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Sobell M.G. — A Practical Guide to Red Hat Linux |
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X Window System, library
X Window System, Metacity window manager
X Window System, mouse
X Window System, mouse, buttons, remap
X Window System, mouse, left-handed
X Window System, mouse, right-handed
X Window System, mouse, wheel
X Window System, multiple X servers
X Window System, program
X Window System, remote computing and local displays
X Window System, resolution, changing
X Window System, screen number
X Window System, server
X Window System, server process
X Window System, setup, system-config-display utility
X Window System, stack
X Window System, starting 2nd
X Window System, utilities
X Window System, utilities, clients
X Window System, utilities, startx
X Window System, utilities, xclock
X Window System, utilities, xhost
X Window System, utilities, xmodmap
X Window System, window manager
X Window System, X stack
X Window System, X.org versus XFree86
X Window System, X11 forwarding, OpenSSH 2nd 3rd 4th
X Window System, X11R6.6
X Window System, X11R7.0
X Window System, xev utility
X Window System, XFree86 versus X.org
X Window System, Xinerama
X Window System, Xlib
X, Consortium
X, server
X, terminal 2nd
X11 directory 2nd
xargs utility
xclock utility
xev utility
xfs filesystem
xhost utility
xinetd daemon 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
xinetd.conf file 2nd
xinetd.d directory 2nd
xmodmap utility
xorg file
Xorg utility
xrn utility
xtab file 2nd
xterm terminal name
xvnews utility
xxgdb utility 2nd
y filename extension
Yellow Pages
yp.conf file
ypbind daemon
ypbind-mt daemon
ypinit utility
yppasswd utility
yppasswdd daemon
yppasswdd file
ypserv.conf file
ypwhich utility
ypxfr utility
ypxfrd daemon
yum, automatically running
yum, configuration file
yum, install option
yum, remove option
yum, update option
yum, using
yum.conf file
yum.repos.d directory
yum.repos.d file
yumdownloader utility
Z filename extension 2nd
Z Shell
zcat utility
zero file
Zimmerman, Phil
zip utility
Zone, DNS, defined
zsh shell
Zulu time [See UTC.]
[[...]] [See also Conditional expression.]
[[...]] builtin
[] character class 2nd 3rd
\ escape character 2nd 3rd
\( in regular expressions
\) in regular expressions
\n in replacement strings
^ bitwise operator
^ in regular expressions
^ quick substitution character
{ expansion
{ in a shell function
| bitwise operator
| Boolean operator
| in full regular expressions
| pipe 2nd 3rd
|| Boolean operator 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
} expansion
} in a shell function
~ (tilde) expansion 2nd 3rd
~ home directory [See also Home directory.]
~ in pathnames
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