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Scott M.L. — Programming Language Pragmatics |
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Jump, nonlocal 270
just-in-time compilation 14 492 779
Kalsow, Bill 792
Kay, Alan 794
Kemeny, John 789
Kernighan, Brian W. 29 316 527 789
Kessels, J. L. W. 702
Keys and locks 394—395 426
Keyword 33 41
Keyword (named) parameters 409 455—456
Kinnersley, Bill 787
Kleene closure 32 87 89 90
Kleene, Stephen C. 31 102 590
Knuth, Donald E. 102 202
Kontothanassis, Leonidas I. 727
Kowalski, Robert 657 793
ksh 9
Kurtz, Thomas 789
L-value 255 (see also “Pointer”)
l-value, dereferencing 256 336 383 388—389 424
l-value, expression evaluation 255
l-value, generic reference type 340
l-value, pointers 328
l-value, qualified identifier 184
l-value, r-value vs. 389
Label as first-class value in PL/I 269 472
Label as parameter 453
Label for exit from midtest loop 296
Label for Fortran do loop 280
Label for goto 267
Label in case/switch statement 275
Lambda calculus, arithmetic 614 654
Lambda calculus, control flow 618—619
Lambda calculus, described 591
Lambda calculus, development of 6 591
Lambda calculus, functional programming 614—618 620
Lambda calculus, structures 619—621
Lambda expression 299 578 595
Lamport, Leslie 688 731
Lampson, Butler W. 790 791
Landin, Peter 163
Language, ambiguous 96
Language, classification 5
Language, constraint-based 6
Language, context-free 33 87 94
Language, dataflow 6
Language, declarative 5—6 646 649 659
Language, formal 87
Language, functional 6 250 589
Language, genealogy 788
Language, imperative 5—7 250 589
Language, logic 6 250 589
Language, object-oriented 6—7 529 530
Language, regular 32 87
Language, strict 606
Language, Von Neumann 6 7
late binding 10 13—14 108 141 321
Launch-at-elaboration 676—677
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 793
Lazy (fully dynamic) linking 521—522
Lazy data structure 303
Lazy evaluation 302 310 317 606—607 704 791
LCC 527
Leaf routine 433
Leaf routine, calling sequence 437
Leaf routine, local optimization 741
Leaf routine, register allocation 777
Leaf routine, saved registers 436
LeBlanc, Richard J. 28 103 202 426 527 785
LeBlanc, Thomas J. 134
LeBlanc-Cook symbol table 135—137
Ledgard, Henry F. 202
Left corner of LR production 185
Left factoring 69 185
Left recursion in CFG 68
Left-linear grammar (context-free) 102
Left-most derivation 37
Lesk, Michael E. 102
Lewis, Philip M. II 102 202
Lex 40 46 87 102
Lexical (static) scope 115—129 130 429
Lexical analysis (scanning) 16—17 32 40—48
Lexical error 47
Lexicographic ordering 367 380 464 745
Li, Kai 731
Library package for concurrent programming 7 474 672—673
Library package, Ada elaborate pragma 441
Library package, Algol 60, lack of standard I/O 405
Library package, default (optional) parameters 454
Library package, dynamic linking 519—522
Library package, file-based I/O 406
Library package, Fortran 11
Library package, GUI facilities 404
Library package, Java 560—561
Library package, message passing 714
Library package, modules 531
Library package, relocatable object file 510 516
Library package, static linking 107 515—516
Life (cellular automaton) 371 425
Lifetime of a binding 109
Lifetime of an object 109
Limited extent 144 678
Linda 705 791
Lindholm, Tim 527
Link-loading 515
Linkers and linking 515—522
Linkers and linking as compilation phase 11 496
Linkers and linking, ANSI C 152—153
Linkers and linking, dynamic 518—522
Linkers and linking, file formats 507
Linkers and linking, fully dynamic (lazy) 521—522
Linkers and linking, position-independent code 519—520
Linkers and linking, relocation and name resolution 515—516
Linkers and linking, static 515—518
Linkers and linking, type checking 516—518
Lint 28
Liskov, Barbara 162 316 489 790
Lisp see “CLOS” “Common “Scheme”
Lisp as functional language 6 593
Lisp as special purpose language 3
LISP, a-list 137
Lisp, aggregates 329
Lisp, binding of names 139
Lisp, closures 142
Lisp, cond construct 272
Lisp, declarations 427
Lisp, described 791
Lisp, dynamic typing 592
Lisp, equality 256
Lisp, expression syntax 251 443 484
Lisp, funarg problem 141
Lisp, function primitive 142
Lisp, function return value 458
Lisp, garbage collection 383
Lisp, history 2 105
Lisp, if construct 443
Lisp, imperative features 384 389 592
Lisp, implementation 13 14
Lisp, implicit dereferencing 3
Lisp, late binding 13—14 401
Lisp, lists 385 401 402—403 597
Lisp, numeric types 264 324
Lisp, parameter passing 443 444 489
Lisp, parentheses 312
Lisp, polymorphism 147 321 402 459
LISP, recursion 489
Lisp, recursive types 3 386 402
LISP, s-expression 501
Lisp, scope rules 116 129 131 597
Lisp, self-representation 10 116 401 600
| Lisp, sequencing 270
Lisp, side effects 300
Lisp, storage allocation 476 489
Lisp, strings 380
Lisp, subroutine status 143
Lisp, syntax 594
Lisp, type checking 321 451
Lisp, type system 322
Lisp, variables as references 256
LIST 401—403
List comprehensions 403 791
List, described 328
List, dotted notation 402
List, improper 402 628
List, Lisp 385
List, ML 347—348
List, PROLOG 628—629
List, proper 347 402
Literal (manifest) constant 110 339
Little-endian byte order 210 421
Live value 737
Live value, range 775
Live variable analysis 753 755
LL (load-linked) instruction 689—670 726
LL (top-down or predictive) parsing 48 49 50 51—57 62—75
Lo, Virginia 731
load balancing 774
Load delay 230—232 739
Load penalty 230
Load-and-go compilation 492
Load-store architecture 215
Loader 507 515
Loading 515
load_linked (LL) instruction 689—670 726
Local optimization 733 740—745 746
Locally least-cost error recovery 71—75
Locks and keys 394—395 426
Logic language 6 250 589
Logic programming 624—648
Logic programming, clausal form 642—645
Logic programming, closed world assumption 646 647—648
Logic programming, code improvement 786
Logic programming, execution order 646—647
Logic programming, history 590—592
Logic programming, limitations 646
Logic programming, negation 647—648
Logic programming, predicate calculus 641—642 643—644 646
Logic programming, Prolog 625—641
Logic programming, Skolemization 642 644—645
Logic programming, theoretical foundations 641—645
Logical type 323
Logically controlled loop 294—296
Logically controlled loop, described 280
Logically controlled loop, midtest 295—296
Logically controlled loop, post-test 294—295
Logically controlled loop, Smalltalk 579—580
Lomet, David B. 426
longjmp routine in C 473
Loop see “Iteration” “Loop
Loop index 280
Loop invariant 314 316 755 755—756
Loop nest, imperfect 770
Loop nest, perfect 770
Loop transformations 236—237 755—759 763—775
Loop transformations, blocking 768
Loop transformations, cache optimization 767—770
Loop transformations, distribution 769
Loop transformations, fission 769
Loop transformations, fusion 769
Loop transformations, induction variable 284 756 756—759
Loop transformations, interchange 768
Loop transformations, jamming 769
Loop transformations, loop invariant 314 316 755 755—756
Loop transformations, loop-carried dependences 770—773
Loop transformations, parallelization 773—775
Loop transformations, peeling 770
Loop transformations, reordering 767—775
Loop transformations, reversal 772
Loop transformations, skewing 772
Loop transformations, software pipelining 765—767
Loop transformations, splitting 769
Loop transformations, strip mining 774
Loop transformations, tiling 768
Loop transformations, unrolling 236—237 763—765
Loop, code improvement, induction variable 284 756 756—759
Loop, code improvement, loop invariant 314 316 755 755—756
Loop, code improvement, loop reordering 767—775
Loop, code improvement, loop unrolling 236—237 763—765
Loop, code improvement, software pipelining 765—767
Loop, combination 286—287
Loop, dispatch 665
Loop, enumeration-controlled 280—286
Loop, enumeration-controlled, access to index outside the loop 285—286
Loop, enumeration-controlled, changes to indices or bounds 282—283
Loop, enumeration-controlled, described 280
Loop, enumeration-controlled, empty bounds 283—284
Loop, enumeration-controlled, jumps 286
Loop, enumeration-controlled, Smalltalk 578—579
Loop, evolution of languages 3
Loop, logically controlled 294—296
Loop, logically controlled, described 280
Loop, logically controlled, midtest 295—296 314
Loop, logically controlled, post-test 294—295
Loop, logically controlled, pre-test 294
Loop, logically controlled, Smalltalk 579—580
Loop, parallel 675—676 677 703 707
Loops 586
Loose name equivalence 333
Lotus 1-2-3 6
Louden, Kenneth C. 28
LR (bottom-up or shift-reduce) parsing 48—51 75—86
Luckam, D. C. 489
Lukasiewicz, Jan 199
Lynx 525 681 686
Mach operating system 670
Machine independence 105
Machine language, assembler generation of object file 510—514
Machine language, assembly language vs. 11—12
Machine language, categories of instructions 214—215
Machine language, compilation to 9 496
Machine language, history 1
Machine language, microprogramming 218
Machine language, processor architecture and 203
Machine language, pseudoassembler notation 225—227
Machine language, symbolic representation of 510
Machine, formal 87
MacLaren, M. Donald 489
MacLisp 657
Macro 301 461 606
Mairson, Harry G. 425
make tool in Unix 517
manifest constant 110 339
Mantissa of floating-point number 212
Marcotty, Michael 202
Mark-and-sweep garbage collection 398—401 426
Marshal (gather) operation 714 719
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 657
Massalin, Henry 786
Maurer, Dieter 586
McCarthy, John 489 657 791
McGraw, James R. 793
McKenzie, Bruce J. 103
Mellor-Crummey, John M. 731
Memoization 303 606 607
Memory see “Shared memory”
Memory hierarchy 207—209
Memory indirect addressing mode 216
Memory leak 115 383 395
Memory, data representation 209—214
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