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Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
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Название: The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
Автор: Newman J.R. (ed.)
Аннотация: Volume 4 of a monumental 4-volume set covers such topics as mathematical machines, mathematics in warfare, a mathematical theory of art, mathematics of the good, mathematics in literature, mathematics and music, and amusements, puzzles, and fancies. Individual contributions by A. M. Turing, Aldous Huxley, Sir James Jeans, Lewis Carroll, and other notables. Informative commentary by noted mathematics scholar James R. Newman precedes each essay. Numerous figures.
Рубрика: Математика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
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Год издания: 2000
Количество страниц: 448
Добавлена в каталог: 07.04.2008
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symbol for “the sum of” 54 55
89 92 104 108 121 138 150—151 166 168 477 510 514 525
(defined) 47
abacus 13 fn. 441 456—458 461 463
Abacus, The Ancient Peruvian (Wassen) 463 fn.
Abbati, Pietro, group theory 1534 fn.
Abbott, Edwin A., “Flatland” 2383—2396
Abbreviated construction, Italian painters 607 609
Abel, Niels Henrik 59 78 120 299 306 331 344 1534
Abetti, Giorgio, Astronomy, The History of 820 fn.
Abscissa 33
Absolute magnitude 1003
Absolute motion 1115—1116
Absolute proof, requirement of 1675
Absolute space 360 2354
Abstract ideas, early societies 402
Abstract numbers 24
Abstraction, extensive 399 399
Abstraction, mathematical 1777 1842—1843
Acceleration, cause 738
Acceleration, dynamics 729
Accidents, chance causation 1476
Achilles, race with tortoise 41 94 138 1585—1586 2402—2405
Acosta, Joseph de, quoted 462
Action, magnitude of “oughtness” 1367
Action-Invariants 1083
Activating optically inactive material 689
Adam, Charles, Descartes, Oeuvres de 247 fn.
Adam, N.K. 1041
Adams, John Couch, commentary on 820—821
Adams, John Couch, inverse perturbations 824
Adams, John Couch, Neptune, discovery of 820—841 852—853
Adams, John Couch, Uranus, disturbing planet 833 834
Adams, John Couch, Uranus, irregular motion 824—825 826 831 837
Adams, John Couch, Uranus, radius vector 829—830
Addition, concrete numbers 24
Addition, direction of 460
Addition, generalization of number 30—31
Addition, logarithms 23
Addition, Roman numerals 451
Addition, series, numbers 63
Addition, symbols 27 28
Additive theory of numbers 515
Adjustment, method of 1165
Aerodynamics (Lanchester) 1019 fn.
Aerodynamics, conformal mapping 337
Aeronautics at the Mid-Century (Hunsaker) 2136 fn.
Aeroplanes see “Airplanes”
Aesthetic and ethical domains, parallelism 2199—2200
Aesthetic experience, associations and aesthetic feeling 2188
Aesthetic experience, feeling of effort 2186—2187
Aesthetic experience, formal and connotative associations 2190
Aesthetic experience, mathematical formulation 2186
Aesthetic experience, nature of 2185
Aesthetic experience, order, elements of 2190—2191
Aesthetic experience, order, psychological meaning 2191
Aesthetic experience, sensuous feeling 2189
Aesthetic formula (diagram) 2195
Aesthetic Measure (Birkhoff) 671 fn. 703
Aesthetic measure, concept 2192 2198 2199
Aesthetic measure, formula 2192—2195
Aesthetic problem 2185
Aesthetic value of symmetry 674
Aesthetics, mathematics of, aesthetic problem 2185—2187
Aesthetics, mathematics of, complexity, psychological meaning 2187—2188
Aesthetik, Vorschule der (Fechner) 1155
Africa, mathematical learning 100
Age and Achievement (Lehman) 467 fn.
Aggregate, continuous and discrete 557—559
Aggregate, directions 560
Aggregate, n dimensions 655
Aggregate, theory of 1952 2341
Agricola, Georgius, De Re Metallica 923
Ahmes (A‘h-mose) 78
Ahmes (A‘h-mose), arithmetical problems 12—13 2317
Ahmes (A‘h-mose), geometrical analysis 16
Ahmes (A‘h-mose), letter signs 22
Ahmes (A‘h-mose), mathematical competence 171
Ahmes (A‘h-mose), Rhind papyrus 79 170
Ahrens, W., Mathematische Unterhaltungen und Spiele 2417 fn.
Air pumps 854
Air resistance, body shape 886 887
Air resistance, effect on speed 763
Air resistance, falling bodies 761 762
Air resistance, pendulum 977
Air resistance, proportional to surface 953
Air resistance, streamline form 890
Air, characteristic shape 96
Air-to-air combat, exchange rates 2172—2173
Aircraft in Warfare (Lanchester) 2136
Aircraft, antisubmarine 2165—2168
Airplanes, beetle pattern 1020 fn.
Airplanes, gliding flight 1023 1024
Airplanes, size and speed, relation 1019—1020.
Airy, Sir George 268 820
Airy, Sir George, gravitation, law of 827—828 829
Airy, Sir George, Neptune, discovery 835 838
Airy, Sir George, new planet, search for 831—832
Airy, Sir George, Uranus, error of longitude 825 826 828—829
Airy, Sir George, Uranus, error of radius vector 828 829 830 831
Airy, Sir George, “Tides, Theory of the” 1219
Albert of Saxony 728
Alberti, Leone Battista 603 606 607 609 616
Alderson, Sir E. 1178
Alembert, Jean Le Rond d’, parallel axiom 2019
Alembert, Jean Le Rond d’, probability 1329 1367 1371—1372
Alembert, Jean Le Rond d’, quoted 1371—1372
Aleph-null 1594
Alexander II (czar of Russia) 928 929
Alexander of Macedonia 100 117
Alexander VI, Pope 781
Alexander, History of (Anticleides) 189
Alexander, J.W. 339
Alexandria, Egypt 100 102 117 2322
Alexandrian Museum 552
Alexandrian School, Second 109
Algebra and Geometry, Fundamental Concepts (Young) 1616
Algebra, abstract 499
Algebra, axiomatic 1847
Algebra, boolean 1307 1868
Algebra, classification 76 115
Algebra, Diophantus’ invention 16 22 2330
Algebra, division by zero 293 fn.
Algebra, essential idea 1297
Algebra, fundamental theorem 308
Algebra, geometry, application to 61 82 130
Algebra, higher 136
Algebra, Higher (Hall and Knight) 2422 fn.
Algebra, logical 163 397 1780
Algebra, matrices 361—362
Algebra, Modern, A Survey of (Birkhoff and MacLane) 1625 fn.
Algebra, negative quantities 33
Algebra, notation 23—27 31 32 92 120 500 1490 1894
Algebra, propositions 1870
Algebra, quaternions 76 161 162 163
Algebra, reduction and cancellation, science of 117
Algebra, relatives 1587
Algebra, symbolic logic 396 1856
Algebra, symbolical 1856
Algebra, truth-function theory 1739
Algebra, Universal (Whitehead) 396 399
Algebraic curves 131
Algebraic equations 509
Algebraic integers 511
Algebraic invariants 350
Algebraic letters, arguments 411
Algebraic numbers 313 326 499 511—514
Algebraic relations between two worlds 1134
Algebraic spectrum of the quantic 355
Algebraic Theory of Numbers (Weyl) 1831
Algorithm, Euclidean 513
Alkarismi (Mohammed ben Musa) 23
Allman, G.J., Greek Geometry from Thales to Euclid 2324 fn.
Almagest (The Great Compilation), Ptolemy 109
Alphabet, logical 1868
Alphabetical numeration 22 99
Altitude, geometric concept 1835
Altruistic conduct, biological disadvantages 970—971
Amans, P. 1020 fn.
Ampere, Andr6 Marie 465 470
Ampere, Andr6 Marie, curve, slope 1962
Ampere’s Law 1827
Amthor, A. 197 fn. 198
Anagram, priority of Invention, establishing 805
Analogue computers 518
Analogue, two-dimensional 723
Analogy principle, computing automata 2074
Analyse, Cours d’ (Jordan) 589
Analysis situs 334 338 339 570 2330
Analysis, abstractions 1856
Analysis, indeterminate 197 207
Analysis, mathematics 165 299 323—324
Analysis, method of 1988—1992
Analysis, unknown functions 1211—1212
Analyst, The (Berkeley) 286—293
Analytic Engine, digital computer 517 2104 2114
Analytic ethics, constructive program 2206
Analytic functions, complex variable 323
Analytic theory of numbers 499 507 508
Analytical Calculation, Principles of (Woodhouse) 291 fn.
Analytical geometry 17 31—43 56 112 116 129 133 155 235—237 359 411 631
Analytical Society, Cambridge University 517
Analytische Zahlentheorie (Bachmann) 508
Anatolius, Bishop of Laodicea 113
Anaxagoras 78 91
Anaximander 2323
Ancestors, computing number of one’s 2428
Anderson, Janet (Mrs. John Gregory) 139
Andrade, E.N. da Costa, “Isaac Newton” 255—276
Angel flights 1543—1544
Angle, abstract idea 14
Angle, magnitudes 561 563
Angle, measuring 660
Angle, solid 560
Angle, trisecting 90 113 121 139
Angstrom 975 fn.
Anhalt Dessau, Princess of, Euler’s letters to 149
Animal Heat, Theory of (Helmholtz) 643
Animals, attainment of objectives 9
Animals, bilateral symmetry 686—688 707
Animals, counting ability 433 488
Animals, ganglion cell variation 1033—1034
Animals, heat, retaining 955
Animals, leaping power 1013—1015
Animals, learning capacity 489—496
Animals, size 952—956 1025—1026
Animals, skeletal efficiency 1007
Animals, tall land 953
Animals, temperature 1010—1011 1012
Annuity valuation 1416 fn. 1437 1439 1440—1441 1443—1446
Anthony, R. 1029 fn.
Anthropoid apes, ideas, communication of 2362
Anthropology (Tylor) 2351 fn.
Anti-Semitism, poll 1304—1305
Anticleides 189
Antimony, discovery 923
Apes, The Mentality of (Kohler) 2362 fn.
Apollodorus 189
Apollonius of Perga, biography 107
Apollonius of Perga, books 1418
Apollonius of Perga, conic sections 103 107—108 112 126 200—205
Apollonius of Perga, curves 87 163
Apollonius of Perga, locus ad tres et quattuor lineas 108 112 130
Apollonius of Perga, parabola 775 756
Apollonius of Perga, problem of 2001—2002
Apollonius of Perga, shortest distance, point to ellipse 131
Apollonius of Perga, spherical trigonometry 109
Apollonius of Perga, Unordered Irrationals 108
Applied Mathematics, Elements of (Cobb) 72
Applied mathematics, Rhind papyrus 11—12
Approximative calculation 508
Aquinas, Saint Thomas, Platonic Ideas 2018
Arabic notation 13 117 410
Arabic Numerals in Europe, The Development of (Hill) 454 fn.
Arabs, decimal numeration 23 122
Arabs, mathematical science 118
Arabs, mathematical text-books 18
Arabs, numerals 443
Arabs, perspective 605
Arabs, Ptolemy’s astronomy 109
Arago, Francois, Neptune, discovery 835 838—839
Arago, Francois, Uranus, theory of 831
Arbitrary constants 35
Arbitrary functions, co-ordinates, use of 236
Arc, fluent of velocity 58
Archibald, R.C. 718 fn.
Archimedes, axiom 77 99 106 126 152
Archimedes, axioms and postulates 1648
Archimedes, cattle problem 105—106 116 188 197—198 207 418
Archimedes, commentary on 179
Archimedes, death 103—104 179 185
Archimedes, decimal notation 328
Archimedes, differentials 56
Archimedes, distances, expressing 25
Archimedes, earth, diameter 421—425 429
Archimedes, exhaustions, method of 92 2329
Archimedes, floating bodies 199
Archimedes, fractions 172
Archimedes, Hiero’s golden crown 185—186 188
Archimedes, infinitesimals 41 95 163
Archimedes, integral calculus 90 103 104 135
Archimedes, inventions 15
Archimedes, lever, principle 188
Archimedes, mathematics, autonomous science 315 327
Archimedes, Method 94 104
Archimedes, military machines 103 179 180 181—182 187
Archimedes, numbers, orders and periods 425—426
Archimedes, octads 418 426
Archimedes, parabola, quadrature 760—761
Archimedes, Plane Equilibriums, On 195
Archimedes, planetarium 179
Archimedes, planetary motion 421
Archimedes, Platonic philosopher 731 fn.
Archimedes, Plutarch, quoted on 180—185
Archimedes, postulate 1974—1975
Archimedes, pure mathematics 295
Archimedes, results, methods of achieving 105
Archimedes, Sand-Reckoner 106—107 418 420—429 1839
Archimedes, solids, semi-regular 127 207
Archimedes, Sphere-making, On 179
Archimedes, spiral 104 137
Archimedes, sun, diameter 421—425
Archimedes, surface area 1001
Archimedes, The Works of (Heath) 181 fn. 197 198
Archimedes, tomb 184 184 502
Archimedes, Tzetzes quoted on 187
Archimedes, Vitruvius quoted on 185—186
Architecture, bee 1038 1038
Architecture, On (Vitruvius), quoted 185—186
Architecture, symmetry 700 705 713
Architecture, transformation of Renaissance into Baroque 2344
Archytas of Tarentum 14 78 90 96 2324
Archytas of Tarentum, biography 93
Archytas of Tarentum, mechanics 15 94 180
Archytas of Tarentum, music intervals 99—100
Areas, method of application of 86—87 190 205
Arguments, weights of 1365
Aristarchus of Samos, heliocentric world-system 2327 2327 2328
Aristarchus of Samos, planetary motion 104 109 418—419 420
Aristarchus of Samos, sun, diameter 421