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Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
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Íàçâàíèå: The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
Àâòîð: Newman J.R. (ed.)
Àííîòàöèÿ: Volume 4 of a monumental 4-volume set covers such topics as mathematical machines, mathematics in warfare, a mathematical theory of art, mathematics of the good, mathematics in literature, mathematics and music, and amusements, puzzles, and fancies. Individual contributions by A. M. Turing, Aldous Huxley, Sir James Jeans, Lewis Carroll, and other notables. Informative commentary by noted mathematics scholar James R. Newman precedes each essay. Numerous figures.
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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 07.04.2008
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Casualties, Bills of Mortality 1426—1431
Casualties, Bills of Mortality, (table) 1428
Cat and grain problem, Rhind papyrus 175—178
Cataldi, P.A., pentagon 615
Catenoid, surface 904
Cathode bombardment 841
Cathode rays 856 857 1066
Cattle problem 105—106 116 188 197—198 207 418
Cauchy, Augustin Louis, algebraic numbers 512
Cauchy, Augustin Louis, analytic functions, complex variable 323 324 332
Cauchy, Augustin Louis, group theory 1534
Cauchy, Augustin Louis, infinitesimal calculus 59 60 287
Cauchy, Augustin Louis, mathematics, formalizing 1971
Cauchy, Augustin Louis, monogenic function 2003
Causal structure 1836—1837 1843 1847
Causality, principle of 1053 1054 1057
Causes and effects 1384 1386 1387 1389—1390 1392 1784 1788—1789
Cavalieri, Bonaventura, method of indivisibles 41—42 135 137
Cavendish, Henry 811 884 927
Cayley, Arthur, commentary on 340
Cayley, Arthur, four-color problem 591
Cayley, Arthur, group theory 1534
Cayley, Arthur, invariants 163—164 341 342 344 350 359
Cayley, Arthur, Linear Transformations, On the Theory of 351
Cayley, Arthur, Mathematical Papers, Collected 362
Cayley, Arthur, plane curves 344
Cayley, Arthur, projective geometry 359 639 640
Cayley, Arthur, quantics 355
Cayley, Arthur, quoted 341
Cayley, Arthur, space geometry 160 342
Cayley, Arthur, “Invariant Twins” (Bell) 341—365
Cayley, Sir George 1023 1023
Celestial bodies, mechanics 1056
Celestial measurements, Brahe 218
Celestial wrath, signs 1326
Cells, magnitude 1031 1032—1033
Cells, microscopic organisms 1034
Cells, mitosis 691 692—693
Cells, nucleus 1043
Cells, surface-energy 1031
Center, fixation 36
Central vanishing point 604
Centrifugal force 800
Centroid, center of gravity 111
Ceres (planet), discovery 313—314 315
Certainty and probability, comparable 1327
Ceva, Giovanni 1201
Chace, Arnold Buffum 173 174 175
Chain’s, James, new planet, search for 832—833 834 835 836—837
Chain’s, James, Uranus, deviations 825 826
Chaldeans, cuneiform numerals 443
Chalmers, Patrick R., quoted 901
Chambre, Marin de la 786
Chance, accidents 1476
Chance, calculus of 1334 1524—1531
Chance, coefficient 1274—1275
Chance, consequences 1344
Chance, even 1348—1350
Chance, games of 1285—1293 1450 1454 1460
Chance, in history 1259
Chance, logarithm 1344 1345
Chance, Logic of (Venn) 1336 fn.
Chance, objectivity 1391
Chance, sampling, effects on 1460—1461 1468—1477
Chance, theory of 1322 1327 1329 1336—1337
Chance, what it is 1380
Chapman, Abel 1020 fn. 1021
Characteristic function 161 162 164
Characters, socially valuable, individually disadvantageous 969—970
Charcoal, amorphous 984—985
Charistion 187 fn.
Charles II (king of England), epitaph 27
Charles II (king of England), Royal Observatory 800
Charles II (king of England), Royal Society of London 786 1417
Chasles, Michel 102 133 151 631
Chaucer, Geoffrey, quoted 75 1267 1358 1996
Chazelles, Jean Mathieu de, planisphere 794
Chazelles, Jean Mathieu de, surveying 795
Chemical elements, atomic weights 910 911 913
Chemical elements, law of octaves 910 910 915—916 924 926
Chemical elements, new, discoveries 920 921 923
Chemical elements, periodic law 910 913—918
Chemical elements, periodic table 841 911 925 926 928
Chemical elements, physical characteristics 923—924
Chemical elements, zero group 927 928 931
Chemistry, A Hundred Years of (Findley) 911 fn.
Chemistry, periodic law 910
Chemistry, prophecies 919
Chess, invention 2426
Chess, machine play 2069 2124—2133
Chess, mathematics 1778 2028 2029
Chess, no-move contest 1264
Children, finger counting 437—439
Chiliades (Tzetzes) 187 fn.
Chiliagon 422
China, abacus 456—457
China, counting 99
China, integers 516
China, measuring a right angle 11 80
China, numerals 445
China, symbol for “three” 444
China, symbol for “two” 443
Chisholm, Roderick M., Fallibilism and Belief 1770
Chlorate of potash, crystals 865
Christian Faith, Apologia of the (Pascal) 135
Christina (queen of Sweden) 129 236
Christoffel, Elwin Bruno 162 352
chromatic aberration 260 263
Chromatic scales 100
Chromosome fiber, giant molecule 973
Chromosome, linear order 934 fn.
Chromosome, nucleus, size 1035 1035
Chromosome, self reproduction 973
Chronology of the Ancient Kingdoms Amended (Newton) 273 274
Chronometer, marine 779 804
Chrysler Building, New York 1005 fn.
Chrystal, George, Mathematics 1780
Church, A.H., Phyllotaxis, Relations to Mechanical Laws 719
Churchill, Winston 1242
Cicero 179 184 1028
Cilium, dimensions 1041 1041
Circle, area 14 40 97 101 174 882 886
Circle, circumference to diameter, ratio 63
Circle, combinations 226
Circle, continuum 1840—1841
Circle, cycle 2000—2002
Circle, describing 44
Circle, diameter bisecting 81 82
Circle, dividing 15 80
Circle, equation 34 36
Circle, Greek geometricians 11
Circle, measuring 12 14—15 1099
Circle, pathological 2002
Circle, perimeter 209
Circle, planetary motion 226
Circle, projection and section 628 630 633
Circle, properties 92
Circle, quadrature of 2378 2381—2382
Circle, satisfying three conditions 108
Circle, spiral 147
Circle, squaring 33 90 91 121 139 166 2339
Circle, tangent 37 53
Circle, two intersecting 359
Circular motion, planetary 96 126 227
Circular orbit 52
Cissoid 91
Civil life, arithmetic needful to 215
Civilization, specific term 2351
Clairaut, Alexis Claude 59 151 1326
Clarke — Leibniz controversy 683 687
Clarke, Alexander Ross, “Earth, Figure of the” 792 fn.
Clarke, Gilbert 265
Class, notion of 1697
Classes, finite and infinite 538
Classes, numbers 65—66
Classes, similarity 540
Classical axiomatics 1724—1725
Classical Groups, The (Weyl) 1831
Classification, mathematics 85—86
Classification, men according to their natural gifts 1173—1188
Classification, scientific 8 409
Classification, table 1187
Cleavages, manner of formation 1243
Clerke, Agnes Mary 1316 fn. 1319 1321
Clifford, William Kingdon, commentary on 546—547
Clifford, William Kingdon, quoted 647
Clifford, William Kingdon, “Mathematical Laws, The Exactness of” 548—551
Clifford, William Kingdon, “Pure Sciences, The Philosophy of the” 547
Clifford, William Kingdon, “Scientific Thought, On the Aims and Instruments of” 547
Clifford, William Kingdon, “Space Theory of Matter, On the” 547 568—569
Clifford, William Kingdon, “Space, The Postulates of the Science of” 552—567 1760
Clocks, barometric pressure 806
Clocks, driven by weights 784
Clocks, early 804
Clocks, hands, rotation 715—716
Clocks, mechanical 46 803 804
Clocks, pendulum 732 784 793 797 798
Clocks, regulator 807 fn.
clocks, synchronizing 1127—1133 1137—1142
Clocks, twentyfour hour 805
Co-ordinates 33 39 137 142 152 236 237 2333
Coalition formation 1270—1271 1282 1283 1293 1311
Coates, Robert M. 2261
Coates, Robert M., “The Law” 2268—2271
Cobb, H.E. 72
Codrington, R.H. 439 fn.
Coefficient, differential 2337
Coexistence, On the Derivation of (Sylvester) 346
Cognition, theory of 647 648
Cohen, Morris R. 1396
Cohen, Morris R., Logic and Scientific Method, An Introduction to 1852 fn.
coin tossing 1264 1286—1288 1311 1329 1331 1332 1409—1410 1411—1412 1449 1450
Coin tossing, Buffon’s table 2381
Colbert, Jean Baptiste, Academie Royale des Sciences 785—786 787 788 791
Colbert, Jean Baptiste, planisphere 794
Colburn, Zerah, mental calculations 465 471—472 473 478 483 485
Cole, F.N., factorization of large numbers 503
Cole, Humphrey, log, invention 789
Collected Works (Ramanujan) 367
Collection (Pappus) 110 207 245
Collins, John 271
Colors, aggregate 655—656 657
Colors, measurable 1809
Colors, natural 263
Columbium, discovery 923
Columbus, Christopher, 781, 783 combining volumes, law of 548
Comets, foretelling 1326
Comets, Halley’s 144 1326 1419 2212
Comets, orbits 268
Comma, use in numbers 459
Commensurable magnitudes, balance 195
Commercial prosperity, mathematics’ part in 5—6
commodities 1204 fn. 1205 1228—1229
Commutative laws 1927
Comparative anatomy 954
Compass, Duerer’s invention 613
Compass, variation 783
Complementarity 1049 1053—1055
Complex integers, Gaussian 325
Complex multiplication 371
complex numbers 31 60 71 119 162 308—309 322 529
Complex unity 30 31
Complex variable, analytic functions 322—323 332 337
Complexity, psychological meaning 2187
Composite numbers 101
Compound partitions, theory of 365
Computing machines 515—518 1308
Computing machines, analogy principle 2074
Computing machines, automatic 2066—2069
Computing machines, Babbage 517 2067
Computing machines, chess-playing 2124 2126—2133
Computing machines, complexity 441
Computing machines, computing 514
Computing machines, digital principle 517 2075 2102—2107
Computing machines, electronic 503 504 2125—2126 2129
Computing machines, imitation game 2099—2102 2106 2107
Computing machines, Leibniz’ 516 2066
Computing machines, living organisms, comparisons between 2077—2083
Computing machines, noise level, reducing 2076—2077
Computing machines, Pascal’s 134 515
Computing machines, precision and reliability requirements 2073
Computing machines, switching organs 2080
Computing machines, vacuum tube 2080 2081
Comte, Auguste 1756 1784
Conant, Levi Leonard, “Counting” 430 432—441
Concentration, principle, in warfare 2138—2157
Concepts, generalizing 25
Concepts, life of their own 2356
Conceptualistic theory, probability 1342—1348 1350 1354
Conchoid 91
Concrete numbers 24
Conditional sentence 1913—1917
Condorcet, Marquis de 1178 1189 1190 1365 1368 1370 1393
Cone, volume 94—95 97
Conformal mapping 337
Congenital altruism 970—971
Congruence 301—302 310 311 498 650 660 696—698 715 1942
Congruence and similarity, relationships 639
Conic sections, construction 200—205
Conic sections, curve of order two 113
Conic sections, cutting from single cone 133
Conic sections, duality 636
Conic sections, focus of 126
Conic sections, geometry 103 107—108 112
Conic sections, Greek knowledge of 236
Conic sections, projection and section 630 633
Conic sections, second degree equations 34
Conic sections, solar system 52
Conic sections, solid problems 91
Conjectural variation 1267
Conklin, Edwin G. 691 1032
Connectives, statemental 1879—1880
Connectivity in the small 1967—1968
Connectivity, topology 587
Consciousness, limen 1164
Conservation, law of 883
Conservative and radical theories (mathematics) 1709—1715
Consistency, solving the problem of 1673 1675
Constant stimuli, method of 1165
Constant sum profits 1271 1271 1276—1277
Constants, arbitrary 35
Constants, logical 1909—1910
Constants, meaning 38
Constants, motion 19
Constants, notation 131
Constants, relations 32
Constants, variabl 1901—1902 1904
Construction, mathematics 2342
Constructive intuition, method of 649
Contemporary Mind (Sullivan) 2013 fn. 2222
Contempt, effect of threats 1240
Continued fractions 104 105 374
Continuity and Irrational Numbers (Dedekind) 525
Continuity, mathematics 507 2410—2411
Continuity, mechanics 2412—2413
Continuity, order 1587
Continuity, principle of 41 558—559 1793—1794 1833
Continuity, straight line 528—529
Continuous aggregate 557 558
Continuous description and causality 1056—1058