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Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
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Название: The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
Автор: Newman J.R. (ed.)
Аннотация: Volume 4 of a monumental 4-volume set covers such topics as mathematical machines, mathematics in warfare, a mathematical theory of art, mathematics of the good, mathematics in literature, mathematics and music, and amusements, puzzles, and fancies. Individual contributions by A. M. Turing, Aldous Huxley, Sir James Jeans, Lewis Carroll, and other notables. Informative commentary by noted mathematics scholar James R. Newman precedes each essay. Numerous figures.
Рубрика: Математика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
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Год издания: 2000
Количество страниц: 448
Добавлена в каталог: 07.04.2008
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Seeber, Ludwig August 851 fn.
Segre, geometry 134
Seguin, Edouard 1180
Selberg, A., prime number theorem 507
Selection, measurement of Intensity 965—966
Selective operator 1563 1566—1569
Selfishness 1339
Semi-parabola, path of projectile 755—758
Semicircle, angle in 81
Semiregular solids 107 127
Seneca, comets 1326
Senior, Nassau William, quoted 1222
Senk, Herbert 671 fn.
Sensation, measuring 1159 1161—1163
Sense-distance 1161
Sensitiveness, experiment 1518—1521
Sensitivity, measuring 1159
Sentences, equivalence 1918—1919
Sentences, universal and existential 1904—1908
Sentential calculus, axiom 1684—1685 1693 1741
Sentential calculus, equivalence 1918
Sentential calculus, inference 1927—1929
Sentential calculus, laws of 1921—1923
Sentential calculus, negation of a sentence 1910—1913
Sentential calculus, symbolism of 1923—1927
Sentential function 1902—1904 1905 1907—1908
Sequence, limit of 62 63
Series, numbers 63
Seshu Aiyar, P.V. 367 368 370
Sesostris (king of Egypt), land division 79
Sets, infinite 1593—1605
Sets, theory of 1593—1605 2057—2058 2060
Sexagesimal method of counting 89
Shakespeare, William, quoted 306 fn. 568 603 1093 1421 2099 2124 2268 2369 2385 2439
Shanks, William 2378
Shannon, Claude E., information, theory of 1312
Shannon, Claude E., Mathematical Theory of Communication, The 2069 fn.
Shannon, Claude E., “A Chess-Playing Machine” 2124—2133
Shape geometry 1547—1548
Shapley, Harlow 1039 fn.
Shaw, George Bernard, commentary on 1522—1523
Shaw, George Bernard, quoted 573 1980 2124
Shaw, George Bernard, “Vice of Gambling and the Virtue of Insurance, The” 1524—1531
Sheffer, H.M. 1875
Shell, symmetry 715 717
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, quoted 1325
Ship distances, measuring 15 82
Short, James 815 fn.
Shortest distance, point to ellipse 131
Shortest line between two points 651 654
Shortsightedness, sight, cause 960—961
Sidgwick, Henry 386 396 1355
Siedentopf, Henry Friedrich W., microns 1039 fn.
Sight, angle measurement 17
Sign language, counting 434—435
Significance, test of 1513—1521
Signs, distinguishing 12 13
Signs, use and mention of 1883—1886
Similarity, congruence 682 695 696 715
Similarity, postulate of 564
Similitude, principle of 1004 1005 1007—1008 1012 1030 1039
Simplification, process 23
Simpson, Thomas, Fluxions, New Treatise on 2372 fn.
Simson, Robert 102 559
Simultaneous equations 36
Simultaneous inventions and discoveries 2357 2357 2360
Simultaneous speeds 142
Sine 18 39
Singer, Charles 2012 fn. 2013
Sinister, left 684
Sirius (star), density 1070
Sirius (star), radius 1077
Sitter, Willem de 1070 1075 2460
Six points, involution of 112—113
Six, occult property 221
Six, perfection of 2017
Size and weakness concomitant 1004
Size, weight adjustment 952—953
Sizzi, Francesco, quoted 822
Skeletal efficiency, animals 1007
Skeletal proportions 1006
Slates, use in Europe 459—460
Slosson, Edwin E. 1374 fn.
Small, culture of 2340
Smeaton, John 1007
Smith, Adam 267
Smith, David Eugene 210 fn. 211 430
Smith, David Eugene, Mathematics, A Source Book in 291 fn.
Smith, David Eugene, Mathematics, History of 454 fn.
Smith, David Eugene, Numbers and Numerals 430 442—464
Smith, Edwin 170
Smith, Henry J.S. 160 362 509
Smith, Kenneth 1036 fn.
Smith, Sidney, quoted 277 498
Smyth, Charles P. 838
Snell, Willebrod 226 792
Snow crystals, symmetry 712
Soap bubble, breaking 894—896
Soap bubble, commentary on 882—885
Soap bubble, composite 897—900
Soap bubble, divided, volume 1031
Soap bubble, interface 897 898 900
Soap bubble, size limit 893
Soap bubble, spherical 909
Soap bubble, surface concentration 893
Soap bubble, tension 894
Soap bubble, thickness 1040
Soap Bubbles, quoted 886
Soap Bubbles, Their Colours and the Forces Which Mould Them (Boys) 884 fn.
Soap film experiments 901—909
Soap solution, surface tension 891
Social Choice and Individual Values (Arrow) 1312
Social ethics, problems 2200—2204
Social Science, Field Theory in (Lewin) 1307
Social sciences, quantitative systematics 1298—1299
Socialism, biologists 956
Society, Dimensions of (Dodd) 1298 1299
Society, Improvement of 1192
Sociological Method, The Rules of (Durkheim) 2351 2356
Socrates 95 235
Soddy, Frederick 850 2024 2028
Solar system, changes 1318
Solid space, aggregate of directions 560
Solid space, aggregate of surfaces 556
Solid space, geodesic lines 564
Solids Naturally Contained within Solids (Steno) 873
Solids, amorphous 984
Solids, angle 560
Solids, aperiodic 985—986
Solids, body 658 659
Solids, boundary of 555
Solids, five regular 86 96 101 107 127 222 873
Solids, immersed in a fluid 185—186 188 199—200 2406—2409
Solids, measurement 12
Solids, Platonic 719
Solids, semi-regular 127 207
Solution, concept 1279—1280 1281
Solution, discriminatory 1282
Solution, surface tension, recipe 902
Somerville, Mrs. Mary, mathematical truths 2349—2350
Sommerfeld, Arnold 851 1050 1106
Sorokin, Pitirim A. 1263
Sound curve, analysis of 2300—2301
Sound curve, musical 2278—2281 2283
Sound curve, simple harmonic 2283
Sound waves 865 2280—2283
Sound, due to impact 100
Sound, hearing 2301—2309
Sound, hearing, table 2303
Sound, intensity, scale of 2304—2309
Sound, intensity, scale of, tables 2308
Sound, Newton’s theory 412
Sound, pain, threshold of 2305
Sound, period, frequency and pitch 2281—2282
Sound, pure tones 2278
Sound, reflection 862 865
Sound, science of 2277
Sound, simultaneous 2290
Sound, velocity 1122
South America, early computing methods 462—463
South America, numeral words 432
Southworth, F.Y., Mathematical Psychics 2199 fn.
Space and time, Kant’s conception 1957
Space and time, measurement 1958
Space and time, union 1133
Space groups, theory of 852 853 878
Space, absolute 360 2354
Space, co-ordinates of a point in 37
Space, conception 69 1839
Space, continuity 558
Space, curvature 47—45 567 656 2466
Space, divided into parts 555
Space, Euclidean 1606—1607
Space, experiential 2345
Space, flat 559 656—651
Space, infinit extension 1606—1610
Space, infinitesimal 1582
Space, intuition 661 665—666
Space, left and right distinction 679
Space, manifoldness 1794 fn.—1795 fn.
Space, mathematical doctrine 648
Space, measurements 655—656 664
Space, motion, laws of 554 659
Space, multidimensional 2345
Space, n-dimensional 2346 2347
Space, network of distances 1079
Space, non-Euclidean 1099—1100
Space, perception 60 62 661
Space, point, finding position of 93
Space, point-aggregate 556—557
Space, pseudospherical 657 662 663
Space, quantization 874
Space, radius curvature 1077 1095
Space, Riemann 1605
Space, rotation groups 721
Space, se"Space, Postulates of the Science of (Clifford) 552—567
Space, space-time 353 1049 1054 1836 1844
Space, spherical 657 663 664 666
Space, structure 681—682 695 696
Space, superposition 561
Space, symmetry 703
Space, three points in 551
Space, three-dimensional 360 557 1971
Space, Time and Gravitation (Eddington) 1071
Space, transformation 682 694
Space-filling figures 86 110
Space-filling substance, continuous motion 716
Space-relations, axioms of geometry 665
Space-relations, measurable 655
Space-Time-Matter (Weyl) 1831
Spain, clocks, early 805
Spain, finger numerals 455—456
Spain, numerals 454
Spar, Iceland 263 858
Spatial existence, discontinuity 415 416
Spatial magnitude 1001
Spearman, C 1304
Species, increase of 1193
Spectral lines, theory of 1064 1070
Spectroscope 919
Spectrum 260 840 842
Speed and distance, law connecting 222
Speeds, simultaneous 142
Speiser, Andreas, five regular solids 720
Speiser, Andreas, Gruppen von endlicher Ordnung, Theorie der 702
Speiser, Andreas, mathematics, symbolic construction 1838
Speiser, Andreas, music, mathematical treatment 703
Spence, insect strength 1012 1014
Spencer, Herbert, circle, theorem 2028
Spencer, Herbert, cosmic cycle 1555—1556
Spencer, Herbert, evolution, definition 1998
Spencer, Herbert, simtfitude, principle of 1004 1008
Spengler, Oswald, A Critical Estimate (Hughes) 2312 fn. 2313
Spengler, Oswald, commentary on 2312—2314
Spengler, Oswald, Decline of the West, The 2312
Spengler, Oswald, quoted 1256 2313
Spengler, Oswald, “Meaning of Numbers” 2315—2347
Spenser, Edmund, quoted 975
Sphere, area 89
Sphere, concentric 96
Sphere, curvature 563
Sphere, describing 44
Sphere, elementar flatness 559
Sphere, equation 37
Sphere, Greek geometricians 11
Sphere, polyhedron formula, Euler’s 585
Sphere, surface 592—593 595 651 1943
Sphere-making (Archimedes) 179
Spherical aberration 263
Spherical space 657 663 664 666
Spherical symmetry 688
Spherical triangle 109 121
Spherical trigonometry 18 109 125
Spheroids, equilibrium of elliptical 149
Spiegel, Henry William, Economic Thought, The Development of 1202 fn.
Spinoza, Baruch, Ethics 1295 1846
Spinoza, Baruch, quoted 982 990
Spiral nebulae, speed of recession 1074—1075 1089
Spiral, equiangular 147
Spiral, logarithmic 716 717
Spiral, parabola 137
Spiral, tangent to 104
Spiritual problem, philosophical solution 1151
Sprat, Thomas 1417 fn.
Springs, watch 805
Square root, extraction 2380
Square root, of two 525
Square, angles of 80
Square, describing 44
Square, half the co-efficient of x 115
Square, idea of 14
Square, incommensurable 16
Square, inverse 145
Square, magic 2436
Square, numbers 84 85
Square, pattern of lines 82
Square, Pythagoras’s theorem 84
Square, ratio of diagonal to side 88—89 97
Square, right-angled triangle 84
Square, rotation axis 875
Squire, John Collings, quoted 1094
Stackelberg, H. von 1268 fn. 1277 1283
Stadia 424
Stake, driving into the earth 737
Stamp, L. Dudley, Land for Tomorrow 1190 fn.
Standard deviation 1508 1509
Stapf, rice-grass, evolution 962
Star catalogue, Greenwich 801
Star pentagon, symbol 83 88 125
Stars, Internal Constitution of the (Eddington) 1070 1091
Stars, invisible in daytime 1158 1164
Stars, magnitudes 1032
Statement forms, symbolic notation 1879—1880
Statics 107 120
Stationary flight 1021
Statique des Liquides (Plateau) 898
Statistical deductions 1181
Statistical laws 1478—1486
Statistical Mechanics (Fowler) 508
Statistical Method, Studies in the History of (Walker) 1170 fn.