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Berkeley E.C. — Giant Brains Or Machines That Think |
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Duncan, W.J. 244
Dunlap, Jack W. 237
Dwyer, Paul S. 237
Dyer, H.S. 237
echo 171
Eckert — Mauchly Computer Corporation 179 250
Eckert, J. Presper, Jr. 114 178 247 251
Eckert, w.j. 233 236—237 239 250
Economic relations 194
Edison, Thomas A. 15
EDVAC 177 249
Egyptian 12
Either 149
Electric charge 172
Electric remote-control accounting 250
Electric typewriter 91 97 236
Electromagnet 168
Electronic Binary Automatic Computer 179
Electronic calculating punch 236
Electronic Control Company 250
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (Eniac) 113—127 246—247 see
Electronic tubes 17 20—21 178—179
Electronic tubes, Cathode 21
Electronic tubes, Grid 21
Electronic tubes, Plate 21
Electrostatic storage tube 17 20 172
Ellis, M. 250
else 146—147
End-around-carry 95 217 223
Engine 90
ENIAC 113—127 246—247
Eniac, cost 126
Eniac, panels 115
Eniac, reliability 126
Eniac, speed 125
Eniac, unbalance 124
Enns, W.E. 243
Equal (output of sequencer) 61—62
equation 68 225
Equivalent 14
Erase key 134
Etruscan 188
Everett, Robert R. 251—252
Explanation 209—213
Explicit equation 86
Exponential 85 106 225—226
Extraction 222
Falsity 147
Farad 117
Feinstein, Lillian 237
fingers 16 18
Fire-control instrument 17 19 67 131
Flesch, Rudolf 231
Flights 70
Flip-flop 119
Flory, L.E. 252
Following logically 145
Form feeding device 236
Formal logic 152
Formula 68 70 224
Forrester, Jay W. 251—252
Frame, J. Sutherland 244
Frankenstein's monster 198
Frankenstein, Victor 198 200
Franz Shepherd I. 229
Freeland, Stephen L. 249
Fry, Macon 232
Fuerth, R. 242
Fuller, Harrison W. 252
Function 68 70 81 103 116 118 224
Function table 80—81 116 118
Gage, F.D. 245
Gang punching 50
Gearbox 77—78
General Electric A.C. Network Analyzer 243
General Electric Company 243
Genet, N. 239 246
Geographic code 54
Giant brain 1 5—8
Globe 65—66
Godwin, Mary W.(Mary W. Shelley) 198 255
Goldstine, Adele 247
Goldstine, Herman H. 247 251 253
Gove, E.L. 245
Graff, Willem L. 231
Graham, R.S. 244
Graph 81
Gray, T.S. 245
Great circle 69
Greater-than 25—27 37 222
Greater-than circuit 37
Greek letters 120
Green, Harriet C. 255
Guided missile 197 206
GUn 69
Haeff, Andrew V. 252
Hail storm 190
Hand perforator 132 134
Handling information 10—18
Hansen, Morris H. 237
Harmonic analyzers 241—242
Harmonic synthesizers 241—242
Harrison, Joseph O., Jr. 246 254
Hart, H.C. 244
Hartkemeier, Harry Pelle 233
Hartree, D.R. 232 240—241 247
Harvard Computation Laboratory 89 176—177 245 249
Harvard IBM Automatic Sequence-Controlled Calculator (Mark I) 10 89—112 245—246
Harvard IBM Automatic Sequence-Controlled Calculator (Mark I), cost 109
Harvard IBM Automatic Sequence-Controlled Calculator (Mark I), efficiency 111
Harvard IBM Automatic Sequence-Controlled Calculator (Mark I), reliability 110
Harvard IBM Automatic Sequence-Controlled Calculator (Mark I), speed 109
Harvard Sequence-Controlled Electronic Calculator (Mark III) 177
Harvard Sequence-Controlled Relay Calculator (Mark II) 176—178 249
Harvard University 1 4 8 89 176—177 245 249
Hatred 206
Haupt, Ralph F. 237
Hayakawa, S.I. 231
Hazen, H.L. 243 245
Hedeman, W.R. 245
Hedley, K.J. 233
Herget, Paul 237
Herr, D.L. 244
Herrick, C. Judson 229
Hoffleit, Dorrit 254
Hogben, Launcelot 231
Hollerith, Herman 43
Hopper, Grace M. 246
Hoppers 51
Horsburgh, E.H. 232
Hotelling, Harold 237
Householder, Alston S. 230
Hub 46 98
Human brain 2—4 16 229
Humidity 63
IBM (International Business Machines) 43—64 89—90 177 233—239 249—250
IBM Automatic Sequence-Controlled Calculator 10 89—112 245—246 see
IBM card-programmed calculator 236
IBM pluggable sequence relay calculator 236
IBM punch-card machinery 43—64 233—239
IBM Selective-Sequence Electronic Calculator 177—179 249
Ideographic writing 12
if 146—147
if ... then 149
Ignorance 205
Illness 191—192
Imitative scheme 12
In-code 99
In-field 99
| Independent variable 81 224
infinity 86 133 212 225
information 10
Initial conditions 83 225
Initiating Unit 115—116
Input 6 90—91
input devices 175 251—252
Input register 27
Instantaneous rate of change 70—71
Institute of Advanced Study 124
instructions 28 83 97 178—179
Insurance company 42
Insurance policies 42
Insurance values 88
integral 68 71—72 225
Integral sign 85 225
integrating 71—72 78
Integrator 78—80
Integrator mechanism 78—79
International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) 43 see
International Hydrographic Bureau 242
International Phonetic Alphabet 13
interpolating 131 221
Interposing 102
Interpreter 47 49 235
interpreting 49
interval 68 70
Intuitive thinking 8
Inverse 71
Jespersen, Otto 231
judgments 191
Juley, Joseph 248
Kalin — Burkhart Logical-Truth Calculator 144—166 248
Kalin — Burkhart Logical-Truth Calculator, cost 165
Kalin — Burkhart Logical-Truth Calculator, reliability 166
Kalin — Burkhart Logical-Truth Calculator, speed 166
Kalin, Theodore A. 144 155—156
Kelvin, Lord 72 240
Key punch 47—48 96 235
Keyboard 48
King, Gilbert W. 238
Knots 17
Koons, Florence 249
Kopp, George A. 255
Kormes, Jennie P. 238
Kormes, Mark 238
Kornei, Otto 252
Kranz, Frederick W. 242
Kron, Gabriel 243—244
Kuder, G.Frederic 238
Kuehni, H.P. 240 243
Lagemann, John K. 253 255
Landahl, Herbert D. 230
Lang, H.C. 233
Language of logic 56—62 105 140 see
Languages 10—21 231
Lashley, Karl S. 229
Latch relay 40—41
Leaver, e.w. 255
Left-hand components 56 121 215
Leontief, Wassily W. 254
Lettvin, Jerome Y. 230
Library 9 181
Library of Congress 15
Lie detector 192
Lilley, S. 232
Line of coding 99
Linear 224—225
Linear interpolation 221
Linear simultaneous equations 141 225
Livingston, Hubert M. 250
Lobe 94—95
Locke, E.L. 253
Logarithm 67 85 106—108 139 225
Logarithm-In-Out counter 107
Logic 144 see
Logical choice 4 see
Logical operations 56—62 173
Logical pattern 145—146
Logical truth 144—156 166
Logical, connective 148 222
Logical-Truth Calculator 144—166 see
Loopholes 149
Lorraine, R.G. 243
Lotkin, Max 254
Loud, Warren S. 251
Low Primary (output of sequencer) 61—62
Low Secondary (output of sequencer) 61—62
Lowan, Arnold N. 254
Lower Brushes 52
Loxodrome 69—70
Lubkin, Samuel 249 251
Lyndon, Roger C. 250
Machine call number 99
Machine cycle 56
Machine language 29 99 175 191
Machines as a language for thinking 19—20
Machines as a language for thinking, references 231—232
Machines involving voice and speech 185—186 254
MacLaughlan, Lome 253
Maginniss, F.J. 241
Magnetic surfaces 17 20 168—170 179
Magnetic tape 169—170 179
Magnetic wire 168
Magnetized spot 168—170
Main connective 160
Mallock, R.R.M. 244
Malone, Helen 254
Mann, Martin 253
Many-wire cable 50
Marble, F.G. 242
Mark I (Harvard IBM Automatic Sequence-Controlled Calculator) 10 89—112 245—246 see
Mark II (Harvard Sequence-Controlled Relay Calculator) 176—178 249
Mark III (Harvard Sequence-Controlled Electronic Calculator) 177
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1 20 65 72—88 153
Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Differential Analyzer No. 2 65—88
Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Differential Analyzer No. 2, accuracy 86
Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Differential Analyzer No. 2, cost 87
Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Differential Analyzer No. 2, reliability 87
Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Differential Analyzer No. 2, speed 87
Massey, H.S.W. 240
Master card 50
Master programmer 115—116
Mastukazi, Kiyoshi 19
Matching 173
Mathematical biophysics 230
Mathematical logic 26 36 56—62 105 140 151—152 164 221—223 248
Matrices 173 227
Matrix 173 227
Matz, Adolph 254
Mauchly, John W. 114 178 247 251 253
Maxfield, D.K. 238
Maxwell, L.R. 242
McCann, G.D. 245
McCulloch, Warren S. 230
McLaughlin, Kathleen 238
McPherson, James L. 254
McPherson, John C. 238
Meacham, Alan D. 237
Meanings 209 231
Measurements 65—66 68
Mechanical brain 1 5—8 20
Mechanical brain, crucial devices for 20
Mechanical brains under construction 176—179
Memory 27 90—91
Mentality 24 27
Mercner, R.O. 244
Mercury tank 171 179
Merging 173
Metal fingers 135
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