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Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4

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Íàçâàíèå: The World of Mathematics, Volume 4

Àâòîð: Newman J.R. (ed.)


Volume 4 of a monumental 4-volume set covers such topics as mathematical machines, mathematics in warfare, a mathematical theory of art, mathematics of the good, mathematics in literature, mathematics and music, and amusements, puzzles, and fancies. Individual contributions by A. M. Turing, Aldous Huxley, Sir James Jeans, Lewis Carroll, and other notables. Informative commentary by noted mathematics scholar James R. Newman precedes each essay. Numerous figures.

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Bilateral symmetry, human body      671 674 686—687
Bilateral symmetry, reflections or rotations      672 724
Billion, use of term      450 455
Binary digit      1307
Binary scale      122 516—517 2423
Binary theory      310 2422
Binomial congruence      310 311 325
Binomial equation      310
Binomial theorem      139 140 256 258 299 519—524
Biological sciences      413
Biologist, socialism, problem of      956
Biology, evolution, theory of      2359—2360
Biology, fibers, study of      691
Biology, mathematical      1299
Biology, similitude, principle of      1004
Biology, The Axiomatic Method (Woodger)      1660 fn.
Biot, Jean Baptiste      275 837 1324
Biquadratic reciprocity      325
Birds, ability to count      433 434 488—496
Birds, air currents, use of      1023—1024
Birds, flight speed      1017—1019 1020 1021—1022
Birds, flying, size relation      955
Birds, gifted      488—489
Birds, optical colors      1028
Birds, relative proportions      1002 fn.
Birds, self-conditioning      490
Birds, The Flight of (Headley)      1019 fn.
Birkhoff, George David, Aesthetic Measure      671 fn.
Birkhoff, George David, Algebra, Modern, A Survey of      1625 fn.
Birkhoff, George David, commentary on      2182—2184
Birkhoff, George David, minimax problems      889
Birkhoff, George David, Relativity and Modern Physics      2183 fn.
Birkhoff, George David, Relativity, Origin, Nature and Influence of      2183 fn.
Birkhoff, George David, “Ethics, Mathematical Approach to”      2198—2208
Birkhoff, George David, “Mathematics of Aesthetics”      2185—2195
Bishop, John      1016 fn.
Bismuth, discovery      923
Bit, binary digit      1307
Bjerknes, Vilhelm      1032
Black and white, ratio      1327—1328 1454
Black, Joseph      1322
Blackboards, arithmetic      460
Blacker, C.P., Eugenics, Galton and After      1169 fn.
Blaeu, Willem, longitude inventions      782
Blake, William, quoted      671 1901 1956 2223
Bliss, G.A.      889
Blondel, Francois      616
Blood transfusion, Cassini’s experiments      790
Blundeville, Thomas      803
Bode, Johann Elert      221—222 fn.
Bode’s law      221 313 825
Body size, upper and lower limitations      1036
Body, moving down inclined plane      729 740—742 746—747
Boehm-Bawerk, Eugen, interval of indeterminacy      1281 1283
Boehme, Jacob      273
Boethius, Anicius      18
Bohr, Niels, complementarity      1049 1053—1055
Bohr, Niels, spectral lines      1064
Bolivia, numeral words      432
Bologna, Italy, center of learning      118
Boltzmann constant      979 fn. 994
Boltzmann, Ludwig      275 1591
Boltzmann, Ludwig, ergodic hypothesis      2182
Bolyai, John, hyperbolic geometry      1639
Bolyai, John, non-Euclidean geometry      639 2020
Bolyai, Wolfgang      158—159
Bolzano, Bernhard, continuous function      2411 2413
Bolzano, Bernhard, intuition      1971
Bolzano, Bernhard, Paradoxes of the Infinite      2411
Bolzano, Bernhard, probability      1396
Bolzano, Bernhard, velocity, moving point      1959
Bonner, John Tyler      996 fn.
Bonnet, Charles, spirals      718
Bookkeeping, use of Roman numerals      451
Boole, George, commentary on      1854
Boole, George, invariants      349 350 351
Boole, George, logical algebra      163 397 1870 1894
Boole, George, Mathematical Analysis of Logic, The      1679 1856—1858
Boole, George, quoted      1867
Boole, George, symbolic logic      1862 1864—1868
Boole, George, Thought, Laws of      1576 1853
Boolean algebra      1868—1871
Boredom, coefficient of      1169
Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso      1012 1013 1022 1023
Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso, quoted      891
Borelli’s law      1013
Boring, Edwin Garrigues, biography      1147
Boring, Edwin Garrigues, Experimental Psychology, A History of      1147 1171
Boring, Edwin Garrigues, “Gustav Theodor Fechner”      1148—1166
Born, Max, quantum mechanics      396
Boss Puzzle      2429—2432
Bosse, Abraham      631
Bothwell, Adam      121
Bottomley, Gordon, quoted      2070
Boundary, abstract principles      2345
Bourdelin, Claude      786
Boutroux, Etienne E. MM Science et Religion      2047
Bouts, Dirk, Last Supper      604 605
Bouvard, Alexis, Uranus, positions      823 831
Boveri, Theodor      1034 1035
Bowditch, Nathaniel      1321
Boycott, A.E.      1036 fn.
Boyer, Carl B., Analytic Geometry, Invention of      236 fn.
Boyer, Carl B., Calculus, The Concepts of the      286 fn. 287
Boyle, Robert      272
Boyle’s law      880
Boys, C. Vernon, earth, weighing      884 884
Boys, C. Vernon, quoted      886
Boys, C. Vernon, Soap Bubbles: Their Colours and the Forces Which Mould Them      884 fn.
Boys, C. Vernon, “Soap-bubble, The”      891—900
Brachistochrone problem      267
Brackets, symbol      27
Bradley, Francis Herbert      387
Bradley, James      809 811 814 823
Bragg, William Henry, commentary on      851—853
Bragg, William Henry, Light, The Universe of      852
Bragg, William Henry, Physical Sciences, The      1048 fn.
Bragg, William Henry, uncertainty principle      1048
Bragg, William Henry, X-rays and crystals      842 852
Bragg, William Henry, “Rontgen Rays”      854—870
Bragg, William Lawrence      842 845
Bragg, William Lawrence, Crystalline State, The      851 fn.
Brahe, Tycho, astronomical speculations      120
Brahe, Tycho, astronomy, observational labors      728
Brahe, Tycho, celestial measurements      218
Brahe, Tycho, Kepler, association with      125—126 223—225
Brahe, Tycho, logarithmic tables      123
Brahe, Tycho, planetary motion      1204
Brahe, Tycho, Rudolphine tables      225 232
Brahe, Tycho, telescope      792
Brahmagupta      78 117
Brain, weight related to body weight      956
Brainwaves, wordless      495
Bramante, Donato      609 1005
Brandt, Hennig, phosphorus      923
Brazil, finger counting      435
Brazil, forest tribes’ number knowledge      432
Breeder, C.M.      1024 fn.
Breslaw, Germany, mortality tables      1416 1419 1437—1439 1446
Breton, Elie le      1011 fn. 1032
Brewster, David      281 339
Brewster, David, quoted      234
Brianchon, Charles, projective geometry      631
Brianchon, Charles, theorem      637
Bridgeman, P.W., Dimensional Analysis      1004 fn.
Bridgeman, P.W., Logic of Modern Physics, The      2349 fn.
Bridgeman, P.W., mathematical reality      2349
Briggs, Henry      123—124 125 140
Brinton, D.G.      432 fn.
Britain, naval tactics, Battle of Trafalgar      2154—2157 (see also “England”)
British Museum, Rhind papyrus      169 170
British Scientists of the Twentieth Century (Crowther)      2274 fn.
Broad, C.D.      280 395 398
Broglie, Louis Victor de      974
Bromwich, Thomas John I’Anson, commentary on      2449
Bromwich, Thomas John I’Anson, Infinite Series, The Theory of      2449
Bromwich, Thomas John I’Anson, “Easy Mathematics and Lawn Tennis”      2450—2454
Bronowski, J., operations research      2159
Bronowski, J., “Can Machines ‘Think’?”      2067 fn.
Brooke, Rupert, quoted      358 fn.
Brouncker, William, Viscount      137 138
Brouwer, Luitzen E.J., intuitionism      1747—1749 1751 2058
Brouwer, Luitzen E.J., map, boundary points      1968
Brouwer, Luitzen E.J., paradoxes      167—168
Brouwer, Luitzen E.J., reducibility, axiom of      1953 fn.
Brown, Lloyd A., Cassini, Jean Domenique      795 fn.
Brown, Lloyd A., Maps, The Story of      778 fn. 779
Brown, Lloyd A., “Longitude, The”      780—819
Brown, Robert      1043 1044
Browne, Sir Thomas, quoted      368 871
Browne, Sir Thomas, symmetry in nature      712
Brownian movement      1043—1045 1046 1392 2010
Brownlee, J.      1045 fn.
Bruecke, Ernest      642
Brunelleschi, Filippo      605
Bruno, Giordano      2327 fn.
Brunswick, Carl Wilhelm Ferdinand, Duke of      156 300 306 307 317—318 321
Bryan, G.H.      1019 fn.
Buchler, Justus      1772
Buff on, Georges L.L., coin tossing, table      2381
Buff on, Georges L.L., Political Arithmetic      1333
Buff on, Georges L.L., probability      1333 1372
Buff on, Georges L.L., quoted      1369
Buller, A.H.R.      1042 fn.
Bullitt, John M., Jonathan Swift and the Anatomy of Satire      2213 fn.
Bunsen, R.W., spectroscope      919 922
Buot, Jacques      787
Burgi, Joost, logarithms      125
Burials and Christnings, Bills of Mortality      1424 1426
Buridan, Jean, impetus, theory of      727 728
Burke, Edmund, quoted      1217 1452
Burnet, Thomas, quoted      785
Burning glasses, Archimedes’      179
Bush, Vannevar, differential analyzer      2074
Butler, Bishop, quoted      1360 1362 1362 1398 1459
Butler, Dr. George      1178
Butler, Samuel, quoted      2041 2053 2252
Butterfield, Herbert, Science, Origins of Modern      726 fn.
Buxton, Jedidiah, idiosavant      465
Buxton, Jedidiah, problems solved      468—470 477
Byron, Lord      329
Byron, Lord, quoted      1094 1294 1524
Cabbalists, mathematicians      2017
Cabot, Sebastian, longitude      781
Cairnes, John E.      1220
Cajori, Florian      286 fn.
Calandri, arithmetic book      461
Calcul infinitesimal, Reflexions sur la mitaphysique (Caraot)      292 fn.
Calculate, origin of word      456
Calculating machines      see “Computing machines”
Calculating prodigies, law for rapidity of mental work      486—487
Calculation      see also “Counting”
Calculation, approximative      508
Calculation, Mental      465 467
Calculation, numerical laws      1820—1822
Calculation, symbolism      28
calculus ratiocinator      1861 1862
Calculus, axioms      1682
Calculus, differential      42 47 54—55 129 132 139 142 143 152 258 887 2341
Calculus, infinitesimal      43 48 52 53—62 95 127 142 146 286—293 411 1581 2330 2343
Calculus, integral      42 47 90 103 104 135 139 142 143 258
Calculus, logic      1857
Calculus, origins      2056
Calculus, probability      1329—1333 1381 1392 1393 1403—1404 1405 1407 1450 1450
Calculus, sentential      1684—1685 1693 1741 1910—1913 1918 1921—1929
Calculus, tensor      328 641
Calculus, The Concepts of the (Boyer)      286 fn. 287
Calculus, variations      111 153 267 274 883 886—890 901
Calvert, E.R.      1261 fn.
Cambridge University; Analytical Society      517
Cambridge University; Analytical Society, differential calculus      152
Cambridge University; Analytical Society, honors in mathematics      1174—1177
Cambridge University; Analytical Society, Leibniz’s notation      59
Cambridge University; Analytical Society, Sadlerian professorship of mathematics      353
Cambridge University; Analytical Society, women students      354
Camerarius, Joachim      671 fn.
Camerarius, Joachim, quoted      601
Campani, telescopes      791
Campbell, Norman Robert, commentary on      1795
Campbell, Norman Robert, Physics, the Elements      1796
Campbell, Norman Robert, probability      1405
Campbell, Norman Robert, What Is Science?      1796
Campbell, Norman Robert, “Measurement”      1797—1813
Campbell, Norman Robert, “Numerical Laws and the Use of Mathematics in Science”      1814—1829
Cancellation and reduction, science of      117
Candolle, A.P. de      1007
Cannizzaro, Stanislao, unitary theory      914 922
Cannon, Walter      1318
Canonical binary forms      358
Cantor, Georg, cardinal, greatest      388
Cantor, Georg, infinity, mathematical theory      1583—1587 1592 1593 1998 2411
Cantor, Georg, mathematics, formalizing      1971
Cantor, Georg, sets, theory of      1593—1605 2057
Cantor, Georg, symbolic logic      1580
Cantor, Georg, theorem      2032
Cantor, Georg, transcendentals      514
Cantor, Georg, transfinite numbers      1674
Cantor, Moritz      572 fn. 601
Capillarity, laws of      1211—1212
Caraap, R., Logic and Mathematics, Foundations of      1628 fn.
Caraot, L.N.M.      292 fn. 631 632 1383 2462
Caratheodory, C      1732
card tricks      2421
Cardan (Cardano), Girolamo, algebra      76
Cardan (Cardano), Girolamo, Ars Magna      119
Cardan (Cardano), Girolamo, biography      119
Cardan (Cardano), Girolamo, cubic equation      118
Cardan (Cardano), Girolamo, equations, algebraic theory      120
Cardan (Cardano), Girolamo, pentagon      615
Cardan (Cardano), Girolamo, probability, theory of      1395 fn.
Cardinal numbers      389 1584
Carlyle, Thomas, quoted      128 1203 1378
Carpenter’s rule      84
Carr, George Shoobridge      366 fn.
Carr-Saunders, A.M.      1261 fn.
Carroll, Lewis (Charles L. Dodgson), Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland      2399; 2399 fn.
Carroll, Lewis (Charles L. Dodgson), commentary on      2397—2401
Carroll, Lewis (Charles L. Dodgson), quoted      432
Carroll, Lewis (Charles L. Dodgson), Through the Looking Glass      1107—1114 1126 1886—1890 2348 2397
Carroll, Lewis (Charles L. Dodgson), “Hemispherical Problem, A”      2398
Carroll, Lewis (Charles L. Dodgson), “Knot IX”      2405—2409
Carroll, Lewis (Charles L. Dodgson), “Riddles”      2402—2409
Carroll, Lewis (Charles L. Dodgson), “Two Clocks, The”      2405
Carroll, Lewis (Charles L. Dodgson), “What the Tortoise Said to Achilles”      2402—2405
Cartel, economics      1277 1283
Cartesian oval      131 132 337
Carthage, acquisition of land      882 886
Cartography, scientific, beginning      780 785
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (Jean Domenique), Academie Royale des Sciences      791 793
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (Jean Domenique), biography      789
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (Jean Domenique), blood transfusion experiments      790
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (Jean Domenique), Ephemerides      791 793
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (Jean Domenique), Holy Days, determination      790
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (Jean Domenique), Jupiter’s satellites      790
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (Jean Domenique), longitude surveys, instructions      796—798
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (Jean Domenique), planisphere      794
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (Jean Domenique), surveying      790
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (Jean Domenique), timekeepers      799—800
Cassini, Jean Domenique (Brown)      795 fn.
Cassirer, Ernst      1834 fn.
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