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Scott M.L. — Programming Language Pragmatics |
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Memory, multiprocessor architecture 667
Memory, shared 687—705
Memory, workstation macro-architecture 204—205
Merced processor 242
MESA 697 728 791
Message passing 706—722 (see also “Channel for message passing” “receive “send
Message passing interface see “MPI (message passing interface)”
Message passing, buffering 711
Message passing, naming communication partners 706—710
Message passing, nondeterminacy 306
Message passing, ordering 709
Message passing, receive operation 714—719
Message passing, remote procedure call (RPC) 672—673 719—722
Message passing, rendezvous 719
Message passing, send operation 710—714
Metacircular interpreter 601
method 531
Method binding, dynamic 162 529 554—564
Method binding, dynamic, abstract class 557
Method binding, dynamic, first-class subroutines and 563
Method binding, dynamic, member lookup 557—561
Method binding, dynamic, related concepts 561—564
Method binding, dynamic, type of reference object and 556—557
Method binding, static 555 556
Method binding, virtual and nonvirtual methods 55—57
Method, abstract (pure virtual) 557 573
Method, dispatch 555
Method, overridden 555
Method, redefined 537 555
Method, virtual 555—557
Metrowerks 15 437 439 440
Meyer, Bertrand 790
Michaelson, Greg 317 657
Microcode and microprogramming 14 218
Microsoft Corporation 15 587
Microsoft Internet Explorer 663
Midtest loop 295—296
Milner, Robin 792
Milton, Donn R. 72 103
Minsky, Marvin 426
MIPS architecture, 680x0 architecture vs. 220—225 242
MIPS architecture, assembler 511—513
MIPS architecture, assembly language example 22—24
MIPS architecture, calling sequence 224 434—437
MIPS architecture, condition codes, lack of 218
MIPS architecture, dynamically linked shared library 519 520
MIPS architecture, GNU back end 500
MIPS architecture, instructions 224—225
MIPS architecture, load_linked and store_conditional (LL/SC) instructions 689—690
MIPS architecture, memory access and addressing modes 221
MIPS architecture, registers 221—224
MIPS architecture, relocation 514
MIPS architecture, RISC-ish approach 243
MIPS architecture, SMPs 670
MIPS architecture, “friendliness” xx
Miranda as pure functional language 592
Miranda, currying 610
Miranda, described 791
Miranda, lazy evaluation 303 606
Miranda, list comprehensions 403 791
Miranda, polymorphism 322 593
Miranda, side effects, lack of 606
Miranda, type system 322 344
Misra, Jayadev 729
Mix-in inheritance 557 565 573—574 576
ML as functional language 6
ML, aggregates 258 330 402
ML, currying 610
ML, datatype mechanism 350 359 384
ML, described 792
ML, exception handling 61 270 465
ML, function return value 458
ML, garbage collection 383
ML, imperative features 592
ML, implicit dereferencing 3
ML, infix operators 443
ML, lazy evaluation 607
ML, lists 346 401—402 403
ML, module types 126 562
ML, parameter passing 443 444
ML, pattern matching 348
ML, pointers 256 385 389
ML, polymorphism 147 322 345 402 459 593
ML, records 331 350 352
ML, recursive types 3 384 386 402
ML, scope rules 121 151
ML, side effects 300
ML, strings 380
ML, subroutine status 143
ML, tuples 262 346 348 705
ML, type checking 330 345
ML, type system 322 344—351
ML, unification 322 346 425
ML, unit (empty) type 328
ML, variables as references 256
MMX extensions to Pentium 668
MOD function 421
Modula (1) see “Modula”
Modula, aggregates, lack of 329
Modula, case statement 268 278
Modula, dereference (^) operator 388
Modula, described 792
Modula, explicit end piarkers 70
Modula, for loop, lack of 284
Modula, goto statement 267
Modula, midtest loop 268 295
Modula, modules 123 125
Modula, monitors 697 700
Modula, object-oriented programming and 530
Modula, parameter passing 444—446 448
Modula, records 354
Modula, repeat loop 294
Modula, scope rules 125 429 539
Modula, set types 343
Modula, threads 474
Modula, variant records 358
Modula-2, address (generic reference) type 340
Modula-2, case of letters 33
Modula-2, case statement 275
Modula-2, conformant arrays 147 454
Modula-2, coroutines 474 488
Modula-2, described 792
Modula-2, explicit end markers 70
Modula-2, external modules 533 540
Modula-2, for loop 282 284
Modula-2, forward reference 151
Modula-2, function return value 458 593
Modula-2, garbage collection, lack of 383
Modula-2, I/O 409
Modula-2, if statement 272 275
Modula-2, midtest loop 295
Modula-2, modules 123 125 126
Modula-2, numeric types 324
Modula-2, opaque types 540
Modula-2, set types 382
Modula-2, stack abstraction 123 124 127
Modula-2, subroutine status 143
Modula-2, subroutines as parameters 142 451
Modula-2, symbol table example 135—137
Modula-2, syntax error example 57—58
Modula-2, type checking 333
Modula-2, variant records 362 363
Modula-3 as object-oriented language 530 576
Modula-3, arrays 366
Modula-3, branded types 333
Modula-3, case of letters 33
Modula-3, concurrency 7 673
Modula-3, described 792
Modula-3, exception handling 61 270 465
Modula-3, for loop 282 284 285
| Modula-3, function return value 458
Modula-3, garbage collection 383 395
Modula-3, generics 148 460
Modula-3, implementation 525
Modula-3, inheritance 129
Modula-3, initialization of objects 549 550
Modula-3, method binding 555
Modula-3, midtest loop 296
Modula-3, modules 123 125
Modula-3, overloading 145
Modula-3, packed types 354
Modula-3, parameter passing 455 489
Modula-3, pointers 383
Modula-3, refany (generic reference) type 340
Modula-3, references to subroutines 451
Modula-3, scope rules 151
Modula-3, self-descriptive types 340
Modula-3, semaphores 695
Modula-3, separate compilation 152
Modula-3, subroutine status 143
Modula-3, synchronization 699 728
Modula-3, thread closures 678
Modula-3, threads 673
Modula-3, TRY...FINALLY 469
Modula-3, type checking 330
Modula-3, type extension 544
Modula-3, variant records, lack of 362
Modula-3, WITH statement 356
Module 122—129 539—542 “Generic
Module type 126—129 529 541—542
Module, advantages and disadvantages 530—531
Module, binding 123—124
Module, data-hiding mechanisms 539—542
Module, emulation 123
Module, importing names 123 533
Module, scope rules 122—126
Module, subdivision 125 540—541
Module, types and classes 126—129 529
Monads 607—609
Monitor, resident OS 661
Monitor, scheduler-based synchronization 696—700
Monitor, scheduler-based synchronization, bounded buffer example 699
Monitor, scheduler-based synchronization, condition queue 698
Monitor, scheduler-based synchronization, deadlock in nested call 700
Monitor, scheduler-based synchronization, entry queue 698
Monitor, scheduler-based synchronization, history 167 697
Monitor, scheduler-based synchronization, signal operation 698—700
Monitor, scheduler-based synchronization, urgent queue 698
Monitor, scheduler-based synchronization, wait operation 698—700
MP1 (message passing interface), naming communication partners 706
MP1 (message passing interface), process naming 706
MP1 (message passing interface), PVM vs. 672
MP1 (message passing interface), receive operation 714
MP1 (message passing interface), send operation 711
Muchnick, Steven S. 248 527 785 786
Multicomputer 667
Multilisp 704 705 731
multiple inheritance 564—574
Multiple inheritance, mix-in 573—574 576
Multiple inheritance, replicated 570—571
Multiple inheritance, semantic ambiguities 539 568—570
Multiple inheritance, shared 572—573
Multiprocessor architecture 667—670
Multiprogramming 661
Multithreading see “Concurrency”
Multithreading, case for 663—667
Multithreading, co-begin 673—675 677
Multithreading, cooperative 667 685
Multithreading, early reply 674 680—682 730
Multithreading, fork 673 677—679
Multithreading, implementation 682—687
Multithreading, implicit receipt 673—674 679—680 714 719 720
Multithreading, join 673 677—679
Multithreading, launch-at-elaboration 676—677
Multithreading, multiprocessor scheduling 686—687
Multithreading, parallel loops 675—676 677 703 707
Multithreading, preemptive 685—686
Multithreading, thread creation syntax 673—682
Multithreading, uniprocessor scheduling 683—685
Murer, Stephan 489
Mutual exclusion 687
Mutual exclusion, bounded buffer and 695
Mutual exclusion, busy-wait 688—690
Mutual exclusion, conditional critical region 700
Mutual exclusion, Java 702
Mutual exclusion, monitor 698 700
Mutual exclusion, Occam 3 SHARED channels 707
Mutual exclusion, ready list 687
Mutual exclusion, semaphore 695 696
Mutually recursive types 386
Myhrhaug, Bjrn 162 793
name resolution 515—516
Name type equivalence 330 518
Named (keyword) parameters 409 455—456
Naming of communication partners 706—710
Naming, overview 105—106
Naming, pitfalls in language design, scope rules 149—151
Naming, pitfalls in language design, separate compilation 151—155
NaN (not a number), floating-point 214
Naur, Peter 35 102 789
Negation in logic programming 633 635 647—648
Nelson, Bruce 731
Nelson, Greg 792
Nested subroutine 118 120 142 451 489
Nested subroutine, display 429 487 489
Nested subroutine, static chain 120 429
Netscape Navigator 663
Newell, Allen 247
NFA (nondeterministic finite automaton) 87
Nibble 211
Nitzberg, Bill 731
Nonconverting type cast 336
Nondeterminacy 249—250 303—308
Nondeterministic automaton 87
Nondiscriminated union 362
Nonscalar type see “Composite type”
Nonterminal of CFG 35
nop (no-op) 22 232 247 513
Normal-order evaluation 301
Normal-order evaluation, functional programming 604—606 617 620
Normal-order evaluation, lambda calculus 617 620
Normal-order evaluation, overview 301—303
Norwegian Computing Centre 162 793
NPDA (nondeterministic automaton) 87
Nullifying branch 224 233 513 762
NUMA (nonuniform memory access) multiprocessor 667
Nygaard, Kristen 162 793
Oberon, described 792
Oberon, explicit end markers 70
Oberon, inheritance 129
Oberon, objects, initialization 549 550
Oberon, type extension 544
Object code 9 (see also “Machine language”)
Object code, assembler generation of 510—514
Object code, executable 507
Object code, relocatable 507 509—510
object lifetime 109
Object Management Group 587
Object-oriented functional language 7
object-oriented language 6—7 529 530
Object-Oriented Programming 529 530—539 574—580 “Class” “Dynamic
Object-oriented programming, class construct in languages not object-oriented 128
Object-oriented programming, code improvement 785
Object-oriented programming, evolution of languages 3
Object-oriented programming, Smalltalk object model 577—580
Object-oriented programming, “object” in 106
Objective C, GNU compiler 499
Occam see “CSP”
Occam, ALT statement 716
Occam, channels 707
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