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Feynman R.P. — What do you care what other people think?
Feynman R.P. — What do you care what other people think?

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Íàçâàíèå: What do you care what other people think?

Àâòîð: Feynman R.P.


First, although the central character in this book is the same as before, the "adventures of a curious character" here are different: some are light and some tragic, but most of the time Mr. Feynman is surely not joking—although it's often hard to tell.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ïîïóëÿðíûå èçäàíèÿ/

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1989

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 197

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 31.08.2005

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Acceleration safety cutoff system, flaws in      172
Accident Analysis group      131
Accident investigation, technique for      89—90
Acheson, David C.      88 91 131 144 149 150
Acropolis      69
Actuators, computer systems, reliability      177
Adolescent years      9—19
Age of Reason      188
Air and Space Museum, National      95 98
Ajzenberg, Fay      51
Aldrich, Arnold D.      87
Alvarez, Luis      105
American Association of Physics Teachers      50—52
Apollo accident      147
Archeology, Greek      68—70
Armstrong, Neil      85 87 88 90 108 143—144 148
Assembly crews, management view of      124—125
Assembly crews, workers' views of job      125—128
Atlas      64
Atoms for Peace Conference      44 46
Augmented spark igniter (ASI), flaws in      171
Augsberry, Dr. (high school mathematics teacher)      18 19
Authority and form      7
Authority and values      188
Authority, questioning      16—17
Aviation Week and Space Technology      86
Bacher, Robert (Bob)      44
Baudoin, King of Belgium      60
Bearing spalling      172
Beggs, James F. (administrator of NASA)      161
Bell Telephone Laboratories      24
Berkeley      118
Bessel functions      40
Bethe, Hans      30—31 72
Bethe, Henry      72 74n
Blondel, Andre      105
Blowby, O-ring      94 102 167—169
Bohr, Niels      60
Boisjoly, Roger      119
Bottom-up design of engines      170
Bottom-up design of shuttle software      176
Bragg, William      61
Brussels (Belgium)      59—63
Bureaucracy      66
Bureaucracy, personal reactions to      79—80
Bureaucracy, report preparation      104—105
Burns, Jerry      119
Cable News Network (CNN)      111
California Institute of Technology      see "Caltech"
Calligraphy, Chinese      31—32
Caltech      50 79 80 112 137 153 157 166
Certification      172
Certification, criteria, deteriorating      165—166
Certification, rules for      175
Certification, rules for, initial      172
Challenger accident      77—188
Chrysler Company      20
Clevis, field joint      108
Columbia      19
Combustion chamber, flaws in      171—172
Communication      186 187
Communication as a bureaucratic tool      160
Communication of management with engineers      134—135
Communication within NASA      158—159
Computer systems (avionics)      175—178
Concepts, and applications      185—186
Cook, Richard C.      99 104 105 107
Cornell University      71 73—75
Costs of modifying procedures      126
Costs of replacing software      176
Costs of top-down design      170
Costs of updating shuttle computers      142
Counting and measuring time      36—40
Counting, patterns for      38—39
Covert, Eugene E.      88 112 118 137
Crete      71
Cross talk      140
Culture      41—42 see
Davies, Richard (Dick)      79
Davis, B.K.      120
Deborah Hospital      26
Democracy and doubt      188
Descartes, Rene      16
Design, Development and Production panel      131
Discrimination and stereotypes      52
Discrimination, religious      19
Discrimination, sexual      26 50—52
Disturbing the Universe (Dyson)      71n
Documentation of shuttle performance      165—166
Doubt      186
Dreaming      35 36
Dyson, Freeman      71n
Dyson, Freeman, letters of      71—74
Eddington, Arthur      50
Education and culture      41—42
Enabling power of science      182—183
Encyclopaedia Britannica      2 16
Engineering judgment      135n 167
Engineering judgment, estimates of engine failure probability      172
Engineering judgment, estimates of shuttle failure probability      134—135 138
Eratosthenes      70
Erosion, O-ring      82 83f 94 96f 102 167—169
Esthetics and reason      31
Esthetics and scientific information      183—185
Esthetics, scientific aspects of      1
Executive order, defining work of presidential commission      85
External tank (ET)      88
FAA, certification practices      172
FAA, certification trial success      172—173
FAA, criteria for success      174
FAA, safety rules      137
Fabriola, Queen of Belgium      60
Family, Carl (son)      63n 64n 70 73 73n
Family, Chuck (nephew)      111 113
Family, father-in-law (Arlene's father)      33
Family, Frances (cousin)      111 113 155
Family, Joan (sister)      2n 31—32 50 150
Family, Lucille (mother)      2 7—8
Family, Melville (father)      2—5
Family, Michelle (daughter)      68 73n
Federal Aviation Administration      see "FAA"
Fermi, Enrico      30—31
Ferrite-core computers      176
Feynman Lectures on Physics      50
Feynman, Arlene      13 15—35
Feynman, Carl      63n 64n 70 73 73n
Feynman, Gweneth      53—58 62n 79 80 113—114
Feynman, Joan      2n 31—32 50 150
Feynman, Lucille      2 7—8
Feynman, Melville      2—5
Feynman, Michelle      68 73n
Fichtel (foreman, assembly crew)      126—128
Field joint      77 78f 82 83f 115
Field joint, model of      107f
Flight readiness reviews      174—175
Fuchs, Klaus      33
Fuel tank, shuttle      78f
Galileo (Jupiter probe)      132
Gast, Harold      12 17
Gell-Mann, Murray      43 59
Geneva (Switzerland)      43—47
Goldschmidt, Herman      48—49
Graham, William R. (Bill) (acting administrator, NASA)      79 81 84—85 87 90—92 95 98 99 104 105 136n 143 161
Grand Hotel (Warsaw)      64—67
Gravity conference      66—67
Greece      68—71
Hansen, Grant L. (editor)      146
Heisenberg, Werner      61
Hibbs, Albert R. (Al)      79 81
High-frequency vibration      136 172
High-pressure fuel turbopump (HPFTP)      88
High-pressure fuel turbopump (HPFTP), flaws in      171
High-pressure fuel turbopump (HPFTP), reliability of      171
High-pressure oxygen turbopump (HPOTP)      88
High-pressure oxygen turbopump (HPOTP), flaws in      171 172
Hollings, Ernest (Senator, SC)      128—129
Hotel Amigo      59
Hotel City      43-47
Hotz, Robert B.      86 88 123—124 144 149 151
Hughes Aircraft Company      79
Illiapoulos, Professor      68 69
Independent Solid Rocket Motor Design Oversight Committee      147
infinity      75
Intellectual value of science      183
Iran-Contra hearings      158
Iseokitsu (Japan)      54—56
Japan      53—58
Jet Propulsion Laboratory      see "JPL"
Johnson Space Center      139 166
Joint rotation      93f 94 96f
JPL      81n 81—82 84 88 130 137 166
Jupiter probe      132
Kapp, Jack      119
Keel, Alton G., Jr. (Al)      117—118 121 146 151—152 158 162—163
Keel, Alton G., Jr. (Al), recommendations of commission      149
Keel, Alton G., Jr. (Al), report distribution      139 146
Kennedy Space Center      77 90 115—129 137
Kennedy, John F. (President)      128n
Kingsbury, James E.      132
Kissinger, Henry      81
Kiwi, Feynman dog      63 63n 64 67
Knowledge, kinds of      3
Knowledge, observing multiple mental activities      39—40
Kutyna, General Donald J.      85 87—90 98—99 106 108 112—113 131—133 143 151 155 163—164
Lamberth (manager, rocket assembly)      124—125 127 139
Launch Abort Safety Panel (LASP)      166
Lawrence High School (Nassau County)      19
Leak test      95n
Leak test, port      99 102f
Learning about esthetics      31
Learning and teaching      74—75
Learning, internal processes      40
Learning, patterns in      2
Lee, Meemong      130
Leff, David      12 17
Lehrer, James      157
LeMaitre, Abbe George Eduoard      61
Letters to Gweneth      113—114
Letters to Gweneth from Athens      68—71
Letters to Gweneth from Brussels      59—63
Letters to Gweneth from Henry Bethe, from Warsaw      74—75
Letters to Gweneth from Warsaw      64—67
Letters, Dyson's about Feynman      71—74
Lewis, Sinclair      17
Lifer, Charles E. (JPL)      84
Liquid hydrogen (LH)      88
Liquid oxygen (LOX)      88
Lockheed, instructions for shuttle engines      137
Lorenz, Konrad      74 75
Los Alamos      28
Los Alamos, problem solving at      159
Louvain University      61
Lovingood, Judson A. (manager)      87 133—135 135n
Lund, Robert      118 119 130
MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour      153 155
Management, estimates of shuttle reliability      178
Management, view of assembly crews      124—126
Manhattan project      25
Marshall Space Center      137 166
Marshall Space Center, engineering briefing      138
Marshall Space Center, estimates of engine failure      132 172
Mason, Gerald D.      118
Massachusetts Institute of Technology      see "MIT"
McAuliffe, Christa      123 178 178n
McDonald, Allan J.      101—102 104 108
Memory of shuttle computers      140 176
Metropolis, Nicholas (Nick)      29 32
Mission Planning and Operations group      131
MIT      7 19 20 73
Model of O-ring erosion      169
Model, computer, performance analysis of O-ring      95
Moebius strip      16—17
Moore, Dr. Nicholas (JPL)      166
Moore, Jesse W.      87
Morton Thiokol Company      77 93 94 101—102 118—119 130 158—159 161
Morton Thiokol Company, Boisjoly, Roger      119
Morton Thiokol Company, Burns, Jerry      119
Morton Thiokol Company, Kapp, Jack      119
Morton Thiokol Company, Lund, Robert      118 119 130
Morton Thiokol Company, Mason, Gerald D.      118
Morton Thiokol Company, McDonald, Allan J.      101—102 104 108
Morton Thiokol Company, Thompson, Arnie      119
Mountain-forming day (Oberlin)      32
Mulloy, Lawrence B.      102 107—108 110 130 158—159 161—162
N-ray hoax      105
NASA      77 92—95 98 118 166
NASA, Aldrich, Arnold D.      87
NASA, certification rules, initial      172—173
NASA, Cook, Richard C.      99 104 105 107
NASA, Davis, B.K.      120
NASA, estimates of engine failure      132 172
NASA, Fichtel (foreman, assembly crew)      126—128
NASA, Kingsbury, James E.      132
NASA, Lamberth (manager, rocket assembly)      124—125 127 139
NASA, Lovingood, Judson A. (manager)      87 133—135 135n
NASA, Moore, Jesse W.      87
NASA, Mulloy, Lawrence B.      102 107—108 110 130 158—159 161—162
NASA, Stevenson, Charles G. (Charlie)      117 119 130
NASA, Weeks, L. Michael      93—95
National Academy of Sciences      149 182n
National Aeronautics and Space Administration      see "NASA"
New York Times      98 99 143
New Zealand lectures      71 71n
Nixon, Richard (President)      81
Nobel prize      53n 62n
Noto Peninsula (Japan)      56—58
O-ring      82 93f 93—94
O-ring, ice-water demonstration      109f
O-ring, origin of speculation about      163—164
O-ring, performance model      95
Oberlin College      31
Office of Management and Budget      117
Office of Safety, Reliability and Quality Assurance      147
OMB, Office of Management and Budget      117
Oppenheimer, J. Robert      28 60
Palace of Culture and Science (Warsaw)      67
Parker Seal Company      94
Parthenon      69
Patterns and counting      38—40
Peace      187
Peierls, Rudolph      72
Perrin, J.      60
Physical Society      43
Plutonium, power supply      166
Political pressure for launch      114 123 143 161—162
Pre-launch Activities group      131
Precision and approximation      16
Presidential commission      77—179
Presidential commission, connections of members      111—114
Presidential commission, fact finding by      81—110
Presidential commission, investigative process      115—129
Presidential commission, members of      88
Presidential commission, recommendations of      147—152
Presidential commission, report, formal presentation of      154f
Presidential commission, report, preparation      143—146
Presidential commission, working groups of      131
Princeton      20 24 25 36
Probability, subjective at NASA      166—167
Purge check valve, flaws in      171
QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter (Feynman)      71n
1 2
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