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Berkeley E.C. — Giant Brains Or Machines That Think |
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Systems for handling information 10
Table tape 134
Tables (of values) 103 136 224
Tabor, Lewis P. 247
Tabular value 136 224
Tabulator 47 52 119 235
Tallies 17
Tangent 105 226
Tank (armored) 180 195
Tank (mercury tank) 171 179
Tape feed 91 178—179
Tape punch 91 97—98 137
Tape reels 170
Tape transmitter 135 137
Tape-controlled carriage 236
Tarski, Alfred 248—249
Telegraph line 6 119
Telephone central station 138
Teletype 17
Teletype transmitter 133 135
Teletypewriter 130 137
Ten-position relay 91—93
Ten-position switch 91—92
Ten-pulses 120—121
Tens complement 224
Terhune, G.K. 242
Test scoring machine 236
THEN 146—147
Thermostat 187
Thinking 1—5 10 97
Thomas, George B. 238
Thomson, James 240
Thomson, William 72 240
Tilney, Frederick 229
Timed electrical currents 44
Timing contact 94
Tolerances 67 105
torque 73 86
Torque amplifier 73
Torrey, V. 246
Trajectories 69 }14 141
Transfer circuit 33
transferring 31 34 100 119 167
translating 57
Transmitter 74
Travis, Irven 239 244
Triggering control 183 186—187
Trigonometric tables 226
trigonometric tangent 105 226
Truth 144
Truth table 147 155 222
Truth value 26 58 105 147 222
Tumbleson, Robert C. 253
tuning 183
Turck, J.A.V. 232
Turning force 72
Two-position relay 21 91—92 see
Two-position switch 91—92
Tyler, Arthur W. 252
| Typewriter 16 18
Typewriter carriage 53
Unattended operation 174
Understanding 212—213 231
Unemployment 201—202
Unequal (output of comparer) 57
Unit of information 11 14—15 169
United Nations 203 208
United States Army Ordnance Department 113—114
Univac 250
University of Pennsylvania 7 113
Unknowns 141
Upper Brushes 52
Value tape code 96
Value tape feed 95—96
Variables 84 223
Varney, R.N. 243
Vel (Latin) 149
Verifier 47—48 235
Vibration 69
Vocoder 255
Voltage 74
von Neumann, John 124 251
Wainwright, Lawrence 72 241
Walpole, Hugh R. 231
Watkins, S.S.A. 254
Watson Scientific Computing Laboratory 239
Weather control 189 255
Weather forecasting 189 255
Wegel, R.L. 242
Weiner, J.R. 251
Wheel (of a counter) 78
Wheeler, L.L. 241—242
White elephant 73 114
Whitten, C.A. 238
Wiener, Norbert 229
Wilbur, J.B. 244
Wilkes, M.V. 249
Williams, Samuel B. 248
Winch 73
Wolf, Arthur W. 233
Womersley, J.R. 241
Wood, Thomas 19
Woodger, J.H. 248
Woodruff, L.F. 250
Words for explaining 209—212
Wyatt, Willa A. 254
Wylie, J. 240
X 59
X distributor 59
X Pickup 59
X punch 45 58
X selector 59
Yavne, R.O. 245
Zero 133 212
zh (sound) 13 185
Zuse Computer 250
Zworykin, V.K. 190 252 255
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