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Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
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Íàçâàíèå: The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
Àâòîð: Newman J.R. (ed.)
Àííîòàöèÿ: Volume 4 of a monumental 4-volume set covers such topics as mathematical machines, mathematics in warfare, a mathematical theory of art, mathematics of the good, mathematics in literature, mathematics and music, and amusements, puzzles, and fancies. Individual contributions by A. M. Turing, Aldous Huxley, Sir James Jeans, Lewis Carroll, and other notables. Informative commentary by noted mathematics scholar James R. Newman precedes each essay. Numerous figures.
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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 07.04.2008
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Continuous function 411
Continuous quantities, digitalization 2087—2088
Continuous, physics of the 876
Continuum 1058—1064 1599 1839—1840 1841
Contradiction, law of 1664—1666 1866 1927
Control mechanisms, cybernetics 1308
Convergence, uniform 108
Convex mirror, images in 661 662—663 665
Convivial Questions (Plutarch) 190
Cook, Captain 818
Cooke, Josiah P. 915 926
Coolidge, Julian Lowell, Geometrical Methods, A History of 169 fn. 236
Coolidge, Julian Lowell, Geometrical Methods, A History of, quoted 237 fn.
Coolidge, Julian Lowell, Mathematical Probability, An Introduction to 1450 fn.
Coolidge, Julian Lowell, Mathematics of Great Amateurs, The 601 fn.
Coolidge, Julian Lowell, “Binomial Theorem, The Story of” 519 fn.
Coolidge, Julian Lowell, “Gambler’s Ruin, The” 1450 fn.
Copernican system 109 553—554
Copernicus, Nicolaus, heliocentric theory 110 120 218 226 227 728
Copernicus, Nicolaus, hypothesis 1295
Copernicus, Nicolaus, Mercury, motions 229
Copernicus, Nicolaus, Orbium Coelestium, De Revolutionibus 218 232
Copernicus, Nicolaus, planetary motion 1204
Copernicus, Nicolaus, Venus, phases 732
Coplanar lines 102
Corbeiller, Philippe Le, biography 853
Corbeiller, Philippe Le, crystals, mathematics of 852
Corbeiller, Philippe Le, “Crystals and the Future of Physics” 871—881
Coriolis, Gaspard G. de, “work done by a body” 1399
Correlation, principle 1170
Correns, C 932 976
Correspondence, one-to-one 540 1063 1065 1593 1690 1945
Corrigible propositions 1710—1713 1721
Cosine 18 39
Cosmic cycle, philosophy 1554—1557
Cosmic rays 1091
Cosmical constant 1075—1076 1080
Cosmical number 1069
Cosmogony and Stellar Dynamics (Jeans) 2275
Cosmographicum, Mysterium (Kepler) 125
Cosmology, relativistic 1848
Cosmos, changes in conception of 553
Cost of living index 1499 1501—1504
Cotes, Roger 151 269 280
Cottingham, E.T. 1101
Counters 451 458 459 462
Counting see also “Calculation”
Counting, animals’ ability 433—434
Counting, art of 430—431
Counting, board 458 459 460 462
Counting, finger method 435 436—441 455
Counting, house 459
Counting, number symbols 1838 1839
Counting, practical methods 435—436
Counting, primitive methods 434—435
Counting, rules for 1799—1801
Counting, sexagesimal method 89
Courant Richard, biography 571
Courant Richard, What Is Mathematics? 2411 fn.
Courant Richard, “Lever of Mahomet” 2412—2413
Courant Richard, “Plateau’s Problem” 901—909
Courant Richard, “Soap Film Experiments with Minimal Surfaces” 884 fn.
Courant Richard, “Topology” 581—599
Cournot, Antoine Augustin, commentary on 1200—1202
Cournot, Antoine Augustin, duopoly 1267
Cournot, Antoine Augustin, Mathematical Principles of the Theory of Wealth 1201
Cournot, Antoine Augustin, “Mathematics of Value and Demand” 1203—1216
Cours d’analyse (Jordan) 2037
covariants 355
Cowley, Abraham, quoted 1421
Cowper, William, quoted 255 2348
Craig, John, mathematical theology 2369—2370
Cramer, HM Mathematical Methods of Statistics 1257 fn.
Crew, Henry 733 fn.
Criminal statistics 1261
Cristus, Petrus 605
Criticism, three processes 404—405
Crombie, A. C 726 fn. 729 731 732
Crommelin, A.C.D. 1101
Crookes, Sir William 854—855 918 1025 2464
Cross-cap 597
Cross-ratio, projective invariance 632—633 635 638 639
Crowther, J.G. 1069 fn. 1072
Crowther, J.G., British Scientists of the Twentieth Century 221A fn.
Crucibles, The Story of Chemistry (Jaffe) 910
Crystalline solid 222 fn.
Crystalline State, The (Bragg) 851 fn.
Crystals and X-rays (Lonsdale) 851 fn.
Crystals, atomic theory 851
Crystals, chlorate of potash 865
Crystals, faces of 548 874 878 880
Crystals, grating 840
Crystals, mathematics of 852
Crystals, minute 1040
Crystals, Pasteur’s discoveries 688—689
Crystals, rotation axis 875
Crystals, space-structure 880
Crystals, structure 841 851 853 858—870 874 878 975 984
Crystals, symmetry 688 712 876—878 879
Crystals, units 860 861 868
Crystals, x-rays 840 851 852 857—870
Cube, Delian problem 618—619
Cube, doubling 618
Cube, duplication 90 92 93
Cube, earth, characteristic shape of 96
Cube, solid 86 872
Cubic curves 113
Cubic equations 29 115 118 119 2380
Cubic locus, four dimension space 134
Cultural advance, role of superior brains 2359
Cultural tradition, responsible for progress 2363
Culture and Ethnology (Lowie) 2351 fn.
Culture Growth, Configurations of (Kroeber) 2312 fn.
Culture, generic term 2351
Culture, human nature 2353
Culture, master pattern 2312
Culture, relationship to human mind 2351
Culture, The Science of (White) 2314
Cuneiform writing, numerals 443—444
Curtate cycloid 1941
Curvature, measure of 652 653 656—657 659 660
Curvature, radius 1076 1077 1078 1080
Curvature, space 567 656
Curvature, surface 563
Curve, area 40 41 42 53 130
Curve, classes 131
Curve, conic 113
Curve, construction 87
Curve, cycloid 135 887
Curve, definition of concept 1964 1967 1972
Curve, duality 635—636
Curve, elementary flatness 559
Curve, equation 32 34 61
Curve, equiangular spiral 147
Curve, Euler — Lagrange equation 889
Curve, fluxions 58
Curve, functions 887
Curve, Jordan theorem 588—590
Curve, line integral 324
Curve, mechanical 131
Curve, passing all points of a square 1965—1967
Curve, path of projectile 760
Curve, plane surface 31
Curve, points on 1972—1974
Curve, polygon 56
Curve, regulation 1326
Curve, simple 1998
Curve, simple harmonic 2283 2285 2297—2298
Curve, slope, determining 1960 1961—1962
Curve, stationary 889 890
Curve, tangent to 36—37 61 1959 1962—1964
Curved space-time 335
Cusanus, Nicolaus, infinitesimal calculus 2330
Cut, Dedekind 526 526
Cybernetics 1307—1309
Cyclic symmetry 706 707
Cycloid 135 887 1938—1939
Cylinders, volume 174
Cylindrical symmetry 675 703 706
Czuber, Risiko, theory 1367 fn.
d, different use of 54
Dalton, John 874 918
Damianus, perspective 605
Dampier, William Cecil, quoted 841
Dampier, William Cecil, Science, A History of 646 fn. 726 732 1048 1786
Dante, Ignazio 790
Darboux, Gaston 478 fn. 479 786 1374 1375
Darwin, Charles Galton 842 1190
Darwin, Charles Robert, evolution, theory of 413 924 950 2359—2360
Darwin, Charles Robert, heritable variations 962
Darwin, Charles Robert, Origin of Species 1171
Darwin, Charles Robert, pangenesis 1042
Darwin, Charles Robert, unquantified ideas 1296 1297
Darwin, Sir George 1377
Darwinism 2359
Dase, Johann, mental calculations 465 476 486—487
Dase, Johann, written calculations 477
Date list, mathematicians, 18th century b.c. — 20th century a.d. 78
Davidson, C. 1101
Davies, Crompton 386 401
Davies, D.W. 1291 fn.
Davies, R.A. 1011 fn.
Davies, Theodore Llewelyn 386
Davis, H.M., “Mathematical Machines” 518
De Chancourtois, atomic weights 915 916 926
De Groot, A.D. 2128
De la Mare, Walter, quoted 2214
De Morgan, Augustus, commentary on 2366—2368
De Morgan, Augustus, Formal Logic 1342
De Morgan, Augustus, fourcolor problem 591
De Morgan, Augustus, probability, theory of 1322 1395 1395 1403 1405 1406
De Morgan, Augustus, publications 71—72 2367—2368
De Morgan, Augustus, quoted 1936
De Morgan, Augustus, relations, logic of 1863—1864
De Morgan, Augustus, symbolic logic 1862 1863
De Morgan, Augustus, theorem 1869
De Morgan, Augustus, “Assorted Paradoxes” 2369—2382
Death-rate, unskilled and skilled workers 965
Debility, large animals and trees 1005 fn.
Decadic fraction 1061
Decibel, sound intensity 2304 2305
Decimal notation 23 114 116 117 1839
Decline of the West, The (Spengler) 2312
Decreasing geometrically, logarithms 124
Decrement, velocity 48
Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard, algebraic numbers 313 499 513
Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard, analysis 165 299
Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard, biography 527
Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard, Continuity and Irrational Numbers 525
Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard, infinite 1583 1603 2411
Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard, irrational numbers 526—536
Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard, mathematics, branch of logic 1780
Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard, mathematics, formalizing 1971
Deduction, theory of 1895
Deductive system, formalization 1678
Defense expenditures 1242 1246
Deferent, circle 226
Definite descriptions, symbolic notation 1881—1883
Definite integrals 371
Definitions, formulation 1919—1921
Deformations, topological transformations 586 587
Degree of utility 1225—1226
Degrees, equations 29 34 2005
Delambre, Jean Baptiste J., Uranus, positions 823
Delbceuf, Joseph 1154 1155 1161
Delbruck, M., molecular model 979 983 990 991
Delens, P. 2439 fn.
Delian problem 618
Delisle, M. 1016
Demand, law of 1209—1216
Demand, variation 1210—1211
Democracy, Greek type 956
Democritus, atomic theory 94
Democritus, cone elevation 97
Democritus, mathematical powers 104
Democritus, pangenesis 1042
Democritus, stratification 95
DeMoivre, Abraham 78 151 2372
Denary system 516
Density, measurement 1806—1807 1809—1811 1812
Denumerable Infinity 1376 1377
Derived measurement 1806—1807 1809—1811 1812 1819—1820
Des Hayes, longitude surveys 795—796 800
Desargues, Gerard, projective geometry 627—628 629 631 635 640 641
Desargues’ theorem, dual terms 635
Descartes (Mahaffy) 235 fn.
Descartes, Oeuvres de (Adam and Tannery) 247 fn. — 249 fn.
Descartes, Rene, algebra, application to geometry 61 162
Descartes, Rene, algebraic notation 22—23 26—27 28 29
Descartes, Rene, analytical geometry 31 33 41 102 116 129 142 235—237
Descartes, Rene, Cartesian oval 132 154
Descartes, Rene, co-ordinate geometry see “Descartes analytical
Descartes, Rene, commentary on 235—237
Descartes, Rene, curves 37 49 113 131—132 640—641
Descartes, Rene, cycloid 135
Descartes, Rene, distances, expressing 25
Descartes, Rene, Geometry 26 31 32 237 520
Descartes, Rene, imaginary numbers 30
Descartes, Rene, impact, laws of 1833
Descartes, Rene, letters, use in equations 50
Descartes, Rene, line equation 35 61
Descartes, Rene, mathematics, definition of 1830
Descartes, Rene, Meditations 129
Descartes, Rene, Method, Discourse on 129 235 237 728
Descartes, Rene, new number-idea 2333
Descartes, Rene, notation 130—131
Descartes, Rene, number idea, new 2333
Descartes, Rene, planetary motions 132 257 259
Descartes, Rene, polyhedron 571 581
Descartes, Rene, projective geometry theory 631
Descartes, Rene, quoted 20—22 129 247—248 1360
Descartes, Rene, refraction, law of 226
Descartes, Rene, surface, geometry 336
Descartes, Rene, symbolic algebra 115
Descartes, Rene, topology 571
Descartes, Rene, triangle 2018
Descartes, Rene, vortice theory of 257 259
Descartes, Rene, whirlpool theory 144
Descartes, Rene, “Geometry, The” 239—253
Descriptions, theory of 389
Descriptive geometry 601 631
Design for a Brain (Ashby) 2068 fn.
Designatory functions 1903—1904
Detachment, rule of 1895—1896 1930—1931
Determinate connection, arithmetic symbols 24
Detlefsen, rodents, color changes 964 965
Devaux, M. 1040 1041
Deviation from an average, law of 1181 1182—1183 1185—1186
Dewey, John 398
Dewey, John, quoted 1240 1437
Dialogue on the Great World Systems (Galileo) 732 732 733 733
Diamandi, Pericles 478 480
Diatonic scales 100
Dice throwing, probabHities 1342 1406 1452 1465
Dickens, Charles 2261
Dickens, Charles, quoted 2268
Dickinson, Lowes 377 385 1355
Dickson, Leonard Eugene 333 515
Dickson, Leonard Eugene, Numbers, Theory of 500
Diderot, Denis 2378