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Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4

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Íàçâàíèå: The World of Mathematics, Volume 4

Àâòîð: Newman J.R. (ed.)


Volume 4 of a monumental 4-volume set covers such topics as mathematical machines, mathematics in warfare, a mathematical theory of art, mathematics of the good, mathematics in literature, mathematics and music, and amusements, puzzles, and fancies. Individual contributions by A. M. Turing, Aldous Huxley, Sir James Jeans, Lewis Carroll, and other notables. Informative commentary by noted mathematics scholar James R. Newman precedes each essay. Numerous figures.

ßçûê: en

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 07.04.2008

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Multiplication, Egyptians      172
Multiplication, fractions      17 25
Multiplication, generalization of number      30—31
Multiplication, grating method      461
Multiplication, Greek guiding process      117
Multiplication, logarithms      123
Multiplication, logical      25
Multiplication, matrices      361—362
Multiplication, measurement      1804—1806
Multiplication, negative number      29—30
Multiplication, repetitions      24
Multiplication, Roman methods      451
Multiplication, symbols      27
Multiplication, tables      460
Multiplication, velocities and times      50
Munro, H.A.J.      1556
Murders, world total      1261
Murray, H.J.R., games, publications on      2414
Muscular Movement in Man (Hill)      1014 fn.
Muscular powers, limit to      1174
Music, celestial, grasping      2019
Music, mathematics of, harmonic curves      2283
Music, mathematics of, hearing      2301—2309
Music, mathematics of, period, frequency and pitch      2281—2282
Music, mathematics of, sound curves, tuning fork      2288
Music, mathematics of, strings and harmonics, vibrations      2294—2301
Music, mathematics of, tuning-forks and pure tones      2278—2281
Music, mathematics of, vibrations      2283—2288
Music, mathematics, analogy between      2212
Music, numerical ratios      99—100
Music, periodicities of notes      416
Music, rhythm      702—703
Musical instraments, history of      2321
Musical intervals, planetary relations      127
Musical scale, harmonic progressions      85 189
Mutants, lower stability      988
Mutation, atomic pattern      973
Mutation, natural      988
Mutation, overcoming selection      964 972
Mutation, quantum jumps      977
Mutation, reversible      990
Mutation, spontaneous      987
Mutation, x-ray induced      989 990
Myriad      425
Mysterious Universe, The (Jeans)      2274 2275 2276
Mysterium (Kepler)      125
Mysticism and Logic (Russell)      379 1552
Mysticism, creators in mathematics      2013
n dimensions, geometry of      342 344 359 640
n partitions of a number (theorem)      167
n roots of algebraic equation      511
n-square law, warfare      2138 2145 2148—2157
Nagel, Ernest, commentary on      1395—1397
Nagel, Ernest, Logic and Scientific Method, An Introduction to      1852 fn.
Nagel, Ernest, Probability, Principles of the Theory of      1449 fn.
Nagel, Ernest, “Goedel’s Proof”      1668—1695
Nagel, Ernest, “Probability, The Meaning of”      1398—1414
Nagel, Ernest, “Symbolic Notation”      1878—1900
Named numbers      491 494
Napier, James R.      1009 fn.
Napier, John, arithmetic triangle      135
Napier, John, biography      121
Napier, John, inventions      122
Napier, John, logarithms      23 123—125 137 140 142 148
Napier, John, mathematical notation      728
Napier, John, quoted      123
Napier, John, spherical trigonometry      125
Napier, John, symbolic algebra      115
Napier’s Bones      122
Napoleon I, Laplace’s atheism      1321 2376—2377
National defense      1243
Natura Acidorum, De (Newton)      272
Natural and Political Observations Made Upon the Bills of Mortality (Graunt)      1416
Natural bodies, mechanical properties      665
Natural equality      1173
Natural intellectual gifts, production      1181
Natural Knowledge, An Enquiry concerning the Principles of (Whitehead)      398
Natural numbers      500
Natural Philosophy, Treatise on (Thomson and Tait)      1218
Natural science, ancient      15
Natural science, application of mathematics      43—52 69—70
Natural science, mathematics inspiration      2054
Natural science, prevention of waste      5—6
Natural science, satisfaction of inteUectual needs      10
Natural selection, analysis      951
Natural selection, characters, socially valuable, individually disadvantageous      969—971
Natural selection, mathematics of      958—972
Natural selection, measurement of intensity      965—966
Natural selection, metrical character      966—969
Nature, economical tendencies      154 888
Nature, inexhaustibleness      1351
Nature, laws of, mathematically expressed      411
Nature, left-right symmetry      686
Nature, misleading      1107—1108
Nature, observation by scientists      411
Nature, quantitative analysis      1844
Nature, The Concept of      398
Nature, uniformity      549
Nautical Almanac      5—6 43 44 233 778 814
Naval warfare, fire concentration tactics      2154
Naval warfare, fleet evaluation      2152
Naval warfare, n-square law      2151—2152
Nebulae, speed of recession      1074—1075 1089
Necessary speed, principle of      1020—1021
Needham, Joseph, Order and Life      691
Nees von Essenbeck, Christian      314
Negative entropy      992—993 995
Negative indices      131
negative numbers      6 27—28 30 33 34 65 96 115 119 147—148 162
Negotiation, effect of threats      1241
Nelson, Horatio, Lord, tactical scheme      2155—2157
Neptune, discovery      820 834—839 853 1102
Neugebauer, O.      89 169 449
Neumann, Caspar      1419 1446
Neumann, John von, biographical      2052
Neumann, John von, chess strategies      1264
Neumann, John von, games, perfect information      1291
Neumann, John von, Games, Theory of      1265 1267 1268 1270 1277 1282 1283 1285 1293 1309 1312 2415
Neumann, John von, imputations      1281
Neumann, John von, main theorem      1288 1290—1291
Neumann, John von, matching pennies      1264
Neumann, John von, mathematical economics      1201
Neumann, John von, “Mathematician, The”      2053—2063
Neumann, John von, “Theory of Automata”      2070—2098
Neural networks, formal      2089—2092
Neurath, Otto      1592
Neurobiophysical theory      1299
Neuron, function      2077—2080
Neutron, discovery      1089—1090
New Sperm Whale, A (Wall)      1008 fn.
Newlands, John, law of octaves      910 910 915—916 916 924 926
Newman, James R., Mathematics and the Imagination      2350 fn.
Newman, James R., “Goedel’s Proof”      1668—1695
Newman, James R., “New Names for Old”      1996—2010
Newman, James R., “Paradox Lost and Paradox Regained”      1936—1955
Newman, James R., “Pastimes of Past and Present Times”      2416—2438
Newman, James R., “Rhind Papyrus, The”      169—178
Newman, James R., “Srinivasa Ramanujan”      368—376
Newton, Humphrey      259 280 282
Newton, Humphrey, quoted      212
Newton, Isaac, absolute space      2354
Newton, Isaac, achievement, period of      256—257
Newton, Isaac, air resistance      886 887
Newton, Isaac, analytical geometry      133 155 360
Newton, Isaac, apple story      145 257 328
Newton, Isaac, Arithmetica Universalis      145 1985
Newton, Isaac, binomial theorem      139 140 256 258 519—524
Newton, Isaac, brachistochrone problem      267 274
Newton, Isaac, calculus      256 258 267 279
Newton, Isaac, chemical operations      272—273
Newton, Isaac, chromatic aberration      260
Newton, Isaac, Chronology of the Ancient Kingdoms Amended      273 274
Newton, Isaac, classical axiomatics      1725
Newton, Isaac, commentary on      254
Newton, Isaac, curves, moving points      58
Newton, Isaac, earth measurements      267—268
Newton, Isaac, earth, theoretical investigation      800
Newton, Isaac, equations, imaginary roots      273 364
Newton, Isaac, experiments      268 279
Newton, Isaac, finite differences, calculus      267
Newton, Isaac, fits, theory of      262
Newton, Isaac, fluxions, method of      48 58 61 142—143 145 258 2056
Newton, Isaac, gravitation, theory of      45 62 142 144 256—258 266—268 798 799 880 1094—1098 1100 1101 1103 1317 1822—1825
Newton, Isaac, honors      145—146 254 268 269—270
Newton, Isaac, Hooke misunderstandings      261 271 278
Newton, Isaac, hypotheses      260 266
Newton, Isaac, inertia, law of      729
Newton, Isaac, infinite series      521—524
Newton, Isaac, inverse square law      145 258 264 265 266
Newton, Isaac, least resistance, problem of      267
Newton, Isaac, Leibniz controversy      58—59 143 152 165 278
Newton, Isaac, letter to Royal Society      259
Newton, Isaac, light waves      262 263 267 1065
Newton, Isaac, limits      165 291
Newton, Isaac, logarithm      137
Newton, Isaac, longitude at sea      803 804
Newton, Isaac, lunar theory      801
Newton, Isaac, mathematical analysis      299
Newton, Isaac, mathematical astronomy      313 315
Newton, Isaac, mathematical discoveries      258 295
Newton, Isaac, mechanics      1725—1727
Newton, Isaac, metallic mirrors      260 263
Newton, Isaac, motion, theory of      45 728 1469
Newton, Isaac, Motu Corporum, De      264—265
Newton, Isaac, Natura Acidorum, De      272
Newton, Isaac, Opticks      259 260 261 263 264 269 272
Newton, Isaac, Opticks, quoted      266 273 286
Newton, Isaac, optics, lectures      258—259 271
Newton, Isaac, planetary motions      52 132 140 144—145 257 264 267—268
Newton, Isaac, Portsmouth Papers      274 284
Newton, Isaac, Principia      62 144 145 257—259 264 268 269 272—275 279 280 282 284 286 1418 1648 1725 2055
Newton, Isaac, Principia, quoted      265—266 267
Newton, Isaac, projective geometry      102
Newton, Isaac, Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John, Observations upon      274
Newton, Isaac, quoted      141 326 1094
Newton, Isaac, relative concepts      683
Newton, Isaac, Second Law of Motion      760 fn.
Newton, Isaac, sound, theory of      154 412
Newton, Isaac, space structure      696
Newton, Isaac, space-time      1844
Newton, Isaac, spectrum      260
Newton, Isaac, speculative theory, attitude to      262
Newton, Isaac, sphere, gravitational pull      268 279
Newton, Isaac, telescope, reflecting      142 259 260 264
Newton, Isaac, universe, system of the      153
Newton, Isaac, unpublished papers      280—282 284
Newton, Isaac, variations, calculus of      267
Newton, Isaac, velocity, concept      1959
Newton, Isaac, waterclock      255—256
Newton, Isaac, white light discoveries      141—142 146 256 260—263
Newton, Isaac, wind force, ascertaining      140
Newtonian assumption      1822—1826
Newtonian mechanics      1412 1413
Newtonian viscosity      267
Newton’s rings      1028 1029
Next Million Years, The (Darwin)      1190 fn.
Nicholson, Marjorie      2212 fn. 2213
Nicod, J.      1875
Nicole, Pierre      1453 fn.
Nilson, Lars Fredrik, eka-boron      921
Nim, game      2426 2427
Nine, Roman numerals      449
Nineteen, Roman numerals      449
Niven, I.M., Waring problem      515
Noether, Emmy      333
Noise level, computing machines      2076—2077
Nombres, Theorie des (Lucas)      504
Non-Euclidean geometry      102 158 165 306 332 342 396 546 1639 1728—1730 2019 2055 2327 2341
Normal to a surface      335
Normals      108
Northrop, F.S.C.      399 fn.
Norton, overlapping generations      966
Notation, algebraic      12 22—24 26—27 32 92 120 130
Notation, Arabic      117
Notation, decimal      23 114 116 117 1839
Notation, development      13 14
Notation, fluxions      58
Notation, integral calculus      54
Notation, Leibniz’s      57—58
Notation, numerical      99
Notation, symbolic      see “Symbolic notation”
Notation, Viete’s improvements      236
Notizen-journal (Gauss)      304
Nouvelles Experiences sur le vide (Pascal)      134
Null hypothesis      1515—1516 1519
Number intelligence, birds      494
Number knowledge, poverty of      432
Number theory, problems      2024
Number, concept      525—527
Number, cosmical      1069
Number, definition      537—543
Number, digital      483
Number, essence of all things      2322
Number, essence of the real      2016
Number, finite      2006—2009
Number, Goedel      1688—1692
Number, great and little      1003
Number, group relationships      402
Number, magnitude      2324 2331
Number, mathematical      2315 2316
Number, meaning of      1798
Number, mechanical demarcation      2315
Number, optical symbol      2323
Number, origin      432 433 434
Number, properties      156
Number, related to artistic creation      2320—2321
Number, relation to birth of man      2339—2340
Number, variable      2343
Number, world-form      2320
Number-feeling      2332—2333
Number-group, abstract properties of      2346
Number-sense, beginning of      2318
Number-surfaces, theory of functions      2337
Number-thought, religious intuition      2330
Number-worlds      2317—2319
Numbers and limits, modern views      62—67
Numbers and Numerals (Smith and Ginsburg)      430 442—464
Numbers, abstract      24 511
Numbers, algebraic      26 313 326 499 511
Numbers, analytic theory of      158 374 499 508
Numbers, binary scale      516
Numbers, cardinal      389 1584 1594 1598
Numbers, character to nature      95
Numbers, characteristic designs      84
Numbers, classes      65—66
Numbers, complex      3 60 71 119 162 308 309 321—322 529
Numbers, composite      101
Numbers, concrete      24
Numbers, denumerably infinite      1594—1597
Numbers, diameter      207 fn.
Numbers, discrete domain      507
Numbers, Fermat’s theory      236
Numbers, fractionary      25 26 27 31 34 162
Numbers, generalization      25 26 30
Numbers, googol      2007—2010
Numbers, harmony of      2322
Numbers, hypercomplex      2346
Numbers, ideal      499 513
Numbers, identification      85
numbers, imaginary      29—30 34 119 148 309
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
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