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Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
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Название: The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
Автор: Newman J.R. (ed.)
Аннотация: Volume 4 of a monumental 4-volume set covers such topics as mathematical machines, mathematics in warfare, a mathematical theory of art, mathematics of the good, mathematics in literature, mathematics and music, and amusements, puzzles, and fancies. Individual contributions by A. M. Turing, Aldous Huxley, Sir James Jeans, Lewis Carroll, and other notables. Informative commentary by noted mathematics scholar James R. Newman precedes each essay. Numerous figures.
Рубрика: Математика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
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Год издания: 2000
Количество страниц: 448
Добавлена в каталог: 07.04.2008
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Equation, definition 28 410—411
Equation, degrees 29 34 2005
Equation, differential 147
Equation, Diophantine 509
Equation, geometrical and mechanical, letters used in 50
Equation, indeterminate 105
Equation, lines 245
Equation, of irreducible degree n 512
Equation, roots 119 145 309 364
Equation, setting up 1985—1987
Equiangular spiral 147
Equilateral triangle 2386 2389
Equilateral triangle, Euclidean construction 502
Equilibrium, symmetric 686
Equilibrium, unstable 1381 1382 1384 1390
Equinoxes, precession 268
Equivalence of sentences 1918—1919
Equivalence, principle of 1098
Erasmus, Desiderius 600
Eratosthenes, earth circumference 188 205—207 783 792 871
Ergodic hypothesis 2182
Errera, Leo 1035
Errors, compensation of 56 292
Errors, maintaining old 740
Errors, normal distribution 303
Errors, theory of 1157 1385 1389 1457—1468 1471—1473
Escapement, grasshopper 809
Esthetics see “Aesthetics”
Ether and Reality (Lodge), quoted 1114
Ether, concept 219
Ether, continuous medium 1115
Ether, light, speed of 1117
Ethica, Principia (Moore) 1357 1361—1362
Ethical formula 2199
Ethical measure, concept, specific problems 2200—2206
Ethical notions, systematic codification 2206 2207
Ethical problems, international 2204—2206
Ethical problems, social 2200—2204
Ethical problems, solution 2202 2206
Ethical theory, probability 1361
Ethics (Spinoza) 1295
Ethics, economics, relation to 1221
Ethics, mathematical treatment 2184
Ethics, science of aims 1782
Eucharist, symmetry 675 677
Euclid (Proclus) 189 190
Euclid and His Modern Rivals (Dodgson) 2400
Euclid to Eddington, From (Whittaker) 1047
Euclid, angles of triangle 159 188 190
Euclid, axioms 1587—1589 2054
Euclid, classical axiomatics 1725
Euclid, constructive intuition, method 649
Euclid, continuity, postulate of 559
Euclid, elementary flatness 561
Euclid, Elements of Geometry 11 41 69 100 101—102 108 141 190 193 552—553 1648
Euclid, exhaustion, method of 188
Euclid, Fallacies, Book of 102
Euclid, fifth postulate 2055
Euclid, geometry 876
Euclid, homaloid space 656 657 660
Euclid, infinite descent 505
Euclid, parallel postulate 102 158 168 546 565 2345
Euclid, perfect numbers 506
Euclid, perspective, geometry of 605 625 627
Euclid, postulates, inadequacy 1636—1637
Euclid, prime numbers 157 501 1678—1679 2437 2437
Euclid, profit from learning 101 193 212
Euclid, Pythagoras’s theorem 188 190—192
Euclid, solids, five regular 222
Euclid, space structure 680
Euclid, space, geometric relations 546
Euclid, spherical trigonometry 109
Euclid, superposition 561
Euclid, theorems 2030 2033 2354
Euclid, triangle 2323
Euclidean algorithm 513
Euclidean construction 502
Euclidean spaces 1606—1607
Euclid’s Elements, The Thirteen Books of (Heath) 191 fn. 1647
Eudemus 16 107 190 193
Eudemus, quoted 85
Eudoxus, biography 96
Eudoxus, divided line, geometry of 98
Eudoxus, equal ratios 99 117 527
Eudoxus, Euclid’s Elements 101
Eudoxus, exhaustion, method of 92
Eudoxus, infinitesimals 41 152
Eudoxus, irrationals 96 165
Eudoxus, mechanics, art of 180—181
Eudoxus, planetary theory 96
Eudoxus, postulate 1974 2034
Eudoxus, pure number 163
Eudoxus, ratios, definition 525
Eudoxus, sun, diameter 421
Eugenics, Galton and After (Blacker) 1169
Euler — Lagrange equation 889
Euler, Leonhard, analytical geometry 133
Euler, Leonhard, belief in Gotf 2377—2378
Euler, Leonhard, biography 148—149
Euler, Leonhard, Cartesian and Newtonian systems, comparison 148
Euler, Leonhard, column, height 1906
Euler, Leonhard, differential calculus 152
Euler, Leonhard, diophantfne analysis 510
Euler, Leonhard, energy 571
Euler, Leonhard, infinitesimal calculus 59
Euler, Leonhard, isoperimetrical problem 153
Euler, Leonhard, mathematical analysis 299
Euler, Leonhard, numerical calculations, immense 821
Euler, Leonhard, partitions, theory of 515
Euler, Leonhard, perfect numbers 506
Euler, Leonhard, planetary motion 149
Euler, Leonhard, polyhedron, formula 571 581—585 587 591
Euler, Leonhard, population increase 1194
Euler, Leonhard, prime numbers 501
Euler, Leonhard, quadratic reciprocity 301 302
Euler, Leonhard, surface, characteristic 594—595 597
Euler, Leonhard, topology 571
Euler, Leonhard, variations, calculus of 883 902
Euler, Leonhard, Weber’s Law 1156
Euler, Leonhard, writings 157
Euler, Leonhard, “Seven Bridges of Konigsberg, The” 571—580
Europe, counters 459
Europe, decimal notation 114 117
Europe, mathematics, influence upon general thought 413
Europe, mathematics, introduction 13 18
Europe, modern numerals 452—453
Evans, G.C. 888
Eve, A.S. 2465
Even perfect number 506
Everett, Edward, mathematical truths 2349
Everything Has a History (Haldane) 951 fn.
Evolute, curve 108
Evolution, Darwinian theory 413
Evolution, history of theory of 2359—2360
Evolution, hybridization 962—963
Evolution, mutations 962 963 964
Evolutionary change, rate of 951
Ewart, A.J. 1007 fn.
Exact results, compensation of errors 56
Exact sciences, application of calculus of probabilities to 1393
Exact, practical and theoretical meaning 550
Exactness and universality, connection between 551
Excentric, planetary orbit 226
Exchange, rate of 1209
Exchange, theory of 1231—1235
Exchange, value in 1207
Exchangeable values, theory of 1209
Excluded middle, law of 168 1664 1748—1749 1866 1927
Exhaustion, method of 41 53 92 97 101 188 193—195 2329
Existential quantifiers 1906
Existential sentences 1905—1906
Exner, Sigmund 1043 fn.
Expectations, calculations of 1338
Experiment, sensitiveness of 1518—1521
Experimental evidence, importance 120
Experimental procedure 1457
Experimental psychology 1148—1149
Experimental Science, Robert Grosseteste and the Origins of (A.C. Crombie) 726 fn.
Explicative reasoning 1347 1348
Exponents, symbol 23
Extension, boundless 2345
Extensive abstraction 399
External World, Our Knowledge of the (Russell) 2411
Extracts (Stobaeus) 193
Extraordinary, defined 1332
Eyck, Jan van 605
Eyes, size related to sight 955—956 1027
Factorization of large numbers 503
Facts from Figures (Moroney) 1456
Fahie, J.J., Galileo, His Life and Work 782 fn.
Faistauer, A., “Links und rechts im Bilde” 685 fn.
Fallacies, arithmetic 1946—1948
Fallacies, Book of (Euclid) 102
Fallacies, geometric 1948—1949
Fallibilism 1770
Fallibilism and Belief (Chisholm) 1769
Falling bodies; acceleration 727 729 734—754
Falling bodies; acceleration, air resistance 761 762
Falling bodies; acceleration, inclined and vertical planes, theorem 748—749
Falling bodies; acceleration, law of 548 549
Falling bodies; acceleration, momentum, measuring 767—769 770
Falling bodies; acceleration, planes, variously inclined, theorem 749—750
Falling bodies; acceleration, quadratic law 1833
Falling bodies; acceleration, ratio of spaces and time-intervals 743—747 759
Falling bodies; acceleration, velocity 45—51 739 752
Family expenditure (table) 1501 1502 1503
Fancourt, Samuel 2379
Fanti, Gismondo 617
Faraday Medal 930
Faraday, Michael, electromagnetic phenomena 1053
Faraday, Michael, light waves 1115
Faraday’s law 1827
Farbenlehre (Goethe) 2016
Faust (Goethe), quoted 271—272 2329
Fechner, Gustav Theodor, Aesthetik, Vorschule der 1155
Fechner, Gustav Theodor, commentary on 1146—1147
Fechner, Gustav Theodor, experimental esthetics 1154 1155
Fechner, Gustav Theodor, habit neurosis 1151
Fechner, Gustav Theodor, Holbein Madonnas 1154—1155
Fechner, Gustav Theodor, ideas, development of 1148—1156
Fechner, Gustav Theodor, limen of consciousness 1164
Fechner, Gustav Theodor, measurement 1146 1153 1164
Fechner, Gustav Theodor, psychophysics 1148 1152 1153 1155 1156—1166 1345
Fechner, Gustav Theodor, Psychophysik, Elemente der 1149 1153 1154 1156 1163
Fechner, Gustav Theodor, publications 1150—1152 1153 1155
Fechner, Gustav Theodor, sensation, measuring 1158—1163
Fechner, Gustav Theodor, spiritual problem, philosophical solution 1151
Fechner, Gustav Theodor, Zend-Avesta 1151 1152 1153 1156
Fechner, Gustav Theodor, “Gustav Theodor Fechner” (Boring) 1148—1166
Fechner’s law 1153 1160 1161
Federov, space groups 878
Feedback, machine control 2066
Feedback, principle 1307
Feeling and motives, measurement 1219—1220
Feliciano, Felice 616
Fermat, Pierre de, calculus 132 500
Fermat, Pierre de, discoveries 130 236
Fermat, Pierre de, equation 2336
Fermat, Pierre de, induction 68
Fermat, Pierre de, infinite descent, method of 311 505
Fermat, Pierre de, last theorem 136 312 326 333 504 509—515 2437—2438
Fermat, Pierre de, light refraction 882 882
Fermat, Pierre de, little or lesser theorem 506 516
Fermat, Pierre de, mathematical probability 135
Fermat, Pierre de, optics 883
Fermat, Pierre de, quoted 116
Fermat, Pierre de, tangents to curves 53
Fermat, Pierre de, theorem 2032
Fermat, Pierre de, theory of numbers 68 136 155 236 303 500—515 2437
Ferrari, quartic equation 119
Ferro, Scipio 78 118 119
Fertilization, artificial 937
Fibonacci sequence 718—719
Fibonacci, Leonardo see “Leonardo of Pisa”
Fiction and reality, distinction 1336
Field equation 1320—1321
Field, circular, measuring 14
Fifteen puzzle 2429—2432
Fifty, Roman numeral 448
Figure, meanings 2339
Figures, Data and Division of (Euclid) 102
Figures, isoperimetric 188 207—209
Figures, measurement 12
Figures, relations between different parts 14
Figures, space-filling 86
Filar micrometer 791
Final degree of utility 1226—1227
Findley, Alexander, Chemistry, A Hundred Years of 911 fn.
Fine-structure constant 1085—1086
Finger counting 435 436—441 455
Finger numerals 455—456
Finite and infinite classes 538
Finite differences, calculus of 267
Fink, Karl 71
Fire arms, speed of projectiles 764
Fire, characteristic shape 96
Fish, length and weight, correlation 1002
Fisher, Irving 1201 fn. 1202
Fisher, Irving, quoted 1217
Fisher, Ronald A., Design of Experiments, The 1458
Fisher, Ronald A., evolution of dominance 967—969
Fisher, Ronald A., human stature, inheritance 966
Fisher, Ronald A., Malthusian parameters 965
Fisher, Ronald A., Statistical Methods for Research Workers 1458
Fisher, Ronald A., “Mathematics of a Lady Tasting Tea” 1512—1521
Fitzgerald Contraction 1119—1120
Five hundred, Roman numeral 450
Five, Arabic numeral 454
Five, Roman numeral 448
Five, symmetry of 720
Fixed cell, size 1033
Flagellum, properties 1041
Flammarion, Camille 1384 1389
Flamsteed, John, Greenwich star catalogue 801
Flamsteed, John, Uranus, observations 822 823 826
Flamsteed, John, “astronomical observator” 801
Flat space 656—651 659—660 1079
Flatland (Abbott), commentary on 2383—2384
Flatland (Abbott), prophetic nature 2384 fn.
Flatland, climate and houses 2386—2388
Flatland, inhabitants 2388—2391
Flatland, nature of 2385—2386
Flatland, three dimension theory 2391—2396
Flaubert, Gustave, puzzle 2417
Flea, jumping powers 956 1012 1013 1014
Flies, dance 1045 1045
Flight and Probability, Theory of (Von Mises) 1618
Flight speed, birds 1017—1019 1020 1021—1022
Flight speed, insects 1020 fn. 1022
Flight, The Dynamics of Mechanical (GreenhiU) 1019 fn.
Floating Bodies (Archimedes) 199
Flourens, Pierre Jean Marie 1149
Flowers, cyclic symmetry 707
Flowing quantities 289
Fluid, gravitating mass in rotation 1377
Fluid, irrotational rotation 1097
Fluid, motion 267 323 716
Fluid, solid immersed in 185—186 188 199—200 2406—2409
Fluxions, A Treatise of (Maclaurin) 287 fn.
Fluxions, method of 48 52 58 61 142 152 258 286 288—293 2056