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Roads С.(ed.) — Musical signal processing
Roads С.(ed.) — Musical signal processing

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Название: Musical signal processing

Автор: Roads С.(ed.)


Compiled by an international array of musical and technical specialists, Musical Signal Processing opens the door to the most important topics in musical signal processing today. Beginning with basic concepts, and leading to advanced applications, it covers such essential areas as sound synthesis (including detailed studies of physical modelling and granular synthesis), control signal synthesis, sound transformation (including convolution), analysis/resynthesis (phase vocoder, wavelets, analysis by chaotic functions), object-oriented and artificial intelligence representations, musical interfaces, and the integration of signal processing techniques in concert performance.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 490

Добавлена в каталог: 23.10.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Sub-band processing      174
Subtractive synthesis      10 157 189
SuperCollider program      407
Suzuki, H.      247
SVP program      32
Symbolic Composer (S-Com) program      389 392—397
Synchronous granular synthesis      427 428
SynthBuilder      35 255
Synthesis filter bank      136 138
Synthesis of musical sounds      5—30 143
Synthesis of musical sounds by physical models      126 188 221—282
Synthesis of musical sounds, additive      201 228
Synthesis of musical sounds, commuted synthesis      246
Synthesis of musical sounds, cross-synthesis      129 149 150 174
Synthesis of musical sounds, fixed waveform synthesis      143
Synthesis of musical sounds, FOF synthesis      159
Synthesis of musical sounds, frequency modulation      143
Synthesis of musical sounds, granular synthesis      126 155—183
Synthesis of musical sounds, overlap and add      159
Synthesis of musical sounds, subtractive      157 189
Synthesis of musical sounds, wavetable      258
Synthesizer, 4i      454 456
Synthesizer, Buchla      407
Synthesizer, Lyre      31
Synthesizer, Moog      336
Synthesizer, Synergy      336
Synthesizer, Technos      31
Synthesizer, Yamaha VL      243
System identification      168 173
System pulse response      179
Table lookup      180
TCAD      366
Technos synthesizer      31
Termen, L.      441
Theremin instrument      336 407 441
Timbre      172
Timbre, representation of      404 405
Time compression and expansion      55 56 150 158 159
Time processing      446 448
Time resolution      130 140
Time scale      194
Time smearing      422
Time stretching      see “Time compression and expansion”
Time-bandwidth product      130
Time-delayed phase space      204
Time-domain aliasing      171
Time-frequency plane      156
Time-frequency representation      125 127 128 156 189
Time-scale alteration      144
Time-varying filter      141
Timer      180
Tone-hole      222 228 253
Tone-hole lattice      252
Tone-hole, model      253
Topological dimensionality      193
Torus      210
Tracking phase vocoder      97 98 128
Transfer function models      17 18
Transient analysis      140
Transients      143 164
Transmission coefficient      242 253
Transmission matrix      253
Transverse velocity waves      227
Traveling-wave      225 227
Traveling-wave, lossless      227
Traveling-wave, sampling      226
Tremolo      206
Truax, B.      156 158
Trumpet      149
TurboSynth, program      406
Turbulence      254 255
Two-pole digital filter      223
Uncertainty principle      128 156
Uncertainty rectangle      130 131
Universite Paris VIII      437
UPIC, Les Ateliers      437
UPIC, system      399 404
Upsampling      163 164
Ussachevsky, V.      408
Vaggione, H.      437
Varese, E.      335 435 436
Velocity      223
Velocity waves      230 234 247 257
Vibrating dynamic system      222
Vibrato      163 206
Vidolin, A.      336 439
Violin      141—143 149 163 166
Violin, bridge      236
Virtual ambiance      403
Virtual instrument diagram      401
Virtual pick-up      244
VL synthesizer      243
Vocal fold      223
Vocal fold, model      242
Vocal synthesis      175
Vocal tones      171
Vocal tract      166
Voice      149 165—168 172 229
Voice, articulation      164
Voice, object      326 342
Voiced sounds      163
Voiced-unvoiced transition      165
Volume velocity waves      236
von Koch curve      190 191 193
Von Kock, H.      190 191 193
Voss, R.F.      188
Vowel      174
Wave digital filter (WDF)      19 248
Wave digital hammer      248
Wave energy      237
Wave energy density      237 238
Wave equation      224—226
Wave equation, solution      225
Wave impedance      228 234 235 248
Wave impedance discontinuity      244
Wave propagation      223
Wave scattering      18
Wave variables      226 229
Wave variables, acceleration      229 231
Wave variables, curvature      234
Wave variables, displacement      229 233
Wave variables, energy density      238
Wave variables, force      233 234
Wave variables, longitudinal velocity      227
Wave variables, normalized      239
Wave variables, power      237
Wave variables, pressure      225 235
Wave variables, root-power      238 239
Wave variables, slope      232
Wave variables, transverse velocity      226
Wave variables, velocity      229 233
Wave variables, volume velocity      235
Wave, left-going      228
Wave, right-going      227 (see also “Wave variables”)
Waveform of grain      157 158
Waveguides      18 19 126 221—223
Waveguides, interpolation      228 229
Wavelet      129 159
Wavelet transform      10 125—127 132 138 148 150 157 189
Wavelet transform, comb      143—145
Wavelet transform, inverse      131 132
Wavelet transform, multiplexed      143—145 147
Wavelet transform, pitch-synchronous      143 145—148
Wavelet, biorthogonal      137
Wavelet, expansion      128
Wavelet, grain      140
Wavelet, Haar      134
Wavelet, orthogonal      141
Wavelet, series      129 132—134
Wavelet, sets      135 136
Waveshaping synthesis      12
Wavetable synthesis      258
White noise      168 169
Wigner distribution      128
Wigner, E.      128
Wind instruments      188 228
Window      170
Window, Blackman      50
Window, Blackman — Harris      119 120
Window, choice      171
Window, Hamming      50
Window, Hanning      50
Window, length      229
Window, types      50
Windowed signal      178
Windowing      159 160 171
Windowing, zero-phase      99
Wolcin, J.J.      93
Wolf-note      189 211
Woodhouse, J.      217
Woodwind      252
Xenakis, I.      156 279 399 400
Yamaha VL synthesizers      243
Z transform      232
Zen      4
Zero-phase FIR filter      242
Zero-phase windowing      99
ZINC functions      167 168
Zuccheri, M.      441
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