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Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
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Íàçâàíèå: The World of Mathematics, Volume 4
Àâòîð: Newman J.R. (ed.)
Àííîòàöèÿ: Volume 4 of a monumental 4-volume set covers such topics as mathematical machines, mathematics in warfare, a mathematical theory of art, mathematics of the good, mathematics in literature, mathematics and music, and amusements, puzzles, and fancies. Individual contributions by A. M. Turing, Aldous Huxley, Sir James Jeans, Lewis Carroll, and other notables. Informative commentary by noted mathematics scholar James R. Newman precedes each essay. Numerous figures.
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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 07.04.2008
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McKendrick, A.G. 1253
McShane, E.J. 889
McTaggart, J.M.E. 377 385 386 388 1355
Mean, average 1488—1492
Mean, deviation 1508
Meaning and Truth, An Inquiry into (Russell) 389
Measurability 1268 fn.
Measurable properties 1801—1802
Measurement 1797—1813
Measurement and Prediction (Guttman) 1303 1305 1306
Measurement of Intelligence, The 1510
Measurement with Compass and Ruler, Course in the Art of (Duerer) 601 609 610 611 612—619
Measurement, counting, rules for 1799—1801
Measurement, curvature 652 653 656—657 659 660
Measurement, derived 1806—1807 1809—1811 1812 1819—1820
Measurement, exact 1219
Measurement, fundamental 1801—1802 1804 1812
Measurement, geometrical 660—661
Measurement, immeasurable, contrast 2325
Measurement, importance 1811—1813
Measurement, Laws of 1802—1804
Measurement, measurable properties 1801—1802
Measurement, mental 1164—1165
Measurement, multiplication 1804—1806
Measurement, numbers 1798—1799
Measurement, numerical laws 1809—1811 1814
Measurement, order 1807—1809
Measurement, perfectability 1048
Measurement, time and longitude 783
Measurement, what it is 1797—1798
Mecanique Analytique (Lagrange) 153 154 155
Mecanique Celeste (Laplace) 155 321 1319—1320 1321 1322 1401 1951 2349
Mechanics, art of 103 180
Mechanics, continuity concept 2412—2413
Mechanics, economical science 1790
Mechanics, foundations 219
Mechanics, Mechanics, The Science of (Mach) 71 1725—1727 1785—1786
Mechanics, military art 181 182 187
Mechanics, model of reality 44
Mechanism of the Heavens, The (Somerville) 2349 fn.
Medicine, Pythagoreans’ study of 83
Mediocrity, standard of intellectual power 1188
Meditations (Descartes) 129
Medusa, geometrical symmetry 712
Meinertzhagen, birds’ speed 1020 fn.
Meinong, Alexius 389
Memory, calculating machines 518
Memory, experience 10
Memory, intellectual power 1179
Men of Mathematics (Bell) 294 340
Men, classification according to natural gifts 1173—1188
Men, classification according to natural gifts, table 1187
Menaechmus, conic sections 103 236
Menaechmus, cube duplication 93
Menaechmus, mechanical instruments, use of 15
Menaechmus, parabola 91
Mendel, Gregor, commentary on 932—936
Mendel, Gregor, First Law 933
Mendel, Gregor, heredity, laws of 932
Mendel, Gregor, Plant-Hybridization, Experiments in 932
Mendel, Gregor, Second Law 933 933
Mendel, Gregor, “Heredity, Mathematics of” 937—949
Mendeleeff, Dmitri Ivanovitch, Alcohol, Union with Water 922
Mendeleeff, Dmitri Ivanovitch, Atomic Weights of the Elements, On the Relation of the Properties to the 926
Mendeleeff, Dmitri Ivanovitch, Chemistry, Principles of 913
Mendeleeff, Dmitri Ivanovitch, commentary on 910—912
Mendeleeff, Dmitri Ivanovitch, gallium, discovery 921
Mendeleeff, Dmitri Ivanovitch, germanium, discovery 921
Mendeleeff, Dmitri Ivanovitch, methods 924—925
Mendeleeff, Dmitri Ivanovitch, periodic law, chemical elements 910 913—918 926—927 1299
Mendeleeff, Dmitri Ivanovitch, pyrocollodion, invention 931
Mendeleeff, Dmitri Ivanovitch, social reformer 928—929
Mendeleeff, Dmitri Ivanovitch, undiscovered elements, predictions 919—920 926
Menelaus 78 109
Menger, Karl 884 1592 1945
Menger, Karl, space, three-dimensional 1971
Menger, Karl, “What Is Calculus of Variations?” 886—890
Mengoli, Pietro 137
Mental analysis 1156
Mental and physical values, relation 1156
Mental calculation 465 467
Mental capacity, deviations from the average 1185—1186
Mental disorders, functional 1308
Mental measurement 1164—1165
Mental powers, capacity of 1174
Mental work, law for rapidity of 486—487
Mentality, mathematical, submergence of 414
Mercator, Nicolaus 137 258 337
Mercury (planet), motions 229 1094
Mercury (planet), orbit 128 1102
Mere, Chevalier de 1395
Meridian circles 205
Meridian, prime 795
Merrill, Helen Abbot, Mathematical Excursions 2417 fn.
Mersenne, Marin 134 247
Mersenne, Marin, logarithm 137
Mersenne, Marin, numbers 500 502—505 506
Mersenne, Marin, vibration, theory of 412 2296—2297
Mesolabes, geometric instrument 181 fn.
Mesopotamia, cuneiform writing 443
Mesopotamia, Sumerians’ numbers and numerals 430 442
Meta-mathematical, language 1676
Metabolic activity, mammals (table) 1011 fn.
Metabolism 993
Metallica, De Re (Agricola) 923
Metals, radiations (table) 847
Metals, transmutation 272
Metals, value variation 1207 1208—1209
Metamerism 702
Meteorology 234
Method (Archimedes) 94 104
Method, Discourse on (Descartes) 129
Methods of Operations Research (Morse and Kimball) 2159
Methods, infinitesimal 40
Metre bar 1077 1078
Metric geometry 570 1706—1707
Metric system adopted in France 155
Metrical field 1081
Metrical geometry 103 359
Metrodorus 207 fn.
Meyer, Julius Lothar, chemical elements, periodic classification 910 911 926 930
Mffller, G.E. 467 fn. 1165
Mice, color modification 963—964
Michaud, Joseph Francois 790 fn.
Michelangelo 1005 fn.
Michelangelo, Creation of Adam 684
Michelson — Morley experiment 640 1116 1117—1120 1122 1123 1126
Michelson, Albert A., quoted 262
Micrographia (Hooke) 261
Microns 1039 fn.
Microscope, invention 732
Military considerations, theory of games 1292
Military machines, Archimedes’ 103 179 180 181—182 187
Military problems, application of mathematics 119
Mill, James 1149 1191
Mill, John Stuart 381 433 1149 1614 1620 1709
Mill, John Stuart, quoted 1234—1235
Millar, W.J. 1009 fn.
Miller, Dayton 1126 2300
Millikan, Robert A., atom-building process 1091
Millikan, Robert A., Electron, The 1044 fn.
Million, use of word 455
Milne, E.A., cosmological theory 1047
Milne, E.A., kinematic relativity 950 1610
Milne, E.A., Sir James Jeans 645 1070 2275
Milton, John, quoted 1538 2268
Mind and body, relation 1158
Mind and Nature (Weyl) 1831
Mind and nature, bifurcation 399
Mind, group theory 1552—1554
Mind, The Analysis of (Russell) 389 1552
Mine, economic production 888
Minimal surface, least area 901 902
Minimal surface, soap film experiments 903—907
Minimax solution 1288
Minimum maximorum 1272 1276
Minimum principle 882—883
Minimum problems 887 889 901—902
Minimum vocabularies 390—391
Minkowski, Hermann 1106 1572 1591
Minkowski, Hermann, quoted 1107 1133
Mirrors, Archimedes’ concave 179
Mirrors, convex, reflection 1108
Mirrors, images 679 696 698
Mirrors, metal 260 263
Mirrors, reflecting 110 132 154
Mises, Richard E. von, biography 1618
Mises, Richard E. von, Positivism 1617
Mises, Richard E. von, Probability, Statistics and Truth 1451 fn
Mises, Richard E. von, “Mathematical Postulates and Human Understanding” 1723—1754
Mitchell, F.D. 467 fn. 471 478 483
Mixed strategy 1273 1273 1276 1278 1288
Mnemonic equations 50—51
Model, working, of the universe 43—44
Modern numerals 453
Modular equations 374
Moebius, August Ferdinand, fourcolor problem 591
Moebius, August Ferdinand, one-sided surface 595
Moebius, August Ferdinand, strip 595—597 904
Moeris, geometry discovery 189
Mohammed ben Musa see “Alkarismi”
Mohler, Nora 2212 fn. 2213
Moile, Damiano da 616
Moissan, Henri 927
Molecular and Microscopic Science (Somerville) 2349 fn.
Molecular magnitudes 1039 1039 1041
Molecular theory 96
Molecule, dimensions 1035
Molecule, isomeric 980 982 986
Molecule, nature 976
Molecule, rigid spheres 1300
Molecule, stability 978—979 980 981 987
Molecule, temperature 978—979 980 987
Moments 289
Momentum, measuring 767—769 770
Monads, theory of 1043 fn.
Monde, Systeme du (Laplace) 1218 1321
Mondeux, Henri 476 480
Monetary metals, value variation 1207 1207 1208—1209
Money, diminishing marginal utility 1370 1371 1371
Money, mathematics of 1200—1202
Money, Treatise on (Keynes) 1357—1358
Monge, Gaspard 155 334 601 631
Monochord, musical intervals 189
Monochord, sound experiments 2295—2296
Monochromatic light 263
Monogenic functions 322 2003
Monomolecular films 1040
Monopoly, problems 1282
Monopsony, problems 1282
Monreale mosaic, symmetry 677 699
Moods, prior to a war 1252—1253
Moon, celestial motions 145 266 268
Moon, diameter 421
Moon, gravitational pull 257 258
Moon, tables 801
Moore, G.E. 377 386 387
Moore, G.E., Principia Ethica 1357 1361—1362
Moral certainty, absolute certainty 1454
Moral risk, conception 1366 1369—1370 1371
Moral sciences, calculus of probabilities 1392
Moral sciences, economics, relation to 1221
Moral sciences, mathematical reasoning 1367
More, Henry 261 268 281
Morgenstern, Oskar, Games, Theory of 1264 1265 1267 1268 1270 1277 1282 1283 1285 1293 1309 1312
Morgenstern, Oskar, imputations 1281
Morgenstern, Oskar, quoted 1201 fn.
Morgenstern, Oskar, “Mathematical Economics” 1200 fn.
Morgenthau, Henry 1359
Morice, A. 439 fn.
Moroney, M.J., Facts from Figures 1456
Moroney, M.J., “On the Average and Scatter” 1487—1511
Morse code 986 1307
Morse, Marston 890
Morse, Phillip M. 2159 fn.
Morse, Phillip M., Methods of Operations Research 2159
Morse, Phillip M., “Submarine, How to Hunt a” 2160—2179
Mortal, numbers symbols of the 2329
Mortality of Mankind, Degrees of (Halley) 1416 fn. 1437
Mortality tables 1416 1419 1437
Mortality, Bills of, Breslaw, Germany 1416 1419 1437—1439 1446—1447
Mortality, Bills of, Dublin, Ireland 1437
Mortality, Bills of, London, England 1416 1421—1435 1437 1438—1439
Mortality, chances at all ages (table) 1439
Mortality, odds 1440
Moscow papyrus 89 169 175
Moseley, Henry G.J., atomic numbers 841 842—850
Moseley, Henry G.J., atomic research 840
Moseley, Henry G.J., cathode bombardment 841
Moseley, Henry G.J., commentary on 840—841
Mother Goose rhyme, problem 178
Motion, absolute 1115—1116
Motion, air resistance 761—763
Motion, change of position 64 fn.
Motion, circular 227
Motion, composition 52
Motion, compounded of horizontal and vertical motions 766 769 770
Motion, compounded of two uniform motions 765
Motion, conception 19
Motion, fluid 716
Motion, horizontal plane 752 761
Motion, instantaneously completed 739
Motion, law of 44—48 1207
Motion, matter 568
Motion, minutest organisms 1043—1044
Motion, momentum, measuring 767—769 770
Motion, naturally accelerated 734—754
Motion, Newton’s Second Law 760
Motion, parabolic 49
Motion, paradoxes 1937
Motion, persistence 729
Motion, plane surfaces 729 740—742 746—747 752—754
Motion, planetary, se planetary motion; points 1203—1204
Motion, principle of continuity 1833
Motion, projectiles 755—770
Motion, resisting medium 267
Motion, retarded 752—753 761
Motion, rigid 717
Motion, simple harmonic 2284
Motion, theory of 727
Motion, time, relationship with 735
Motion, transferred to space 659
Motion, transformation 570
Motion, uniform, properties of 734—754
Motion, uniformly accelerated, definition 738 740
Motion, variability 70
Motte, Andrew 266 fn.
Motu Corporum, De (Newton) 264—265
Movement, Brownian 1043—1045
Moyal, J. R 1260 fn.
Mr. Fortune’s Maggot (Warner) 2250—2251
Mtillenhof, Karl 1018 fn.
Muir, Pattison 931
Muller, Hermann 997
Muller, Johannes 1043 fn. 1146 1148 1156
Multiple proportions, law of 918
Multiplication, Ahmes’ treatment 12
Multiplication, calculating prodigies 469 472 481—482
Multiplication, complex 371
Multiplication, digital machine 2075—2076