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Rubinoff M., Yovits M. — Advances in Computers, Volume 14
Rubinoff M., Yovits M. — Advances in Computers, Volume 14

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Íàçâàíèå: Advances in Computers, Volume 14

Àâòîðû: Rubinoff M., Yovits M.


Volume 1 of Advances in Computers appeared in 1960. It is now my pleasure to edit and write the Preface for Volume 14, the intervening volumes having appeared regularly over the last 15 years. This serial publication is thus one of the oldest and most regular in this relatively new and dynamic discipline. Over the years a wide variety of diverse topics has been discussed, most of which have been timely and of considerable current, as well as long range, interest. Many of the chapters have had a significant effect on the future course of activities in computer and information science. Taken as a whole, these volumes and the chapters and topics comprising them can be considered an authoritative summary and review of computer and information science and its applications. The contributions have been written by authors who are generally considered experts in their fields.

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Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

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Accepting states, Turing machine and      103
Access control information      238
Access control mechanism in information security      236—238
Access control mechanism, data base semantics and      245—246
Access control, levels of      236—238
Access control, matrix in      239—240
Access matrix in information security      239—240
Access matrix, capability-list systems in      239
Access-list systems      239
ADDUP programming, for random access machines      36—37
ADP systems, information security and      233
Afuso, C.      187 190 191 192 193 195 229
Agullo, J.      228
Aho, A.V.      2 8 9 13 32 41 82 103 116 127 132 166 184
ALGOL for large-scale programs      52
ALGOL, context-free grammar and      87
ALGOL-60      61
Algol-68      54 61
Algorithms, deterministic vs nondeterministic      3 see "Earley's "Strassen's "Valiant's
Ambiguous grammar      82
Anderson, G.C.      196 228
APE (autonomous processing element) system      202—205
APL system for small-scale programs      49—50
APL system vs PPL system      54—55
Arithmetic in burst processing      216
Arithmetic, probability theory and      191
Armstrong, C.W.      229
Association of Computing Machinery      233
ATE (automatic test equipment)      52—53
Audio encoding and decoding, in burst processing      225276
Authority items, in information security      234 240
Averaging for higher accuracy in burst processing      216—217
Averaging in statistical representation      187—190
Baker, F.T.      46 72 75
Baker, T.      39 41
BASIC, for medium-scale programs      49—51 55
Binary tree, nonassociative products and      149—158
Binary tree, simplest      153
Binary tree, smallest      156—157
Binary tree, typical      156
Block sum burst adder or subtractor      222
Block sum register, in statistical representation      218—224
Book, V.R.      29 42
Boolean matrix multiplication, Strassen's algorithm and      145—149
Boolean operations, in random access machines      31
Borodin, A.B.      1 2 42
Bouckaert, M.      139 184
bp      see Burst processing
Brainstad, D.K.      234 272
BREAK procedure, in programming      65
Buechi, J.R.      26 42
Bundle machine, examples of      211—215
Bundle machine, safe      212—213
Bundle processing in statistical representation      205—211
Bundle processing, failsafe features of      209—210
Bundle processing, notation for      206
Bundle processing, optical bundles in      227
Bundle processing, remapped      208—209
Burst multiplication      226
Burst processing in statistical representation      188
Burst processing, arithmetic in      188
Burst processing, averaging in      216
Burst processing, future applications of      227—228
Burst processing, low precision arithmetic in      216
Burst processing, objective of      216
Burst processing, overview of      216—224
Burst processing, preliminary results in      224—226
Burst representation, principles of      218
Capabilities, in information security      234
Cascade multiplier      222—223
Case statement, in programming      65—66
Central submatrices, matrix reduction and      158—160
Cheatham, T.E.Jr.      75
Chiang, T.C.      259 272
Chomsky normal form for context-free grammar      93 97 140
Chomsky normal form in parsing of context-free grammar      108—109
COBOL, for large-scale programs      51—53
Cocke — Kasami — Younger algorithm, for context-free languages      107—122 125—126 140
Cocke — Kasami — Younger recognition matrix      136 141
Codd, E.F.      271
Complex programs, abstract version of      73
Composition principle      154
Computation memory bounded      17—27
Computational complexity, global properties of      2
Computational complexity, theory of      1—6
Computer companies      231 234
Computing, quantitative aspects of      1—2
Concealment protection in information security      246—247
Concealment protection, limitation of      253—254
Constraints, in programming systems      74
Context mode, in information security      263
Context protection, in information secure systems      262—263
Context-free grammar, "useless" rules for      87
Context-free grammar, ambiguous      82
Context-free grammar, Chomsky normal form for      93 97 108—109 140
Context-free grammar, cycle-free      98
Context-free grammar, defined      79—80
Context-free grammar, Greibach normal form for      95—96
Context-free grammar, linear      119—120
Context-free grammar, linear normal form of      120
Context-free grammar, recognition problem in      83
Context-free grammar, reduced unambiguous      132
Context-free languages, "hardest, "      78 176—180
Context-free languages, Cocke — Kasami — Younger algorithm and      107—122
Context-free languages, formal languages and      79—80
Context-free languages, parsing of      77—184
Context-free protection specification      257
Control Data Corporation      233
Controlled accessibility, workshop on      233
Cook, H.J.      229
Cook, S.      3 8 9 10 20 32 42
Coombes, D.      207 212 228
CRAM model      34—35
Cutler, J.R.      207 213 228
Dahl, O-J.      46 75
Daley, R.C.      239 271
Defense Department, U.S.      232—233
Denning, P.J.      75
Dennis, J.B.      234 271
Derivation-all protection, in information security      247
Derivation-selective protection      247—248
Derivation-some protection      248—249
Deterministic lba      28
Dijkstra, E.W.      46 75
DOTBEFORE variable, in Earley's al-gorithm      133—136
Dyck set, nondeterministic version of      177
Earley recognition matrix      122
Earley recognition matrix, parsing algorithm and      136—139
Earley's algorithm      181
Earley's algorithm as on-line recognition algorithm      127
Earley's algorithm in parsing of context-free languages      122—139
Earley's algorithm, correctness of      126
Earley's algorithm, recognition algorithm and      122—126
Earley's algorithm, time and space bounds of      128—136
Earley, J.      76 79 122 127 184
ECL system      47
ECL system, defined      55n.
ECL system, extended mode facility in      67—69
ECL system, procedures in      63—65
Effectively computable function      6
EL1 language      47 54—69
EL1 language, basic goals for      56—58
Elemental-derivation-sensitive protection, in information security      249—250
Elgot, C.C.      26 42
Ellsberg case      231
Entity-column approach, in information security      239
Ergodic checking circuit      211
ERGODIC machine      213—216
Ergodic processing, in statistical representation      205—211
Ergodic strobe      211
Esch, J.W.      187 190 191 193 197 198 228 229
Even, S.      20 42
Extended mode facility, in ECL programming      67—68
Extensible languages, in small-scale programs      53—54
Fagin, R.      8 42
Feasible computations, defined      7
Feasible computations, languages as problems in      2
Feasible computations, memory-bounded computations and      17—27
Feasible computations, nondeterminism and      6—16
Feasible computations, nondeterministic tape computations in      27—30
Feasible computations, random access machines and      30—39
Feasible computations, structure of      1—41
Ferrate, G.A.      228
FIND function, in random access machines      33—35
Finnie, B.W.      196 228
First-order prepositional calculus, time sentences for      21
Fischer, M.J.      26 42 140 141 142 145 166 184
FORTRAN      49—50 55
FORTRAN for medium-scale programs      51
Fourier transform, by TRANSFORMATRIX      203
Function, effectively computable      6—7
Gaines, B.R.      190 228 229
Gallaire, H.      181 184
Garey, M.R.      8 42
Generalized Riemann hypothesis      16
Gill, J.      39 41
Gilstrap, L.O.      229
Golomb, S.W.      196 229
Gottlieb, C.C.      76
Graham, R.M.      234 237 271
Graham, S.L.      181 184
Grammar, context-free      79—80 82 93—97 108—109 119—120 132 140
Grammar, equivalent      80
Grammar, language generated by      80
Grammar, non-left recursive      97
Grammar, unambiguous      82
Greibach normal form, for context-free grammar      95—96
Greibach, S.A.      30 42 79 119 176 185
Hansen, M.H.      255 271
Harary, F.      271 272
Harrison, M.A.      181 184
Hartmanis, J.      1 2 5 6 10 12 16 20 22 27 29 30 31 42 43 183 185
Hirsch, J.J.      229
Hoare, C.A.R.      46 75 76
Hoffman, L.J.      232 272
Honeywell, Inc.      233
Hopcroft, J.E.      1 2 5 8 9 13 22 28 32 41 42 82 83 103 106 116 166 177 182 183 184 185
Hotz, G.      139 185
Hsiao, D.K.      234 240 257 260 271 272
Hunt, H.B., III.      2 5 8 12 20 21 23 24 27 29 42
Hydrodynamic simulation, TSP and      227
IBM      see International Business Machines Corp.
IMS      see Information Management System
Information Management System      232
Information protection, context-free protection specification in      257
Information secure systems      231—271 see
Information secure systems with single-attribute protection      257—262
Information secure systems, building of      256—270
Information secure systems, context mode in      263
Information secure systems, context protection in      262
Information secure systems, coverage of      234
Information secure systems, security-atoms in      260—261
Information security      see also "Information secure systems"
Information security, access control and privacy protection in      236—238
Information security, authority items in      234 240
Information security, capabilities in      234
Information security, concealment protection in      246—247
Information security, data base partitioning in      245—246
Information security, data base system in      244—246
Information security, derivation-all protection in      247
Information security, derivation-sensitive protection in      249—250
Information security, derivation-some protection in      248—249
Information security, highly derivation-selective protection in      249
Information security, information-theoretic protection and      254—255
Information security, jeweler's problem in      235—236
Information security, limitation of concealment protection in      253—254
Information security, logical access control mechanisms in      237—238
Information security, logical level of access control in      237—238
Information security, memory protection in      235—236
Information security, physical protection and access control mechanisms in      236
Information security, procedure protection in      236
Information security, protection "keys" in      236
Information security, protection of single-attribute data in      250—252
Information security, protection threhsolds in      255
Information security, ring mechanism in      234 237
Information security, shared information in      235
Information security, supervisory calls in      237
Information sharing, security and      235
Information, derivation-selective protection of      247—248
Information-theoretic protection      254—255
Inherently ambiguous language      82
International Business Machines Corp.      231 233
Jeweler's problem, in information security      235—236
Johnson, D.S.      8 42
Karp, R.      8 13 42
Kasami, T.      79 107 185
Kerr, D.S.      257 272
Kleene star, in tape-complete problem      19—20
Knuth, D.E.      76
Korfhage, R.R.      76
Korn, G.A.      196 229
Kuroda, S.Y.      27 42
Lampson, B.W.      239 272
Landweber, P.S.      27 42
Language(s) for nonexpert programmer      69—70
Language(s) in programming      58—63
Language(s), context-sensitive      3—5
Language(s), extensible      53—54
Language(s), NP      3—5
Language(s), NP-complete      10
Language(s), PTAPE      3—4
Language(s), tape-complete      18
Language(s), unambiguous      82
LeClerc, J.Y.      236 272
Left-recursive nonterminal set      95
Lewis, P.M.      22 43 183 185
Linear grammars, linear language generated by      119
Linear grammars, special case of      119—122
Linearly bounded automaton      27—30
LISP-2      54
Logic burst adder or subtractor      222
Logic multiplier      223
Logical access control mechanism in information security      237—238
Logical access control mechanism, attributes in      241—242
Logical access control mechanism, data base semantics in      244—246
Logical access control mechanism, protection precision in      246
Logical access control mechanism, sample data base in      243
Logical access control mechanism, semantic connection in      242
Logical access control mechanism, simultaneous access in      245
Logical access control mechanism, understanding of      241—254
Logical access control mode, in information security      238—241
Logical theory, second-order      26
Low, J.R.      69 76
Marvel, O.E.      196 199 229
Maryland, University of      233
Massachusetts Institute of Technology      232—233
Matrix multiplication, Boolean      145—149
Matrix reduction, central submatrices and      158—160
Matrix, transitively closed      141
McCauley, E.J.      260 272
McNaughton, R.      19 43
Memory protection, in information security      235—236
Memory, saving of with nondeterministic computations      27
Memory-bounded complexity classes, defined      17
Memory-bounded computations      17—27
Meyer, A.R.      2 4 22 26 43 141 142 166 184
Miller, G.L.      16 43
Mills, H.D.      46 76
Minsky, M.      17 38 43
Mitre      233
1 2
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