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Scott M.L. — Programming Language Pragmatics
Scott M.L. — Programming Language Pragmatics

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Название: Programming Language Pragmatics

Автор: Scott M.L.


Programming Language Pragmatics addresses the fundamental principles at work in the most important contemporary languages, highlights the critical relationship between language design and language implementation, and devotes special attention to issues of importance to the expert programmer. Thanks to its rigorous but accessible teaching style, you’ll emerge better prepared to choose the best language for particular projects, to make more effective use of languages you already know, and to learn new languages quickly and completely.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1999

Количество страниц: 856

Добавлена в каталог: 16.11.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Scope rules, dynamic scoping      116 129—132 321 466 590
Scope rules, naming-related pitfalls      149—151
Scope rules, static (lexical) scoping      115—129 130 429
Scope rules, static (lexical) scoping, module types and classes      126—129
Scope rules, static (lexical) scoping, modules      122—126
Scope rules, static (lexical) scoping, nested subroutines      118—122
Scope rules, symbol table      132—137
Scope stack of symbol table      134
Scope, closed      125 137
Scope, hole in      121 149—152
Scope, open      125 533
Scott, Dana S.      102 202
Scott, Michael L.      ii 727 731
Sebesta, Robert W.      28
Second-class value      143 320
Section (slice) of an array      367 367—368 774
Seek operation for files      406
Segment      509
Segment switching in MIPS assembler      513
Segmented memory      383
Selection      271—279
Selection, case/switch statements      275—279
Selection, described      249
Selection, guarded      304
Selection, if statement      69—71 101 271—272
Selection, short-circuited conditions      272—275
Self-scheduling      775
Semantic analysis      165—202
Semantic analysis, action routine      166 179—180
Semantic analysis, attribute flow      166 170—178
Semantic analysis, attribute grammar      166 168—170
Semantic analysis, attribute space management      180—191
Semantic analysis, intermediate code generation and      18—19 166 174
Semantic analysis, phase of compilation      16
Semantic analysis, role of semantic analyzer      166—168
Semantic analysis, syntax tree annotation      191—197
Semantic check      see “Type checking”
Semantic check, dynamic, array subscripts      377 379
Semantic check, dynamic, association list      137
Semantic check, dynamic, by linker      523
Semantic check, dynamic, C-style cast      559
Semantic check, dynamic, case/switch statement      349
Semantic check, dynamic, coercion      338
Semantic check, dynamic, dangling reference      392
Semantic check, dynamic, disabling      167
Semantic check, dynamic, Lisp      401
Semantic check, dynamic, overflow, in binary arithmetic      264
Semantic check, dynamic, Scheme      451
Semantic check, dynamic, set type      343
Semantic check, dynamic, short-circuit evaluation      265
Semantic check, dynamic, subrange type      327 342
Semantic check, dynamic, subtype assignment      363
Semantic check, dynamic, type clash      131
Semantic check, dynamic, type conversion      335
Semantic check, dynamic, uninitialized variable      259—260
Semantic check, static, ML type system      345
Semantic check, static, set type      344
Semantic check, static, subrange type      342
Semantic check, static, type cast      337
Semantic function      169—170 171 173 179
Semantic hook      183
Semantic stack      189—190
Semantics, axiomatic      167 170 202 314 590 731
Semantics, denotational      170 270 602
Semantics, dynamic      19 130 165
Semantics, static      19 130 165
Semantics, syntax vs.      31—32 165
Semaphore, binary      695
Semaphore, bounded buffer example      697
Semaphore, scheduler-based synchronization      695—696 697
send operation      710—714
send operation, blocking      710
send operation, buffering      711—712
send operation, emulation of alternatives      712—713
send operation, error reporting      712
send operation, synchronization semantics      710—711 712
send operation, syntax and language integration      714
Sense-reversing barrier      691
Sentential form      36
sentinel value      312 317
Separate compilation for module emulation      123
Separate compilation in C and C++      123 151—154 517 534
Separate compilation in Fortran      117
Separate compilation in Modula-2      540
Separate compilation, binding time      107
Separate compilation, integrated environment      515
Separate compilation, interprocedural code improvement and      241
Separate compilation, module subdivision      125 540—541
Separate compilation, naming-related pitfalls      151—155
Separate compilation, type checking      516—517
sequencing      249 250 270—271 599
Sequent Computer Corporation      670
Sequential file      406
Set      381—382
Sethi, Ravi      28 202 527 785
setjmp routine in C      473
sh      9
Shallow binding for name lookup in Lisp      139
Shallow binding of referencing environment      116 141
Shallow comparisons and assignments (copies)      415
Shamir, Eliahu      102
Shape of an array      338 369
Shapiro, Ehud      731
Shared inheritance      555 570 572—573
Shared memory      687—705
Shared memory, busy-wait synchronization      688—691
Shared memory, coherence problem      668—670
Shared memory, history      662
Shared memory, implicit synchronization      703—705
Shared memory, multiprocessor architecture      667 668—670
Shared memory, scheduler implementation      692—694
Shared memory, scheduler-based synchronization      671 684 694—703
Shared memory, software distributed shared memory (S-DSM)      317 672 731
Sharp, Oliver J.      786
Shasta      317
Shell (command interpreter)      9 160 793
Shift-reduce (LR) parsing      48—51 75—86
short-circuit evaluation      265 265—267 272—275
Short-circuit evaluation and normal-order evaluation      651
Short-circuit evaluation in expression evaluation      265—267
Short-circuit evaluation in selection statement      272—275
Short-circuit evaluation, code generation      175
Short-circuit evaluation, making do without      310
Side effect      254
Side effect, assignment operator      260—261
Side effect, empty type and      328 347
Side effect, exception handler      469
Side effect, functional language and      254 592 593 606—607 622 648 649
Side effect, high-order function and      609
Side effect, in-line expansion of subroutine and      442
Side effect, insn annotation      502
Side effect, iteration      300 308
Side effect, lazy evaluation and      606—607
Side effect, local optimization      740
Side effect, normal-order evaluation      302
Side effect, ordering within expressions and      263 265
Side effect, Prolog      637
Side effect, Scheme      599 600
Side effect, sequencing and      270—271
Side effect, short-circuit evaluation and      266
Side effect, Von Neuman languages and      6
Siewiorek, Daniel P.      247
signal operation in monitor      698—700
Signaling NaN, floating point      214 259
Significand of floating-point number      212
Significant comment (pragma)      47—48 422 441 466
Silbershatz, A.      730
Silicon Graphics, Inc.      670
simple type      325
Simula, abstraction-based point of view      323
Simula, cactus stacks      477
Simula, call-by-name parameters      451
Simula, classes      128 793
Simula, coroutines      474 548
Simula, described      793
Simula, DETACH operation      475 478 548 674
Simula, initialization of objects      547 552
Simula, method binding      555
Simula, module types      126 539
Simula, object-oriented programming and      530
Simula, virtual methods      555 557
Simulation      480—483
Single-assignment variable      705 781
Sipser, Michael      102
Sisal as functional language      6 592 649
Sisal, compilation      623
Sisal, dependence analysis      704
Sisal, described      793—794
Sisal, Fibonacci function      301
Sisal, old keyword      300 301
Sisal, synchronization      704
Skolem constant      645
Skolem function      645
Skolemization      642 644—645
Slice of an array      367 367—368 774
Smalltalk      577—580
Smalltalk as object-oriented language      7 530
Smalltalk, abstraction-based point of view      323
Smalltalk, anthropomorphism      549 577
Smalltalk, assignment      578
Smalltalk, associativity      578
Smalltalk, blocks      578
Smalltalk, class hierarchy      536 549
Smalltalk, classes      128
Smalltalk, container class      580
Smalltalk, described      794
Smalltalk, enumeration-controlled loop      578—579
Smalltalk, evolution of languages      3
Smalltalk, expression syntax      443 484 578
Smalltalk, GNU interpreter      499
Smalltalk, graphical interface      404
Smalltalk, if construct      443 578
Smalltalk, implementation      13 582 586
Smalltalk, infix (mixfix) notation      251
Smalltalk, initialization of objects      548 549
Smalltalk, late binding      13—14
Smalltalk, logically-controlled loop      579—580
Smalltalk, messages      577
Smalltalk, metaclass      549
Smalltalk, method binding      555
Smalltalk, multiple inheritance      586
Smalltalk, object model      577—580
Smalltalk, Object superclass      535
Smalltalk, parameter passing      444
Smalltalk, polymorphism      108 147 321
Smalltalk, precedence      252 578
Smalltalk, programming environment      15 29 404 577
Smalltalk, recursion      580
Smalltalk, self      531 580
Smalltalk, self-descriptive types      340
Smalltalk, super      538
Smalltalk, type checking      108 321 559 560
Smalltalk, type system      322
Smalltalk, variables as references      256 560
Smalltalk, visibility of class members      544
Smith, James E.      247
SMP (symmetric multiprocessor)      667
Sneeringer, M. J.      425
Snobol as homoiconic language      649
Snobol as special purpose language      3
Snobol, described      794
Snobol, pattern matching      349
Snobol, scope rules      116 129
Snobol, strings      371 381
Snobol, type checking      349
Snyder, Alan      489
Socit des Outils du Logiciel      790
Socket      706
Software distributed shared memory (S-DSM)      317 672 731
Software pipelining      765—767
Solomon, Marvin H.      316
Sort, quicksort      647 653
Sort, topological      761
Space sharing      683
Sparc architecture, approach (CISC vs. RISC)      243
Sparc architecture, condition codes      217
Sparc architecture, GNU back end      500
Sparc architecture, register windows      241
Sparc architecture, SMPs      670
Special form in Lisp/Scheme      596
speculative execution      705
Spilling of registers      235 507 763
SPIM      xx
Spin lock      688—690 692 693 725 727
Spin-then-yield lock      692 693 694 695
spinning      see “Busy-wait synchronization”
Spreadsheet      6
Spur Lisp      731
SR in statement      306 718
SR, capabilities      708
SR, case statement, lack of      304
SR, concurrency      673
SR, described      794
SR, early reply      681
SR, guarded commands      304 316
SR, implementation      525
SR, implicit receipt      714
SR, integration of sequential and concurrent constructs      679 681
SR, line breaks      33
SR, memory model      707
SR, message screening (selection)      307 718
SR, naming for communication      707
SR, nondeterminacy      304
SR, parallel loops      675
SR, receive operation      714 715
SR, remote invocation      711
SR, semaphores      695
SR, send operation      711
SR, threads      474 673 676 730
SSA (static single assignment) form      745 746—749 786
STACK      111—112 428—431 509
stack frame      111 428
Stack pointer      112 221 224 226 428
Stack, 680x0      437—440
Stack, MIPS      434—437
Stack-based language      496—497
Stack-based storage allocation      109 111—112 391 428—431 476—477
Stallings, William      247
Stansifer, Ryan      657 792
Start symbol of CFG      35
Statement in predicate calculus      641
Statement, expression vs.      254
Static (lexical) scope      115—129 130 429
Static binding      107
Static chain      120 429
Static link      120 429
Static semantics      19 130 165
Static single assignment (SSA) form      745 746—749 786
Static storage allocation      109—111 391
static type checking      321 330 344 385
Statically typed language      321
stdio library in C/C++      410 412 456
Stearns, Richard E.      102 202
Steele, Guy L. Jr.      793
Stop-and-copy garbage collection      400 426
Storage allocation      108—115 (see also “Garbage collection”)
Storage allocation, arrays      369—370
Storage allocation, explicit vs. implicit deallocation      114—115
Storage allocation, garbage collection      109 114—115
Storage allocation, heap-based      109 113—114 391
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