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Поиск книг, содержащих: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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МакКузик М.К., Невилл-Нил Дж.В. — FreeBSD: архитектура и реализация18, 21—22
Sobell M.G. — A Practical Guide to Red Hat Linux[See MIT.]
Sobell M.G., Seebach P. — A Practical Guide to UNIX® for Mac OS® X Users[See MIT]
Glass G., Ables K. — Linux for Programmers and Users
Peek R.P. (ed.), Newby G.B. (ed.) — Scholarly publishing: the electronic frontier222, 224. See also MIT Press
Winograd T. — Understanding computers and cognitionxi, 130
Lorenz E.N. — Essence of Chaos130, 137, 142, 143
Gleick J. — Chaos. Making a new science11, 13, 21, 31, 103, 159, 163, 290
Solomon C. — Computer environments for children5, 63, 141 (see also “Papert, Seymour”)
Donald L. — MCSA/MCSE 2003 JumpStart: Computer and Network Basics105
Bach M.J. — The design of the UNIX operating system1
Mason W.P. (ed.) — Physical Acoustics. Principles and Methods (volume 15)22, 78, 84
Langmuir I. — Phenomena, Atoms and MoleculesVIII
Angrist S.W., Hepler L.G. — Laws of Order and Chaos27
Kennedy D. — Academic Duty150, 201—202, 232—233, 239, 281
Scott M.L. — Programming Language Pragmatics657
Hoddeson L., Daitch V. — True Genius: The Life and Science of John Bardeen55, 62—64, 70—72, 77, 111, 155, 194, 255, 262
Dewdney A.K. — Beyond reason. 8 great problems that reveal the limits of science88
Feynman R.P. — What do you care what other people think?see "MIT"
Ralph P. Boas Jr, Alexanderson G.L., Mugler D.H. — Lion Hunting and Other Mathematical Pursuits7, 15, 38, 44
Garfinkel S., Weise D., Strassmann S. (eds.) — The UNIX-HATERS Handbooksee "MIT"
Roads С.(ed.) — Musical signal processing408
Berkeley E.C. — Giant Brains Or Machines That Think1, 20, 65, 72—88, 153
Chase R.B., Jacobs E.R. — Operations management for competitive advantage396
Rosenhouse J. — The Monty Hall Problem: The Remarkable Story of Math's Most Contentious Brain Teaser31
Derbyshire J. — Prime Obsession: Bernhard Riemann and the greatest unsolved problem in mathematics314—315
Bell E.T. — Mathematics: Queen and Servant of Science256
Burks A.R., Burks A.W. — The First Electronic Computer: The Atanasoff Story263, 280, 282, 285
Rubinoff M., Yovits M. — Advances in Computers, Volume 14232—233
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