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Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4

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Название: The World of Mathematics, Volume 4

Автор: Newman J.R. (ed.)


Volume 4 of a monumental 4-volume set covers such topics as mathematical machines, mathematics in warfare, a mathematical theory of art, mathematics of the good, mathematics in literature, mathematics and music, and amusements, puzzles, and fancies. Individual contributions by A. M. Turing, Aldous Huxley, Sir James Jeans, Lewis Carroll, and other notables. Informative commentary by noted mathematics scholar James R. Newman precedes each essay. Numerous figures.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 448

Добавлена в каталог: 07.04.2008

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Предметный указатель
Numbers, infinite      1585 1602—1605
Numbers, integer      13 28 60 65 66 1838
Numbers, irrational      26 27 34 62—64 87—88 89 92 95 96 97 101 162 168 525—536 2034 2324
numbers, large      455 458
Numbers, logical definition      65—66
Numbers, magnitudes      17 2334 2335
Numbers, measures of lengths      17 35
Numbers, Mersenne      500—505 506
Numbers, mystic properties      2017
Numbers, named      491 494
Numbers, natural      500 1838
numbers, negative      6 27—28 30 33 34 65 96 115 119 147—148 162
Numbers, octads      418 426
Numbers, orders and periods      425—426
Numbers, ordinal      66 1584 1587
Numbers, pattern      136
Numbers, perfect      89 101 498 506
Numbers, points and lines, correspondence      33
Numbers, positive      27—28 34 65 96
Numbers, prime      101 157 501 505—506
Numbers, proportion      50
Numbers, rational      326 511 513 525 528
Numbers, rational reality      85
Numbers, real      34 50 63 65 96 534—536 1839
Numbers, redefinition      28
Numbers, relation      65—66 2334
Numbers, sequences      62 63
Numbers, series      63
Numbers, side, finding      207 fn.
Numbers, square      84
Numbers, status in realm of things      408 409
Numbers, symbols      24
Numbers, symbols of the mortal      2329
Numbers, theory of      68 fn. 83 116 136 152 155 157 160 311 367 498—515 876 878 879 2436—2438
Numbers, Theory of (Hardy and Wright)      2033
Numbers, transcendental      499 514 1998
Numbers, triangular      84
Numbers, unnamed      491 492 494 495
Numbers, zeroNumbers, Introduction to the Theory of (Dickson)      500
Numerals to computation      456—464
Numerals, alphabetical      418
Numerals, Arabic      454
Numerals, beginnings      442
Numerals, changes in European (table)      454
Numerals, early Hindu      453—454
Numerals, finger      455—456
Numerals, large numbers      445
Numerals, modern      453
Numerals, modern, forbidden in commerce      451
Numerals, order      1807—1809
Numerals, Roman, large numbers      458
Numeration, decimal system      1839
Numerical algebra      26
Numerical laws, calculation      1820—1822
Numerical laws, derived measurement      1819—1820
Numerical laws, mathematical theories      1826—1829
Numerical laws, measurement      1809—1811 1814
Numerical laws, Newtonian assumption      1822—1826
Numerical laws, source of numerical relations      1815—1819
Numerical relations, source of      1815—1819
Numerical result, reaching      1791
Numero Terminorum Infinitas, De Analysi per Aequationes (Newton)      258
Nuremberg Council, Duerer’s paintings      600 fn.
Observable facts, causal dependence      1065
Observation, concept      1054
Observation, continuous      1057
Observation, mathematical science      405 1758—1766
Observation, ratio determined through      1454—1455
Occam’s razor      389 1247
Occasion, immediate      407
Octads, Archimedes’ system      418 426
Octagon, rotation axis      875
Octagonal symmetry      707
Octahedron, characteristic shape of air      96
Octaves, law of, chemical elements      910 910 915—916 924
Ocular measure for distances      657
Odd perfect number      506
Ohm, Georg Simon      1150
Ohm, Martin      293 fn.
Ohm’s Law      1150
Olbers, Heinrich      312 319 331 334
Oligopoly      1267 1268 1282
One, Babylonian numeral      444
One, early numeral      443 448
One, number      65
One-dimensional ornament      699
One-to-one correspondence      540 1063 1065 1593 1690 1945
Onslow, H.      1028 fn.
Operational research      1245; 2158—2159
Operational research, hemibel thinking      2160—2161
Operator, selective      1563 1566—1569
Ophthalmoscope, invention      643
Opinions, difference of      1328—1329
Oppe, Paul, “Right and Left in Raphael’s Cartoons”      685
Optical polishing      263
Optically active crystalline substances      680 689
Opticks (Newton)      259 260 261 263 264 269 272
Opticks (Newton), quoted      266 273 286
Optics (Kepler)      141
Optics, geometrical      882 fn.
Optics, Newton’s discoveries      258
Optics, principle of least action      110 161
Opuscules mathematiques      1366 fn. 1371
Orbium Coelestium, De Revolutionibus (Copernicus)      218 232 728
Order functions, concept      508
Order, abstract concepts of      403
Order, continuity      1587
Order, geometry      1587—1588
Order, heredity, quantum theory      990—995
Order, measurement      1807—1809
Order, theory of      508
Ordinal numbers      66 1584 1587
Ordinate      33
Ore, Oystein      1395 fn.
Oresme, Nicole      236 726 728 2332
Organic goodness, theory of      1371
Organism, philosophy of      398 400
Organisms, living, mixed character      2077
Organisms, ontogenesis      691—694
Organisms, phylogenesis      690—694
Oribasius      181 fn.
Orientals, astronomy      14
Origin of Species (Darwin)      1171
Origin, crossing of axes      33
Origin, point of      25
Orthogenesis, useless      969
Orthogonals      603—604
Oscillation      2284
Ostwald, Wilhelm      1040 1044
Oversight, dangers of      405
Owen, Richard, quoted      1007
Oxygen, distribution, animals      954
Palatine Anthology      207
Palmer, William      806
Pangenesis, theory of      1042
Panofsky, Erwin, “Duerer as a Mathematician”      601 603—619
Panpsychism      1158
Paper folding      601—602
Pappus, analysis      245 fn.
Pappus, Collection      110 207 245
Pappus, curves, defining      34
Pappus, fundamental theories of geometry      165
Pappus, geometry, revival      207
Pappus, involution of six points      112—113
Pappus, isoperimetric figures      188
Pappus, porisms      102
Pappus, surface of revolution      111
Pappus, working backwards, method of      1988 fn. 1989
Papyrus, Moscow      89 169 175
Papyrus, Rhind      11 79 89 169—178
Parabola, conic section      204 fn.
Parabola, curve      34 91
Parabola, discovery      93
Parabola, focus to      108 126
Parabola, introduction of term      87
Parabola, path of projectiles      730 734
Parabola, quadrature      760—761
Parabola, spiral      137
Parabolic area, circumscribing parallelogram      105
Parabolic geometry      159
Parabolic motion      49
Paracelsus, zinc      923
Paradise Lost (Milton), quoted      1073
Paradox, arithmetic fallacies      1946—1948
Paradox, defined      1934
Paradox, geometric fallacies      1948—1949
Paradox, logical      1949—1953
Paradox, proving      167—168
Paradox, strange but true      1937—1946
Parallax, pseudospherical space      660
Parallel axiom      102 158 168 546 565 648 649 652—655 657 660 1648—1649 1727 1730 1750 1974 2019 2341 2345
Parallel lines, painting      626
Parallel lines, point at infinity      127
Parallel lines, point in common      628 634
Parallel lines, pseudospherical space      662
Parallel projection      606 613
Parameters of dispersion      1504—1511
Parametric representation      336—337
Pardies, Ignatius      260
Parental character, hybrids      942
Pareto, Alfredo      1200
Parhexagon      2004
Paris, France, Academy of Sciences      129 134 143
Paris, France, Observatory      787 793
Parmenides, quoted      1335
Partial equilibria, theory of      1200
Particles, electrical nature      273
Particles, momentum      1085
Partition, division      24
Partition, theory of      348 515
Pascal, Blaise, algebra      135
Pascal, Blaise, arithmetic triangle      135—136 140
Pascal, Blaise, biography      134 135
Pascal, Blaise, calculating machine      515—516 2066
Pascal, Blaise, Christian Faith, Apologia of the      135
Pascal, Blaise, integral calculus      42
Pascal, Blaise, Leibniz, influence on      143
Pascal, Blaise, Letter Written to a Provincial, A      135
Pascal, Blaise, Nouvelles Experiences sur le vide      134
Pascal, Blaise, Pensees      135
Pascal, Blaise, Pensees, quoted      136
Pascal, Blaise, projective geometry      133 359 629—630 631 640 641
Pascal, Blaise, projective geometry, dual statement of      637
Pascal, Blaise, quoted      2198
Pascal, Blaise, “L’hexagramme mystique”      134 151
Pasch, M.      1745
Past and future, equivalence      686
Past, pattern for the future      1383 1453
Pasteur, Louis, crystals, reproducing      688—689 690
Pattern of relationships, abstract conditions      407
Pattern, number      136
Peacock feathers, coloring      1028 1029
Peacock, George      820
Peano, Giuseppe, axiom system      1623—1626 1894
Peano, Giuseppe, figures generated by moving point      1965—1966
Peano, Giuseppe, geometry, principles      1588
Peano, Giuseppe, Mathematiques, Formulate de      1870 1871—1874
Peano, Giuseppe, postulates      1307 1623 1626—1627 1630 1874—1875
Peano, Giuseppe, primitives, interpretations of      1626—1627
Peano, Giuseppe, symbolic logic      378 388 397 1578—1579 1870 1871—1873 1874
Peano, Giuseppe, vocabulary of arithmetic      390
Pearson, Hesketh      1522 fn.
Pearson, Karl, coefficient of variation      1511
Pearson, Karl, correlation, principle      1170
Pearson, Karl, Francis Galton, Life, Letters and Labours of      1167
Pearson, Karl, human stature, inheritance      966
Pearson, Karl, quoted      1485
Peckharn, perspective      605
Pecquet, Jean      786
Peirce, Benjamin      1767 1773
Peirce, Benjamin, Linear Associative Algebra      1696 1168
Peirce, Benjamin, mathematics, definition of      1830 1847
Peirce, Benjamin, quoted      1696
Peirce, Charles Sanders, abstract algebra      76 164
Peirce, Charles Sanders, commentary on      1767—1772
Peirce, Charles Sanders, logical alphabet      1868—1869
Peirce, Charles Sanders, Photometric Researches      1768
Peirce, Charles Sanders, pragmatism      1307 1767 1769
Peirce, Charles Sanders, propositions, logic of      1869—1870 1871
Peirce, Charles Sanders, relations, logic of      1578 fn. 1863
Peirce, Charles Sanders, statistical probability      1396
Peirce, Charles Sanders, truth tables, method of      1923 fn.
Peirce, Charles Sanders, variables      1909 fn.
Peirce, Charles Sanders, “Essence of Mathematics, The”      1773—1783
Peirce, Charles Sanders, “Probability of Induction, The”      1341—1354
Peirce, Charles Sanders, “Red and the Black, The”      1334—1340
Pelerin, Jean, De artificiali Perspectiva      604
Pemberton, Henry      261 265 269
Pendulum swing, leg      1016
Pendulum, air resistance      977
Pendulum, gravity, effect on      787 798 800
Pendulum, gridiron      807 808 808
Pendulum, isochronism      731 731
Pendulum, movements      977
Pendulum, osculation      800
Pendulum, temperature, effect on      799
Pennies, matching      see “Coin tossing”
Pennsylvania, first commercial oil well      928
Pensees (Pascal)      135
Pensees (Pascal), quoted      136
Pentad      1568
Pentagon, angles      86 208 2388 2389
Pentagon, Duerer’s construction      615
Pentagon, Euclidean construction      502
Pentagon, Great Pyramid      80
Pentagon, ladder-arithmetic      98
Pentagonal symmetry      712
Pentagondodecahedron, discovery      719—720
Pentagram, badge of Pythagoreans      2324 fn.
Pentagram, Dr. Faust’s      697
Pepys, Samuel, quoted      2278
Perfect competition      1282
Perfect information, games      1291
Perfect numbers      101 498 506
Perfect proportion      89
Pericles      91
Periodic law, chemical elements      910 913
Periodic table, chemical elements      841 911 925 926 928
Periodicity, theory of      411—412 416 1375
Perkin, William, discoverer of mauve dye      920
Perm, William, quoted      1248
Permutation, shuffled playing cards      1385
Permutations and combinations      1513
Perrault, Claude, Paris Observatory      787
Perrin, J.      1043 fn. 1044
Perry, Ralph Barton      1770 fn.
Persians, numerals      443
Perspectiva, De artificiali (Pelerin)      604
Perspective picture, construction      610—611
Perspective, mechanical means      609—610
Perspective, projective geometry      107
Perspective, scientific theory      603
Perturbations, inverse      820 823—824
Perturbations, motion of Uranus      823 824 827
Petch, T.      1007 fn.
Petersburg Paradox      1368 1368 1369 1370 1371
Petty, Sir William      1194 1202
Petty, Sir William, Bills of Mortality      1416 1437
Petty, Sir William, collaboration with Graunt      1417
Pfaff, Johann Friedrich      156 307 316
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
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