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Roads С.(ed.) — Musical signal processing
Roads С.(ed.) — Musical signal processing

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Название: Musical signal processing

Автор: Roads С.(ed.)


Compiled by an international array of musical and technical specialists, Musical Signal Processing opens the door to the most important topics in musical signal processing today. Beginning with basic concepts, and leading to advanced applications, it covers such essential areas as sound synthesis (including detailed studies of physical modelling and granular synthesis), control signal synthesis, sound transformation (including convolution), analysis/resynthesis (phase vocoder, wavelets, analysis by chaotic functions), object-oriented and artificial intelligence representations, musical interfaces, and the integration of signal processing techniques in concert performance.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 490

Добавлена в каталог: 23.10.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
1/f noise      188
1/f spectral density      188
4i synthesizer      454 456
Abstraction in programs      276 294 318
Acceleration      223
Acceleration waves      230 232 246
Access points on a resonator      14
ACF      285 ff.
Acoustic space      242
Acoustic tube      229 235—237
Acoustic tube, wave impedance      235
Acoustical Ohms      236
Adagio program      284 324
Adder      182
Additive synthesis      8 9 199 226
Adrien, J.M.      20
ADSR envelopes      25
AIMI      see “Italian Computer Music Association”
Air absorption      241
Air column      225
Algorithmic Beauty of Plants      395
Aliasing      170 229
All-pole (AR) filter      166
All-zero (MA) filter      166
Allen, J.B.      93 128
AM      see “Amplitude modulation”
Amplitude, envelope      141 142 166 172
Amplitude, microvariations      164
Amplitude, modulation (AM)      175 424
Amplitude, spectrum      35
Analysis filterbank      136 138
Analysis of musical sounds      125 143
Analysis of musical sounds, based on chaos theory      126 187—218
Analysis of musical sounds, linear predictive coding      166 167
Analysis of musical sounds, pitch-synchronous      159—161
Analysis of musical sounds, time-frequency      125
Analysis of musical sounds, wavelet      127—151
Analysis/resynthesis algorithm      176 177
Analyzing wavelet      129
Arctic program      285 ff.
Arfib, D.      121
ARMA filters      26 166
Art of the Theremin (C. Rockmore)      407
Articulation      173
Artificial intelligence (AI)      268 349
Asynchronous granular synthesis      400 427
Attack part of envelope      166 201 202
Attractor      204—206
Attractor, biperiodic      207 208
Attractor, chaotic      209 210
Attractor, dimension      211
Attractor, reconstructed      205 206 209
Attractor, reconstruction      204
Attractor, strange      210
Audio signal processing      ix
AudioSculpt, program      32
Automatic control      222
Average magnitude difference function (AMDF)      162
Backus, J.      215 218
Bandlimited interpolation      229 230 239
Bandlimited signal      132 135
Bandpass wavelet      130
Bandwidth      130 171
Bartolozzi, B.      207 208 212—214
Bass clarinet      201 453
Bass flute      453
Bassoon      205 206 209 210
Beauchamp, J.      103
Bell      222 252 253
Bell, flare      253
Benade, A.H.      216 218
Berio, L.      450—452
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra      450
Bernardi, A.      126 187
Berry, W.      388
Bidirectional delay line      229
Biennial International Festival of Contemporary Music      452
Bifurcation      216
Bifurcation diagram      217
Bifurcation, Hopf      217
Bifurcation, period doubling      217
Bifurcation, Saddle node      217
Binary adder      180
Biorthogonal wavelet sets      137
Biperiodic attractor      207 208
Blackman — Harris window      119 120
Block-transform implementation of convolution      419
Blowing pressure      216—218
Bore      221 222 242
Bore, radiation      253
Bore, termination      253
Borin, G.      5 ff.
Bow      229 257
Bow, angle      258
Bow, force      258
Bow, noise      149
Bow, position change      257
Bowed-string      225 257 258
Bowed-string, friction      257
Bowed-string, implementation      257
Bowed-string, interaction of bow      163 249 257
Bowed-string, model      247
Box-counting method      194 195
Brass instrument      224
Breath noise      165
Breath pressure      222
Bridge      257 258
Buchla Electric Music Box      407
Buchla’s Thunder, controller      405 409
Bugna, G.-P.      126 187 197 218
Cage, J.      400
Camurri, A.      268 349 353 355
Canon program      285 ff.
Capri, the Isle of      x
Carlos, W.      336
Cavaliere, S.      126 155
Center frequency      130
Centro di Sonologia Computazionale (CSC)      454 456
Centro Tempo Reale      450 451
Chalumeau register      253
Chaos physics      188
Chaos physics, theory      187 188 204
Chaotic signal      189 190
Chaotic signal, attractor      209—211 (see also “Strange attractor”)
Chaotic signal, dimension      211
Chaotic signal, nonlinear system      187
Characteristic impedance      235
Chomsky, N.      388
Circular buffer      250
Clang-tint (C. Roads)      430
Clarinet      207—225 251 255
Clarinet, bore      253
Clarinet, physical model      217
Clarinet, Schumacher’s model      217 218
Clarke, J.      188
Classical network theory      242
Cloud Generator program      57
Clouds of sound      159 427
Cmix program      305 342
CMU MIDI Toolkit      284 305
Cmusic program      284 342
Coefficient-of-friction      223
Comb filter      249
Comb wavelet transform      143 144 145
Common Lisp language      392
Common Music language      323
Common musical notation (CMN)      398
Commuted synthesis      245
Commuting      240 249 250
Compositional algorithm      221
Computer music      156
Computer Music Journal      xi 92
Conical acoustic tube      237
Conical, bore      252
Consonant      174
Constant Q transform      157
Constant quality factor Q      128
Constraints      307 ff.
Continuous signals      272 ff. 279
Control signals, synthesis of      22—28 126
Control signals, synthesis of, fractal models of      26
Control signals, synthesis of, fuzzy logic models of      27
Control signals, synthesis of, neural network models of      27
Control signals, synthesis of, physical models of      27
Control signals, synthesis of, stochastic models of      25 26
Controllers, fuzzy      27
Convolution      157 168 170—175 411 412
Convolution, block-transform implementation of      419
Convolution, excitation/resonance modeling with      424 425
Convolution, fast      418
Convolution, rhythm mapping with      425
CORDIS system      17
Correlation      173
Correlation dimension      211
Cross-filtering      419
Cross-synthesis      35 74—88 129 157 152 174 412 413
Csound language      284 342 400—402 404 406
Curvature waves      234 246
Cylindrical, bore      251
Cypher program      360
Damped guitar string      250
Damped plucked string      249—251
Damping      249
Dannenberg, R.      267 268 271 325 354
Data compression      150 171
De Poli, G.      5 ff. 12 125 126 158 159 187
DEC PDP-11/34 computer      454
Deconvolution      157 159 161 168—172
Dedicated integrated circuit      180
Defuzzification      28
Degrees of freedom      188 211
Delay line      182 228
Delay-line interpolation      258
Desain, P.      267 268 271
Deterministic component      173
Deterministic plus stochastic model      94 95
Deterministic subtraction      107—110
Differential velocity      258
Digital differentiator      231—233
Digital integrator      231—233
Digital resampling      230
Digital Signal Processing      222
Digital waveguide      126 221—223
Digital waveguide interpolation      229 230
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT)      36 92 128 168
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), inverse (IDFT)      44
Discrete signals      274 ff. 280 281
Discrete wavelet series      129 135
Discrete wavelet transform      129 135—139
Discrete-time wavelet sets      132
Displacement      223
Displacement waves      229 233
Distributed losses      240 241
Distributed model      223 224 242
DMix program      323
Doepfer, MOGLI      408
Doppler effect simulation      449
Doublebass instrument      211
Driving point impedance      242
Dyadic sampling grid      133 140
Dyadic wavelets      136 150
Dynamic system      222
Dynamic system, modeling      222
Dynamics      173
Dynamics processing      447
D’Alembert, J.      226
Eager evaluation      334
Eaton, J.      408
Echoes by convolution      422
EDIT20 program      183
Efficient convolution      180
Electronic organ instrument      249
Embouchure      222 254 255
Encapsulation      318 ff.
Energy density wave      237 238
Energy, signal      237 244
Envelope extraction      141 142
Envelope smoothing      141
Erbe, T.      436
Euclidean dimension      193
Evangelista, G.      126 127 141 159 437
Event generator      335 ff.
Event lists      326 332
Event modifier      338 ff.
Excitation      21 22 164 167
Excitation, point      245 246 249
Excitation, pulse      166
Excitation/resonance modeling      424 425
Expressivity      163 172 173
F1 anger effect      448
Fast convolution      418
Fast Fourier transform (FFT)      52 92 93 418
Feature extraction from audio signals      144
Feedback delay      453
FFT      see “Fast Fourier transform”
Film sound      ix
Filtering      67—74 224
Filtering, all-pass      449
Filtering, all-pole      166 (see also “All-pole filter”)
Filtering, all-zero      166 (see also “All-zero filter”)
Filtering, analysis bank      136 138
Filtering, ARMA      166
Filtering, binaural      449
Filtering, comb      449
Filtering, cross      419
Filtering, heterodyne      92 (see also “Heterodyne filter”)
Filtering, inverse      166 167 172
Filtering, ladder, structure      228
Filtering, lattice, structure      228
Filtering, low-pass      449
Filtering, morphological      227
Filtering, moving average finite impulse response      169
Filtering, multiple band comb      143 144
Filtering, multirate filterbank      136 137
Filtering, musical applications      448—451
Filtering, quadrature mirror      136 137
Filtering, reflection      254—256
Filtering, source-filter model      165 166 172 189
Filtering, string loop      251
Filtering, time-varying      150
Filtering, wave digital (WD)      19
Filtering, zero-phase FIR      242
Fingering      222
First Symphony (G. Mahler)      454
First-order difference equation      231
First-order leaky integrator      230
Fixed waveform synthesis      143
flight simulator      222
Florens, J.      14
Fluctuation models      150
Fluctuation models, time-varying filter      150
Fluctuations      139 143 144 149 163 174 188 199 203
Fluctuations, fractal      190
FM      see “Frequency modulation”
FOF synthesis      159
force      223
Force distribution      249
Force waves      234—236
Formant      165 171
Formant synthesis      431 432
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