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Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4

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Íàçâàíèå: The World of Mathematics, Volume 4

Àâòîð: Newman J.R. (ed.)


Volume 4 of a monumental 4-volume set covers such topics as mathematical machines, mathematics in warfare, a mathematical theory of art, mathematics of the good, mathematics in literature, mathematics and music, and amusements, puzzles, and fancies. Individual contributions by A. M. Turing, Aldous Huxley, Sir James Jeans, Lewis Carroll, and other notables. Informative commentary by noted mathematics scholar James R. Newman precedes each essay. Numerous figures.

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Vinci, Leonardo da, flying machine      1023 1258—1259
Vinci, Leonardo da, geometrical construction of cast-shadows      609
Vinci, Leonardo da, impetus, theory of      727
Vinci, Leonardo da, perspective      606 607 609
Vinci, Leonardo da, polygons      615
Vinci, Leonardo da, symmetries      713
Vinci, Leonardo da, “The Last Supper”      623 626
Vinogradov, I.M., prime numbers      508
Vinogradov, I.M., prime numbers, Waring problem      515
Viscosity, effect on small bodies      1042
Visible limits, principle of      2340
Vision, Euclidean theory      605
Vision, range      1027
Visual angle      605
Visual images, pseudospherical space      662—663
Visual sensation, one eye      624
Vital statistics, bills of mortality      1424
Vital statistics, casualties, general observations      1426
Vital statistics, casualties, particular      1429—1431
Vital statistics, males and females      1431—1436
Vitality, degrees at all ages      1440
Vitellio, Erasmus, perspective      605
Vitruvius      179 181 200 615 671 713
Vitruvius, quoted      185—186
Viviani, Vincenzo      786
Vizetelly, Frank      1996
Vocabulary, mathematics      1994
Vocal chords, animals      1026—1027
Volkmann, A.W.      1150 1153 1154
Voltaire, quoted      145 180 268 284 1341
Vortices, theory of      132 257 259
Voss, H.      1035 fn.
Vries, Hugo de      932 976 987
Vulcan (planet)      1102—1103
Waddington, C.H.      1245
Wages, variations      1207—1208
Wakeford, E.K.      358 fn.
Walker, GHbert      1024 fn.
Walker, Helen M., Statistical Method, Studies in the History of      1170 fn.
Walking, problem of      1015—1016
Wall, W.S., Sperm Whale, A New      1008 fn.
Wallace, A.R.      2360
Wallace, Robert, Mankind, Nature and Providence, Prospects of      1189
Wallis, John, Arithmetica Infinitorum      1039 fn.
Wallis, John, calculations      468 477
Wallis, John, fractional indices      131 140
Wallis, John, integral calculus      42
Wallis, John, limits      165
Wallis, John, logarithm      137 138
Wallis, John, music and mathematics, analogy      2212
Wallis, John, parallel postulate of Euclid      158
Wallis, John, symbolic algebra      115
Walras, Leon      1202
Walter, W. Grey, Living Brain, The      2068 fn.
Walterhausen, Sartorius von      330
Walterhausen, Sartorius von, quoted      319
Walther, Bernard, clock, driven by weights      784
Walton, W.      1005 fn.
War and foreign politics, arms races, quantitative theory      1245—1252
War and foreign politics, moods prior to a war      1252—1253
War and foreign politics, schismogenesis      1243—1245
War and foreign politics, threats, diverse effects      1240—1243
War operations, scientific analysis      2160
War, A Study of (Wright)      1239
Ward, James      386
Ward, Seth      259
Warfare, ancient and modern contrasted      2138—2140
Warfare, concentration, principle of      2138—2148
Warfare, exchange rates      2171—2179
Warfare, fighting units, unequal strength      2144
Warfare, fleet evaluation      2152
Warfare, mathematical treatment, validity of      2143—2144
Warfare, modern conditions investigated      2140
Warfare, sweep rate, following tactical changes      2168—2171
Warfare, weakness of divided force      2142
Warfare, weapons, influence of efficiency      2144—2145
Warfare, “n-square” law      2138 2145 2148—2157
Waring, E.      499
Waring’s conjecture      514
Warner, Sylvia Townsend, Mr. Fortune’s Maggot      2250—2251
Warner, Sylvia Townsend, “Geometry in the South Pacific”      2252—2260
Warp and weft, angles      859
Wars of Modern Civilization (Wright)      1254—1255
Wars, distribution in time      1255
Wars, general causes      1254
Wars, more frequent      1259—1260
Wars, occurrence      1258
Wasps, counting ability      434
Wassen, Henry, The Ancient Peruvian Abacus      463 fn.
Waste, prevention of      5 6 13
Watch, springs      805
Water philosophy, Thales’      82 85
Water wheel and odometer, longitude measurement      788
Water, characteristic shape      96
Water, organisms swimming in      1045
Water, surface tension      891
Watson, G. L      1012 fn.
Watson, W.H., Physics, on Understanding      1049 fn.
Watt, James      2066
Wave mechanics      146 154 164 974 977 1050 1064—1068 1074 1082 1085
Wave-equation      1088 fn. 1089—1090
Wealth, mathematics of, checks to population      1197—1199
Wealth, mathematics of, population and food      1192—1197
Wealth, theory of      1206—1208
Weather Prediction by Numerical Process (Richardson)      1238
Weather predictions      1382
Weaver, Warren, Mathematical Theory of Communication, The      2069 fn.
Weaver, Warren, “Mathematics of Communication”      518
Weber — Fechner law      1158
Weber, E.H.      1146 1148 1152—1153 1156
Weber, Wilhelm, electromagnetic research      327 338
Weber, Wilhelm, light, theory      1115
Weber’s law      1149 1153 1154 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1163 1164
Wedge, invention      8
Wedge, motions and rest      44
Weierstrass, Karl Theodor      291 fn. 1589
Weierstrass, Karl Theodor, analysis      65 76 165 287 291 299 323
Weierstrass, Karl Theodor, curve, tangent      1959 1962—1963
Weierstrass, Karl Theodor, infinitesimal calculus      60 152 1580—1581
Weierstrass, Karl Theodor, irrational numbers      97
Weierstrass, Karl Theodor, limit, conception of      59
Weierstrass, Karl Theodor, mathematics, formalizing      1971
Weighing machine, geometrical      162
Weight, measurable property      1801—1802 1804 1812
Weight, moving by force      179 181
Weight, speed, correlation      1010
Weismann, F., Einfuehrung in das mathematische Denken      1947 fn.
Weiss, Paul      1767 fn.
Welby, Francis A.      642 fn.
Weldon, correlation, principle      1170
Wells, G.P.      933 fn.
Wells, H.G.      933 fn.
Welsbach, Carl Auer von      848
Wenham, F.H.      1023 1023
Werner, Johannes      612 613 618 1005
Wertheimer, Max, Productive Thinking      467 fn.
West, Ranyard      1263
Western Philosophy, A History of (Russell)      235 fn.
Weyl, Hermann, commentary on      1830—1831
Weyl, Hermann, comparability, axiom of      1079 fn.
Weyl, Hermann, mathematical rigor      2058
Weyl, Hermann, parallel displacement      1071
Weyl, Hermann, publications      1831
Weyl, Hermann, reducibility, axiom of      1953 fn.
Weyl, Hermann, symmetry      671—724
Weyl, Hermann, “Mathematical Way of Thinking, The”      1832—1849
What is Life? (Schrodinger)      973 974
Whately, Richard, arithmetical powers      470
Wheat, value variations      1207—1208
Wheel      8 135
Whetstone of Witte (Record)      23 210
Whewell, William      280
Whewell, William, quoted      265 433
Whirlpool theory, planetary motion      132 144
Whiston, William      280 281 802 803
Whiston, William, quoted      270 273 278
White, A.D., Warfare of Science with Theology      2349 fn.
White, Gilbert      1002 fn.
White, Leslie, A., commentary on      2314
White, Leslie, A., Culture, The Science of      2314
White, Leslie, A., Mathematical Reality, The Locus of      2348—2364
White, Leslie, A., “Keresan Indian Color Terms”      2354 fn.
White, Leslie, A., “Primates, On the Use of Tools by”      2362 fn.
White, Leslie, A., “Symbol, The: Origin and Basis of Human Behavior”      2351 fn.
Whitehead, Alfred North, algebra of symbolic logic      396
Whitehead, Alfred North, Algebra, Universal      396 399
Whitehead, Alfred North, commentary on      395—401
Whitehead, Alfred North, extensive abstraction      399
Whitehead, Alfred North, mathematical physics      399
Whitehead, Alfred North, mathematics, definition of      1830
Whitehead, Alfred North, Mathematics, Introduction to      3 291 398 412
Whitehead, Alfred North, Mind and Nature, bifurcation      399
Whitehead, Alfred North, organism, philosophy of the      398 400
Whitehead, Alfred North, philosophical writings      398—399
Whitehead, Alfred North, Principia Mathematica      378 397 399 1668 1894
Whitehead, Alfred North, quoted      75 104 442 726 932 1074 1134 1341 1537 2015 2278 2315
Whitehead, Alfred North, reducibility, axiom of      1953
Whitehead, Alfred North, Russell, association with      377 396 397
Whitehead, Alfred North, “Mathematics as an Element in the History of Thought”      402—416
Whitman, Walt, quoted      1668
Whittaker, Edmund T., From Euclid to Eddington      1047
Whittaker, Edmund T., Laplace research      1316
Whittaker, Edmund T., quoted      1708
Whittaker, Edmund T., space-time      399 399
Wickham, Anna, quoted      672
Widman, Johann      460
Wiechert, electrons      855
Wieferich, A.      510
Wiener, Christian      1043 1043 1044
Wiener, Norbert, Cybernetics      1307
Wiener, Norbert, Cybernetics, Human Use of Human Beings, The      1308—1309
Wiener, Norbert, Cybernetics, mental disorders      1308
Wigner, E.      979
Wilder, Raymond L., Foundations of Mathematics, Introduction to      1615
Wilder, Raymond L., “Axiomatic Method”      1647—1667
Wilke, Johann Karl      1322
Willcox, Walter F.      1417 fn.
William of Occam      726
Willsford, Thomas      211 fn.
Wilson, B.M.      367 fn.
Wilson, E. Bright, Scientific Research, Introduction to      1458
Wilson, Edmund, The Triple Thinkers      1831 fn.
Wilson, J., criterion for primality      506
Wine casks, measuring      127 137
Wing-area, relation to weight      1021
Wing-beats, insects      1027
Winkler, eka-silicon      920
Winsor, Justin      789 fn.
Wireless signals, velocity      1127
Wireless telegraphy      9 219
Wisdom, John      1714
Wissler, Clark, Man and Culture      2351 fn.
Witte, Sergius      930
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, quoted      1201 1668 2369
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, tautology      1733 1735 1876
Wohler, Friedrich, urea, synthesized      690
Wohlgemut, Michael      600
Wolf, Charles J.E.      786 fn.
Wolfflin, Heinrich      684 685
Woodger, J.H., Axiomatic Method in Biology      1660 fn.
Woodhouse, Robert, Analytical Calculation, Principles of      291 fn.
Words, analogies      25
Words, learning      491
Wordsworth, William, quoted      255 1797
Working backwards, method of      1988—1992
World function      162
World War II, operations research      2158
World, beginning and end of      1091—1092
World, four-dimensional continuum      1837
World, remapping      795
World, The Mirror of the      210 fn.
World-curvature, radius      1076 1077 1096
Wotton, Henry      128
Wren, Christopher      143 264
Wright, Quincy, War, A Study of      1239
Wright, Quincy, Wars of Modern Civilization      1254—1258 1260—1262
Wright, S.      951 958
Wright, Wilbur and Orville      1023
Wundt, Wilhelm      1154 1155 1166
Wurm, J.F.      198 fn.
x-axis      33 132 308
x-rays, analysis      842 878
x-rays, crystals      840 851 852 857—870 975
X-rays, diffraction      857—858 860
X-rays, interference      840
x-rays, Laue’s experiment      857—870
x-rays, mutation production      989 990
X-rays, production      841 854
x-rays, spectra, photographing      842—845
x-rays, two types      843
x-rays, velocity      857
X-rays, wave nature      840
x-rays, wave theory      840 851 857 863 870
y-axis      33 34
Year, number of days in      82
Years, distribution in relation to war and peace      1256
Young, A.      77
Young, Edward, quoted      1512
Young, John Wesley, Algebra and Geometry, Fundamental Concepts      1616
Young, John Wesley, Projective Geometry      1616
Young, John Wesley, “Mathematical Science, A”      1696—1707
Young, Thomas      655 1033
Yourgrau, Wolfgang      882 fn.
Zamebone, Ugo      478
Zeitschrift fur Math. u. Physik      197 fn. 198
Zeller, Eduard, Philosophic der Griechen, quoted      1555
Zend — Avesta (Fechner)      1151 1152 1153 1156
Zeno, Achilles and the tortoise puzzle      94 1585—1586
Zeno, analysis      165
Zeno, equal ratios      99
Zeno, infinitesimals      41
Zeno, infinity, philosophy of      1580 1591
Zeno, motion, conception of      19 1582 1935
Zeno, paradoxes      1937 2410
Zenodorus      207 fn.
Zermelo, Ernst      505 512 1599 1603 1732
Zero, Arabic numeral      454
Zero, division by      293 fn.
Zero, number      96 2325 2326
Zero, Zeta-function      374
Zero-sum games      1310—1311
Zeta-function      374
Zeuxippus      420
Zinc, discovery      923
Zipf, G.K., Human Behavior and the Principle of Least Effort      1302
Zipf, G.K., law of least effort      1303
Zoology, left-right problem      686—688
Zsigmondi, Richard, microns      1039 fn.
Zuni Indians, finger counting      438 440
“Aesthetics, Mathematical Theory of” (Birkhoff)      671 fn. 703 2185—2195
“Alcohol, Union of, with Water” (Mendeleeff)      922
“Algebra the Second, reign of”      156
“Analytic Geometry, Invention of” (Boyer)      236 fn.
“Arithmetical Restorations” (Ball)      2439—2443
“Arithmeticke, The Declaration of the Profit of” (Recorde)      212—217
“As I was going to St. Ives”      178
“Atomic Numbers” (Moseley)      842—850
“Atom” (Maxwell)      1035
“Automata, Theory of” (von Neumann)      2070—2098
“Axiomatic Method, The” (Wilder)      1647—1667
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
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