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Scott M.L. — Programming Language Pragmatics |
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Condition queue of scheduler 684 685 687 692
Condition synchronization 687 695 696
Condition variable of a monitor 697
Conditional branch see “Branch instruction conditional”
conditional compilation 12
Conditional critical region 700—703
Conditional critical region, bounded buffer example 701
Configuration Management 15
Conflict in parsing, predict-predict 65
Conflict in parsing, shift-reduce 79
Conformant array 147 370 453—454
Conformity clause 360
Conjunctive normal form 643
Cons cell 384 385
Consequent of Horn clause 624
Constant folding 737
Constant propagation 737—738
Constant, compile-time 110
Constant, elaboration-time 111
Constant, manifest 110 339
Constrained subtype 326 341 371
Constrained variant in Ada 363
Constraint-based language 6
Constructed (composite) type 322 327—328 343—344 “File” “List” “Pointer” “Record” “Set” “Variant
Constructor function, C++ 259 319 388 533 537 546 550—552
Constructor function, choosing 546 547—549
Constructor function, Eiffel 548—549
Constructor function, execution order 547 551—553
Constructor function, garbage collection 547 553—554
Constructor function, Java 388 552
Constructor function, references and values 547 550—551
Constructor, type 327 330 348
Container class and generic reference type 340
Container class, binary tree 293
Container class, building 539
Container class, C++ 586
Container class, generic module for 460
Container class, Smalltalk 580
Contention in parallel system 689
Context block 478 683 684 692
context switch 662
Context-free grammar 17
Context-free grammar, ambiguous 37—38 69 615
Context-free grammar, left-linear 102
Context-free grammar, LL 51 68
Context-free grammar, LR 51
Context-free grammar, overview 34—36
Context-free grammar, syntax specification and 32
Context-free grammar, tree grammar vs. 193
Context-free language 33 87
Context-free language, ambiguous 96
Context-sensitive look-ahead 59—60
Continuation 270 472 474 600
Continuation-passing style 299 317 489
Control abstraction see “Abstraction of control”
control flow 249—317
Control flow analysis 755
Control flow graph 492 495 734 742
Control flow, expression evaluation 250—267
Control flow, expression evaluation, assignment 254—262
Control flow, expression evaluation, ordering within expressions 262—265
Control flow, expression evaluation, precedence and associativity 251—253
Control flow, expression evaluation, short-circuit evaluation 265—270
Control flow, functional programming 618—622
Control flow, imperative 634—637
Control flow, iteration 280—296
Control flow, iteration, combination loops 286—287
Control flow, iteration, enumeration-controlled loops 280—286
Control flow, iteration, iterators 287—294
Control flow, iteration, logically-controlled loops 294—296 579—580
Control flow, iteration, recursion and 297—301
Control flow, nondeterminacy 303—308
Control flow, Prolog 634—637
Control flow, recursion 297—303
Control flow, recursion, applicative- and normal-order evaluation 301—303
Control flow, recursion, iteration and 297—301
Control flow, Scheme 599—600
Control flow, selection 271—279
Control flow, selection, case/switch statements 275—279
Control flow, selection, short-circuited conditions 272—275
Control flow, sequencing 270—271
Control flow, structured and unstructured 257—270
Control transfer instructions 214—215
Convex Computer Corporation 670
Conway, John 371 425
Conway, Melvin E. 489
Cook, Robert P. 134
Copy propagation 738
Copy rule in attribute grammar 169
CORBA 582 587
Cornell Program Synthesizer 202
Coroutine 474—483 489 683 793
Coscheduling 682
Courcelle, B. 202
Courtois, P.J. 731
Cray Research T3E 670
Critical section 687
csh 9
CSP see “Occam”
CSP, concurrency 673
CSP, history 167
CSP, output guards 730
CSP, process naming 706
Curry, Haskell B. 610 657
Currying 610 791
Cut, the, in Prolog 634—637 646
CYK (Cocke-Younger-Kasami) algorithm 48
Cytron, Ronald 786
DAG (directed acyclic graph) 496 499 743 760
Dahl, Ole-Johan 162 316 793
Damron, Peter C. 527
Dangling else problem 70 101
Dangling reference 109 144 383 391—395
Dartmouth College 789
Data abstraction see “Abstraction of data”
Data flow analysis 750
Data flow analysis, backward 751 753
Data flow analysis, common subexpression elimination 750—752
Data flow analysis, described 734
Data flow analysis, forward 751
Data flow analysis, reaching definition 745
Data movement instructions 214
Data parallelism 673 677 688 690
Data type see “Type”
Database in Prolog 625
Dataflow language 6
Datagram 708
Davie, Bruce S. 731
DCOM (Microsoft Distributed Component Object Model) 587
De Vere, Lorraine 103
Dead value 737
Deadlock 306 700 712 728 729
Debugger 14 15 24 134
Decimal type 324
Declaration of loop index 285
Declaration, definition vs. 152 158 322 333
Declaration, module part 125
Declarative language 5—6 646 649 659
Deep binding for name lookup in Lisp 139
Deep binding of referencing environment 116 141—143 678
Deep comparisons and assignments (copies) 415 720
Default (optional) parameter 132 454—455
Definite assignment in Java 259 260
definition vs. declaration 152 158 322 333
Dekker, Th. J. 688
Delay slot 230
Delayed branch instruction 232—233 245
Delayed load 245
Delta reduction 616
Denormal number 213
| Denotational semantics 170 270 602
Department of Defense, U.S. (DoD) 4
Dependence analysis 676 703—704 760 771 786
Dependence and instruction scheduling 760
Dependence DAG 760 761 764 786
Dependence, anti- 231 760
Dependence, flow (true) 231 760
Dependence, loop-carried 770—773
Dependence, output 231 760
Dereferencing of an 1-value 256 336 383 388—389 424
DeRemer, Franklin L. 102
Derivation of string in CFL, canonical 37
Derivation of string in CFL, left-most 37
Derivation of string in CFL, overview 36—37
Derivation of string in CFL, right-most 37
Derivation of string in CFL, sentential form 36
Derived (child) class 121 535
Derived type 333
Descriptor for an array (dope vector) 369 378—379 541 586
Destructor function 391 469 533 546 547 553—554
Deterministic automaton 87
Deterministic finite automaton (DFA) 39 424 603—604
Deutsch, L. Peter 426 586
Devices (hardware) 204 659
DFA (deterministic finite automaton) 39 424 603—604
Diana 498—499 500 527
Digital Systems Research Center 792
Dijkstra, Edsger W. 29 316 489 688 730
Dining philosophers problem 728
Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) 496 499 743 760
Directive, assembler 513
Disambiguating rule in parser generator 38 70
Discrete event simulation 480—483
Discrete type 275 324
Discriminant of a variant record 358
Discriminated union 362
Displacement addressing mode and loop unrolling 237 763
Displacement addressing mode for local objects 428 429 431 434 436 741
Displacement addressing mode for record fields 353
Displacement addressing mode in position-independent code 519
Displacement addressing mode, address computation 230
Displacement addressing mode, described 216
Displacement addressing mode, instruction set exploitation 739
Displacement addressing mode, MIPS architecture 221 222 224
Displacement addressing mode, pseudoassembler notation 226
Display 429 487 489
Distributed computing 662 (see also “Message passing”)
Distributed memory architecture 667
Distributed processes 686
DO loop see “Loop enumeration-controlled”
DoD (Department of Defense), U.S. 4
Dolby, Julian 586
Domain in denotational semantics 170 278 323 325 602
Domain of function 62 612
Donahue, Jim 792
Dope vector 369 378—379 541 586
Dot-dot problem in Pascal 45
Driesen, Karel 586
Dyadkin, Lev. J. 45
Dynamic binding 107
Dynamic binding of exception handlers 465
Dynamic binding of methods 162 529 554—564 574
Dynamic binding of types 321
dynamic linking 111 429 518—522
Dynamic programming 91
Dynamic scope see “Scope dynamic”
Dynamic semantics see “Semantics dynamic”
Dynamic type checking 321 346 349 385 386
Earleys algorithm 48
Early reply 674 680—682 730
Ease of use for languages 4
EBNF (Extended Backus-Naur Form) 35
Eiffel as object-oriented language 530
Eiffel, !! (new) operator 549 551
Eiffel, ANY superclass 535
Eiffel, classes 128 557
Eiffel, constructors 548—549
Eiffel, current 531
Eiffel, deferred features and classes 557
Eiffel, described 790
Eiffel, evolution of languages 3
Eiffel, expanded objects 553
Eiffel, generics 562
Eiffel, goto statement 267
Eiffel, implementation 582 586
Eiffel, like types 563
Eiffel, method binding 555
Eiffel, multiple inheritance 539 564 570 573
Eiffel, objects, initialization 548 551
Eiffel, renaming of features 538 568 572
Eiffel, reverse assignment 559
Eiffel, self-descriptive types 340
Eiffel, variables as references or values 550 551
Eiffel, visibility of class members 543
Elaboration 107 116 676
Elaboration of arrays 369—370 379
Elaboration of objects 533 547 550
Element type of array 365
Elliptical reference 356
Ellis, Margaret A. 566 586
EMACS 9 15
Emerald 586
Empty type 328—329
Encapsulation 123 152 162 539—546 574
End marker, syntactic, for program 51
End marker, syntactic, for statement 70
Endian-ness (byte order) 210 337 405 421
Engelfriet, Joost 202
Entry of a message-passing program 706 707
Entry of a monitor 697
Entry queue of monitor 698
Enumeration (control-flow paradigm) 291—294
Enumeration type 325—326
Enumeration-controlled loop 280—286
Enumeration-controlled loop, access to index outside the loop 281 285—286
Enumeration-controlled loop, changes to indices or bounds 281 282—283
Enumeration-controlled loop, described 280
Enumeration-controlled loop, empty bounds 283—284
Enumeration-controlled loop, jumps in or out 281 286
Enumeration-controlled loop, Smalltalk 578—579
Environment variables 160
Epilogue of subroutine 111 431
Episode of a barrier 691
Epsilon production 51 80 84
Equality testing and assignment 414—416
Erroneous program in Ada 19 447 720
error message 39
Error production 62
Error, deallocation 115
Error, lexical 47
Error, semantic, cascading 196
Error, syntax 57—62 71—75 84—86
Error, syntax, cascading 57 72 85
Error, syntax, context-sensitive look-ahead 59—60
Error, syntax, error productions 61—62
Error, syntax, exception-based recovery 61 470—471
Error, syntax, immediate error detection problem 59 67 72
Error, syntax, locally least-cost recovery 71—75
Error, syntax, panic mode recovery 57—58
Error, syntax, phrase-level recovery 58—59 84—86 470—471
escape sequence 380
Eta reduction 616
Euclid, described 790
Euclid, exit statement 296
Euclid, generators 293
Euclid, midtest loop 296
Euclid, module declaration and definition 539—540
Euclid, module types 126 128 539
Euclid, object-oriented programming and 530
Euclid, opaque type 540
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