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Winograd T. — Understanding computers and cognition |
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AAAI See “American Association for Artificial Intelligence”)
Abelson, Robert 23n 113n 115
Abstract machine 88
Accidental representation 91—92
Accounting, as profession oriented systematic domain 176
Acquisition see “Knowledge acquisition”
act see “Linguistic act Speech
action 71—72
Action and autopoiesis 47
Action and existence 69
Action and language see “Language”
Action and thrownness 34 71
Action as interpretation 144
Action in problem solving 23
Action, breakdown of 170—171
Action, conversation for see “Conversation for action”
Address, as example of distinction 171
Agreement, as basis for meaning 62—64
AI see “Artificial intelligence”
Aitiational scheme 57
Alexander, Christopher 163
Alexander, Tom 126
Algorithm 87 90
Allende, Salvador xi
Alternatives 146—149
Alternatives, choice among 20—23 144—150 153
Alternatives, generation of 149 (see also “Decision making”)
Alvey committee 134
American Association for Artificial Intelligence 125 128n
Amnesty International xiv
Analogy 68 116—117
Analytic philosophy see “Philosophy”
and intelligence see “Artificial intelligence”
Anticipation see “Breakdown”
Apel, Karl 9
Apple see “Macintosh”
Appropriateness of computer response 121
Appropriateness of utterance 57—58
Arch, as example of concept 101
Argument, structure of 67—68
Aristotle 30 109
artificial intelligence 3—4 93—139
Artificial intelligence and background 113
Artificial intelligence and cognition 8 25 75 130
Artificial intelligence and common sense 98
Artificial intelligence and formal logic 85
Artificial intelligence and representation 84—86 96n 98 Fifth Heuristic Learning Thinking Understanding”)
Artificial intelligence as paradigm 109
Artificial intelligence as problem solving 22—23 95—97
Artificial intelligence, applications 125—131
Artificial intelligence, claims for 3—4 152
Artificial intelligence, critiques of 16
Artificial intelligence, current developments 125—139
Artificial intelligence, programming for 87—89
Assembly language 91
Assertive, speech act 58 66
Austin, J.L. xii 10 56 58 70
Automation 127
Autonomous agent 105
Autonomy, of device 94
Autopoiesis 40 44—46
Autopoiesis and consensual domain 49
Autopoietic system see “Autopoiesis”
awareness 29
Baby, as example of cognitive system 52
Bachelor, as example of word definition 112
Background 54—58 74—76 111—114 145—149 155—157
Background and frames 119
Background and interpretation 113 171—172
Background and listening 54—58
Background and meaning 54—58 60 112
Background in expert system 131—133
Background in programming 155 178 Preunderstanding Tradition”)
Background of commitment 63
Background, articulation of 67—68 75 148—149
Bamberger, Jean xiii
Barnett, Octo 133
Barwise, Jon 69n 114n
Beer, Stafford xii 166n
Behavior, learned vs. instinctive 45
Behavior, rational 20—23
Behaviorism 48
Being 29 30—33 Ontology”)
Being-in-the-world 31 70—73 97
Belief, attributed to computer 106
Belief, explicit formalization of 32
Bell, Chauncey xiii
Beta structure 115
Betti, Emilio 28n
Bias, of computer 156
Biological Computer Laboratory 38n
biology 38—53 73
Blindness 97—100
Blindness and recurrence 151
Blindness in decision support system 153 157
Blindness in human understanding 123
Blindness in representation 98 124
Blindness of programs 97—98 101 121 123 133
Blindness of rationalistic tradition 17 71
Blindness to commitment 162
Blindness, awareness of 167
Blindness, created by design 166—167
Blindness, inevitability of 167
Blocks world 101 109—110
Bobrow, Daniel xiii 23 115 117n 118n
Boguslaw, Robert 21 153—154
Bookkeeping, as systematic domain 170—171 175 177
Bounded rationality 22 145—146
Breakdown 36—37 66—69 77—79 165—173
Breakdown and decision making 147
Breakdown and design 77—79 165—166
Breakdown and language 60 68—69 78
Breakdown and readiness-to-hand 36—37
Breakdown as interpretation 171—172
Breakdown in computer 5 36 75 78 84 90—91 165—166 173
Breakdown in conversation 60 66 168—169
Breakdown in organization 150 157
Breakdown, anticipation of 78 150 154 158 165 168 171—172
Breakdown, recurrence of 68—69 150 158
Browsing 166—167
Buchanan, Bruce 131
Cadwallader-Cohen, J.B. 102n
Car buying, as example of decision 148—149
Cashman, Paul 161
Center for the Study of Language and Information xiv
Chaostron 102n
Checkers 100
Checklist, for definition 112
Cherubini, Ralph xiv
Chile xi xiv 166n
Choice See “Alternative”
Chomsky, Noam 39
Cicourel, Aaron xiii 29n
Circularity see “Hermeneutic circle Strange
Classification, objective 69
clock 94
Closure see “Nervous system”
Clothing size, as example of domain 171—172
coaching 160 179
Cognition 25 38—53 70—72
Cognition and representation 73 99
Cognition in rationalistic tradition 16 33 71
Cognitive domain 46—48 51 52 73
Cognitive modelling 25 130—131
Cognitive psychology 24—25 114
Cognitive science 23—26 74
Cognitive Science Society 24
Cognitive Science, journal 23
| Cognitive system 25 46
Cognitive Systems, Inc. 128
Collins, Allen 23n
Color, perception of 41—43
Combinatorial concept formation see “Concept formation”
Commissive, type of speech act 59 63 157
Commitment 76—77 150—160
Commitment and humanness 76 106
Commitment and temporality 160 (see also “Speech act”)
Commitment as basis for language 58—60 76—77 179
Commitment in conversation 66 157
Commitment in organization 150—152 158
Commitment, concealment of 156
Commitment, forgetfulness of 76 156
Common sense, difficulty of programming 98
Common sense, shaping by technical language 7 178
Communication 76—77 176
Communicative competence 162
Competence 39
Compiler 88 90
Completion see “Conversation”
complexity 94—95
Component of autopoietic unity 44
Component of machine 87
Computer 3—7 83—106
Computer and breakdown see “Breakdown”
Computer and commitment 106 155
Computer and decision-making 20—22
Computer and representation 83—92
Computer and social context 84 135—137
Computer as abstract machine 88
Computer as evolving structure 102
Computer as logic device 87—88
Computer as medium of communication 76 155 159
Computer as physical machine 87
Computer as plastic structure-determined system 94 102
Computer as tool 71—72 77 (See
Computer language see “Programming language”
Computer program 83—90
Computer program and bias 156—157
Computer program and blindness 97—100
Computer program and representation 84—86 96n
Computer program and structural change 94
Computer program and task domain 97
Computer program as theory of behavior 26
Computer program for systematic domain 174—177
Computer program, evolution of 102
Computer, design of xi-xiii 53 75 77—79 163—179
Computer, interaction with 136—138 165
Computer, unanticipated effects of 154
Computer, understanding by see “Understanding”) (see also “Artificial intelligence Robot”)
Computerization 75 173 154—155
Concealment see “Tradition”
Concept formation 101—102
Concernful activity 33 37 69 73
Condition of satisfaction 60 65—66 171—172
Connectionist approach 130
Consciousness 52
Consensual domain 48—52 76
Content word 17
Context and frames 116
Context and interpretation 28
Context and literal meaning 19
Context and textual meaning 30
Context in decision making 146
Context in expert system 131—133
Context in semantics 19 55 113
Context of answer 155
Context of speech act 56
Context of systematic domain 177
Context, analysis in SHRDLU 110
Conversation 64—68
Conversation as dance 159
Conversation for action 64 151 159—161
Conversation for possibilities 151
Conversation, completion of 66 160
Conversation, computer tools for 157—162
Conversation, recurrent 168 172—173
Conversational principle 57
Cooperative domain 50
Coordination in organization 143 158
Coordination system 157—162 179
Coordination system for programming 161
Coordination system to reduce work rigidity 169
Correspondence theory of meaning 17—20
Counteroffer 65
Coupling see “Structural coupling”
Cybernetics 38n 51 130
Cybersyn 166
Dantzig, George xiv
Dasein 31
Data bank 155
Data base 89 129
Davidson, Donald 18n
Davis, Randall 123n
Decision maker 144
Decision making 20—23 144—150
Decision making and pre-orientation 147
Decision making and rationality 145
Decision making vs. resolution 147—150 151 Problem
Decision support system 152—157 166
Decision, programmed vs. nonpro-grammed 153
Declaration, type of speech act 59
Decomposition 87
Decontextualization 28
Default, in frame 115 117
Deliberation, as conversation 149
Dennett, Dan 106
Denotation 17
Descartes, Rene 30
description 50—52
Design 4—7 77—79 163—179
Design and anticipation see “Breakdown”
Design and structural coupling 53 178
Design as generation of new possibilities 170
Design as problem-solving 77
Design of computer systems see “Computer”
Design of conversation structures 158 169—170
Design of domain 165
Design of formal representation 96 97
Design, ontological 163 177—179
Designer, power of 154
Desire, attributed to computer 106
Detached observation and reflection 34 71
Dewey, John 9 63n
Diagnosis, by computer 131—133
Directive, type of speech act 58 157
Disintegration, of autopoietic system 45
Display hack 91—92
Dissolving, of problem 148
Distinction by observer 50—51 73
Distinction in language 69 174
DOCTOR 120—121
Doing, as interpretation 143—144
Domain 46—53 170—179
Domain of action 53 166
Domain of anticipation 172
Domain of breakdown 166 170—171 173
Domain of distinctions 73
Domain of explanation 52—53
Domain of perturbations 43 53 75
Domain of recurrence 64
Domain of structure-determined behavior 47 73 Consensual Cooperative Systematic
Domain, created by design 179
Domain, created by language 174
Domain, design of 165
Domain, linguistic 51
Donnelly, R.R. 102n
Dress shop, as example of design 167—174
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