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Bach M.J. — The design of the UNIX operating system |
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(Slash) /proc 359
Abortive return 170
Accept system call 385
Ada 4
address space 171 277
address translation 18 151 154—157 160 181 189
Administration 34 41 276 295 314 325 328
Age bit 287 288
Alarm signal 150 201 260
Alarm system call 258 260 261 270
Alarm system call, algorithm 84—86
Alarm system call, use of 92 101
Allocreg algorithm 172 173 224
Allocreg algorithm, use of 178 179 220 223 367
Architecture 5 19
Asynchronous execution 11 233 235
Asynchronous I/O 46 54
Asynchronous write 48 55
AT&T 1 3 256
AT&T 3B2 computer 189
AT&T 3B20 computer 223 230 267 336 397
AT&T 3B20A computer 395 408 409
Atomic operation 134 142 370 378 397 401
Attachreg algorithm 173 174
Attachreg algorithm, use of 178 194 220 223 369
B language 2
BACH 395 408
Background execution 12 37 233 353
Beck 410
Bell Laboratories 1 3
Berkeley, University of California at 3 see
Bind system call 384
Birrell 414
block device 21 23 122 134 139 313 314
Block device special file 88 108
Block device switch table 314—317 327
Block device, buffer cache and 323
Block device, close procedure 320
Block device, interface to disk 326 327
Block number 39 41—43 289 325
Bmap algorithm 68—70 89
Bmap algorithm, use of 75 97 102
Bodenstab 4
Boot Block 24 119 235 326
Boot system 24 109 134 156 235 236 268
Bootstrap 24 235
Bourne, Steve 12 13
Bread algorithm 54 60
Bread algorithm, strategy procedure and 322
Bread algorithm, use of 65 75 83 98
Breada algorithm 54 55
Breada algorithm, use of 60 98 100
Break key 201 204 210 245 342
Brelse algorithm 46
Brelse algorithm, use of 48 54 55 56 75
Brk system call 21 229
Brk system call, algorithm 229—231
Brk system call, shared memory and 369
Brk system call, swap and 276 279
Brk system call, use of 243
Brownbridge 413
BSD 3 72 141 209 240 271 291 292 309 342 383 384 388
BSS 25 220 293
Buffer 21 39 41 42 46
buffer cache 38—57
Buffer cache, advantages and disadvantages 56 57
Buffer cache, analogous to page cache 289
Buffer cache, disk interface 328
Buffer cache, driver close procedure 320
Buffer cache, not used in swapping 276
Buffer cache, umount and 127
Buffer cache, used for block device 314
Buffer header 39 40 48
Buffer header, driver strategy procedure and 322
Buffer queue 41—43 48
Buffer, alignment 56
Buffer, allocation 44—52 92 see
Buffer, allocation in multiprocessor 404
Buffer, busy 40 43 46 48 51
Buffer, comparison to inode 65
Buffer, no reference count 63
Building block primitives 13
Built-in command 232
Bwrite algorithm 56
Bwrite algorithm, strategy procedure and 322
Bwrite algorithm, use of 107
Byte offset 68 325
Byte stream 4 7
C 2 4
C library 165 167
C library in Newcastle connection 413 423—425 430 431
Callout table 263 264
canonical mode 329 334 336
Cblock 331—334
Central processor, in satellite system 414
Change directory see chdir system call
Change mode see chmod system call
Change owner see chown system call
Change root see chroot system call
Changed root 213
Changing (execution) mode 157
Character device 21 313 352 see
Character device special file 88 108
Character device switch table 314—317 327
Character device, close procedure 320
Chdir system call 109 144
Chdir system call, use of 123
Checking signals 202
Child process 25 192
chmod command 89 243
Chmod system call 21 110
Chmod system call, devices and 323
Chmod system call, read-only file system and 144
Chmod system call, sticky bit and 225 226
Chown system call 21 110
Chown system call, read-only file system and 144
Chroot system call 74 109 110 143
Chroot system call in Newcastle connection 425
Chroot system call, fork and 194
Client process 382 388 424
Clist 331—334 344
clock 260 265—268
Clock handler 251 254 262 269 280
Clock handler in multiprocessor 395
Clock interrupt 247 251 253 265
Clock tick 247 268
Clock, restarting 262
Close system call 21 103—105
Close system call, driver interface 314 318—320
Close system call, dup and 119
Close system call, inode and 65
Close system call, pipe and 115
Close system call, relation to inode lock 100
Close system call, sockets 386
Close system call, use of 198 234
Coffman 397
Cole 429
Command 11
command line 11 234
Compare and swap instruction 397
Computing Science Research Center 2
Concurrent Euclid 410
Conditional P semaphore operation see CP semaphore operation
Conditional semaphore, IPC 378
Configuration 41 57 313 314
Connect system call 385
Consent Decree 3
| Consistency, file data 101
Consistency, file system 133 139
Consistency, kernel 168
Consistency, link and 129
context 16 29 156 160 161 195
Context layer 160—165 168 169 183 195 207
context switch 29 31 33 160 168—170 189 190 248 254
Context switch, sleep and 186
Context switch, tracing and 358
Context, definition 159
Context, exec and 220
Context, fork and 196
Context, saving 162
Contiguous file 67
Contiguous swap space 272
Control q character 353
Control s character 353
Control terminal 150 213 342 343 353
Control terminal, standard input and 96
Cooked input 334
Copy on write bit 287 290 303—306 309
core dump 204 205 239
Core dump in distributed system 428
corruption 134 392 393
CP semaphore operation 397 403 405 411
Crash 57 133 134 139 140 370
Creat system call 105—107 143 144
Creat system call and directory 74
Creat system call, locks and 370
Creat system call, read-only file system and 144
Creat system call, use of 8 13 22
Critical region of code 30 32 33 393
Current directory 7 12 29 74 213 245
Current directory in Newcastle connection 425
Current directory, fork and 194
Current directory, initial 109 235
Current root 29
Daemon process 238
Data region 25 229
Data section 24 151
Datagram 384 386
Deadlock 142 169 242 380 403
Deadlock in multiprocessor 402 404 406
Deadlock, link and 130 131
Deadlock, swap and 285
Death of child signal 200 201 203 209 210 213—217 239 241
DEC 325
Defense Advanced Research Project Agency see DARPA
Dekker 372
Delayed write 39 40 43 48 49 55—60 102
Delayed write, umount and 126
Delete key 201 204 210 245 329 342
Demand fill 288 293 300 303
demand paging 21 152 189 190 271 272 285—307
Demand paging in distributed system 433
Demand paging on less sophisticated hardware 306
Demand paging policy 310
Demand paging system, defintion 15
Demand zero 289 293 300 303
Denning 286
Detachreg algorithm 180 181
Detachreg algorithm, use of 213 220 223 370
Device 4 8 15 312
device driver 21 312—324
Device driver, interface 313 315
Device driver, multiprocessor 408
Device file see Device special file
Device in distributed system 429 432
Device interrupt 315 324
device number 23 39 43 63 64 120 123 289 322 325
Device number, parameter to getblk 44
Device special file 6 10 60 313 315 see Block
Device, open procedure 122
Dijkstra 372 389 397
Direct block see Inode direct
Directory 6 7 23 60 75 76 90 108 109 133
directory hierarchy 73 137
Directory, access permission 74
Directory, creat system call and 74 107
Directory, creation of 107
Directory, linear search 75 76 90
Directory, link system call and 74 129
Directory, mknod system call and 74
Directory, structure 73 74 89
Directory, unlink system call and 74
Disk 52—56
Disk block descriptor 286 288—290 293 298—301
Disk block, allocation 84 86 85 87 102
Disk block, buffer and 42
Disk block, free 132
Disk driver 52—54 325
Disk section and file system 121
Disk, configuration 326
Disk, raw interface 352
distributed systems 412 413
DMA 289 322
Domain 384
Dot 10 73 108 142 241
Dot, link and 132
Dot-dot 73 108 142 241
Dot-dot in distributed system 427
Dot-dot in Newcastle connection 432
Dot-dot, mount point and 126
Double fault 302
Driver see Device driver
Dummy process 409
Dup system call 117—119
Dup system call, comparison to fork 194
Dup system call, reference count and 104
Dup system call, shared pointer and 96
Dup system call, use of 198 199 234
Dup2 system call 144
Dupreg 182
Dupreg, use of 194
DZ11 Controller 321
echo 329 340
Effective user ID 150 211 227 228
end-of-file 100 213 339 353
Erase character 334 337
Erase key 329
Event see Sleep event
Exception condition 16 156 200
Exception condition, context and 162
Exec environment 217 218
Exec system call 21 25 200 217
Exec system call in paging system 290 293
Exec system call in satellite system 431
Exec system call of setuid program 229
Exec system call, algorithm 218—225 242
Exec system call, disk block descriptor and 288
Exec system call, signals and 200
Exec system call, use of 10 233 234
Execl 217
Execle 217
Execlp 245
Executable file, layout 218 219
Executable file, page from 293
Execv 217
Execve 217
Execvp 245
Exit system call 21 147 212 216 225 242
Exit system call in muliprocessor 408
Exit system call in satellite system 419 431
Exit system call, algorithm 212 213
Exit system call, context switch and 168 169 254
Exit system call, current directory and 109
Exit system call, receipt of signal and 203
Exit system call, use of 8 10
Expansion swap 279
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