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Garfinkel S., Weise D., Strassmann S. (eds.) — The UNIX-HATERS Handbook |
Предметный указатель |
! 152
!!!SuperLock!!! 296
!xxx%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s 150
" 152
"Expertise in a Computer Operating System" 164
"Right Thing" design approach 311
"Worse Is Better" design approach 8
# 8
$ 152
% 50 152
' 152
'Eval resize' 117
* 152
. 249
.cshrc 118 254
.login 118 254
.rhosts 244
.Xauthority file 130
.Xdefaults 132 134
.Xdefaults-hostname 133
.xinitrc 133
.xsession 133
/* You are not expected to understand this */ 55
/bin/login 251
/bin/mail 290
/bin/passwd 245
/dev/console 138
/dev/crt0 137
/dev/ocrt0 137
/etc/exports 289
/etc/getty 251
/etc/groups 244
/etc/mtab 298
/etc/passwd 73
/etc/termcap 116
/tmp 228 296
/usr/include 181
/usr/lib/emacs/lock 295 296
/usr/ucb/telnet 252
110% 277
7thSon@slcs.slb.com 51 241 299
>From 79
? 17 152 185
?' 81
@ 8
A/UX 11
Accountants 164
Adams, Rick 99
adb 291
adc_client 52
AFS 263
aglew@oberon.crhc.uiuc.edu 267
Agre, Phil xxxi 23
AIX 11
alan@ai.mit.edu 75 78 118 154 158 276 288
alan@mq.com 223
Alias file 70
Aliasing 152
All-caps mode xvi
Allen, Woody 7
Allman, Eric 63 85
alt.folklore.computers 21 24 28
alt.gourmand 100
alt.sources 100
American Telephone and Telegraph see "AT&T"
Amiga Persecution Attitude 141
An Empirical Study of the Reliability of Unix Utilities 190
Anderson, Greg xxxi
Anderson, Judy xxxi 56 70 295
Andrew File System 263
Andromeda Strain 4
anonymous 17 173 177 214
API (application programmer's interface) 114
Apollo Computers xxi 6 257 263
Apple 11
Apple Computer, Mail Disaster of 1991 85
Apple Engineering Network 86
apropos 44
ar 35
Arms for Hostages 135
Arnold, Ken 114
ARPANET 63 64 97
ASCII alternatives 88
ASR-33 Teletype 18
AT&T xix
AT&T, documentation 55
Auspex 241
Austein, Rob 49
Avocado, moldy 77
awk 51
Ba'hai 291
Backups 227 231
bandy@lll-crg.llnl.gov 152
Barf bag xxxi
bash 149
Bawden, Alan 75 76 78 118 154 158 276 288
BBN 185
Beals, Andy 152
beldar@mips.com 132
Bell Labs 5
Berkeley, bugs 185
Berkeley, Fast (and loose) File System 262
Berkeley, Network Tape 2 185
BerkNet 63
Bertilson, Scott 296
bhoward@citi.umich.edu 222
Blank line in /etc/passwd 74
bnfb@ursamajor.uvic.ca 160
Bored of the Rings 307
Borning, Alan 61 84
Bostic, Keith 232
Breuel, Thomas M. 173
Brown, Regina C. xxxi
bruce@ai.mit.edu 269
Brunnstein, Klaus 258
Bugs 186
Burson, Scott L. xxx 212
C programming language 14 173—197
C programming language, arrays 192
C programming language, integer overflow 191
C programming language, preprocessor 212
C programming language, terseness 193
C++ 14 203
C++, barf bag xxxi
Capitalization, oBNoXiOuS 141
Carbon paper xx
cat 30
Catman 44
Cedar/Mesa xxi xxxv
Chapman, David 37 56 130 293
ChDir 154
Chiappa, Noel 12
Cisco Systems 241
cj@eno.corp.sgi.com 56
clennox@ftp.com 50
Client 124
Client/server computing myth 127
cmdtool 239
CMU 263
Cohen, Gardner 132
Cohen, Michael xxxi
Comer, Douglas 8
command completion 9
command substitution 152
Commands, cryptic 18
Common Lisp 315
Communications of the ACM 190
comp.arch newsgroup 267
| comp.emacs 153
comp.lang.c++ 176
comp.unix.questions 24
comp.unix.questions, FAQ 22
comp.unix.shell 153
Completeness of design 312
conditions 194
Configuration files 235
Consistency of design 312
Core files 187
Correctness of design 311
corwin@polari.UUCP 223
Cosmology, computational 291
Cost, hidden 221
cp 18 276
cpio 148 166
Cpp 53
Cray, Seymour 274
creat() 295
Cringely, Robert 221
Crosby, Bing 8
Crowley, Aleister 292
Crypt 253
cs.questions 32
csh 149
csh, how to crash 150
csh, symbolic links 166
csh, variables 159
CSNET Relay 89
CStacy@scrc.symbolics.com 62
Cuckoo's Egg 246
Curses 113
Curses, customizing 118
curt@ai.mit.edu 268 293
Curtis, Pavel 34
daniel@mojave.stanford.edu 32 197 207
Dan_Jacobson@ATT.COM 153
Data General 11
Davis, Jim 164
Davis, Mark E. 88
DBX Debugger Tool 129
Dead baby jokes 106
debra@alice.UUCP 196
Debuggers, top ten reasons why they dump core 188
DEC 6 10 11 112
Denial of Service 254
Dependency graph 179
DES 254
devon@ghoti.lcs.mit.edu 78
df 277
Diagnostics 56
Digital Equipment Corp. see "DEC"
Disk, backups 227
Disk, overload 256
Disk, partitions 227
Disk, underusage 277
DISPLAY environment variable 130
Display PostScript 141
Distributed Objects Everywhere see "DOE"
djones@megatest.UUCP 21
dm@think.com 26 63
dmr@plan9.research.att.com xxxv
Doane, Stephanie M. 164
Documentation 43
documentation, internal 51
Documentation, online 44
Documentation, shell 49
DOE (Distributed Objects Everywhere) 14
Domain 257
Dorado xxi xxxv
DOS 20 27 45
Dourish, Paul 32
Dragnet 87
Draper, S.W. 165
drugs 178
Duffey, Roger 98
Dump scripts 234
Dunning, John R. 12 118
Dylan xxix
East Africa xix
Ecstasy, religious 161
ED 29 74
ed, file encryption 253
Egrep 149
EMACS 248 296 298
Enlightenment 305
Environment variables 20
Environment variables, DISPLAY 130
environment variables, PATH 249
Environment variables, TERM and TERMCAP 118
Environment variables, XAPPLRESDIR 133
Environment variables, XENVIRONMENT 133
Epstein, Milt 153
eric@ucbmonet.berkeley.edu 85
Ernst, Michael xxxi
error messages 83
errors, reporting 160
Eternal Recurrence 186
Ethernet 283
Exceptions 194
exec 194 248 305
Eyeballs 136
Fair, Erik E. 86
Fast (and loose) File System 262
Feldman, Stu 185
Fennell, Curtis 268 293
FFS 262
fg 50
fgrep 149
FILE 155 158
File System 262
File, deletion 23
File, hiden 254
File, name expansion 189
File, substitution 152
find 47 166 169 256
Find, not working 168
Find, symbolic links 166
Find, too many options 148
finger 257
Fingerd 257
Fire Upon the Deep 94
Flock 272
Floyd Rose 131
Foner, Leonard N. 278
Fork 248 255
FrameMaker xxxii
Free Software Foundation xxxv 177
Freeman-Benson, Bjorn 160
Frog, dead 189
fsck 266
FTP 248
ftp.uu.net 185
Fungus 72
Gabriel, Richard P. 8 311
Garfinkel, Simson L. xxix 269
Garrigues, Chris 21 51 241 299
gcc 177
GE645 5
Genera 27 257
General Electric 4
getchar 193
getcwd 297
getty 251
Gildea, Stephen 155
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