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Sobell M.G. — A Practical Guide to Red Hat Linux |
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Kernel, special files
Kernel, system calls
Kernighan & Ritchie [See K&R.]
Key, binding
Key, CONTROL-C 2nd
Key, CONTROL-D 2nd 3rd
Key, CONTROL-H 2nd 3rd 4th
Key, CONTROL-L 2nd
Key, CONTROL-U 2nd 3rd 4th
Key, CONTROL-V 2nd
Key, CONTROL-W 2nd 3rd
Key, CONTROL-X 2nd
Key, CONTROL-Z 2nd
Key, Delete
Key, encryption
Key, end line
Key, erase 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Key, interrupt
Key, kill 2nd
Key, line kill 2nd
Key, NEWLINE 2nd 3rd
Key, RETURN 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Key, SPACE bar
Key, suspend 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Key, TAB
Key, typeface
Key, word erase
Keyboard, move cursor to next line
Keyboard, system-config-keyboard, configuring with
Keyword, searching for using apropos
Keyword, variable 2nd
kfind utility
Kickstart utility
kill builtin 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th
Kill key 2nd
Kill line key 2nd
KILL signal
kill() system call
killall utility
klipper utility 2nd
KNotes utility, KDE
Knowledgebase, Red Hat
known_hosts file 2nd 3rd
Konqueror, active view indicator
Konqueror, bookmark
Konqueror, Bookmark toolbar
Konqueror, browser
Konqueror, Extra toolbar
Konqueror, file manager 2nd
Konqueror, getting started
Konqueror, link indicator
Konqueror, Location toolbar
Konqueror, lock to current location
Konqueror, menubar
Konqueror, Navigation panel
Konqueror, Search bar
Konqueror, shortcut
Konqueror, toolbar 2nd
Konqueror, view 2nd 3rd
Konqueror, Web Shortcuts
Konqueror, workspace
konsole utility
Korn Shell [See ksh.]
Korn, David 2nd
Kparts, KDE
ks.cfg file
ksh, history
kudzu utility 2nd
l filename extension
L6 utility
LAN 2nd 3rd
LAN, compared to intranet
LAN, configuring
LAN, example
LAN, more information, setting up a LAN
LAN, setting up
Language, procedural
Language, used by the system
Large number
Last in first out stack
Last Line mode, vim
lastlog file
ld utility
ld-linux library
ld-linux.so utility
ldd utility 2nd
LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable 2nd
LD_RUN_PATH variable
Least privilege 2nd
Left-handed mouse 2nd
Length of filename 2nd
less utility 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
let builtin 2nd
lib directory 2nd 3rd 4th
libattr library
libc library
libc.so library
libm.a library
libm.so library
Library, archived
Library, dynamic [See Library shared.]
Library, ld-linux
Library, libacl
Library, libattr
Library, libc
Library, libc.so
Library, libm.so
Library, shared 2nd
Library, statically linked
libwrap.a library 2nd
lids utility
LIFO stack
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol [See LDAP.]
Line kill key 2nd
Line Printer Daemon [See lpd daemon.]
LINES variable
Link 2nd 3rd
Link, create using ln
Link, delete using rm
Link, export
Link, hard 2nd 3rd 4th
Link, hard versus symbolic
Link, hypertext
Link, indicator, Konqueror
Link, inode
Link, number of, display using ls
Link, point-to-point
Link, remove using rm 2nd
Link, soft [See Link symbolic versus
Link, symbolic
Link, symbolic, bash and
| Link, symbolic, create using ln
Link, symbolic, defined
Link, symbolic, versus hard 2nd
Link, symlink [See Link symbolic versus
links shell script
links utility 2nd
lint utility
Linux Software Map database
linux terminal name
Linux, 2.6 kernel [See Kernel.]
Linux, boot
Linux, distribution
Linux, documentation
Linux, Documentation Project 2nd
Linux, Filesystem Hierarchy Standard 2nd
Linux, Filesystem Standard 2nd
Linux, kernel [See Kernel.]
Linux, manual
Linux, newsgroup 2nd
Linux, PAM [See PAM.]
Linux, Pluggable Authentication Modules [See PAM.]
Linux, Standard Base
Linux, Terminal Server Project
linux-gate.so.1 file
linux.redhat.install newsgroup 2nd
linux.redhat.misc newsgroup
linux.redhat.rpm newsgroup
LinuxSecurity.com security news
List server 2nd
Listserv 2nd
llibacl library
ln utility 2nd 3rd
ln utility, versus cp
Load average
Load, system, display using w
Loadable module
Loader, boot [See Boot loader.]
local directory 2nd
local file
Local, area network [See LAN.]
Local, variable 2nd 3rd
locale builtin
localhost 2nd
locate database 2nd
locate utility 2nd
Location bar
Location bar, illustration
Location bar, Nautilus
Location toolbar, Konqueror
Lock to current location, Konqueror
lock utility
lockd daemon
locktty shell script
log command (cvs)
log directory 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Log, Apache
Log, display
Log, DNS 2nd 3rd
Log, email
Log, file, check
Log, file, rotate
Log, files
Log, in [See Login.]
Log, machine
Log, OpenSSH
Log, out 2nd
Log, sendmail
Log, syslogd daemon
Log, system
Log, vsftpd
Logical, expression
Logical, partition
Logical, volume [See LVM.]
Logical, Volume Manager [See LVM.]
login utility 2nd
Login, Choose a session dialog box
Login, description of
Login, failsafe session
Login, GUI
Login, incorrect
Login, name [See Username.]
Login, problems 2nd
Login, procedure
Login, prompt 2nd
Login, remote 2nd
Login, root 2nd 3rd
Login, screen 2nd
Login, security
Login, shell 2nd 3rd 4th
login.defs file 2nd
LOGNAME variable
logresolve utility
logrotate utility
logrotate.conf file
logrotate.d directory
logwatch utility
Loopback service
lost+found directory
lp utility
lpadmin utility
lpd daemon 2nd
lpinfo utility
lpq utility 2nd
LPR line printer system
lpr utility 2nd 3rd 4th
lprm utility 2nd
lpstat utility 2nd
ls utility 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
lseek() system call
lsmod utility
lsof utility
LV [See LVM.]
LVM 2nd 3rd
LVM, LV 2nd 3rd
LWN.net security alerts
lynx text browser
m filename extension
m4 macro processor
MAC address 2nd
Machine, collating sequence
Machine, independence
Machine, log
Machine, name, display
Macro, C preprocessor 2nd
Macro, expansion
Macro, m4, processor
Macro, make
Macro, processor, m4
magic file 2nd
Magic number 2nd 3rd
magic number database
mail directory 2nd 3rd 4th
mail utility 2nd
MAIL variable 2nd
Mail, .forward file 2nd
Mail, accepting mail from unknown hosts
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