mathematical truth, Peano’s primitives, interpretations 1626—1627
Mathematical truth, propositions, analytic character 1621—1622
Mathematical truth, self-evident truths 1619—1620
Mathematicians, cabbalists 2017
Mathematicians, date list, 18th century B.C. — 20th century A.D. 78
Mathematicians, pattern makers 2027
Mathematician’s Delight (Sawyer) 1491
Mathematico-Deductive Theory of Rote Learning (Hull et al.) 1295
Mathematics and logic, developments, 19th century 1669—1675
Mathematics and Natural Science, Philosophy of (Weyl) 1831
Mathematics and the Imagination (Kasner and Newman) 2350 fn.
Mathematics for the General Reader (Titchmarsh) 3
Mathematics in Europe, The History of (Sullivan) 74
Mathematics in Western Culture (Kline) 602
Mathematics of Great Amateurs, The (Coolidge) 601 fn.
Mathematics, abstractions 1671 1774—1775 1777—1778 1834 1842—1843
Mathematics, advances before 17th century 410
Mathematics, Amusements in (Dudeney) 2417 fn.
Mathematics, analogous to music 2342
Mathematics, as an art 2015—2021
Mathematics, autonomous science 315
Mathematics, axiomatic 1616 1622—1623 1636 1846
Mathematics, Brief History of (Fink) 71
Mathematics, calculus of probability 1404 1450 1451
Mathematics, Cambridge University students 1174—1177
Mathematics, classification 85—86
Mathematics, Concise History of (Struik) 74
Mathematics, construction 1847
Mathematics, continuity 2410—2411
Mathematics, defining object of 2319
Mathematics, definitions 1830
Mathematics, Descartes’ contribution 236
Mathematics, Development of (Bell) 294
Mathematics, discovery 66 407
Mathematics, empirical origin 2060—2063
Mathematics, empirical science 1620—1621 1631—1634 1709—1713
Mathematics, epistemology, relationship 2056
Mathematics, essence of 1773—1783
Mathematics, experimental research 884—885
Mathematics, Faustian limit-problem 2343
Mathematics, form of behavior 2353
Mathematics, formalism 1751
Mathematics, formalization 1970—1971
Mathematics, foundations 413 1614—1618 1744—1754 2057—2059
Mathematics, functionality, idea of 411
Mathematics, groups, theory of 1534—1537
Mathematics, harmonic analysis 2297—2301
Mathematics, heredity 937—949
Mathematics, history of 2319—2320
Mathematics, History of (Ball) 71 74 466
Mathematics, History of (Cajori) 286 fn.
Mathematics, History of (Smith) 210 fn. 454
Mathematics, History of Japanese (Smith and Mikami) 2429 fn.
Mathematics, hypothetical states of things 1775—1777 1779 1781
Mathematics, implication 1917—1918
Mathematics, indirect proof 89
Mathematics, interpolation 140 145
Mathematics, Introduction to (White-head) 3 291 398 412
Mathematics, intuition 1956 1958
Mathematics, Invitation to (Dresden) 2423 fn.
Mathematics, language 1294 1297
Mathematics, logicism 6 7 44 1631 1753—1754 1870 1894
Mathematics, modern, generalization 511
Mathematics, modern, rise and progress 19—43 53—62
Mathematics, monomania 403 2027
Mathematics, natural science, application to 43—52 69—70
Mathematics, new terms 1996—2010
Mathematics, observation 1758—1766
Mathematics, originality 402
Mathematics, originates in experience 2051
Mathematics, paradoxes 1935 1936
Mathematics, perspective 611
Mathematics, philosophy 156 188 193 410
Mathematics, practical consequences 2029 2034
Mathematics, Principles of (Russell) 378
Mathematics, pure see “Pure mathematics”
Mathematics, Pythagoreans’ progress 83 408
Mathematics, queen of 498—518
Mathematics, recreational 2416
Mathematics, science of magnitude 1856
Mathematics, science of quantities 1773
Mathematics, social application 1264—1266
Mathematics, Source Book in (Smith) 291 fn. 509
Mathematics, structure 1306
Mathematics, symbolic construction 1838 1840
Mathematics, Synopsis of Pure (Carr) 366 368
Mathematics, teaching, reform of 1832
Mathematics, theoretical physics 2061—2063
Mathematics, variables, importance of 1908—1909
Mathematics, vocabulary 1994
Mathematics, warfare 2138—2157
Mathematics, weaMathematics, American Journal of 357
Mathematics, What is? (Courant and Robbins) 571 882 2411
Mathematics-Queen and Servant of Science (Bell) 497
Mathematik, Versuch eines vollkommen consequenten Systems der (Ohm) 293
Mathematik, Vorlesungen fiber Geschichte der (Cantor) 572 fn.
Mathematiques, Formulaire de (Peano) 1870 1871—1874
Mathematiques, Recreations (Lucas) 2417 fn.
Mathematische Vnterhaltungen und Spiele (Ahrens) 2417 fn.
Mathematischer Papyrus (Struve) 169 fn.
Matrices, method 1923—1927
Matrices, theory of 342 359 361 396
Matter, motion of 568 1204
Matter, movements 1204
Matter, Ultimate Constituents of (Russell) 1552
Maupertuis, Pierre de, least action, principle of 883 883 1303
Maximization principle 1268
Maximum entropy 992 994
Maximum minimorum 1272 1276 1277
Maximum principle 882—883
Maximum problems 887 889
Maxwell, James Clerk, bees, flying 1045
Maxwell, James Clerk, colors, aggregate 656
Maxwell, James Clerk, electro-magnetism 644 880 1053
Maxwell, James Clerk, ergodic hypothesis 2182
Maxwell, James Clerk, light waves 1115
Maxwell, James Clerk, molecular science 1042
Maxwell, James Clerk, quoted 774 975
Maxwell, James Clerk, symbolism 1827—1828
Maxwell, James Clerk, “Atom” 1035
Mayer, Johann Tobias 814 823
Mayer, Julius Robert, conservation of energy 643 fn.
McCulloch — Pitts theory of formal neural networks 2089—2090