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Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4

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Íàçâàíèå: The World of Mathematics, Volume 4

Àâòîð: Newman J.R. (ed.)


Volume 4 of a monumental 4-volume set covers such topics as mathematical machines, mathematics in warfare, a mathematical theory of art, mathematics of the good, mathematics in literature, mathematics and music, and amusements, puzzles, and fancies. Individual contributions by A. M. Turing, Aldous Huxley, Sir James Jeans, Lewis Carroll, and other notables. Informative commentary by noted mathematics scholar James R. Newman precedes each essay. Numerous figures.

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Aristophanes, transition from spherical to bilateral symmetry      688
Aristotle, axioms and postulates      1647 1648
Aristotle, celestial bodies, spherical shape      672
Aristotle, continuity      557 558
Aristotle, cosmic cycle      1555
Aristotle, deduction, valid forms      1679
Aristotle, falling bodies      729
Aristotle, irrational numbers      88
Aristotle, logic      409 1577 1834 1852 1859
Aristotle, man’s ability to count      488
Aristotle, mathematics, definition of      1830
Aristotle, motion, laws of      727 729
Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics      671
Aristotle, origin of mathematics      79
Aristotle, planetary motion      226 228
Aristotle, Plato’s lecture on the Good      192
Aristotle, probability      1403
Aristotle, quoted      85 93 170 2385
Aristotle, science of reasoning      6
Aristotle, velocity      52
Aristoxenus, Elements of Harmony      192
Arithmetic, Arabic, introduction to Europe      18
Arithmetic, associative rule      1535
Arithmetic, concepts, customary meaning      1627—1630
Arithmetic, fallacies      1946—1948
Arithmetic, formal logic      1894
Arithmetic, fundamental theorem of      2032
Arithmetic, geometry, application      25 189
Arithmetic, histories      430
Arithmetic, ladder      97—98 104 138
Arithmetic, mean      1489 1492—1495
Arithmetic, mental      465 467
Arithmetic, mysteries of      497
Arithmetic, political      1416
Arithmetic, Political (Buffon)      1333
Arithmetic, progression      84 87—88
Arithmetic, Queen of Mathematics      294 498
Arithmetic, rational, fundamental theorem      512
Arithmetic, symbols      24
Arithmetic, triangle      135—136 140
Arithmetic, tricks      2421—2428
Arithmetica (Diophantus)      114 509
Arithmetica Infinitorum (Wallis)      520 522 1039
Arithmetica Universalis (Newton)      145 1985
Arithmetica, Rara (Smith)      210 fn. 2U
Arithmeticae, Disquisitiones (Gauss)      305 306 307 309—312 315 321 325 327 333 498
Arithmetical restorations      2415
Arithmetik, Grundgesetze der (Frege)      389 537
Arithmetik, Grundlagen der (Frege)      537
Armaments Expenditures of the World (Jacobsson)      1245 fn.
Armenia, abacus      458
Arms race      1909—1914 (table) 1246
Arms race, quantitative theory      1245—1252
Arms race, symmetrical schismogenesis      1243—1244
Arnauld, Antoine      1453 fn.
Arrangement of Nature, relative probability      1350
Arrest, Heinrich Ludwig d’      834
Arrow, flight      1020
Arrow, Kenneth, Social ChoIce and Individual Values      1312
Ars Conjectandi (Bernoulli)      1365 fn. 1366 1448 1452
Ars Magna (Lull)      119 1861
Art and Nature, Mysteries of (Bates)      255
Art, bilateral symmetry      673 674 678—679
Arte Supputandi, De (Tonstall)      210
Articulate speech, symbol behavior      2351
Artillery, Napier’s invention      122
Arya-Bhata      78 117
Ascham, Roger, quoted      2027
Ashby, W. Ross, Design for a Brain      2068 fn.
Ashby, W. Ross, homeostat      2068
Assemblages, theory of      167
Associative laws      1927
Assumptions, unproved propositions      1696 1698—1701
Aston, Francis William, Integral atomic weights      841
Astrolabe      778 fn.
Astrology      2018
Astronomers, Great (Ball)      1316
Astronomer’s drinking song      2374—2376
Astronomical instruments, Brahe’s invention      218
Astronomy, Archimedes’ Sand-Reckoner      106—107 418 420—429
Astronomy, Copernicus’s theory      120
Astronomy, exact science      1218
Astronomy, Greek      14 89
Astronomy, Kepler’s laws      126
Astronomy, logarithms      123
Astronomy, mathematical      315
Astronomy, mean sun      1208
Astronomy, non-Euclidean geometries      2340 fn.
Astronomy, Oriental      14
Astronomy, physical, Kepler founder of      218
Astronomy, practicable science of      6
Astronomy, Ptolemy’s work      109
Astronomy, The History of (Abetti)      820 fn.
Astronomy, theoretical      52 58
Astronomy, universal gravitation      142
Asymmetry, absence of symmetry      676 678
Asymmetry, decisive factors      694
Asymmetry, historic      679
Atheists, philosophical      2376—2378
Athenaeus, helix      181 fn.
Athene (goddess), attachment of seven      85
Athens, intellectual center      90
Athens, Plato’s Academy      95
Atkinson, Charles Francis      2312 fn.
Atomic chemistry      154
Atomic laws      876
Atomic numbers, elements, high frequency spectra      842—850
Atomic pattern, quantum jump      973 973
Atomic theory, origin      94 2464—2465
Atomic Weights of the Elements, On the Relation of the Properties to the (Mendeleeff)      926
Atomic weights, analogous elements      915
Atomic weights, chemical elements      910 911 913
Atomic weights, dissimilar elements      914
Atomic weights, numerical value      914
Atomic weights, regularities      910
Atoms, behavior      1560
Atoms, crystal, unit      860—861
Atoms, dividing      1565
Atoms, heart-beats      164
Atoms, internal structure      842
Atoms, molecule      973 978 980 985
Atoms, periodicities      416
Atoms, properties      1794
Atoms, quantum theory      879
Attitudes, scalable      1304
Attraction, law of      61
Aubrey, John      1416 1417 1418
Aubry, M.      243 fn.
Augustine to Galileo (Crombie)      726 fn. 729
Augustine, Saint, perfection of number six      2017
Augustine, Saint, Platonic ideas      2018
Aurea sectio      719
Ausdehnungslehre (Grassmann)      396 1649
Australia, native races’ number knowledge      432 2317
Automata, comparisons between computing machines and living organisms      2077—2083
Automata, computing      see “Computing machines”
Automata, concept of complication      2092—2098
Automata, digitalization, principles of      2087—2089
Automata, errors, dealing with      2085—2087
Automata, formal neural networks      2089—2092
Automata, future logical theory      2083—2087
Automata, self-reproduction      2094—2098
Automata, significant orders of magnitude      2071—2072;
Automata, Turing’s theory of computing automaton      2093—2094
Automorphic functions      1377
Automorphism      682 695—696 697—698
Auxiliary spring, timekeeper      807 fn.
Auzout, Adrian      787 788 791
Average, on the      1487—1504
Averages, law of      1450 1464
Aviation, Stability in (Bryan)      1019 fn.
Avogadro, Amedeo      914 922
Avoidance, effect of threats      1242
Axiomatic method, analysis      1661—1667
Axiomatic method, applications      1730—1732
Axiomatic method, axiom system, consistency      1661—1666
Axiomatic method, axioms, independence of      1666—1667
Axiomatic method, axioms, source      1660—1661
Axiomatic method, evolution of method      1647—1651
Axiomatic method, general      1732—1733
Axiomatic method, protocol sentences      1731 fn.
Axiomatic method, theorems, proving      1655—1658
Axiomatic method, undefined terms and axioms      1651—1655
Axioms, basic concepts      1846
Axioms, classical      1724—1725
Axioms, geometrical      647—668
Axioms, independence      1666—1667
Axioms, learned in high school      1723
Axioms, non-Euclidean geometries      1671
Axioms, proof of consistency      1664—1666
Axioms, source of      1660—1661
Axis (co-ordinate)      32—33 64
Axis (co-ordinate), contraction ratio      1111
Ayer, A.J., Language, Truth and Logic      1935 fn.
Babak, E.      1029 fn.
Babbage, Charles, calculating machine      517 2067 2104 2114
Babylon, counting      99
Babylon, numerals      443 444
Babylon, quadratic equations      89
Babylon, subtraction      449
Babylon, symmetry, seal stones      675
Bachet, Claude-Gaspard, puzzle book      2416—2417
Bachmann, P., Analytische Zahlentheorie      508
Bacon, Francis      999
Bacon, Francis, quoted      731 937 2160
Bacon, Roger, optical instruments      605
Bacon, Roger, quoted      1758
Bacteria, molecular bombardment      1045—1046
Bagehot, Walter, quoted      75 1360
Bailey, Cyril      1556
Bailey, Herbert W., Jr., “Topology”      572 fn.
Bailly, Jean      1323
Bain, Alexander      1146 1148 1149
Baker, H. R      1535 fn.
Baku, oil fields      929
Balancing reasons      1345 1346
Ball, Robert S., Great Astronomers      1316
Ball, W.W. Rouse, Mathematical Recreations and Essays      243 fn. 466 1947 2417
Ball, W.W. Rouse, Mathematics, History of      71 74 305
Ball, W.W. Rouse, quoted      75
Ball, W.W. Rouse, “Arithmetical Restorations”      2439—2443
Ball, W.W. Rouse, “Calculating Prodigies”      467—487
Banach (S.), sphere, surface measurement      1944—1945
Banach spaces      77
Band ornaments, motif      702
Band ornaments, symmetry      677 699 700 703 715
Barkla, Charles G.      846 857
Barlow, Peter, space groups      878
Barometer      134
Barr, A., bridge-building      1004 fn.
Barrow, Isaac, differential triangle      54 55
Barrow, Isaac, Lectiones Geometricae      139
Barrow, Isaac, Lectiones Opticae      256
Barrow, Isaac, light, lectures on      258
Barrow, Isaac, Newton’s genius      141 256 259
Barrow, Isaac, tangents to curves      53
Bartels, Johann Martin      298 300
Barycentric calculus      162
Basis Theorem      164
Basket, area      169 fn.
Bates, John, Art and Nature, Mysteries of      255
Bateson, Gregory      1243 1245
Battlefield concentration, examples from history      2148
Bayes’ Theorem      1412
Beccaria, Cesare      1201
Beer, G.R. de, Embryology, Elements of      691 fn.
Bees, altruistic behavior      970
Bees, architecture      1038 1038
Bees, communication      488
Bees, honeycomb construction      110 188 207 208—209
Begriffsschrift (Frege)      1910 fn.
Behavior, mathematical study of      1296
Beilstein, Friedrich Konrad      931
Bel, sound energy      2304
Bell — Magendie law      1149
Bell, Alexander Graham, bel      2304
Bell, Clive      1356
Bell, Eric Temple, biography      294
Bell, Eric Temple, Laplace’s plagiarism      1321 fn.
Bell, Eric Temple, number concept      526
Bell, Eric Temple, Poincare      1374
Bell, Eric Temple, quoted      774.
Bell, Eric Temple, Truth, The Search for      1650 fn.
Bell, Eric Temple, “Invariant Twins, Cayley and Sylvester”      341—365
Bell, Eric Temple, “Mathematics-Queen and Servant of Science”      497
Bell, Eric Temple, “Prince of Mathematicians, The”      295—339
Bell, Eric Temple, “Queen of Mathematics, The”      498—518
Bell, Sir Charles      1025 1146
Bellamy, Elizabeth W.      436 fn.
Belloc, Hilaire, quoted      1051
Beltrami, E., surface curvature      652 654 657 662
Bending moments      1005—1006 1014
Benedetti, pentagon      615
Benedict, Ruth, Patterns of Culture      1239 fn.
Bentham, Jeremy, utilitarian theory      2199
Bentham, Jeremy, utilitarian theory, quoted      1221
Benz, Friederich      296
Berezowski, A.      1034 fn.
Bergmann, Carl      1011
Bergmann’s Law      1012
Berkeley, George, Bishop, commentary on      286—287
Berkeley, George, Bishop, Free-Thinking in Mathematics, A Defense of      287
Berkeley, George, Bishop, infinitesimals      57 152 286—293
Berkeley, George, Bishop, quoted      1936
Berkeley, George, Bishop, “Analyst, The”      286—293
Bernard, Claude, quoted      854
Bernoulli brothers, cycloid curve      886—887
Bernoulli family, commentary on      771—773
Bernoulli family, genealogical table      771
Bernoulli, Daniel      148 149
Bernoulli, Daniel, increment, importance      1369
Bernoulli, Daniel, Petersburg Paradox      1368—1369 1370 1371
Bernoulli, Daniel, probabilities, theory of      1156 1157
Bernoulli, Jacob (James), Ars Conjectandi      1357 1365 1366 1373 1408 1448 1452
Bernoulli, Jacob (James), path of quickest descent      883
Bernoulli, Jacob (James), tombstone      716—717
Bernoulli, Jacob (James), “Law of Large Numbers, The”      1452—1455
Bernoulli, John, analysis      147—148
Bernoulli, John, De Motu Musculorum      1013 fn.
Bernoulli’s theorem      1448 1449—1451
Bernstein, irradiation theory      1154
Bertholf, L.M.      1028 fn.
Berthollet, Count de      1324
Bertrand, Joseph      1267 1368
Bertrand, Joseph, Calcul des probabilites      1380
Bertrand, Joseph, chance, laws of      1381
Berwick, W.E.H., arithmetical restoration problems      2441—2442
Berwick, W.E.H., “The Seven Seven’s”      2444—2448
Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm      140 319 321 323 820
Beveridge, Sir William      1530
Bibliography, birds, ability to count      496
Bibliography, group concept      1557
Bibliography, symbolic logic      1876—1877
Bibliography, “Can a Machine Think?”      2123
Bibliography, “Mathematics, The Nature of”      71—72
Bidder, George Parker, mental calculations      221 465 472—475 479
Bidder, George Parker, processes      480—486
Bifilar magnetometer      327
Bilateral monopoly, theory of      1272 1281
Bilateral symmetry, animal kingdom      686—688; 707
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