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Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
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Íàçâàíèå: The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
Àâòîð: Newman J.R. (ed.)
Àííîòàöèÿ: Volume 4 of a monumental 4-volume set covers such topics as mathematical machines, mathematics in warfare, a mathematical theory of art, mathematics of the good, mathematics in literature, mathematics and music, and amusements, puzzles, and fancies. Individual contributions by A. M. Turing, Aldous Huxley, Sir James Jeans, Lewis Carroll, and other notables. Informative commentary by noted mathematics scholar James R. Newman precedes each essay. Numerous figures.
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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 07.04.2008
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Statistical Methods for Research Workers (Fisher) 1458
Statistical-experimental investigations 1475 1478—1479
Statistics (Tippett) 1456
Statistics, Bills of Mortality 1424—1435
Statistics, collecting 1220
Statistics, founding 1416
Statistics, large numbers, law of 1448
Statistics, mathematical 1301—1302 1451 1463
Statistics, probability calculus 1403
Statistics, table of mortality 1212
Statistics, The Advanced Theory of (Kendall) 1257 fn.
Staudt, Karl G.C. von, cross-ratio 639
Staudt, Karl G.C. von, Geometrie der Lage 1707
Steam engine, invented by Hero 110
Steamship comparison, law of 1008 fn. 1009
Stebbing, Susan, Eddington, criticism of 1073 fn.
Stebbing, Susan, Philosophy and the Physicists 1049 1049 2276
Steiner, Jakob, problem 907 908
Steinheil, Carl August von, Weber’s Law 1156
Steinmetz, Charles P., quoted 1619
Stellar structure 1070
Steno, Bishop, solids within solids 873
Stephen, Adrian 1356
Stereometry 617 2323
Sterne, Laurence, quoted 734
Stevin (Stevinus), Simon 120 728
Sticks, numeral arrangement 444 445
Stifel, Michael 120 2017
Stimuli, measuring 1158—1159
Stobaeus, Joannes, Extracts 193 212
Stokes, George Gabriel 1042
Stokes’s law 1038 1046
Stoney, George Johnstone, electron 1046
Stouffer, S.A. 1303
Stout, G.F. 386
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, quoted 381
Straight line, abstract idea 14
Straight line, axioms 648 657
Straight line, continuity 528—529
Straight line, curve of the first order 113
Straight line, determining 660
Straight line, drawn across a triangle 109
Straight line, enclosing space 565
Straight line, equations 34 35
Straight line, geometry problems 239 241 243
Straight line, point in motion 665
Straight line, points on 25—26 28 33 36 63 64 528 1597
Straight line, reflection 699
Straight line, regular equal steps 77
Straight line, set of fixed points 907
Straight line, shortest distance 882 889
Straight line, velocity in 51
Straightest lines, pseudospherical surface 653—654
Straightest lines, surface 650
Strassburg Cuneiform texts 89
Strategy, games 1265 1284 1310—1311
Stratification 95
Straus — Duerckheim, insect strength 1014 fn.
Streamlining, speed 1018
Strecker, A., atomic weights 915 916 926
Struggle for existence 1190
Struik, Dirk 74
Strunz, F. 2328 in.
Struve, W., Mathematischen Papyrus 169 fn.
Stumpf, Carl, probability 1405
Suardi, Bartolommeo (Bramantino) 606 609
Submarine warfare, calculation of constants 2161
Submarine warfare, squid problem 2177—2179
Submarine warfare, submarine patrol 2164—2165
Submarine warfare, sweep rates 2161—2164 2168
Submarine warfare, torpedoes, evading 2173—2177
Submarines, aircraft search 2165—2168
Submission, effect of threats 1240—1241 1243
Substitution, rale of 1930
Substitutions, theory of 1385
Subtr active principle 449
Subtraction, concrete numbers 24
Subtraction, counting boards 460
Subtraction, logarithms 23
Subtraction, Roman numerals 451
Subtraction, symbol 27 28
Successive distances, law of 222 231—232
Sufficient reason, the principle of 1325 1789
Sullivan, John William Navin, commentary on 2012—2014
Sullivan, John William Navin, Contemporary Mind 2013 fn. 2222
Sullivan, John William Navin, Mathematics in Europe, A History of 74
Sullivan, John William Navin, publications 2014
Sullivan, John William Navin, quoted 958
Sullivan, John William Navin, “Mathematics as an Art” 2015—2021
Sum of, symbol for 54
Sum to infinity of the series 63
Sumerians, bilateral symmetry 674 675 722
Sumerians, cuneiform numerals 443
Sumerians, numbers and numerals 430 442
Sun, diameter 421—425
Sun, planetary motion 104 110 120 144—145
Sunlight 263
Superorganic, The (Kroeber) 2351 fn.
Superposition, postulate of 561—564 565
Supply and demand, laws of 1217
Surface and mass, balance 1029 1031
Surface, aggregate of directions 560
Surface, aggregate of points 556
Surface, applicability 337
Surface, area 1001
Surface, boundary of a part of 555
Surface, catenoid 904
Surface, curved 335—336 563 652 902 902
Surface, discontinuity 1008 fn.
Surface, elementary flatness 560 561
Surface, Euler characteristic 594—595 597
Surface, genus 592—594
Surface, geodesic 564 565
Surface, geometry, Egyptian 14
Surface, liquid 891
Surface, measurement 1943
Surface, one-sided 595—599
Surface, parametric representation 336
Surface, polished 566
Surface, pseudospherical 652—654
Surface, revolution, volume 111
Surface, straightest lines 650
Surface, superposition 562
Surface, tension 891—894 902 907 953 1038
Surface, theory of 160
Surface, two-dimension geometry 650 654
Surface-energy, living cell 1031
Surveying, early Egyptian 10 79 80
Surveying, geometry 11
Surveying, Roman 33
Sussmilch, J.P. 1189
Sutton, Oliver Graham 1238
Svedberg, Theodor 1044 fn.
Swain, J.W. 2351 fn.
Swastika 714
Swedenborg, Emanuel 274
Swift, Jonathan 26 284 539 1003 1522 2210—2213
Swift, Jonathan, quoted 489 2210
Swift, Jonathan, “Cycloid Pudding” 2214—2220
Switching organs, computing machines 2080
Syllogism 1157 1590 1859 1860
Sylow, Ludwig, group theory 1534
Sylvester, James Joseph, canonical binary forms 358
Sylvester, James Joseph, commentary on 340
Sylvester, James Joseph, compound partitions 365
Sylvester, James Joseph, elliptic functions 348
Sylvester, James Joseph, invariants 163—164 341 342 348 350
Sylvester, James Joseph, Mathematical Papers 348
Sylvester, James Joseph, Mathematics, American Journal of 357
Sylvester, James Joseph, names, coining 1994
Sylvester, James Joseph, odd perfect number 506—507
Sylvester, James Joseph, quantics 355
Sylvester, James Joseph, quoted 355—356 357 363—364 1379
Sylvester, James Joseph, reciprocants 363
Sylvester, James Joseph, roots of equations 145 273 364
Sylvester, James Joseph, Verse, The Laws of 354 357 1757
Sylvester, James Joseph, “Invariant Twins” (Bell) 341—365
Sylvester, James Joseph, “On the Derivation of Coexistence” 346
Sylvester, James Joseph, “Study that Knows Nothing of Observation, The” 1758—1766
Symbol behavior, articulate speech 2351
Symbolic logic 378 388 397 1307 1578 1589 1852—1855 1859—1877 1901—1931
Symbolic Logic, A Survey of (Lewis) 1852 fn. 1854
Symbolic logic, constants and variables 1901—1902
Symbolic logic, definitions, formulation of 1919—1921
Symbolic logic, equivalence of sentences 1918—1919
Symbolic logic, history of 1859—1877
Symbolic logic, implication 1913—1918
Symbolic logic, inference 1927—1931
Symbolic logic, logical constants 1909—1910
Symbolic logic, quantifiers 1906—1908
Symbolic logic, sentences, negation, conjunction and disjunction 1910—1913
Symbolic logic, sentential and designatory functions 1902—1904
Symbolic logic, sentential calculus 1909—1931
Symbolic logic, truth functions 1923—1927
Symbolic logic, universal and existential sentences 1904—1906
Symbolic logic, variables, use of 1901—1909
Symbolic notation, definite descriptions 1881—1883
Symbolic notation, explanation 1878—1879
Symbolic notation, quantifiers 1880—1881
Symbolic notation, signs, use and mention of 1883—1885
Symbolic notation, statement forms 1879
Symbolic notation, statemental connectives 1879
Symbolism, analysis 67
Symbolism, calculation 28
Symbolism, economical value 16
Symbolism, importance 1578
Symbols, algebra 12 23 115 500
Symbols, brackets 27
Symbols, holy tetractys 84
Symbols, notation 114
Symbols, number 24 1838 1839
Symbols, numerical laws 1826—1829
Symbols, Pythagorean 83 88 125
Symbols, thought-labor economy 61
Symbols, unknown quantity 116
Symmetry (Weyl) 671—724 1831
Symmetry in Art, On the Problem of (Frey) 678
Symmetry, aesthetic value 674
Symmetry, algebra 116
Symmetry, animals 1038
Symmetry, bilateral see “Bilateral symmetry”
Symmetry, crystals 688 712 876—878 879
Symmetry, cyclic 706 707
Symmetry, cylindrical 675 703 706
Symmetry, Dynamic (Hambidge) 718 fn.
Symmetry, geometric 694
Symmetry, heraldic 674 675
Symmetry, hexagonal 712
Symmetry, octagonal 707
Symmetry, pentagonal 712
Symmetry, plane 706 713
Symmetry, reflexive 699
Symmetry, rotational 672 673 687—688 712 713 714
Symmetry, space 703
Symmetry, spherical 688
Symmetry, translatory 699—700 702
Symmetry, translatory, rotational and related 694—724
Symmetry, two meanings 671
Syncopated algebra 115
Syntheses, new simultaneous 2358
Synthetic judgments 1353
Synthetic reasoning 1347
System, atomic nuclei 977
Taisnier, John 781 fn. 789
Tait, Peter Guthrie 719 1031 1218 2428
Tangent, ellipse 107
Tangent, inverse of quadratures 55
Tangent, limit of secant 36 37 61
Tangent, problem 1960—1961
Tangent, to circle 37 53
Tangent, to curve 36—37 47 52 54 61 131 132
Tangent, to line circle 636—637
Tangent, to point circle 636 637
Tangent, to spiral 104
Tannery, Paul, Descartes, Oeuvres de 247 fn.
Tarde, Jean 732 fn.
Tarski, Alfred, Logic, Introduction to 1622 fn. 1855
Tarski, Alfred, sphere, surface measurement 1944—1945
Tarski, Alfred, “Symbolic Logic” 1901—1931
Tartaglia see “Niccolo Fontana”
Tautology 1683—1684 1733—1736 1744 1927
Taylor, Brook 78 139 151 1589
Taylor, Jeremy, quoted 1361 fn.
Tchebycheff, Pafnuti Lvovich 1450
Telegraphy, spark 219
Telegraphy, wireless, invention 9
Telekinesis 219
Telescope, astronomical tool 787
Telescope, Galileo’s contribution 218
Telescope, invention 732
Telescope, reflecting 139 142 143 259 260 264
Tellurium, atomic weight 925
Telotype, Galton’s invention 1168
Temperature, warm-blooded animals 1010—1011 1012
Temples, Egyptian, orientation 11
Tensor calculus 328 641
Tensors, theory of 641
Terman, Lewis M. 1168 fn. 1510
Terni, T. 1032
Terrestrial measurements 17
Terrestrial objects, motion 727
Testimony, probability of 1332
Tetrachord, numerical ratios 99—100
Tetrahedron, characteristic shape of fire 96
Text-books, early 18
Thacker, Jeremy 806 806 807
Thales of Miletus, biography 81
Thales of Miletus, discoveries 15
Thales of Miletus, geometry 13 14 82 90
Thales of Miletus, propositions ascribed to 81
Thales of Miletus, solar eclipse prediction 81
Thales of Miletus, triangle, measuring 17
Thales of Miletus, water philosophy 82 85
Theatetus, pentagon-dodecahedron 720
Theodorus of Cyrene, irrationals 97
Theology, mathematical 2369—2370
Theon of Smyrna 97 207
Theorems, Principia Mathematica 1894—1900
Theorems, proving 1655—1658
Theoretical mechanics, text-book 267
Theoretical physics, mathematics 2061—2063
Theoria motus (Gauss) 316 331
Theorie Analytique des Probabilites (Laplace) 1322 1369
Theory, acceptance 1619
Theory, empirically significant 1400—1401
Theory, phases of behavior 1401—1402
thermal conductivity 219
Thermodynamics 882 1053
Thermodynamics (Gibbs), quoted 892
Thermodynamics, second law of 992 1092 2461
Thermodynamic’ equilibrium 992 995
Thermometer, Invention 732
Thermostat 2066
Thevenot, observes lunar eclipses 795
Thinking machine, arguments from various disabilities 2111—2114
Thinking machine, bibliography 2123
Thinking machine, continuity in nervous system 2115
Thinking machine, digital computers 2102—2117
Thinking machine, extra-sensory perception 2116—2117