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Sobell M.G. — A Practical Guide to Red Hat Linux |
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NIS, ypbind-mt daemon
NIS, ypinit utility
NIS, yppasswd utility
NIS, yppasswdd daemon
NIS, ypserv.conf file
NIS, ypwhich utility
NIS, ypxfr utility
NIS, ypxfrd daemon
nisdomainname utility
nmap utility
nmbd daemon 2nd 3rd 4th
nmblookup utility 2nd
nn utility
NNTP 2nd
No news is good news
noarch 2nd
noclobber variable
nologin utility
nologin.txt file 2nd
Nonprinting character
Nonrewinding tape device
Nonvolatile storage
Normal mode, vim [See vim Command
NOT Boolean operator
nsswitch.conf file 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
nst0 file
ntfs filesystem
ntp.conf file
ntpd daemon
null file 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Null, builtin (:) 2nd
Null, device
Null, string 2nd
Number, block
Number, device
Number, device major
Number, device minor
Number, giga-
Number, hexadecimal
Number, job
Number, kilo-
Number, large
Number, magic 2nd
Number, mega-
Number, octal
Number, sexillion
Number, tera-
Number, undecillion
o Boolean operator
o filename extension 2nd 3rd 4th
Object file 2nd
Octal number
od utility
OLDPWD variable
One-time password
Online documentation 2nd
open() system call
Open, file
Open, Group
Open, Location dialog box, Nautilus
OpenPGP Message Format
OpenSSH, .ssh directory
OpenSSH, authentication 2nd
OpenSSH, authorized keys
OpenSSH, authorized_keys file
OpenSSH, automatic login
OpenSSH, clients
OpenSSH, compression
OpenSSH, config file
OpenSSH, configuration files 2nd
OpenSSH, debugging
OpenSSH, diff utility
OpenSSH, encryption
OpenSSH, files
OpenSSH, firewall
OpenSSH, global files
OpenSSH, host key
OpenSSH, how it works
OpenSSH, initial connection to
OpenSSH, JumpStart
OpenSSH, JumpStart, starting the sshd daemon
OpenSSH, JumpStart, using ssh and scp
OpenSSH, known hosts
OpenSSH, known_hosts file 2nd 3rd
OpenSSH, log file
OpenSSH, more information
OpenSSH, NFS shared home directories, and
OpenSSH, port forwarding
OpenSSH, prerequisites 2nd
OpenSSH, protocol versions 1 and 2
OpenSSH, public key encryption
OpenSSH, recommended settings 2nd
OpenSSH, remote commands
OpenSSH, rhost authentication
OpenSSH, scp utility
OpenSSH, security
OpenSSH, server authentication
OpenSSH, session key
OpenSSH, setup
OpenSSH, sftp utility
OpenSSH, shell, remote
OpenSSH, ssh directory
OpenSSH, ssh utility 2nd 3rd 4th
OpenSSH, ssh-keygen utility
OpenSSH, sshd daemon
OpenSSH, sshd_config file
OpenSSH, ssh_config file
OpenSSH, ssh_known_hosts file 2nd 3rd
OpenSSH, troubleshooting
OpenSSH, tunneling
OpenSSH, user files
OpenSSH, X11 forwarding 2nd 3rd 4th
Operating System
Operating system, generic
Operating system, proprietary
Operations menu, window
Operator, bash
Operator, bash in expressions
Operator, bash, redirection
Operator, bitwise
Operator, bitwise, & 2nd
Operator, bitwise, AND 2nd
Operator, bitwise, ^
Operator, bitwise, |
Operator, Boolean
Operator, Boolean ! 2nd 3rd
Operator, Boolean && 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Operator, Boolean a 2nd
Operator, Boolean NOT
Operator, Boolean o
Operator, Boolean |
Operator, Boolean || 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Operator, decrement
Operator, increment
Operator, postdecrement
Operator, postincrement
Operator, predecrement
Operator, preincrement
Operator, relational
Operator, short-circuiting
Operator, table of
OPIE utility 2nd
| opt directory 2nd 3rd
OPTARG variable
Optimizer, C compiler
OPTIND variable
Option, bash [See bash features.]
Option, combining
Option, defined
OR operator
Order file using sort
Order of expansion, command line
Ordinary file 2nd
Organize a filesystem
Other access
out shell script
Output, append [See Append standard
Output, redirect
Output, standard [See Standard output.]
Overlay a shell
Owner, access
Owner, file, name of, display using ls 2nd
Pack archive file using tar
Package [See Software installing.]
Packet, broadcast
Packet, filtering [See also iptables.]
Packet, network 2nd
Packet, sniffer
Packet, unicast
Page break
Pager 2nd 3rd 4th
Paging 2nd
PAM 2nd
PAM, features
PAM, more information
PAM, security, login
PAM, stack
pam.conf file
pam.d directory 2nd 3rd 4th
Panel, desktop
Panel, Icon menu
Panel, menu, KDE
Panel, Navigation, Konqueror
Parameter, expansion
Parameter, positional
Parameter, shell
Parameter, special
Parameter, substitution
Parent directory 2nd
Parent of all processes
Parent process 2nd 3rd
Parentheses grouping commands
Parentheses, shell functions
Parse 2nd
parted utility
Partition, /boot 2nd 3rd 4th
Partition, /home
Partition, /usr
Partition, /var
Partition, disk 2nd
Partition, Disk Druid
Partition, LVM
Partition, parted utility
Partition, planning
Partition, primary and secondary
Partition, RAID 2nd
Partition, sizes
Partner net
Passive FTP [See FTP passive.]
Passive hub 2nd
passwd database 2nd 3rd 4th
passwd file 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
passwd utility 2nd 3rd 4th
Password, breaking
Password, change 2nd
Password, criteria
Password, group
Password, hashed
Password, one-time
Password, Samba
Password, security
Password, Superuser
PASV FTP [See FTP passive.]
PATH variable
PATH variable, inherited
PATH variable, login
PATH variable, Superuser 2nd
PATH variable, usage
Path, search
Pathname, absolute 2nd 3rd
Pathname, completion
Pathname, defined
Pathname, element
Pathname, expansion 2nd 3rd 4th
Pathname, last element of
Pathname, relative 2nd 3rd 4th
Pathname, using
Pathname, ~ (tilde) in a
pdf filename extension
Peer, BitTorrent
Period, leading in a filename
Peripheral device [See Device.]
Permission, access
Permission, access, change using chmod
Permission, access, control of
Permission, access, directory
Permission, access, display using ls
Permission, access, execute
Permission, access, read
Permission, access, types of
Permission, execute
Permission, file access 2nd
Permission, read
Permission, setgid
Permission, setuid
Permission, setuid, set using chmod
PGP encryption
pgpkey file [See .pgpkey file.]
Philosophy, UNIX 2nd
php filename extension
Physical device
Physical security
Physical volume [See LVM.]
PID $! variable, and
PID $$ variable
PID 2nd
PID background process and 2nd
PID fg
PID number 1 2nd
PID temporary file, use in name of
pidof utility
pinfo utility
ping utility 2nd 3rd 4th
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