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Roads С.(ed.) — Musical signal processing
Roads С.(ed.) — Musical signal processing

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Название: Musical signal processing

Автор: Roads С.(ed.)


Compiled by an international array of musical and technical specialists, Musical Signal Processing opens the door to the most important topics in musical signal processing today. Beginning with basic concepts, and leading to advanced applications, it covers such essential areas as sound synthesis (including detailed studies of physical modelling and granular synthesis), control signal synthesis, sound transformation (including convolution), analysis/resynthesis (phase vocoder, wavelets, analysis by chaotic functions), object-oriented and artificial intelligence representations, musical interfaces, and the integration of signal processing techniques in concert performance.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 490

Добавлена в каталог: 23.10.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
FORMES program      281 305
Formula language      281 305
Fourier transform      162 189
Fractal Brownian motion (FBM)      194
Fractal dimension      190—194
Fractal dimension as a function of time      201—204
Fractal dimension of an attractor      211
Fractal dimension, local      194 (see also “Local fractal dimension measurement”)
Fractal evolution      159
Fractal geometry      188 190
Fractal geometry of chaotic signals      190
Fractal interpolation      194 199
Fractal microvariations      174
Fractal signal      126 188 189
Fractal signal, generation      194
Fractal signal, spectrum of      193 194
Fractal waveform      173
Free-running oscillator      181
Frequency domain interpolation      171 172
Frequency domain sampling      170
Frequency modulation (FM) synthesis      12 13 143
Frequency modulation (FM) synthesis, parameter estimation      143
Frequency resolution      140
Frequency stretching      130
Frequency-dependent damping      251
Frequency-dependent losses      241 242
Fricatives, synthesis      173
Friction model      223
Friedlander, B.      93
Fuzzy controllers      25
Fuzzy logic      25
Gabor grain      158
Gabor series expansion      128
Gabor sets      132
Gabor transform      157
Gabor, D.      125 128 132 155 156 158
Gabrieli, A.      453
Galileo, G.      431
Garbarino, G.      207 208
Gardner, W.      419
Garnett, G.      344 358 365
Gaussian window      172 175
Generalized time functions (GTF)      268 272 285 296
Generation of fractal signal      194
Generation of melodies      188
Generation of pulse sequence      180
Generator dynamics analysis      204
Gibellina festival      455
Gibiat, V.      218
Glottal excitation      163
Glottal pulse      166 168
Gomsi, J.      344
grain      140 153
Grain from best approximation      171
Grain from convolution between grains      172 174
Grain from deconvolution      175
Grain from filterbank analysis      159
Grain from natural sounds      159
Grain from short-time Fourier transform      159
Grain from sound production model      159
Grain from time-domain impulse response      171 172
Grain from time-scale techniques      159
Grain from wavelets      159
Grain, envelope      156
Grain, interpolation      166
Grain, optimization      172
Grain, superposition      167
Grain, waveform      157 158
Granular resynthesis      173
Granular synthesis      9 10 126 153 157 158 400 401
Granular synthesis, asynchronous      157 158 400 401
Granular synthesis, pitch-synchronous      126 159 183
Granular synthesis, synchronous      157 158
Granular, paradigm      158
Granulation of sampled sound      158
Gregorian chant      125
GRM Tools program      35 57
Guitar      149 226 250
Haar wavelet set      134
Haar, J.      134
Hammer model      248
Hammer strike      247
Hammer-string interaction      248
Hanning window      171
Harmonic component      149
Harmonic instruments      128
Harmonic plus fluctuation model      143 144
HARP      268 349 358
Harpsichord instrument      149
Hauer — Steffens notation      338
Helmholtz, H.L.F.      188
Heterodyne filter      92
Heterodyne products      216
Hidden Markov models      106
Hilbert transform      141
Hilbert, D.      141
Holderlin, F.      453
Homogeneous multiphonic      207 208
Honing, H.      267 ff. 296
Hooke, R.      223
Hooke’s spring law      223
Hop size      46
Hopf bifurcation      217
Hopf, H.      217
Horns      221 242
Hyperprism program      35—57
Ideal string      243—248 250
Ideal string, vibrating string      224—226
implementation      223
Implementation of single-pulse convolution      175
Impulse excited model      245
Impulse response (IR)      157 165 167 168 412
Information reduction      128
Inharmonic components      144
Inheritance in programming languages      321 ff.
Initial condition      247 249 252
Initial displacement      245
Input impedance      188
Instantaneous phase      141
Integral wavelet transform      129—132
Intermittent route to chaos      216
Internet      120
Interpolating, function      169
Interpolating, sine function      230
Interpolation      25 163 164 174 179
Interpolation, frequency response      169
Interpolation, scattering junction      253
Interpreter, the role of      440
Intonation, pitch      163 173
Inverse discrete Fourier transform (IDFT)      44
Inverse discrete wavelet transform      135
Inverse filtering      167 168 172
Inverse Fourier transform      119 129 169
Inverse wavelet transform      131 132
IRCAM      32 442
Iris      182 183
Iris MARS workstation      450—456
Isoland (L. Nono)      454
Italian Computer Music Association      xi
Iterated map      26 217
Jones, D.      157
Julia sets      26
Karplus — Strong synthesis      11 251 252
Karplus, K.      250 251 252
Knowledge base      388 389
Koenig, G.M.      441
Kyma program      323
La Scala Theater, Milan      455
Ladder filter structure      228
Language design      271 ff. 281
Laplace transform      231 232
Lattice filter structure      228
Lazy evaluation      293 299 304 334
Left-going wave      228
Legato modeling      256
Leman, M.      268 349 355
Lemur tracking phase vocoder      32
Length of a curve      193
Les Ateliers UPIC      437
Lienard, J.      159
Limit cycle      210 237
Lindenmayer systems      393
Line Spectrum      159
Linear interpolation      179
Linear predictive coding (LPC)      11 80—88 112 116 166 171 189 247
Linear predictive coding (LPC) as granular synthesis      166—168
Linear predictive coding (LPC), analysis      166 167
Linear predictive coding (LPC), multipulse excitation      168
Linear system      223
Lips model      223 242
Liquid reverberation      429
Lisp language      291 317 327
Live electronics      457
Local fractal dimension      194—196 219
Local pitch      162
logons      156 157
Longitudinal velocity waves      227
Loop delay      244
Looping samples      8
Loss consolidation      240 241
Loss factor      250
Lossless scattering junction      229
Lossless traveling wave      226
Lossy junction      253
Lossy wave equation      239—242
Lossy waveguide      240 241
LPC      see “Linear predictive coding”
Lumped impedance      242
Lumped loss      226 240 249
Lumped model      223 224 241
Lyre synthesizer      31
MacOS computers      408
Maher, R.C.      103
Mahler, G.      454
Mandelbrot sets      26
Markov models, hidden      106
MARS workstation      see “Iris MARS workstation”
Martenot, M.      441
Mass      223
Mass-density      225 227
Massachusetts Institute of Technology      408
Mathews, M.V.      408
Max language      35 311 389—392 451
McAulay, R.J.      93
McCartney, J.      407
McIntyre, M.E.      217
Mediterranean sea      x
Membrane      242
Memoryless excitation      21 22
Mersenne, M.      431
Message passing      281
Micro-textures      161
Microvariations      176
MIDI      279 284 342 389 395 396 425 444 445 451
MIDI output glove interface      408
Minitrails program      451
Mixtur-Trautonium instrument      336
Modal synthesis      20 21
MODE program      317 323
Model of a dynamic system      222
Model-driven deconvolution      168—172
Modulated window      130
Moog synthesizer      336
Moog, R.      408
Moorer, J.A.      92
Morphological filtering      196
Morse, P.M.      224 226
Mouth pressure      252
Mouthpiece      252
Moving average finite impulse response filter      169
Multiloudspeaker projection of sound      449
Multiphonic tone      126 187 189 196 197 207
Multiphonic tone, clarinet      211—216
Multiphonic tone, homogeneous      207 208
Multiphonic tone, non-homogeneous      209 210
Multiphonic tone, oboe      211
Multiphonic tone, recorder      211
Multiple convolution      179
Multiplexed wavelet transform      143—145 147
Multiplies number      175
Multipulse excitation      166 168
Multirate filterbank      136 137
Multiresolution representation      128
Music Kit      284 311 323
Music N      268 283 284 308 324 342
Music representation      267 272—274
Musical acoustics      188
Musical instrument modeling      222
Musical instruments      171 172
Musical instruments, bass clarinet      201
Musical instruments, bass flute      453
Musical instruments, bassoon      205 206 209 210
Musical instruments, brass      224
Musical instruments, Buchla Electric Music Box      407
Musical instruments, clarinet      207 208 211—219 222 224 225 252—257
Musical instruments, electronic organ      249
Musical instruments, guitar      149 226 250
Musical instruments, Mixtur-Trautonium      336
Musical instruments, Moog synthesizer      336
Musical instruments, oboe      196 198 211
Musical instruments, Ondes Martenot      441
Musical instruments, piano      164 225 249
Musical instruments, pipe-organ      201 227
Musical instruments, recorder      211
Musical instruments, saxophone      252 421
Musical instruments, self-sustained      211 216
Musical instruments, strings      188 221 241
Musical instruments, Theremin      336 407 441
Musical instruments, trumpet      149
Musical instruments, UPIC system      399
Musical instruments, violin      141—143 149 163 166
Musical instruments, woodwinds      252
Musical instruments, Yamaha VL, synthesizers      243 (see also “Synthesizers”)
Naples, city of      xi
Neumatic notation      125
Neural network      27 351 356
Newton second law of motion      223 224
Newton, I.      223
NeXT computer      284
Noise      163 193
Non-homogeneous multiphonic      209 210
Nonlinear distortion synthesis      12
Nonlinear dynamics exciter      22
Nonlinear exciter      189
Nonlinear interpolation      174
Nonlinear junction      243
Nonlinear reflection coefficient      254
Nonlinear scattering junction      229 249
Nonlinear systems      187
Nono, L.      400 452 453
Normalized waves      238
Nut      258
Nyquist language      268 272 285 290 323
Object, voice      326 342
Object-oriented (O-O) software      266 276 311 317
Oboe      196 211 298
Ofanim (L. Berio)      450 451
Ohm, G.      236
Ohm’s law in acoustics      236
OLA      see “Overlap and add synthesis”
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