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Scott M.L. — Programming Language Pragmatics |
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Body of loop, unrolled 236—237
Body of module 125 517—518 524 540 542 544
Body of object method 557 702
Body of program 476
Body of remote procedure 679
Body of remote procedure, entry of a message-passing program 706 707
Body of structured statement 80 718
Body of subroutine with display 433
Body of subroutine, exception handling 470
Body of subroutine, forward declaration 134
Body of subroutine, global optimization 241
Body of subroutine, in ML 344 349
Body of subroutine, in-line expansion 442
Body of subroutine, lambda expression 596
Body of subroutine, nonlocal jump 270
Body of subroutine, separate compilation 152
Boehm, H.-J. 426
Boolean type 323
Bootstrapping 13
Borning, Alan H. 586
Bottom-up (LR) parsing 48—51 75—86
Bounded buffer 695
Bounded buffer, condition critical region 701
Bounded buffer, explicit manager thread 715—716
Bounded buffer, monitor 699
Bounded buffer, semaphore 696 697
Branch delay 232—233 441 513 739 760
Branch instruction, 680x0 architecture 221 222 224
Branch instruction, assembler pseudoinstruction 513
Branch instruction, basic block and 234 733
Branch instruction, code generation 22 24
Branch instruction, conditional, enumeration-controlled loop 283 284 285
Branch instruction, conditional, MIPS assembler 512
Branch instruction, conditional, overview 217—218
Branch instruction, conditional, pipelining 206
Branch instruction, conditional, simple comparison 272
Branch instruction, control transfer 215
Branch instruction, delayed 232—233 245
Branch instruction, local optimization 740
Branch instruction, loop unrolling 237
Branch instruction, MIPS architecture 222
Branch instruction, nullifying 224 233 513 762
Branch instruction, PIC generation 519
Branch instruction, pipelining 206 228 232—233
Branch instruction, program counter update 208
Branch instruction, unconditional 267
Branch penalty 229 230 232 233
Branch prediction, calling sequence 437
Branch prediction, incorrect 233
Branch prediction, instruction scheduling 760 762
Branch prediction, jump code 274
Branch prediction, pipeline stall 229 233 236
Broadcast 669 728
Buckley, G. N. 730
Budd, Timothy A. 794
Buddy system 114
Building a runnable program 491—528
Building a runnable program, address space organization 507—510
Building a runnable program, assembly 510—514
Building a runnable program, back-end compiler structure 491—496
Building a runnable program, code generation 503—507
Building a runnable program, dynamic linking 518—522
Building a runnable program, intermediate forms 496—503
Building a runnable program, static linking 515—518
built-in type 322 323
Burrows, Michael 731
Bus 204 207 483 668 689
Busy-wait synchronization 671 688—691
Busy-wait synchronization, barrier 690—691
Busy-wait synchronization, I/O operation 661
Busy-wait synchronization, interactive response and 665
Busy-wait synchronization, performance issues 694
Busy-wait synchronization, spin lock 688—690 692 693 725 727
Busy-wait synchronization, spin-then-yield lock 692 694 695
Butler, Kenneth J. 527
Byte code for Java 14 496 527 560
Byte order (endian-ness) 210 337 405 421
C see “gcc”
C as an intermediate form 12 14 525
C as special purpose language 3
C as von Neuman language 6
C++ see “C” “g++”
C++ as object-oriented language 7 530 576
C++, aliases in 126
C++, arrays 423
C++, assign ment vs. initialization 551
C++, assignment 259
C++, AT&T compiler 12 527
C++, binary member functions 129
C++, C and 577
C++, case of letters 33
C++, classes 128 531—538 542—543
C++, coercion 147 339
C++, constructors 293
C++, constructors, object initialization 259 546 548 550 551
C++, copy constructors 551
C++, declarations 121
C++, delete function 391
C++, described 789
C++, destructors 293 391 533 553
C++, evolution of languages 3
C++, exception handling 61 269 465
C++, for loop 285
C++, generic queue example 461
C++, I/O 412—414
C++, implementation 12 560 581
C++, inline subroutines 302 441
C++, interface class 568
C++, iterator class 293 315
C++, list and queue example 531—538
C++, method binding 555
C++, multiple inheritance 539 564 570
C++, multiple inheritance, implementation 573
C++, namespace mechanism 123 154 542
C++, new function 319 387
C++, objects 531—538
C++, objects, initialization 259 546 548 550 551
C++, obscure features 8
C++, operator functions 146 251 412
C++, overloading 145 146 293
C++, parameter passing 132 448 455
C++, pointers to methods 585
C++, polymorphism 147
C++, precedence levels 252
C++, references 255 448
C++, scope resolution 121
C++, scope rules 151 542—543
C++, self-descriptive types 340
C++, separate compilation 154 517 534
C++, stream manipulator 412
C++, subroutine status 143
C++, templates (generics) 148 460—461 562
C++, this 531 580
C++, type checking 559
C++, type checking, for separate compilation 517
C++, type declarations, incomplete 151
C++, virtual methods 555
C++, visibility of class members 533 542—543 584
C, % (modulo) operator 421
C, = and == 258
C, aggregates 258 593
C, anachronisms 62
C, arithmetic operators 227
C, arithmetic overflow 28 264
C, arrays 339 365 371 374 377 423
C, assignment 253 257
C, assignment operators 261
C, binary tree example 291
C, Boolean type, lack of 257 323
C, break statement 296
| C, calling sequence 434—437
C, case of letters 33
C, coercion 147
C, concurrent programming 7 672
C, conditional compilation 12
C, conditional expression 251
C, continue statement 268
C, dangling references 391
C, declarations 182 190 390 427 446
C, dereference (*, ->) operators 388
C, described 789
C, dynamic semantic checks, lack of 336 394
C, enumeration types 325
C, for loop 286
C, free routine 115 391
C, function return value 458
C, garbage collection, lack of 383 401 426
C, history 117 152
C, I/O 406 410—412
C, if statement 443
C, implementation 12
C, initialization 258
C, initializers (aggregates) 329 387
C, LALR parser code generation 79
C, lcc compiler 527
C, machine dependence 105
C, macros 301 441 486
C, malloc routine 387
C, midtest loop 268
C, nested blocks 159
C, nested subroutines, lack of 431
C, nonconverting type cast 336 337
C, numeric types 324 411 421
C, orthogonality 328
C, overloading 144 145
C, parameter passing 443 445 446 448 456
C, pointer arithmetic 239 261 389
C, pointers 382 383 388 424
C, pointers, arrays and 8 339 389—391 444 454
C, pointers, to nonheap objects 357
C, post-test (do loop 295
C, precedence levels 252 253
C, preprocessor 12
C, print f 11
C, programming environment 13 15
C, references to subroutines 450 451 458
C, scope rules 115 121 152
C, separate compilation 123 151—154 517 534
C, short-circuit evaluation 267
C, statements and expressions 257 270 442
C, static variables 122 123 156
C, strings 99 380 421
C, structures 339 351 354 387
C, structures, memory layout 355
C, subroutine calling sequence 434
C, subroutine status 143
C, subroutines as parameters 142
C, switch statement 268 278
C, type cast (conversion) 328 336
C, type checking 27 321 330
C, type coercion 338
C, type declarations, incomplete 151 387
C, type system 387
C, unions (variant records) 117 125 359 362
C, variables as values 255
C, void (empty) type 328
C, void* (generic reference) type 340
C, volatile variables 473
Cache and array access 374 378
Cache hit 208 230 241
Cache line 208 373 374
Cache miss 208
Cache miss, instruction scheduling 762
Cache miss, lock and key check 394
Cache miss, pipeline stall 227 228 230 234
Cache miss, RISC architecture 232
Cache miss, tombstone check 394
Cache, coherence problem 668—670 689 726
Cache, compiler assumptions 209
Cache, contention 689
Cache, functional programming 623
Cache, load delay 230
Cache, locality of reference 774—775
Cache, memory hierarchy 208
Cache, multiprocessor scheduling 687
Cache, optimization 767—770 771 773
Cache, overview 208
Cache, pipeline stall 227 228
Cache, register vs. 208—209
Cache, register windows and 241
Cache, RISC architecture 242
Cache, simulated 483
Cactus stack 477 489 681
Call by name (parameter passing) 8 301 451—453 455—456 606
Call by reference (parameter passing) 371 444—446 448—449
Call by value (parameter passing) 371 444—446
Call graph 159 433
Calling sequence 111 431—442
Calling sequence, 680x0 architecture 437—441
Calling sequence, Ada default parameters 454
Calling sequence, C 434—437
Calling sequence, display in 430
Calling sequence, exception handling 369
Calling sequence, in-line expansion 441—442
Calling sequence, MIPS architecture 224 434—437
Calling sequence, one routine with two calling sequences 132
Calling sequence, Pascal 437—441
Calling sequence, PIC generation 519 520
Calling sequence, reference count 396
Calling sequence, register allocation 238—240
Calling sequence, register save/restore 239 432
Calling sequence, stack object reclamation 391
Calling sequence, virtual method table and 558
Cambridge Polish notation 251 299 594
Cann, David 623
Canonical derivation 37
capability 680
Cardelli, Luca 163 426 792
Cardinal type 324
Carriero, Nicholas 791
Cascading error, semantic 196
Cascading error, syntax 57 72 85
Case of letters in names 3 33 100 366 500 625
case/switch statement 275—279
case/switch statement for parser 53 56
case/switch statement for scanner 41 43—44 53
case/switch statement in imperative language 581
case/switch statement, conformity clause in Algol 68 360
case/switch statement, evolution of languages 3
case/switch statement, exception handler and 468
case/switch statement, finite automaton 100
case/switch statement, history 167 268
case/switch statement, jump table 277
case/switch statement, labels in object file 509
case/switch statement, semantic analysis 19
case/switch statement, SR, lack of 304
Cast see “Type cast”
CC++ 705
Cedar, described 791
Cedar, garbage collection 395
Cedar, implementation 525
Cedar, programming environment 29
Cellular automaton 371
Central reference table 137—139 141
CFG see “Context-free grammar”
CFL see “Context-free language”
CFSM see “Characteristic finite-state machine (CFSM)”
Chaitin, Gregory 786
Chandy, K. Mani 729
Channel for message passing 706
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