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Scott M.L. — Programming Language Pragmatics |
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Channel for message passing, communication partner name 706 707 709
Channel for message passing, early reply 680
Channel for message passing, implicit receipt 679 714
Channel for message passing, selective receipt 715
Characteristic finite-state machine (CFSM) 79
Characteristic finite-state machine (CFSM), LR parsing variants and 79 80 83 84
Characteristic finite-state machine (CFSM), phrase-level error recovery 86
Characteristic finite-state machine (CFSM), state diagram for LR parser 93
Checksum 517 518
Child (derived) class 121 535
Chomsky hierarchy 87
Chomsky, Noam 87 102
Church, Alonzo 6 489 590 617 657 791
Church-Rosser theorem 618
Churchs thesis 591
Ciancarini, Paolo 731
CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer) see “680x0 architecture” “VAX “x86
CISC (complex instruction set computer), addressing modes 216
CISC (complex instruction set computer), BCD operations 211
CISC (complex instruction set computer), byte operations 211 214
CISC (complex instruction set computer), commercial architectures 242
CISC (complex instruction set computer), data movement instructions 214
CISC (complex instruction set computer), enumeration-controlled loop 284
CISC (complex instruction set computer), philosophy of 219 242
CISC (complex instruction set computer), register-memory architecture 215 234
CISC (complex instruction set computer), RISC vs. 204 215 220—225 242—243
CISC (complex instruction set computer), subroutine call 215
CISC (complex instruction set computer), two-address instructions 215
class see “Inheritance” “Object-oriented “Type
Class as data abstraction 106 529
Class hierarchy 469 535 536 573 574 583
Class in C++ object file 517
Class in Java 702
Class, abstract 557
Class, base (parent) 121 535 537
Class, concrete 557
Class, construct in languages not object-oriented 128 129
Class, data-hiding issues 542—544
Class, derived (child) 121 535
Class, exception as value 466 469
Class, invariant on data inside 168
Class, scope and visibility rules 542—544
Class, structs in C++ 351
Classification of programming languages 5
Clausal form in predicate calculus 642—645 656
Clause in Prolog 625 640 643 655
Cleaveland, J. Craig 425
CLOS as object-oriented functional language 7
CLOS, described 789—790
CLOS, multiple inheritance 565
CLOS, object orientation 530
CLOS, objects, initialization 551 553
CLOS, type checking 559 560
CLOS, type extension 544
close operation for files 406
Closed scope 125 137
Closed world assumption 646 647—648
Closure of set of LR items 77 78 79 81
Closure, subroutine, as parameter 450—451 453
Closure, subroutine, call through 433
Closure, subroutine, dangling reference problem 144
Closure, subroutine, dynamic scoping 141—142
Closure, subroutine, exception handling 464 572—574
Closure, subroutine, function return value 458
Closure, subroutine, need for referencing environment 451
Closure, subroutine, Pascal 437 440
Closure, subroutine, Scheme 600
Closure, subroutine, Smalltalk 579
Closure, subroutine, static chain and 430
Closure, subroutine, static scoping 142—143
Closure, subroutine, virtual method and 564
Closure, thread 678
CLP 658
Clu, binary tree example 289
Clu, clusters (modules) 123 539—540
Clu, described 790
Clu, exception handling 269 465
Clu, for loop 287
Clu, garbage collection 395
Clu, generic reference type 340
Clu, generics 148 460
Clu, goto statement 267
Clu, implicit dereferencing 3
Clu, iterators 8 287—288 289 316
Clu, iterators, yield statement 288 291 293 480
Clu, lists 401
Clu, multiple assignment 262
Clu, object-oriented programming and 530
Clu, operator functions 146
Clu, parameter passing 444 489
Clu, recursive types 3 402
Clu, scope rules 125 539
Clu, short-circuit evaluation 267
Clu, tagcase statement 315 360
Clu, variables as references 255 316
co-begin 673—675 677
Cobol, decimal type 324
Cobol, described 790
Cobol, evolution of languages 3
Cobol, goto statement 3 267
Cobol, history 4
Cobol, I/O 408
Cobol, indexed files 406
Cobol, records 352 356
Cocke, John 247 786
Cocke-Younger-Kasami (CYK) algorithm 48
Code Generation see “Code improvement”
Code generation and error recovery 57 85
Code generation and symbol table entries 137
Code generation, attribute grammar example 504
Code generation, cache hits, assumption of 209
Code generation, compiler phase 16 22—24 25
Code generation, intermediate 18—19 166 174 179
Code generation, jump code 273
Code generation, one-pass compiler 174
Code generation, overview 503—507
Code generation, position-independent code (PIC) 519—520
Code generation, register allocation 504—507
Code generation, short-circuit evaluation 175
Code generator generator 492 494 523 527 759
Code improvement see “Data flow analysis” “Loop “Performance”
Code improvement on syntax tree 492
Code improvement, available expression 750 782
Code improvement, basic block redundancy elimination 733 734 740—745
Code improvement, cache optimization 767—770 771 773
Code improvement, combinations example 740—742 745—749 751—767 775—778
Code improvement, common subexpression elimination, global 357 750—755
Code improvement, common subexpression elimination, importance of 309
Code improvement, common subexpression elimination, in-line expansion of subroutines 441
Code improvement, common subexpression elimination, local 733 734 740—745
Code improvement, common subexpression elimination, ordering within expressions 264
Code improvement, common subexpression elimination, peephole 739
Code improvement, common subexpression elimination, static chain 430
Code improvement, constant folding 737
Code improvement, constant propagation 737—738
Code improvement, copy propagation 738
Code improvement, global 241 357 734
Code improvement, instruction scheduling 229 759—763
Code improvement, instruction scheduling, difficulties of 207
Code improvement, instruction scheduling, improver 24
Code improvement, instruction scheduling, in RISC assembler 513
Code improvement, instruction scheduling, pipeline stall 229
Code improvement, instruction scheduling, register allocation and 235—238
Code improvement, interprocedural 241 734
Code improvement, local 733
Code improvement, loop improvement, induction variable 284 756 756—759
Code improvement, loop improvement, loop invariant 314 316 755 755—756
Code improvement, loop improvement, loop reordering 767—775
Code improvement, loop improvement, loop unrolling 236—237 763—765
Code improvement, loop improvement, software pipelining 765—767
| Code improvement, machine-independent code improver 24 167
Code improvement, machine-specific code improver 24
Code improvement, ordering within expressions and 263
Code improvement, overview 24
Code improvement, parallelization 673 773—775 786
Code improvement, peephole 733 737—739
Code improvement, phase of compilation 16
Code improvement, phases 735—736
Code improvement, reaching definition 745 755 755—756 775
Code improvement, redundancy elimination local 740—745 746
Code improvement, redundancy elimination local, global common subexpression elimination 357 750—755
Code improvement, redundancy elimination local, global value numbering 745—749
Code improvement, register allocation 234—241 441 504—507 775—778 786
Code improvement, static single assignment (SSA) form 745 746—749 786
Code improvement, value numbering, global 745—749
Code improvement, value numbering, local 743
CodeWarrior 15 437 439
Coercion 146 166 259 330 337—341
Cohen, Jacques 426
Coherence problem for caches 668 670 689 726
Collective communication 672
Colmeraurer, Alain 657 793
Column-major order (for array layout) 373 622 768
COM (Microsoft Component Object Model) 587
Combinator, fixed-point 619 620 653 657
command interpreter 9 160 793
Comment, significant (pragma) 47—48 422 441 466
Common Lisp see “CLOS” “Lisp”
Common LISP Object System see “CLOS”
Common Lisp, arrays 371 454
Common Lisp, Boolean constants 598
Common Lisp, case of letters 33
Common Lisp, described 790
Common Lisp, exception handling 269 465
Common Lisp, lambda expression 595
Common Lisp, parameter passing 455 456
Common Lisp, programming environment 4 15 29
Common Lisp, static scoping 129
Common Lisp, structures 351 352
Common Lisp, unwind-protect 469
Common prefix in CFG 52 68 69
Common subexpression elimination, global 357 750—755
Common subexpression elimination, importance of 309
Common subexpression elimination, in-line expansion of subroutines 441
Common subexpression elimination, local 733 740—745
Common subexpression elimination, ordering within expressions 264
Common subexpression elimination, peephole 739
Common subexpression elimination, static chain 430
Communicating Sequential Processes see “CSP”
Communication 671 (see also “Message passing” “Shared
Communication path 709 711
Communication, Ada parameter modes 448
Communication, buses 204
Communication, collective 672
Communication, CSP notation 673
Communication, interconnection network 668
Communication, naming partners 706—710
Communication, nondeterminacy 306 307
Communication, polling 714
Communication, synchronization and 671—672
Communication, timesharing and 662
Communication, Unix open 406
Compaction of storage 114 394
compare_and_swap (CAS) instruction 726
compilation unit 153 515 516 542
Compilers and compilation see “Back end of a compiler” “Code “Code “Front “Parsing” “Scanning” “Semantic
Compilers and compilation, compiler family (suite) 19 497 499
Compilers and compilation, conditional compilation 12
Compilers and compilation, declarative language 6
Compilers and compilation, functional language 298 623 649 704
Compilers and compilation, history 2
Compilers and compilation, implementation strategies 11—14
Compilers and compilation, incremental 179 198 202
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design 795—799
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, binding 10 13—14 108 141 321
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, case/switch statement 278 279
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, Common Lisp 4
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, dynamic scope 130
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, enumeration type 325
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, enumeration-controlled loop 281 282 284 285
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, features 309
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, features believed to be mistakes 795
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, features to facilitate implementation 797
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, floating-point arithmetic 213
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, Fortran 4 97
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, guarded command notation 304
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, implementation 796—797
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, implementation tradeoffs 797—798
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, interprocedural code improvement 214
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, memory management 207—209
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, modern processors 227
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, omitted features 795—796
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, ordering within expressions 264—265
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, Pascal 61—62 97
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, processor implementation 203
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, record memory layout 355
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, RISC architecture 219
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, scanner and parser 94
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, scope rules 149—151
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, separate compilation 151—155
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, subrange type 327
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, success of language and 4 798
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, uninitialized variable 260
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, unreasonably expensive features 799
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, variable update 260
Compilers and compilation, interaction with language design, variant record 362 363
Compilers and compilation, interpretation vs. compilation 9—10 108 260
Compilers and compilation, just-in-time compilation 14 492 779
Compilers and compilation, one-pass 174 196 198 277
Compilers and compilation, overview 9 15—24 25
Compilers and compilation, pass of a compiler 16 496
Compilers and compilation, phase of compilation 15—16 25 496
Compilers and compilation, two-pass 497
Complex instruction set computer see “CISC (complex instruction set computer)”
complex type 324
Component system, binary 587
Component type of array 365
Composite type 322 327—328 343—344 “File” “List” “Pointer” “Record” “Set” “Variant
compound statement 270
Concatenation in Ada 380
Concatenation in context-free language 87
Concatenation in ML 381
Concatenation in regular expression 32 34
Concatenation of strings 343 371
Concatenation, NFAs and 89 90
Concatenation, Scheme cons and 303
Conceptual load 531
concrete class 557
Concrete syntax tree see “Parse tree”
Concurrency 659—731 (see also “Message passing” “Multi-threading” “Shared “Synchronization”)
Concurrency, communication 671—672
Concurrency, described 249
Concurrency, history 167 660—663
Concurrency, languages 7 672—673
Concurrency, library package 672—673
Concurrency, message passing 706—722
Concurrency, multiprocessor architecture 667—670
Concurrency, multithreaded programs, case for 663—667
Concurrency, need for 659—670
Concurrency, nondeterminacy 305
Concurrency, remote procedure call (RPC) 672—673 719—722
Concurrency, scheduler implementation 692—694
Concurrency, shared memory 687—705
Concurrency, synchronization 671—672
Concurrency, thread creation syntax 673—682
Concurrency, thread implementation 682—687
concurrent 659
Concurrent Pascal 697 699
Condition code 208 217 761
Condition queue of monitor 698
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