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Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4

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Íàçâàíèå: The World of Mathematics, Volume 4

Àâòîð: Newman J.R. (ed.)


Volume 4 of a monumental 4-volume set covers such topics as mathematical machines, mathematics in warfare, a mathematical theory of art, mathematics of the good, mathematics in literature, mathematics and music, and amusements, puzzles, and fancies. Individual contributions by A. M. Turing, Aldous Huxley, Sir James Jeans, Lewis Carroll, and other notables. Informative commentary by noted mathematics scholar James R. Newman precedes each essay. Numerous figures.

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 07.04.2008

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Thinking machine, imitation game      2099—2102 2106 2107
Thinking machine, informality of behavior      2115—2116
Thinking machine, learning machines      2117—2123
Thinking machine, mathematical objections      2109—2110
Thinking machine, objections to      2107—2117
Thinking machine, original work      2114—2115
Thinking machine, theological objection      2107—2108
Thinking machine, “heads in the sand” objectio      2108—2109
Thinking, Productive (Wertheimer)      467 fn.
Thinking, unnamed      495—496
Thirring, J.H., Einstein’s Theory, The Idea of      1105
Thomas, Ivor, “Greek Mathematics”      188 189—209
Thompson, D’Arcy Wentworth; commentary on      996—1000
Thompson, D’Arcy Wentworth; commentary on, Growth and Form      708 884 996 998—1000 1030
Thompson, D’Arcy Wentworth; commentary on, medusae, formation      712
Thompson, D’Arcy Wentworth; commentary on, publications      997
Thompson, D’Arcy Wentworth; commentary on, “On Magnitude”      1001—1046
Thomson, James, bridge-building      1004 fn.
Thomson, Joseph John      855 874
Thomson, William      see “Lord Kelvin”
Thoreau, Henry David, quoted      2070
Thought transference      219
Thought, economy      1792
Thought, function of pure mathematics      406
Thought, Laws of      68
Thought, Laws of (Boole)      1576 1853
Thought, reproduction      1788
Thought-labor, economy of      6 13 15 22 26 42—43 61 71
Thousand, Roman numeral      448 449
Thrasher, F.M.      1261 fn.
Threats, diverse effects      1240
Three boxes game      1288—1291
Three, early numeral      443 444
Three-dimensional bodies      617
Three-dimensional scenes, paintings      623
Three-dimensional space      360
Through the Looking Glass (Carroll), mathematical reality      2348
Through the Looking Glass (Carroll), prophetic character      2397
Through the Looking Glass (Carroll), relativity theory      1107—1114 1126
Through the Looking Glass (Carroll), symbolic notation      1886—1890
Thuenen, Johann Heinrich von      1202
Thurstone, L.L.      1304
Tides, theory of      268
Tillotson, John, quoted      2262
Timaeus (Plato)      96 2325
Time and space, infinitely divisible      41
Time and space, union      1133
Time, aggregate      655
Time, measuring      1803 1803
Time, motion, relationship with      735
Time, repetition, one-dimensional      702
Time, variable      1834
Time-keeper      782 784 799 803—806
Time-Keeper, The Principles of Mr. Harrison’s      817
timekeepers      779 809—813 812 815—818
Times, multiplication      24
Tippett, L. C, Statistics      1456
Tippett, L. C, “Sampling and Standard Error”      1459—1486
Titchener, Edward Bradford      1152
Titchmarsh, E. C, Mathematics for the General Reader      3
Titius, J.D.      222 fn.
Todhunter, Isaac      1368 fn.
Tomlinson, H.M., quoted      1478
Tompion, Thomas      808 fn.
Tone, Sensations of (Helmholtz)      643
Tone-world      2321
Tonelli, length, minimum problem      889
Tones, aggregate      656
Tonstall (Tunstall) Cuthbert, Bishop      120 210
Topologie, Vorstudien zur (Listing)      571
Topology, application to psychology      1307
Topology, connectivity      587—588
Topology, continuum      1839 1843
Topology, figures, properties of      585—592
Topology, geometry of distortion      570
Topology, Jordan curve theorem      588—590
Topology, knots      592
Topology, map, coloring      590—591 1306
Topology, surfaces, classification      592—599
Topology, transformation      585—587 640
Torres y Quevedo, L.      2125 2133
Transformation, concept      570 fn.
Transformation, Congruent      696
Transformation, group theory      1535 1535 1544—1546 1548
Transformation, invariant      570 570
Transformation, projection and section      640
Transformation, space structure      682 694
Transformation, topological      585—587 640
Translation, congruence      697 699
Translatory symmetry      699—700 702
Transmutation of metals      272
Transposition, birds’ ability to grasp      494
Trapezoids, area      174
Travers, Morris William, helium      928
Tree, height limit      1006 1006 1007
Triadic fractions      1062
Triangles, area, Rhind papyrus      174 175
Triangles, arithmetical      135—136 140
Triangles, Descartes’ view      2018
Triangles, differential      54
Triangles, equilateral      502 2386 2389
Triangles, fourth proposition, Euclid      69
Triangles, isosceles      15 81 101 175 2389
Triangles, measuring      15 17—18
Triangles, pattern of lines      82
Triangles, polar      121
Triangles, problems, Rhind papyrus      175
Triangles, rectilinear      551
Triangles, right-angled      see “Right-angled triangle”
Triangles, self-dual      635
Triangles, sides      81 563
Triangles, spherical, angles      109
Triangles, straight line drawn across      109
Triangles, sum of angles      15 86 134 159 190 565
Triangular numbers      84
Trigonometry, abstract      412
Trigonometry, Indian progress      177
Trigonometry, invention      18 412
Trigonometry, logarithms      123
Trigonometry, mathematical functions      62
Trigonometry, separated from geometry      40
Trigonometry, spherical      18 109 125
Triple Thinkers, The (Wilson)      1831 fn.
Triplets, vectors      162
Tripod, rotational symmetry      714
Triquetrum, magic symbol      714
Troll, W.      702 fn.
Truth function      1924
Truth function, theorems      1740
Truth tables, method of      1923—1927
Truth, The Search for (Bell)      1650 fn.
Tschermak, Erich von      932 976
Tschirnhausen, Ehrenfried von      786
Tube, volume      111
Tucker, Albert S., “Topology”      572 fn.
Tuning fork, sound curve      2278—2281
Tuning fork, vibration, period, frequency and pitch      2281 2285
Turbine, geometry      1999—2000
Turing, A.M.      2069
Turing, A.M., biographical      2069
Turing, A.M., computing automata, theory of      2093—2094
Turing, A.M., “Can a Machine Think?”      2099—2123
Turkey, abacus      458
Turnbull, Herbert Westren, Great Mathematicians, The      75—168
Turnbull, Herbert Westren, Greek mathematics, survey      188
Turnbull, Herbert Westren, Mathematical Discoveries of Newton, The      520 fn.
Turnbull, Herbert Westren, quoted      74 341
Turnbull, Herbert Westren, “Newton: The Algebraist and Geometer”      519 fn.
Turner, J.E., “Relativity without Paradox”      1105 fn.
Tustin, Arnold, “Feedback”      2066 fn.
Twain, Mark, quoted      2416 2460
Two generals, game      1292—1293
Two, early numeral      443
Two-dimension geometry      650 654
Two-dimensional manifold      336
Two-dimensional surfaces      592
Twyman, Frank      263
Tyler, Edward Burnett, Anthropology      2351 fn.
Tyler, Edward Burnett, Primitive Culture      433 439
Tyndall, John      219
Types, theory of      1740—1742 1952—1953
Tzetzes, John      179 181
Tzetzes, John, quoted      187
Uccello, Paolo      607
Uhler, H.S.      505
Ulloa, Antonio de      923
Ultra-violet, bees’ eyes      1028
Umklappungen      722 724
Uncertainty, principle of      1047—1055
Undefined elements and unproved propositions      1696—1697
Uniform acceleration      48—49
Uniform convergence      108
Uniform motion, properties of      734—754
Unit fractions      171 172
Unity, number      95
Universal cycle, doctrine of      1455
Universal irreversibility      1383—1384 1390
Universal physics      1742—1744
Universal quantifiers      1906
Universal sentences      1904
Universality and exactness, connection between      551
Universals, problem of      390
Universe Around Us, The (Jeans)      2275
Universe, causal structure      1836—1837
Universe, diameter      422—425 428 429
Universe, expanding      1090—1091
Universe, mathematical harmony      720
Universe, number of particles in      1069 1082
Universe, symbol of      101
Universe, system of      153
Universe, The Expanding (Eddington)      2461
Universe, thermodynamical running-down      1091
Universe, topological structure      1848
Unknown quantities, symbols for      28—29 116
Unnamed numbers      491 492 494 495
Unnamed thinking      495—496
Unordered Irrationals (Apollonius)      108
Unstable equilibrium      1381 1382 1384 1390
Uranus, deviations      820 831 1102
Uranus, discovery      313 822 826
Uranus, exterior planet      831 833
Uranus, gravitation, law of      828 829
Uranus, longitude, errors of      825 826 828—829
Uranus, observations      823
Uranus, perturbations      824 827 831
Uranus, Planet Herschel      839
Uranus, radius vector, errors of      826 828—829 830 831
Uranus, satellites      1322
Urban, F.M.      1165
Urysohn, P., space, three-dimensional      1971
Utility, theory of      1221—1235
Utility, theory of, commodity distribution      1228
Utility, theory of, degree      1225
Utility, theory of, disutility and discommodity      1227
Utility, theory of, exchange, theory of      1231
Utility, theory of, final degree      1226
Utility, theory of, indifference, law of      1229 1233
Utility, theory of, total utility      1225
Utility, theory of, variation      1223
Vacuum tube, computing machines      2080 2081
Vacuum tube, nerve cell, comparison with      2081—2083
Vacuum tube, switching organ      2079
Vajda, S., games, theory of      1265 1285—1293
Valentine, Basil, antimony      923
Vallee Poussin, C.J. de la, prime number theorem      158 507
Valuation, theory of      77
Value and demand, changes in value      1203—1209
Value and demand, law of demand      1209—1216
Value, absolute and relative      1203—1209
Value, definition      1203
Van der Waerden, B.L.      169 fn.
Vanadium, relations with other elements      916
Vandiver, H.S.      510
van’t Hoff factor      989
Varenius, Bernhard, quoted      780
Variability, survey able range of      1838
Variable, behavior      132
Variable, behavior of      132
Variable, dependent      39
Variable, differentials      55
Variable, equant      227
Variable, free and bound      1906—1908
Variable, function      22 29 32 38 70 411 1832—1833 1941 2332
Variable, infinitesimal calculus      56
Variable, mathematics, importance in      1908—1909
Variable, modern mathematics      19
Variable, notation      130—131
Variable, notion of      407
Variable, sentential and designatory functions      1902—1906
Variable, spheres      37
Variable, universal and existential sentences      1904—1906
Variable, use of      1901—1909
Variation of utility, law of      1223—1225
Variations, absolute and relative      1205—1209
Variations, calculus of      111 153 267 274 883 886—890 901
Variations, coefficient      1511
Variations, heritable      962
Varin, longitude surveys      795—796 800
Veblen, Oswald, analysis situs      339
Veblen, Oswald, Projective Geometry      1616
Veblen, Oswald, “Mathematical Science, A”      1696—1707
Vectors      162 697 1544
Veitch, J., Principles of Philosophy      2350 fn.
Velocities and times, multiplying      50
Velocity, concept      1959—1961
Velocity, curve      47—50 61
Velocity, dimensions and acceleration      51
Velocity, dimensions, relation between      1020—1021
Velocity, falling bodies      45—47 548 549 1822—1825
Velocity, fluxions      58
Velocity, impulse      1013
Velocity, measure of      767
Velocity, relative      1120
Velocity, straight line      51
Venn, John, Chance, Logic of      1336 fn.
Venn, John, logical alphabet      1868
Venn, John, probability      1342 1396
Verification, process      405
Veronese, G.      1975 fn.
Verse, The Laws of (Sylvester)      354 357 1757
Vertebrates, oxygen distribution      954
Viator, Johannes      604
Vibrations, energy      2290
Vibrations, general theory of      2283—2286
Vibrations, period, frequency and pitch      2281—2282
Vibrations, simultaneous      2286—2290
Vibrations, strings and harmonics      2294—2301
Vibrations, superposing of same period      2291—2294
Vibrations, theories of      412 415
Vibrations, tuning fork      2278—2281 2285
Vienna Circle      1592 1733 1735 1935
Vierordt, Hermann      1154
Vies, Fred      1041 fn.
Vieta (Viete), Francois, algebraic symbolism      115
Vieta (Viete), Francois, duality, principle of      121
Vieta (Viete), Francois, formula for $\pi$      138
Vieta (Viete), Francois, mathematical notation      728
Vieta (Viete), Francois, modern mathematics      20
Vieta (Viete), Francois, symbolic algebra      115 120 236 249
Vieta (Viete), Francois, variables      1909 fn
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
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