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Berkeley E.C. — Giant Brains Or Machines That Think |
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"Automatic Computing Machinery" (section in Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation) 177
"Educated" machine 101
"Enough alike" 184
11 position 45
11 punch 58
12 position 45
5 impulse 56
A field 99
A tape 82—83
abacus 17—19 133 220
Abax (Greek) 18
Absolute value 101 222
Accumulator 115—116
Accumulator decade 118
Accuracy 67 89
Acetylcholine 3
Add output 120
Addend 223
Adder 77
Adder mechanism 77—78
adding 24—25 27 37 55 100 119 139
Addition circuit 37
Aiken Mark I Calculator 10 89—112 245—246 see
Aiken Mark II Relay Calculator 176—178 249
Aiken Mark III Electronic Calculator 177
Aiken, Howard H. 90—112 177—178 232 245—246
Air resistance coefficient 80—82
Alexander, Samuel N. 251
Algebra of logic 26 36 56—62 105 140 151—152 164 221—223 248
Algebraic equations, machines for solving 244
All-or-none response 3
Alphabet 14
Alphabetic coding 13 54
Alphabetic punching 46
Alphabetic writing 13
Alquist 200
Alt, Franz L. 142 237 247 253
Amplify 73
Analogous 65
Analogue 65
Analogue machines (machines that handle information expressed as measurements) 65
Analogue machines (machines that handle information expressed as measurements), MIT Differential Analyzer No. 2 65—88
Analogue machines (machines that handle information expressed as measurements), references 239—245
Analytical engine 90
Analyzer 68 241—244 see
AND 146—148
AND/OR 149
Angle indicator 74—75
Animal thinking 4 8 188
annuities 88
Antecedent 158
Antilogarithm 139 226
Antitangent 139 226
Approximation 220 see
Aptitude testing 190
Archer, R.M. 241
Argument (in a mathematical table or function) 96 103—104 122 136 224
Aristotle 152
Arithmetical operations 55—56 173
Armor with a motor 180 195
Array 173 227
Atomic Energy Commission 203 208
Attitudes 205
Augend 223
Aut (Latin) 149
Automatic address book 181
Automatic carriage 53
Automatic control, house-furnace 189
Automatic control, lawn-mower 188
Automatic control, tractorplow 188
Automatic control, weather 189
Automatic cook 181
Automatic factory 189
Automatic library 9 181
Automatic machinery 182
Automatic pilot 189
Automatic recognizer 186—187
Automatic sequence-controlled calculator 90 see
Automatic stenographer 185
Automatic switching circuits 248
Automatic translator 182
Automatic typist 182 184
Axon 3
B field 99
B tape 82—83
Babbage, Charles 89
Baehne, G. Walter 232
Bailey, C.F. 237
Ballistic Research Laboratories 1 113—115 127—128 132 142
Barcroft, Joseph 229
Base 10 226
base e 226
Beach, Frank A. 229
Beam of electrons 172
Beard, R.E. 88 240
behavior 4 7—8 29
Bell Telephone Laboratories 4—5 128—143 247—248
Bell Telephone Laboratories' general-purpose relay computer 128—143 247—248
Bell Telephone Laboratories' general-purpose relay computer, cost 142
Bell Telephone Laboratories' general-purpose relay computer, reliability 141
Bell Telephone Laboratories' general-purpose relay computer, speed 142
Berkeley, Edmund C. 233 248 254
Berry, R.J.A. 229
Berry, T.M. 240
Bessel functions 111 226
Binac 179
Binary coding 11 13
Binary digit 14
Binary numbers 14 216—219
Biophysics 230
Biquinary numbers 133 219—220
Bloch, Richard M. 246 250
Blocks of arguments 137
Bloomfield, Leonard 231
Bodmer, Frederick 231
Boelter, L.M.K. 240
Boole, George 152
Boolean algebra 152 248 see
Boring, Edwin G. 229
Both 149
Bower, E.C. 237
Bowwow theory 12
Brain evolution 229
Brain with a motor 180 195
Brainerd, J.G. 247
Brillouin, Leon N. 252
Brown, David R. 251
Brown, G.S. 245
Brown, J.J. 255
Brown, S.L. 241—242
BTL frames 138—139
Buckingham, R.A. 240
Burkhart, William 144 155—156
Burks, Arthur W. 246 251
Bus 32 119
Bush, Vannevar 72 74 239 241 245 253
Button 91 94
C field 99
C tape 82—83
Calcis (Latin) 18
Calculating punch 47 51—52 235
Calculator frames 138
Calculator programmed by punch cards 236
Caldwell, Samuel H. 74 239 241
CAM 94—95
Cam contact 91 94—95
Campbell, Robert V.D. 249—250
Capacitance 117
Capacitor 117
Capacity, counter 59
| Capacity, selecting 59
Capek, Karel 199 255
Carbon dioxide 190
Card channel 47 52
Card column 48
Card feed 48 91
Card punch 91 97
Card reader 116 118
Card sorter 96
Card stacker 48
Card station 47
Carnegie Institution of Washington 113
Carroll, Lewis 12
Carry impulse 118
Carter, G.K. 244
Cell nucleus 2—3
Census 43 53
Cesareo, O. 248
Channel 47 52 170
Characteristic of a logarithm 107
Check counter 105
Check marks 151
checking 105 110 179 227
Chess game 117
Chestnut blight 201
Chortle 12
Class selector 59
clearing 100
Clemence, G.M. 237
Clippinger, R.F. 246
codes 29 54 96 99
Coding 30 130 252—253
Coding line 99
Collating 51 173
Collator 47 51 235
Collator counting device 51 235
Column (in a punch card) 45
Combining information 15
Combining operations 173
COMMON 59—60
Comparer 57—58
comparing 50 57—58
Complement 55 see "Ones "Tens
Complex Computer 129—130
complex numbers 128—129
Computer 6 27
Computer 1 and Computer 2 132 138
Comrie, John Leslie 232
Concordia, C. 244
Condon, Edward U. 253
Conflicts between statements 149—150
Connective 148 158—159
Connective grouping 159
Consequent 158
Constant 224
Constant ratio 77
Constant register 96 99
Constant switch 99
Constant Transmitter 116 118
Consulting a table 103 122
context 144
Continuous annuities 88
Continuous contingent insurances 88
Continuously running gear 93
Control 6 28 90—91
Control brushes 51—52
Control frames 138—139
Control Instrument Company 43
Control over robot machines 196—208
Control tape 28
Controversy 197
Convergent 221
converter 115
Cosine 75 85 139 226
Cost of mechanical brains 87 109 126 142 165 168
Counter 52 74 93—94
Counter position 93
Counter wheel 93 118
Counting 55
Coupling (numbers) 106
Crew, E.W. 232
Criner, H.E. 245
cube 105 224
Culley, Frank L. 237
Current (input of comparer) 57
Curry, Haskell B. 254
CYCLE 29 45
Cycling Unit 115—116
Cypriote 13
Dartmouth College 131
Davis, Harry M. 253
Decade 118
decimal digit 11 14
Decimal position 118
Deciphering 184 188
Decoding 184 188
Definite integral 111 225
Delay lines 17 20 171—172
Deming, W. Edwards 237
Dendrite 3
Denial 147
Dependent variable 81 224
Derivative 68—71 225
Design of mechanical brains 167—179 251
Desk calculating machines 4 11 17 19
Detail cards 50
Dial switch 92 95—96
Dial telephone 17 19 128
Dietzold, Robert L. 244
Differences 110 227
Differential 68 70 78
Differential analyzer 68 72—88 239—241
Differential Analyzer No. 2 65—88
Differential Analyzer No. 2, accuracy 86
Differential Analyzer No. 2, cost 87
Differential Analyzer No. 2, reliability 87
Differential Analyzer No. 2, speed 87
Differential equation 68—69 71 111 141 225—226
Differential function 70
Differential gear assembly 78
digit 11 14
Digit Pickup 60
Digit selector 60
Digit tray 119
Digit trunk lines 119
Digit trunks 119
Digital machines (machines that handle information expressed as digits or letters), Bell Laboratories' general-purpose relay calculator 128—143
Digital machines (machines that handle information expressed as digits or letters), Eniac 113—127
Digital machines (machines that handle information expressed as digits or letters), Harvard IBM Automatic Sequence-Controlled Calculator 89—112
Digital machines (machines that handle information expressed as digits or letters), punch-card calculating machinery 42—64
Digital machines (machines that handle information expressed as digits or letters), references 232—239 245—255
directions 24
Disc 78—80
Discrimination 140
Discriminator 140—141
Distance 68—69
Distinguishing A and H 184
Dividend 103 223
Divider-Square-Rooter 115—117
Dividing 55—56 98 102 121 140
Divisor counter 102
Domin, Harry 199
Doorpost 65—66
Doubling 76—77 100
Doubling mechanism 76—77
Drafting rules 149
Drag coefficient 80
Drive 86
Dry ice 190
Dudley, Homer 254—255
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