Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Sobell M.G. — A Practical Guide to Red Hat Linux |
Предметный указатель |
! Boolean operator 2nd 3rd
! variable
!! to reexecute the previous event
!$ last word of the previous event
# comment 2nd
# prompt
# variable
#! to choose a script shell
#define C preprocessor directive 2nd
#include C preprocessor directive
$ in regular expressions
$ in variable name
$! variable
$# variable
$$ variable 2nd
$(...) [See Command substitution.]
$* variable
$0 variable
$? variable
$@ variable 2nd
${}, expand variable
% job number 2nd
& background 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
& bitwise operator 2nd
& in replacement string 2nd
&& Boolean operator 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
'...' [See Command substitution.]
((...)) [See Arithmetic evaluation.]
() command grouping
() in shell functions
* in regular expressions
* special character
*/ C comment
+ in full regular expressions
. (dot) builtin 2nd 3rd 4th
. directory 2nd 3rd
. in regular expressions
.. directory 2nd 3rd
./ to execute a file in the working directory 2nd
.a filename extension 2nd
.autofsck file
.bashrc file 2nd 3rd
.bash_history file
.bash_login file
.bash_logout file
.bash_profile file 2nd 3rd
.bmp filename extension
.bz2 filename extension 2nd
.C filename extension
.c filename extension 2nd 3rd 4th
.c++ filename extension
.cc filename extension
.conf filename extension
.config file
.cpp filename extension
.cshrc file
.cxx filename extension
.db filename extension 2nd
.f filename extension
.forward file 2nd
.gif filename extension
.gz filename extension 2nd
.h filename extension 2nd
.htaccess file 2nd
.htm filename extension
.html filename extension 2nd
.htpasswd file
.inputrc file
.jpeg filename extension 2nd
.jpg filename extension 2nd
.l filename extension
.login file
.logout file
.m filename extension
.netrc file
.o filename extension 2nd 3rd 4th
.pdf filename extension
.pgpkey file
.php filename extension
.plan file
.ppd filename extension
.profile file 2nd 3rd
.project file
.ps filename extension
.repo filename extension
.rhosts file 2nd
.rpmnew filename extension
.s filename extension 2nd
.sh filename extension
.shtml filename extension
.so filename extension 2nd
.ssh directory
.tar.bz2 filename extension
.tar.gz filename extension
.tar.Z filename extension 2nd
.tbz filename extension
.tgz filename extension
.tif filename extension 2nd
.tiff filename extension 2nd
.toprc file
.torrent file
.txt filename extension 2nd
.tz filename extension
.var filename extension
.y filename extension
.Z filename extension 2nd
/ directory (root) 2nd 3rd
/* C comment
/bin, false file
/boot, grub/grub.conf file 2nd
/boot, location
/boot, partition 2nd 3rd
/dev 2nd 3rd
/dev 2nd 3rd, nst0 file
/dev 2nd 3rd, null file 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
/dev 2nd 3rd, pts file
/dev 2nd 3rd, random file
/dev 2nd 3rd, rmt/0 file
/dev 2nd 3rd, special files
/dev 2nd 3rd, st0 file
/dev 2nd 3rd, tty file
/dev 2nd 3rd, urandom file
/dev 2nd 3rd, zero file
/dev directory
/etc, aliases file 2nd 3rd
/etc, anacrontab file
/etc, at.allow file
/etc, at.deny file
/etc, auto_master file
/etc, bashrc file 2nd
/etc, cron.* directories
/etc, cron.allow file
/etc, cron.d directory
/etc, cron.deny file
/etc, crontab file
/etc, cups directory
/etc, defaultrouter file
/etc, dhclient.conf file
/etc, dhcpd.conf file
/etc, dovecot.conf file
/etc, dumpdates file 2nd
/etc, exports file 2nd 3rd
/etc, fstab file 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
/etc, group file 2nd 3rd 4th
/etc, grub.conf file 2nd
/etc, hosts file 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
/etc, hosts.allow file 2nd 3rd
| /etc, hosts.deny file 2nd 3rd
/etc, hosts.equiv file 2nd
/etc, httpd directory
/etc, inittab file 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
/etc, issue file 2nd
/etc, login.defs file 2nd
/etc, logrotate.conf file
/etc, logrotate.d directory
/etc, mail directory 2nd
/etc, motd file 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
/etc, mtab file
/etc, named.conf file 2nd 3rd
/etc, netgroup file
/etc, nologin.txt file 2nd
/etc, nsswitch.conf file 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
/etc, ntp.conf file
/etc, opt directory
/etc, pam.conf file
/etc, pam.d directory 2nd 3rd 4th
/etc, passwd file 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
/etc, printcap file
/etc, profile file 2nd 3rd 4th
/etc, protocols file 2nd
/etc, rc.d
/etc, rc.d, directory hierarchy 2nd
/etc, rc.d, init.d: about
/etc, rc.d, init.d: independent services
/etc, rc.d, init.d: init scripts
/etc, rc.d, init.d: kudzu file
/etc, rc.d, rc file
/etc, rc.d, rc.local file
/etc, rc.d, rc.sysinit file 2nd
/etc, rc.d, rcn.d directory
/etc, resolv.conf file 2nd 3rd
/etc, rndc.conf file
/etc, rndc.key file
/etc, rpc file 2nd
/etc, securetty file
/etc, security/access.conf file
/etc, selinux/config file
/etc, services file 2nd 3rd
/etc, shadow file 2nd
/etc, share/magic file
/etc, shells file
/etc, skel directory
/etc, ssh directory
/etc, sudoers file
/etc, sysconfig
/etc, sysconfig, httpd file 2nd
/etc, sysconfig, hwconf file
/etc, sysconfig, iptables file 2nd 3rd
/etc, sysconfig, iptables-config file
/etc, sysconfig, named file 2nd
/etc, sysconfig, network file 2nd
/etc, sysconfig, rhn/up2date file
/etc, sysconfig, selinux file
/etc, sysconfig, syslog file
/etc, sysconfig, yppasswdd file
/etc, sysctl.conf file
/etc, syslog.conf file 2nd
/etc, termcap file
/etc, vsftpd
/etc, vsftpd, chroot_list file
/etc, vsftpd, ftpusers file
/etc, vsftpd, user_list file
/etc, X11
/etc, X11, xorg file
/etc, xinetd.conf file 2nd
/etc, xinetd.d directory 2nd
/etc, yp.conf file
/etc, ypserv.conf file
/etc, yum.conf file
/etc, yum.repos.d directory 2nd
/home directory
/home partition
/lib, gcc and
/lib, modules directory 2nd
/lib, security directory 2nd
/lost+found directory
/mnt directory
/opt directory 2nd 3rd
/proc, contents
/proc, filesystem 2nd
/proc, fs/nfs file
/proc, mounts file
/proc, sys file
/root, anaconda-ks.cfg file
/root, install.log file
/sbin, Superuser commands
/sys directory
/tmp directory 2nd 3rd
/usr, bin directory
/usr, doc directory 2nd
/usr, games directory
/usr, include
/usr, include, C preprocessor
/usr, info directory
/usr, lib
/usr, lib, directory
/usr, lib, gcc
/usr, lib, shared libraries
/usr, lib, terminfo directory
/usr, local 2nd
/usr, local 2nd, partition
/usr, man directory
/usr, partition
/usr, pub/ascii file
/usr, sbin
/usr, sbin, daemons
/usr, sbin, Superuser commands
/usr, share
/usr, share, magic file
/usr, src directory 2nd
/var, ftp directory
/var, lib/nfs/xtab file 2nd
/var, log 2nd 3rd
/var, log 2nd 3rd, disk usage
/var, log 2nd 3rd, lastlog file
/var, log 2nd 3rd, maillog file
/var, log 2nd 3rd, messages file 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
/var, log 2nd 3rd, secure file 2nd 3rd
/var, log 2nd 3rd, vsftpd.log file
/var, log 2nd 3rd, wtmp file 2nd
/var, log directory
/var, mail directory
/var, named directory 2nd
/var, partition
/var, spool
/var, spool, disk usage
/var, spool, mail directory
/var, spool, mqueue file
/var, tmp directory
/var, www
/var, www, Apache files
/var, www, html directory 2nd 3rd
0< redirect standard input
100BaseT cable
10Base2 cable
10BaseT cable
1> redirect standard output
2> redirect standard error
3-DES encryption
: (null) builtin 2nd 3rd
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