Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Garfinkel S., Weise D., Strassmann S. (eds.) — The UNIX-HATERS Handbook |
Предметный указатель |
Rose, John xxiv
Rose, M. Strata xxxi
Rosenberg, Beth xxxi
Roskind, Jim 208
Round clocks 136
routed 8
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) 7
Roylance, Jerry 298
RPC 292
rs@ai.mit.edu 50 65 226 248
Rubin, Paul xxxi 253
Ruby, Dan xxxi
Salz, Rich xxx
saus@media-lab.mit.edu 231
Scheme 173 315
Schilling, Pete 13
Schmucker, Kurt xxxi
Schwartz, Randal L. 24
SCO 11
Screens, bit-mapped 111
sdm@cs.brown.edu 209
Seastrom, Robert E. 50 65 104 226 248 261
Security 243
Security, find 166
Sekiguchi, Steve 275
send 189
sendmail 61 62 63 65 83 239 256 257
sendmail made simple 240
Sendmail, >From 79
Sendmail, configuration file 74
Sendmail, history 63
sendmsg 189
sendto 189
Set 152
SGI Indigo 46
sh 155
sh, variables 159
Shaped Window extension (X) 136
Shell programming, renaming files 161
Shell scripts, writing xix
Shivers, Olin 7 83 131
Shulgin, Alexander xxxi
Sidewalk obstruction 68
Siebert, Olin 116
Silicon Valley 86
Silver, Stephen J. 62
Silverio, C.J. 56
SimCity xxx
Simple and Beautiful mantra 188
Simplicity of design 311
simsong@nextworld.com 11
sleep 36 271
Smalltalk 173
SmL 280
Sobalvarro, Patrick 166
Soft clipping 278
Solomon 128
Space Travel 5
Spafford, Gene 106
Spencer, Henry 283
Spurts, blood 128
sra@lcs.mit.edu 49
Stacy, Christopher 62
Standard I/O Library 190
Stanford design style 311
Stanley's Tool Works 159 279
steve@wrs.com 276
Stoll, Cliff xxxi 246
Strassmann, Steve xxix 72 73 137 275
strings 53
Strip xxv
stty 119
SUID 245—248
Sun Microsystems 6 10 14 88 113 166 241 283 292
Superuser 244 245
Swapping 230
Symbolic link 154
Symbolics see "Lisp Machine"
Syphilis, mercury treatment xx
system administration 221
System V, sucks 47
Systems Anarchist 50
Tannenbaum, Andy 230
tar 30 33 160
tar, 100-character limit 148 193
tcp-ip@NIC.DDN.MIL 86
tcsh 149
Teletypes 111
Telnet 118 252
TERM and TERMCAP environment variable 118
Termcap 117
Terminal, Johnny 117
Terminfo 114
Tetris 117
TeX 38
tgoto 117
Thanksgiving weekend 241
The Green Berets 180
The Unix Programming Environment 189
Thompson, Ken 5 19 280 307
Thompson, Ken, Unix car 17 185
Tiemann, Michael 187 188 209 272 296
tim@hoptoad.uucp 292
timeval 193
tk@dcs.ed.ac.uk 32
tmb@ai.mit.edu 173
TNT Toolkit 129
Tokyo, Japan 86
Top 10 reasons why debuggers dump core 188
TOPS, A Sun Microsystems Company 292
TOPS-20 xxi xxxv 257
touch 30
Tourette's syndrome 138
Tower of Babel 126
| Tower, Len Jr. xxxi
Townson, Patrick A. 93
Travers, Michael xxiii xxiv xxxi 231 305
trn 101 103
Trusted path 251
Ts'o, Theodore 198
tset 118
Tucker, Miriam xxxi
Twilight Zone 90
Twinkies 188
tytso@athena.mit.edu 198
UDP 285
Ufs 262
unalias 152
unicode@sun.com 86 88
University of Maryland xxx
University of New South Wales 43
University of Texas, Austin 105
Unix Guru Maintenance Manual 58
Unix ohne Worter 56
Unix Programmer 185
Unix Systems Laboratories xix
Unix without words 56
Unix, "Philosophy" 37
Unix, attitude xx 37
Unix, car 17
Unix, design xx
Unix, evolution 7
Unix, File System 262
Unix, trademark xix
Unix, Worm 194
UNIX-HATERS, acknowledgments xxix
UNIX-HATERS, authors xxi
UNIX-HATERS, disclaimer xxxiii
UNIX-HATERS, history xxiii
UNIX-HATERS, typographical conventions xxxii
UNKNOWN 141 147
unset 152
USENET 35 93—109
Usenet, seven stages 106
Usenix 300
User Datagram Protocol 285
User interface xv 318
UUCP suite 63
uuencode 82-83
UUNet 89
V project 124
Vacation program 84
variable substitution 152
VDT 111
Veritas 267
vi 114 132
Video display terminal 111
Vinge, Vernor 94
Viruses 3 143
Visual User Environment 132
vms 27 112 120 257
void 95
Voodoo Ergonomics 123
vt100 terminal 113
W Window System 124
Wagner, Matthew xxxi
Waitzman, David xxxi 74
Waks, Mark 106
Wall, Larry 102
Wallace, Gumby Vinayak 233
Walton, Bruce 269
Waterside Productions xxxi
Watson, Andy xxxi
wc 175
WCL toolkit 133
weemba@garnet.Berkeley.EDU 25
Weise, Daniel xxix 32 197 207
Weise, David xxxi
whitespace 181
Whorf, B enj amin 191
Wiener, Matthew P 25
Williams, Christopher xxxi
Windows 10 164 166
WRITE 189 278
writev 189
X 123—143
X Window System 113
X, Consortium 126
X, myths 127
X, toolkits 126
X/OPEN xix 13
XAPPLRESDIR environment variable 133
xauth 130
xclock 124
XDrawRectangle 139
Xenix 11
Xerox 283
XFillRec tangle 139
XGetDefault 133
xload 124
xrdb 133
xterm 113 116 124
xtpanel 165
Yacc 177
yduj@lucid.com 295
yduJ@scrc.symbolics.com 70
Yedwab, Laura xxxi
Zacharias, Gail 268
Zawinski, Jamie 127 135 168
Zeta C xxx
Zmacs 119
Zorn, B. 206
zsh 149
zvona@gang-of-four.stanford.edu 37 50 56 130
Zweig, Johnny 116
^ 152
` 152
~/.deleted 23
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