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Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4

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Название: The World of Mathematics, Volume 4

Автор: Newman J.R. (ed.)


Volume 4 of a monumental 4-volume set covers such topics as mathematical machines, mathematics in warfare, a mathematical theory of art, mathematics of the good, mathematics in literature, mathematics and music, and amusements, puzzles, and fancies. Individual contributions by A. M. Turing, Aldous Huxley, Sir James Jeans, Lewis Carroll, and other notables. Informative commentary by noted mathematics scholar James R. Newman precedes each essay. Numerous figures.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 448

Добавлена в каталог: 07.04.2008

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Предметный указатель
Latin, inflected language      406
Latitude, ancient knowledge of      778
Latitudes and longitudes, Oresme’s system      236
Laue, Max, von, x-rays and crystals      840 851 852 857—870 878
Laurent, Calcul des probabilites      1370
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, heat, experiments      1322
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, prophecies      919
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, quoted      920
Law, arithmetic needful for      214
Lawn Tennis, Easy Mathematics and (Bromwich)      2450—2454
Laws of nature      39
Lazarsfeld, Paul, latent structure analysis      1306
Le Roy, Pierre      807 fn.
Leacock, Stephen Butler, commentary on      2455
Leacock, Stephen Butler, “Common Sense and the Universe”      2455 2460—2469
Leacock, Stephen Butler, “Mathematics for Golfers”      2456—2459
League of Nations      1240
Learning machines      2117—2123
Least action, principle      110 132 149 153 166 883 1303
Least Action, The Principle of (Jourdain)      883 fn.
Least common measure      101
Least effort, law of      1302—1303
Least resistance, solid of revolution of      267
Least squares, method of      303 331 334
Lecoq de Boisbaudran, Paul Emile (Francois), eka-aluminum      920
Lectiones Geometrical (Barrow)      139
Lectiones Opticae (Barrow)      256
Lectiones Opticae (Newton)      259
Lee, Samuel      2370
Leeuwenhoek, Anton van, blood-corpuscle      1033 fn.
Lefschetz, S.      339
Left and right, equivalence      685
Left and right, mathematical philosophy      679
Left, meanings      684
Leg, pendulum swing      1015—1016
Legendre, Adrien-Marie, Geometrie, Elements de      158
Legendre, Adrien-Marie, infinitesimal calculus      59
Legendre, Adrien-Marie, least squares, method of      303 331
Legendre, Adrien-Marie, Quadratic reciprocity      301 302
Legendre, Adrien-Marie, quoted      312
Legendre, Adrien-Marie, series      371
Leggett, H.W.      378 fn.
Legouve, Ernest      2434
Lehman, Harvey C, Age and Achievement      467 fn.
Lehmer, D.H.      503 504
Lehmer, D.N.      503—504
Leibniz — Clarke controversy      683 687
Leibniz, Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of (Russell)      378 388
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, Academie Royale des Sciences      786
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, binary scale      516 517
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, blind chance      1325
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, Breslaw mortality tables      1419
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, calculating machine      516 2066
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, continuity, principle of      1833
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, differential calculus      152 275 286
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, dyadic notation      2422
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, fluxions      143
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, geometry of position      573
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, infinite sets      1600
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, infinitely small dimensions      1042
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, infinitesimal calculus      48 57—59 61 292 1581 2330
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, left and right indiscernible      680
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, limen, concept of      1156
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, logarithm      137 138
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, longitude problem      804
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, mathematical analysis      299
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, mathematical expectation      1363 fn.
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, monads, theory of      1043 fn.
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, motion      20
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, notation      32 54 57—58 59
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, past and future      686
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, Philosophische Schriften      683 fn.
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, plane      564
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, probabilism      1361
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, quoted      1832
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, relative concepts      683—684 687
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, space structure      682 695
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, straight line      564 567
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, symbolic logic      1579 1861—1863 1866
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, tangent problem      1960
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, universal language      1307
Lemaitre, Abbe Georges Edouard      1075
Lemonnier, Pierre Charles, Uranus, observations      822 823
Length and weight correlation      1002
Length, measurements      17 35
Length, minimum problem      889
Length, relative      1076
Length, semi-continuity      889
Length, wave-equation      1084
Lens, shape improvement      132
Lens, telescope, imperfection      142
Leonardo of Pisa (Fibonacci)      23 78 98 117
Lesage, George Louis, similitude, principle of      1005
Lessing, G.E., cattle problem      197 fn.
Letter Written to a Provincial, A (Pascal)      135
Letters, Gothic, construction      617
Letters, meaning of geometrical and mechanical equations      50—51
Letters, Roman, geometrical construction      616
Letters, symbols      24—25
Lever, invention      8 68
Lever, motions and rest      44
Lever, principle      188 195—197
Leverrier, Urban Jean; celestial mechanics      831
Leverrier, Urban Jean; celestial mechanics, Neptune, discovery      820 821 834—835 838 852 1102
Leverrier, Urban Jean; celestial mechanics, Uranus, disturbing planet      831 833—834
Leverrier’s Planet      838
Levi, G.      1032 fn. 1034
Levi-Civita, Tullio      328 352
Lewin, Kurt, Social Science, Field Theory in      1307
Lewin, Kurt, topological psychology      1306
Lewis, Clarence Irving, implication, theory of      1917
Lewis, Clarence Irving, mathematical symbols      1709
Lewis, Clarence Irving, Survey of Symbolic Logic, A      1852 fn. 1854
Lewis, Clarence Irving, “History of Symbolic Logic”      1859—1877
Lewis, F.T.      1031 fn.
Lie, Marius Sophus, group theory      167 1534
Lie, Marius Sophus, invariants      352
Lietzmann, F., Lustiges und Merkwurdiges von Zahlen und Foremen      1947 fn.
Life expectation, genes      959
Life, beginnings of      690—691
Life, characteristic feature      992
Life, orderly behavior of matter      991
Life, The Science of (Wells and Huxley)      933 fn.
Life-insurance companies, life expectancy      1416
Light, corpuscular theory      146
Light, ether, speed through      1117
Light, gravitation influence      1098
Light, photons      1066
Light, rays      161
Light, refraction      882 882
Light, The Theory of (Preston)      882 fn.
Light, The Universe of (Bragg)      852
Light, transverse waves      263
Light, velocity      1053 1114 1121—1122 1127 1142—1143
Light, wave theory      146 154 164 262 263 267 412 1065—1066 1115
Light, weighing      1101
Light, white      141—142 146 256 260—263
LilienthaL, Otto      1017 1018 1023
Limen, differential      1159 1164
Limen, law of      1154 1156 1158
Limit, conception      37 48 59 60 62 95 291 2343
Limit, defined      1587
Limit, method      1165
Limits and Fluxions in Great Britain, History of the Conception of (Cajori)      286 fn.
Limits and numbers, modern views      62—67
Lindemann, Ferdinand      166 168 510 514
Lindsay, Sir John      815
Line      see also “Straight lines”
Line circle, tangents to      636—637
Line integral, curve      324
Line, at infinity      629 1702—1706
Line, boundaries of a part of      555—556
Line, composed of points      42
Line, concurrence      638
Line, geodesic      563—564
Line, Greek geometricians      11
Line, group of translations      703 705
Line, measuring one against another      87—88
Line, point aggregate      556
Line, point-event      352
Line, straightness and direction      159
Line, unequal segments      758
Linear Associative Algebra (Peirce)      1768 fn.
Linear dimensions, organisms and other objects (table)      1037
Linear measure, degree of arc      791
Linear problems      91
Linear Transformations, On the Theory of (Cayley)      351
Linear value, degree of longitude      788
Linguistic stimuli      2352
Linnaeus, Carolus      1012
Linus, Franciscus      260 270
Liouville, Joseph, transcendentals      514
Lip, Habsburg      976
Lippershey, Jan      732 fn.
Lipps, Theodor      2188
Lipschitz, Professor      659
Lipstorpius, Daniel      237
Listing, J.B., Topologie, Vorstudien zur      571
Littiewood, J.E.      158 375 508 821 2024 2037
Littiewood, J.E., quoted      167
Living Brain, The (Walter)      2068 fn.
Living cell, physical aspects      973
Living organisms, asymmetric chemical constitution      689
Living organisms, comparisons between computing machines and      2077—2083
Living, rate of      1025
Livy      181 fn.
Loaves and men problem, Rhind papyrus      172—174
Lobachevski, Nikolai I., Euclidean postulates      565
Lobachevski, Nikolai I., geometry, foundations criticized      550
Lobachevski, Nikolai I., hyperbolic geometry      1639
Lobachevski, Nikolai I., non-Euclidean geometry      639
Lobachevski, Nikolai I., parallel axiom      654 2020
Lobachevski, Nikolai I., revolution in scientific ideas      553
Lobachevski, Nikolai I., space geometry      546 547 554
Local connectivity      1967
Loci, curve      17 19 37 82
Loci, on surfaces      91
Loci, order of the locus      113
Locke, John, Human Understanding, Essay Concerning      1335 1361 1365
Locke, John, quoted      1859 1956
Lockyer, Joseph Norman, helium      919
Locomotion, physiology of      1012
Locomotion, speed variation      1024—1025
Locus ad tres et quattuor lineas      108 112 130
Lodge, Sir Oliver, commentary on      218—219
Lodge, Sir Oliver, Ether and Reality, quoted      1114
Lodge, Sir Oliver, psychic research      1239
Lodge, Sir Oliver, Science, Pioneers of      732 fn.
Lodge, Sir Oliver, “Johann Kepler”      220—234
Loeb, Jacques      1032
Log, nautical, invention      789
Logarithmic series      138
Logarithmic spiral      717
Logarithmic tables, publication of      123
Logarithms, algebraic notation      23
Logarithms, chance      1344 1345
Logarithms, co-ordinates      137
Logarithms, definition      124
Logarithms, equiangular spiral      147
Logarithms, harmonical progression      137
Logarithms, practical benefit      121 123
Logarithms, Table of (Schulze)      158
Logic and Mathematics, Foundations of (Carnap)      1628 fn.
Logic and Scientific Method, Introduction to (Nagel and Cohen)      1396—1397 1852
Logic and Scientific Method, Introduction to (Nagel and Cohen), quoted      1853 1853
Logic of Modem Physics, The (Bridgman)      2349 fn.
Logic, abstract      407
Logic, Aristotelian      409
Logic, automata and formal      2085—2087
Logic, calculus of      1857
Logic, constants      1909—1910
Logic, formal      1577 1590
Logic, Formal (De Morgan)      1342
Logic, Historic Development of (Enriques)      1784 2367
Logic, implication, theory of      1917
Logic, Introduction to (Tarski)      1622 fn. 1855
Logic, laws of      68—69
Logic, mathematical analysis      19 27 70 1856—1858 1894
Logic, mathematical character      1781—1783
Logic, mathematics, branch of      1631
Logic, neural networks, relationship      2089
Logic, probabilities, theory of      1334
Logic, proposition      70 1577
Logic, satisfaction of intellectual needs      10
Logic, science of      6
Logic, social principle      1339—1340
Logic, symbolic      see “Symbolic logic”
Logic, theoretical      1744
Logic, use of word      67
Logical algebra      163 397
Logical alphabet      1868
Logical multiplication      25
Logical paradoxes      1949—1953
Logical relations, analogous types      403
Logical science      1219
Logistica      498
Lomazzo, Giovanni Paolo      606
London, England, Bills of Mortality      1416 1421—1435 1437 1438—1439
London, F.      977
London, Royal Society of, founded      143
Long division      461
Longitude, Board of      804 804 809 810 811 812 814 816 817 818 819
Longitude, calculating      778—779 788
Longitude, celestial bodies      782 783 789
Longitude, clocks, relationship between      778
Longitude, European offers for solution      781—782 803
Longitude, lunar tables      801 814 815
Longitude, observations at sea      782 800 802
Longitude, standard meridian      788
Longitude, theoretical method of finding      783
longitudinal reflection      700 702
Lonsdale, Kathleen, Crystals and X-rays      851 fn.
Lorenz, Alfred, music, mathematical treatment      703
Lorenz, Konrad      488
Lotka, Alfred J.      2013
Lotka, Alfred J., Physical Biology, Elements of      1045 fn.
Lotsy, evolution, hybridization      963
Lotze, Rudolf Hermann      1146 1148 1149 1150 1156
Loudness, scale of      2305
Louis XIV (king of France), Academie Royale des Sciences      785—786
Louis XIV (king of France), Cassini      791
Louis XIV (king of France), longitude, determining      788
Louis XIV (king of France), planisphere      794
Lowe, Victor      395 fn.
Lowie, R.H., Culture and Ethnology      2351 fn.
Loyd, Sam, 15 Puzzle      2429—2432
Lubbock, Sir John      434
Lubbock, Sir John, quoted      433
Lucas, E.      260 504
Lucas, E., Mathematiques, Recreations      2417 fn.
Lucretius, cosmic cycle      1556
Lucretius, dustmotes      1045
Ludwig, Wilhelm, asymmetry, decisive factors      694
Ludwig, Wilhelm, left-right problem, in zoology      686 686
Lukasiewicz, J.      1876. 1910 fn.
Lull, Raymond, Ars Magna      1861
Lunar tables      801 814 815
Lustiges und Merkwurdiges von Zahlen und Formen (Lietzmann)      1947 fn.
Lyons, C.G.      1040
Lysenko, T.D., genetics      934 fn. 1301
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