Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Berkeley E.C. — Giant Brains Or Machines That Think |
Предметный указатель |
MICA 172
Microphone 185
Miller, Dayton C. 242
Miller, Frederick G. 249
Milliman, Wendell A. 238
Milne, J.R. 242
Mimeograph stencil 16
Minoan 188
Miscellaneous field 99
Mistake 134
Mitchell, Herbert F., Jr. 254
Montgomery, H.C. 242
Moore School of Electrical Engineering 7 113—127 177 249
Moore, Benjamin L. 252
Moore, C.R. 242
multiplicand 223
Multiplicand counter 101
Multiplication schemes 214—216
Multiplier 115—116
Multiplier counter 101
Multiply-divide unit 103
multiplying 58—56 101 121 140
Multiplying punch 47 52 235
Murray, Francis J. 232
Myers, D.M. 245
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics 128 132
Naval Proving Ground 177
Negation 24—25 27 34—36
Negation circuit 36
Negative 147
Negative digit 215
Neon bulb 119
Nerve 2—4
Nerve cell 2 3 16
Nerve fiber 2 3
Nerve networks 230
Nervous system 188
network analyzers 242—244
Neurosis 191
Newman, James R. 253
Nine-pulses 120—121
Nines complement 95 121 223
No X 59
Northrop Aircraft, Inc. 179
NOT 146—148
Numeric coding 13 54
Numerical X position 45
Numerical Y position 45
O'Neal, R.D. 252
Occupation code 54
octal notation 179 219
Ogden, C.K. 231
Ohm 117
Ojibwa 12
Ones complement 217
ONLY 146—147
operation code 103
Operations with numbers 24—27
OR 146—149
Organization of digital machines 251
Out-code 99
Out-field 99
Output 6 90—91 251—252
output devices 176 251—252
Output register 27
Paper channel 52
Parker, W.W. 243
Partial differential equations 87
Partial products 115 214
Patterson, George W. 251
Pearl Assurance Company 88
Pease, M.C. 255
Pebbles 17—18
Pekeris, C.L. 245
Pen with a motor 180 195
Permanent table frames 138—139
Personal income tax 141
Peterson, H.A. 240 243—244
Pfeiffer, John E. 253
Phonetic writing 13
Phonograph 15—16
Phonographic writing 13
Phototube 81—82 183—184
Physical equipment for handling information 11 15—21 91
Physical problems 69—72
Physical quantities 67—69
Pictographic writing 12
Pieron, Henri 229
Pike, W.S. 252
Pitts, Walter 230
Plug-in units 117—118
Plugboard 46 98
Poesch, H. 240
Point of view 207
Pooh-pooh theory 12
Porter, A. 240—241
Position (in a punch card) 45
Position frames 138—139
Potter, Ralph K 255
Power 43 65 133 216 224
Prejudice 205
Previous (input of comparer) 57
Primary (input of sequencer) 61—62
Primary Brushes 51 62
Primary Feed 51 61
Primary Sequence Brushes 51
Pringle, R.W. 242
Printer 137
Printer frames 138
Problem frames 138
Problem position 132 135
Problem tape 134
Processor 132 134 175
PRODUCT 70 102 223
Product counter 102
Production scheduling 193
PROGRAM 122 173 252—253
Program control switch 123
Program pulse 122
Program register 38
Program tape 28—29
Program trays 119
Program trunk lines 119
Program-pulse input terminal 123
Programming method of von Neumann 124
Pronoun 223
Psychological testing 190
Psychological trainer 191—192
Pulses 120 171
Punch card 17 44—45 95 97
Punch feed 51—52
Punch-card column 45
Punch-card machinery 17 20 42—64 232—239
Punch-card machinery, cost 63
Punch-card machinery, reliability 63—64
Punch-card machinery, speed 62—63
Punched paper tape 17 23 82 95
Punching channel 50
Punching dies 48 51—52
Pyramid circuit 39
Quantity of information 11 14—15
Quartz 171
Quine, W.V. 248
Quotient 98 103
R.U.R. 199
Radar 183
Railroad line 6 119
Rajchman, Jan A. 252
Rapid approximation 106—108 220—221
Rashevsky, N. 230
| Rate of change 68 70—71
ratio 77 83
Raymond, W.J. 242
Raytheon Computer 250
Reading 57
Reading brushes 51—52
Reading channel 50
Reading of punch cards 44
Reasoning 144
Rebus-writing 13
Reciprocal 85 224
recognizing 8 182—185
Recorder 132 137
Rectifier 32
Referent 12
register 27
Reichenbach, Hans 248
Reject 49
relay 17 20—21 23 92 129 133 178
Relay, Common 21
Relay, Ground 21
Relay, Normally Closed 21
Relay, Normally Open 21
Relay, Pickup 21
Release key 48
Reliability 63—64 110 126 128 141—142 166 168 174
Remington-Rand 43
Renwick, W. 249
Reperforator 137
Rephrasing 163—164
Reproducer 47 49—50 235
Reproducing 49
Reset code 100
resetting 100
Resistance 80 117
Resistance coefficient 80
resistor 117
Ridenour, Louis N. 253
Riesz, R.R. 254
Right-hand components 56 121 215
Robertson, J.M. 242
Robot machine 197 198—208 255
Robot salesman 201
Robota (Czech) 199
Roman numerals 212
Roman numerals, ancient style 219
Room 70
Rose, A. 247
Rossum 199
Rossum's Universal Robots 199
Rounding off 55—56
Routine 8 167 173
Routine frames 138—139
Routine tape 28 134
Royer, Elmer B. 238
Rules 191 224
Satisfy 225
Sauer, R. 240
Scale factor 74 86
Schemes for expressing meanings 11—15
Schlauch, Margaret 231
Schnackel, H.G. 233
Schrodinger, Erwin 229
Schwarzchild, Martin 237
Screen 172
Screw 78
Secondary (input of sequencer) 61—62
Secondary Brushes 51 62
Secondary Feed 61
Select-Receiving-Register circuit 39
selecting 26 58 104
Selection 26—27 38 222
Selection circuit 38
Selection counter 104
Selector 58—60
Sensing digits 108
Separation sign 129
Sequence-control tape 98
Sequence-control-tape code 98
Sequence-controlled 89
Sequence-tape feed 98
Sequencer 61
sequencing 61
Shalett, Sidney 255
Shannon, Claude E. 153—155 241 248 255
Sharpless, T. Kite 252
Shelley, Mary W 198 255
Shelley, Percy Bysshe 198
Sheppard, C. Bradford 252
Sherrington, Charles S. 229
Shifting 217
Short-cut multiplication 215—216
Simon 22—40
Simultaneous 225
Simultaneous equations 85 225
Sine 75 85 106 139 226
Sink (of a circuit) 154
Slab 18
Slide rule 65 67
Smith, C.E. 245
Smoothness 110 227
Snyder, Frances E. 250
Social control, types 203
Somerville, J.M. 242
Sorter 47—49
Sorting 57 173
soundtracks 16 18
Source (of a circuit) 154
Space key 48
Speedometer 68
Spelling rules 185
Spilhaus, Athelstan 255
Spoken English 11
Square 224
Square matrix 227
Square root 116—117 173 220 224
Start Key 98
statements 26 144—151
Static electricity 63
Stewart, R.R. 245
Stibitz, George R. 129—130 244
Storage 6
Storage counter 93
storage devices 252
Storage register 28 93
Storing information 15
Storing register frames 138
Storing registers 139
Straiton, A.W. 242
String 65—66
Stylus 16
Subsidiary Sequence Mechanism 90 106
Subtract output 120
subtracting 55 100 119 139 223
Subtracting by adding 223
Summary punch 50 116 119
Summary-punching 50
Switch open and current flowing 154
switchboard 76
Switches in parallel 154
Switches in series 154
Switching circuits 155
Syllable-writing 13
Syllables 211
Syllogism 146 152
Symbolic logic 221—223 248 see
Symbolic writing 12
Synapse 3
System of Electric Remote-Control Accounting 250
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