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Scott M.L. — Programming Language Pragmatics |
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680x0 architecture, calling sequence 437—441
680x0 architecture, endian-ness 210 421
680x0 architecture, GNU back end 500
680x0 architecture, instructions 224—225
680x0 architecture, memory access and addressing modes 221
680x0 architecture, MIPS architecture vs. 220—225 242
680x0 architecture, registers 221—224
680x0 architecture, two-address instructions 215
A-list (association list) 137—139 598
Abelson, Harold 163 657
Absolute addressing mode 216
Abstract syntax tree see “Syntax tree”
Abstraction 106 (see also “Class” “Object-oriented “Subroutine”)
Abstraction in high-level programming language 105
Abstraction of control 106 427—489
Abstraction of control, calling sequence 431—442
Abstraction of control, continuation 270 472 474 600
Abstraction of control, coroutine 474—483 489 683 793
Abstraction of control, data abstraction vs. 427
Abstraction of control, exception handling 464—474
Abstraction of control, generator 288—291 293 316
Abstraction of control, generic subroutine or module 459—464
Abstraction of control, iterator 8 287—294 479—480
Abstraction of control, Lisp 443
Abstraction of control, parameter passing 442—459
Abstraction of control, procedural abstraction 249
Abstraction of control, run-time cost 309
Abstraction of control, Smalltalk 443
Abstraction of control, stack layout 428—431
Abstraction of data 106 529—587
Abstraction of data, association list 137—139
Abstraction of data, bounded buffer 695 696 697
Abstraction of data, central reference table 137—139
Abstraction of data, class construct 128
Abstraction of data, class, abstract 557
Abstraction of data, container class 460
Abstraction of data, control abstraction vs. 427
Abstraction of data, extension of existing abstractions 531
Abstraction of data, history 530
Abstraction of data, in Clu 287 288
Abstraction of data, microprogramming 218
Abstraction of data, module 122—129 529 530—531
Abstraction of data, opaque type 322
Abstraction of data, symbol table 132—137
Abstraction of data, type equivalence 332 333
Abstraction, beta abstraction 619 620
Abstraction, coercion and 339
Abstraction, expressive power and 4
Abstraction, lack of 8
Abstraction, lambda abstraction 614 617
Abstraction, stack 123 124
Abstraction, tuple space 705
Abstraction, type, point of view toward 322 323
Acknowledgment message 712 713
Action routine 179
Action routine and grammar classes 94
Action routine in FMQ algorithm 72
Action routine in phrase-level error recovery 85 86
Action routine, attribute storage 181—187 189 190
Action routine, gcc syntax tree construction 500
Action routine, parser invocation of 19
Action routine, semantic analysis 166 179—180
Activation record (stack frame) 111 428
ActiveX 582 587
actual parameter 427 442—443
Ada 83, formal subroutines, lack of 142
Ada 83, packages (modules) 126
Ada 83, subroutine status 143
Ada 95 as object-oriented language 530
Ada 95, access all types 383 424
Ada 95, child package 544—546
Ada 95, class-wide types 556
Ada 95, closures 564
Ada 95, dangling references 392 424
Ada 95, GNU compiler (gnat 499
Ada 95, inheritance 129
Ada 95, method binding 555
Ada 95, objects 545
Ada 95, objects, initialization 549 550
Ada 95, objects, protected 701—702 715 728
Ada 95, subroutine status 143
Ada 95, type extension 544—546
Ada 95, visibility of class members 544
Ada as object-oriented language 576
Ada, accept statement 707 715
Ada, access (pointer) types 382 387 388 392
Ada, aggregates 258 329 387 593
Ada, arrays 184 365—367 371 454
Ada, bounded buffer example 715
Ada, cactus stacks 477
Ada, case of letters 33
Ada, case statement 268 278
Ada, coercion, lack of 147
Ada, concurrency 7 673
Ada, declaration syntax 190
Ada, delay alternative in select statement 716
Ada, dereferencing, automatic 388
Ada, described 787
Ada, elaboration 116
Ada, entries 707
Ada, enumeration types 326
Ada, erroneous program 19 447
Ada, evolution of languages 3
Ada, exception handling 61 116 269 465 489
Ada, exit statement 296
Ada, exponentiation 253
Ada, fixed point types 324 421
Ada, floating-point constants 99
Ada, for loop 282 284 285 342
Ada, function return value 458—459
Ada, garbage collection 383 395
Ada, generic queue example 460
Ada, generics 148 460
Ada, goto statement 267
Ada, history 4 117
Ada, I/O 409—410 411 454
Ada, in-line subroutines 441
Ada, intermediate form (Diana) 498
Ada, Life example 371
Ada, limited extent of local objects 487
Ada, limited types 541
Ada, list and queue example 545—546
Ada, midtest loop 268 296
Ada, mod operator 421
Ada, Modula-3 and 792
Ada, nested subroutines 118
Ada, new function 387
Ada, operator functions 145 251
Ada, overloading 144 145 326
Ada, packages (modules) 123 125 533 540
Ada, packed types 354
Ada, parameter passing 132 444 446 454 455 487 489 720
Ada, parsing 97
Ada, precedence levels 253
Ada, receive operation 715
Ada, records 354
Ada, rem operator 421
Ada, remote invocation 711
Ada, rendezvous 719
Ada, repeat loop, lack of 294
Ada, scope rules 121 151 429
Ada, select statement 716
Ada, separate compilation 152 542
Ada, set types, lack of 382
Ada, short-circuit evaluation 267 274
Ada, side effects in functions 271
Ada, strings 343 380
Ada, subrange types 326
Ada, subroutines as parameters 450
Ada, subtypes 326 333 341 418 554
| Ada, synchronization 700
Ada, tasks (threads) 448 474 670 673 676—678 716 730
Ada, type checking 321 331 333 337 340
Ada, type coercion 338
Ada, type constraint 326
Ada, type conversion 335
Ada, type declarations, incomplete 151 387
Ada, unchecked pragma 422
Ada, unchecked-conversion 336
Ada, variables as values 255
Ada, variant records 358 362—364 422
Addressing mode see “Displacement addressing mode”
Addressing mode for stack 438
Addressing mode, 680x0 vs. MIPS architecture 221
Addressing mode, auto-increment/decrement 111 216 438 739
Addressing mode, CISC 216 242
Addressing mode, immediate 216
Addressing mode, indexed 216 230 376
Addressing mode, memory access and 221
Addressing mode, memory indirect 216
Addressing mode, overview 215—218
Addressing mode, pseudoassembler notation 225—227
Addressing mode, register 216
Addressing mode, register indirect 216 221 226 237
Adobe Systems, Inc. 793
Aggregate 258
Aggregate, Ada 362
Aggregate, array bounds 375
Aggregate, C 258 593
Aggregate, C++ 413
Aggregate, composite type 343
Aggregate, Fortran 90 258 329 593
Aggregate, functional language feature 592 593
Aggregate, initializers (aggregates) 329 387
Aggregate, lambda expression and 596
Aggregate, Lisp 329
Aggregate, lists 402
Aggregate, ML 258 330 402
Aggregate, Modula, lack of 329
Aggregate, Pascal, lack of 329 387
Aho, Alfred V. 28 202 527 785
AIDA 498
Algol 60, call-by-name parameters 451
Algol 60, described 789
Algol 60, for loop 285
Algol 60, function return value 269 457 458
Algol 60, goto statement 286 472
Algol 60, I/O 405
Algol 60, if construct 101 257 272
Algol 60, loops 280 286 294
Algol 60, parameter passing 8 269 302 472
Algol 60, recursion 489
Algol 60, structured control-flow constructs 268
Algol 60, switch construct 268 279
Algol 60, type system 322
Algol 68, assignment 257
Algol 68, assignment operators 261
Algol 68, case statement 268
Algol 68, concurrency 660 673
Algol 68, dangling references 391 392
Algol 68, described 789
Algol 68, elaboration 116
Algol 68, for loop 282 285
Algol 68, function return value 458
Algol 68, if construct 272
Algol 68, nondeterminacy (collateral execution) 303
Algol 68, orthogonality 256 328
Algol 68, pointers 383 389 424
Algol 68, records 352
Algol 68, references 449
Algol 68, semaphores 695
Algol 68, statements and expressions 256 270 442
Algol 68, structures (records) 133 351
Algol 68, switch construct 279
Algol 68, threads 474
Algol 68, type checking 330 424
Algol 68, type system 323 425
Algol 68, unions (variant records) 358 360 362
Algol 68, variables as references 256
Algol W, case statement 268 275
Algol W, described 789
Algol W, for loop 285
Algol W, history 167
Algol W, parameter passing 446
Algol W, type system 323
Algol W, while loop 294
Algol, declarations 121
Algol, evolution of languages 3
Algol, explicit end markers 70
Algol, forward references 133
Algol, goto statement 267
Algol, history 2 105
Algol, if construct 251
Algol, limited extent of local objects 144
Algol, nested subroutines 118
Algol, own (static) variables 122 156
Algol, parameter passing 453 487
Algol, scope rules 118 121 125 139
Algol, short-circuit evaluation, lack of 313
Algol, Simula and 793
Algol, subroutine status 143
Algol, void (empty) type 328
Alias type 332
Alias, assignment 744
Alias, C function returns 449
Alias, common subexpression elimination 754—755
Alias, equality testing 414
Alias, Euclid, lack of 447
Alias, Fortran equivalence statement 360
Alias, global redundancy elimination 746
Alias, live variable analysis 754—755
Alias, Modula-3 WITH statement 356—357
Alias, overloading vs. 144
Alias, parameter passing modes 453
Alias, pragma 48
Alias, prohibition in Euclid and Turing 125
Alias, reference parameter 444
Alias, RPC and 720
Alignment 209
Alignment in MIPS assembler 513
Alignment of HPF array 676
Alignment of integers 209
Alignment, Ada 363 447
Alignment, array memory layout 373
Alignment, assignment operator and 261—262
Alignment, record memory layout 353 355
Alignment, type cast 337
Allen, Frances E. 374
alloca routine in C/C++ 435
allocation see “Storage allocation”
Almasi, George S. 731
Alpern, Bowen 786
Alpha architecture, byte operations 211
Alpha architecture, condition codes, lack of 218
Alpha architecture, GNU back end 500
Alpha architecture, load_linked and store_conditional (LL/SC) instructions 689—690
Alpha architecture, RISC-ish approach 243
Alpha architecture, SMPs 670
Alpha conversion 616
Alphabet of a formal language 87 88 92
Alternation see “Selection”
Alternation in context-free language 87
Alternation in token specification 32
Alternation, described 249
Alternation, NFAs 89 90
Ambiguous grammar, context-free 37—38 69 615
AND parallelism 705
Anderson, Thomas E. 731
Andrews, Gregory R. 673 730 794
Anonymous type 334
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