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Bach M.J. — The design of the UNIX operating system
Bach M.J. — The design of the UNIX operating system

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Название: The design of the UNIX operating system

Автор: Bach M.J.


This is the first, and still, the most comprehensive book to describe the sophisticated workings of the UNIX System V kernel — the internal algorithms, the structures that form the basis of the UNIX operating system, and their relationship to the programming interface. System programmers will gain a better understanding of how the kernel works and will be able to compare algorithms used in the UNIX system to algorithms used in other operating systems. Programmers on UNIX systems will gain a deeper understanding of how their programs interact with the system and can thereby code more efficient programs.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1986

Количество страниц: 471

Добавлена в каталог: 02.12.2005

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Предметный указатель
Special file      88 108 see Block
Special file, creation of      107
Spin lock      403
STACK      24
stack frame      25
Stack pointer      25 159 168
Stack region      25
Stack section      151
Standard error      13 96 200
Standard I/O Library      20 57 99 140
Standard input      13 96 198 200 226 234 353
Standard output      13 96 119 198 200 226 234
Starvation      52
Stat system call      21 110 111
Stat system call, devices and      323
State transition      30 147
State transition diagram      30 147 148 202
Sticky bit      181 225 226 242
Stime system call      258 268
Strategy interface      314—316 322 325 328
Stream socket      384
Stream-head      345—347
streams      344—351
Streams, analysis      350
Streams, message      346
Streams, module      346 347
Streams, multiplexer      351 354
Streams, queue      345 347
Streams, scheduling      347 350 353
stty command      353
Stty system call      323
Stub process      414—425 429—432
Super block      24 38 60 76 84 90 119—126 139
Super block, free block list      84—87
Super block, free inode list      77—83
Super block, lock      80 84
Superuser      36 61 110 194 211 227 229 242 245 254 310 352 360
Superuser in Newcastle connection      424
Superuser, link and      128
Superuser, mount and      121
SVID      170 339
Swap device      15 271 272 275—277 289 297 300
Swap device, exec and      220 226
Swap map      274 275
swap space      272 274 275
Swap space, allocation in paging system      298
Swap-use table      286 289 290 297
Swapped state      147—149 307 280
Swapper process      21 25 147 212 238 280 310
Swapper process, algorithm      281 282
Swapper process, clock and      260
Swapping      21 152 189 271—285 307 309
Swapping in distributed system      433
Swapping system, definition      15
Swapping, signal and      300
Swapping, strategy procedure and      322
Symbolic link      145
Sync system call, buffers and      60
system call      5
System call for devices      313
System call, buffers and      51
System call, context and      160 164
System call, context switch and      168
System call, interface      19 165—168
System call, interrupt in satellite system      421 422
System call, multiprocesser interface      394
System III      3
system memory layout      151
System V      1 3 6 12 25 68 73 89 90 103 120 138 142 152 200 221 240 251 252 272 275 286 290—292 307 325 326 336 344 359 372 383
System-level context      159—161
tab character      329
Tannenbaum      72
TCP      384
Terminal      238 353
Terminal in distributed system      430 432
Terminal, driver      329—342 351
Terminal, hangup      329
Terminal, open procedure      317 318
Terminal, raw mode      263 329 330 339 340
Terminal, signals and      201
Terminal, virtual      354
text      24
Text region      25 222—226
Text section      151
Text table      223
Thompson, Ken      2 3 96 103 226 251
Threshold priority      250
Throughput      57 60 250 307
Time      258 260 268
Time in multiprocessor      411
Time quantum      14 21 247 248 251
Time sharing      14 30 247
Time slice      190 247
Time system call      258 268
Timeout      263
Times system call      258
Times, use of      259 260
Tracing      356 359
Transparent distribution      414 426
Transport Connect Protocol      see TCP
Trap instruction      26 356 357
Tunis system      410
U area      26 28 29 93
U area, chroot and      110
U area, context and      160 161
U area, current directory and      74 109 150
U area, current root      150
U area, definition      150
U area, directory offset and creat      107
U area, exec and      220
U area, fork and      194 195
U area, I/O parameters      97—100 115 150 178 325 328
U area, process accounting and      267
U area, signal handler and      205
U area, signals and      203
U area, swap and      278 308
U area, system call parameters      166
U area, virtual address      156—158
UDP      384
UID      28 150
Umount system call      119 126 127 144 145 353
Umount system call, buffers and      52 60
Umount system call, device and      314
Umount system call, sticky bit and      226
Undo structure      378—380
UNI VAC 1100 Series      4
UNIX system domain      384 386—388
Unlink system call      132—137 143 145
Unlink system call, comparison to shared memory      370
Unlink system call, consistency and      139 140
Unlink system call, directory      74
Unlink system call, named pipe and      113
Unlink system call, read-only file system and      144
Unlink system call, region and      173
Unlink system call, sticky bit and      226
User Datagram Protocol      see UDP
User file descriptor table      22 23 93—95 104—107 117 118 150
User ID      28 74 150 227
user mode      15 16 30 51 147 149 157 165
User priority      249 250 252 254
User running state      147—150
User stack      26 27 174 189 230 231
User stack, signals and      205 207 209
User stack, swap and      276
User-level context      159 161
UUCP      382 423
V semaphore operation      372 389 396—403 408 411
Valid bit      287 296—298 301 303 304 306 307 310
Valid bit, software      306 307
Valid page      294
Validity fault      286 296 298 300 301 304
Validity fault handler      293 298 299 301 305 309
Validity fault handler, interaction with protection fault handler      306
VAX      171 189 205 206 306 307 310 321 393
Version 6      282
Version 7      144
Vfault, algorithm      see Validity fault handler
Vfork      291 292 309
Vhand      see Page stealer
Virtual address      18 158 189 278 298
virtual address space      15 151 152 156 159
Virtual address translation      see Address translation
Virtual circuit      384
Virtual terminal      348 349
vms      307
Volume table of contents      326 352
Wait system call      21 213 216
Wait system call in multiprocessor      408
Wait system call, algorithm      214 215 242
Wait system call, time and      269
Wait system call, tracing and      356 357
Wait system call, use of      233
Wakeup      33 34 37 184
Wakeup, algorithm      150 182 186 187 190
Wakeup, comparison to V operation      399 403
Weinberger      138 265
Window of terminal      348 349 354
Window of working set      286
Working set      286 287 307 310
Write system call      21 71 100—102
Write system call, disk interface      328
Write system call, driver interface      314 320 328
Write system call, fork and      197
Write system call, pipe and      113—115 143
Write system call, read-only file system and      144
Write system call, streams interface      346
Write system call, terminal interface      334 335
Write-append mode      93 140
Xalloc, algorithm      223 224
Zombie      147 149 213—217 258 280
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