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Rubinoff M., Yovits M. — Advances in Computers, Volume 14 |
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Mode behavior, user-defined 67—69
Mode-behavior definition facility, in programming 74
Modularization, "tuning" process and 47
MRAM 34 see
MRAM, differentiated from RAM 31—32 39
MRAM, simulation of Turing machines by 38
Multiplexing, in pulse code modulation 219
Munro, I. 2 42 141 142 166 185
Myhill, J. 27 43
N-TAPE languages 4
National Bureau of Standards 233
National Computer Conference 234
National Science Foundation 233
Natural languages, advances in study of 77—79
Naval Ship Research and Development Center 233
Nee, C.J. 257 272
Neumann, P.G. 239 271
Neurophysiology, TSP applications in 227
Nonarithmetic objects, aids for 72
Nonassociative products, binary trees and 149—158
Nondeterministic lba 28
Nondeterministic tape computations 27—30
Nonexpert programmer, aids for 69—72
Nonterminal set, left or right recursive 95
NP, problem in 2—3
NP-complete language 13—16
NP-complete language, defined 10
NP-complete language, universal 10
NP-TAPE language 17—18 27
NP-TIME language 8—9
Off-line algorithm, in parsing of general context-free languages 111
Off-line computation, for Turing machine 104
Office of Naval Research 233
Ohio State University 233
Olaravria, J.M. 229
On-line algorithm, in parsing of general context-free languages 111
On-line computation, for Turing machine 104
On-line recognition algorithm, Earley's algorithm as 127
Oppen, D.C. 26 43
Optical bundles, in bundle processing 227
Organick, E.I. 232 239 272
P = NP? problem 3 9 41
Pager, D. 139 185
Papoulis, A. 229
Parsing algorithm for context-free languages 112—115
Parsing algorithm in Earley's algorithm 136—139
Parsing of general context-free languages 77—184
Parsing, Cocke — Kasami — Younger algorithm in 107—122
Parsing, Earley's algorithm in 122—129
Parsing, hardest context-free language and 176—180
Parsing, linear context-free language and 110—121
Parsing, recognition algorithm in 107—112
Parsing, rules in 83
Parsing, time and space bounds in 181—184
Parsing, upper bound for 176
Parsing, Valiant's algorithm in 140—176
Parsing, Valiant's lemma and 149—166
PCM see "Pulse code modulation"
PENDING variable, in Earley's algorithm 133—136
Pennsylvania, University of 233
Peterson, W.W. 188 229
Petrovic, R. 191 229
Photocell, random pulses in 226
Physical protection mechanisms, in information security 236
Pirotte, A. 139 184
PL/1 programs in information security 232
PL/1 programs in information security in large-scale programs 52 54
Poigjaner, L. 228
Poppelbaum, W.J. 187 190 199 202 216 229
POSTCOMP (portable stochastic computer), examples of 197—198
PPL system, vs APL system 54—55
Pratt, V. 6 31 39 43
PREDICT function, in Earley's algorithm 123 128 130 133—134
Pressburger arithmetic, decision procedures for 25—26
Pressburger, M. 25 26 43
Privacy protection, in information security 236—238
Probability theory, arithmetic operations and 191
Probert, R.L. 140 145 184
Procedure protection, in information security 236
Program reduction 70—72
Programmer for medium-scale programs 50—51
Programmer, aids for nonexpert type of 69—72
Programming 45—75
Programming and production of complex programs 72—75
Programming languages, spectrum of 45
Programming system, formation of 72—75
Programming, aids in 69—72
Programming, basic language in 58—63
Programming, BREAK procedure in 65
Programming, case statement in 65—66
Programming, changes in 73
Programming, classes of programs in 48—53
Programming, closure in 70—72
Programming, constraints in 74
Programming, ECL procedures in 63—65
Programming, extended modes in 66—69
Programming, extensible languages in 53—54
Programming, facilities for small-scale programs in 53—55
Programming, mode in 58—59
Programming, mode-behavior definition facility in 74
Programming, mode-valued expression in 62
Programming, program reduction in 70—72
Programming, rewrite facility in 75
Programming, software tailoring and packaging in 69—70
Programming, testing aids in 75
Programming, user-defined mode behavior in 66—69
Programming, variables in 58
Programs, classes of 48—52
Programs, complex 72—75
Programs, large-scale 51—53
Programs, medium-scale 50—51
Programs, small-scale 49—50
Protection thresholds, in information security 255
PTAPE languages 3—4 17 27
PTAPE languages and first-order propositional calculus 21
PTIME language family 5—8
PTIME language family vs PTAPE, for Turing machines 30—31
PTIME language family, MRAM and 40
Pulse code modulation, multiplexing in 219
Pulse code modulation, statistical representation in 188—190
Pulse code modulation, time stochastic and burst processing systems in 188—190
Pulse, appearance of in time stochastic processing 190
Quantized quasi-random analog signal 196
Quasi-noise, in phototransistor output encoding 200
Quasi-random number generator 196
Quasi-random number sequence, defined 196
Quasi-random number sequence, generation of 195—197
Rabin, M.O. 6 26 31 39 42 43
RAM model 34—35 see
Rand Corporation 233
Random access machines vs Turing machine 103 105—106 115—116
Random access machines, complexity measures for 32
Random access machines, feasible computations with 30—39
Random access machines, FIND function in 33—35
Random pulses, examples of 226—227
Random pulses, examples of, generation of 195—197
Rangel, J.L. 24 43
RASCEL (regular array of stochastic computing elements), as time stochastic machine 198—199
Recognition algorithm, Chomsky normal form of grammar and 107—108
Recognition, as transitive closure problem 141
Reed, S.K. 234 272
Resource Secure System 232
Ribeiro, S.T. 190 229
Right recursive nonterminal set 95
Ring mechanism, in information security 234 237
Ring, D. 187 205 211 229
Roberts, G.T. 196 228
| Rogers, J., Jr. 6 10 27 43
RSS see "Resource Secure System"
Ruzzo, W.L. 181 184
Ryan, L.D. 194 199 229
SABUMA (safe bundle machine) 212—214
Saltzer, J.H. 237 272
Saviteh, W.J. 4 27 43
Scherr, A.L. 233 272
Schroeder, M.D. 237 272
Schugurensky, C.M. 229
Second-order logical theory 26
Security-atoms, in information secure systems 260—261
Semantic connection, in logical access control mechanisms 242
Shank, H. 10 16 42
Siljak, D. 191 229
Simon, J. 6 30 31 42 43
Single-attribute data protection 250—252
Single-attribute data protection, information secure systems with 257—262
Small-scale programs, facilities for 53—55
Snelling, M. 139 184
Software, tailoring and packaging of 69—70
Solovay, R. 39 41
Southern California, University of 233
Space complexity, Turing machine and 103—104
Spring Joint Computer Conference 231
SRPS see "Synchronous random pulse sequence"
Standish, T.A. 53 76
Statistical processing, outlook for 226—228
Statistical processors 187—228
Statistical processors, bundle processing and 205—211
Statistical processors, ergodic processing of 205—211
Statistical processors, fluctuations and precision of stochastic sequences in 194—195
Statistical processors, generation of random and quasi-random sequences in 195—197
Statistical processors, time stochastic machines and 197—205
Statistical representation 187—190
Statistical representation, autonomous processing element system in 202—205
Statistical representation, block sum register in 218
Statistical representation, burst processing in 188 216—226
Statistical representation, defined 187
Statistical representation, pros and cons of 187—190
Statistical representation, time averaging in 187
Statistical representation, time stochastic processing in 188
Statistical representation, transducer problem in 189—190
Statistical representation, weighted vs unweighted systems in 187
Stearns, R.E. 22 43 183 185
Stochastic processing, bundle processing and 205
Stochastic sequences, fluctuations and precision of 194—195
Stochastics, "fundamental trick" of 191
Stockmeyer, L.J. 2 4 6 8 21 31 39 42 43
Strassen's algorithm, boolean matrix multiplication and 145—149
Strassen, V. 140 145 185
Structural programming, clear programs and 72
Structural programming, defined 46—47
Structural programming, modularization in 46—47
Structurally ambiguous grammar 82
Submatrices, central 158—160
Supervisory calls, in information security 237
Synchronous random pulse sequences in time stochastic processing 190—194
Synchronous random pulse sequences, generation of 195—197
Synchronous random pulse sequences, mask and complementary mask in 227
Synchronous random pulse sequences, subtraction and division of 192—193
Szymanski, T. 8 42
Taft, E.A. 53 55 76
Tape computations, nondeterministic 27—30
Tape-complete language 18
Tape-complete language, construction of 20
Tape-complete problem, Kleene star in 19—20
Tarjan, R.E. 20 42
Tausworthe, R.C. 196 229
Time and space bounds for Earley's algorithm 128—136
Time and space bounds in parsing of general context-free languages 181—184
Time slip cascade multiplier 223
Time slip register 223
Time stochastic machines, examples of 197—205
Time stochastic processing for numerical and communication purposes 189
Time stochastic processing in neurophysiology 227
Time stochastic processing in statistical representation 188
Time stochastic processing, arithmetic in 188
Time stochastic processing, hydrodynamic simulation and 227
Time stochastic processing, overview of 190—194
Time stochastic processing, pulse in 190
Time stochastic processing, synchronous random pulse sequence in 190—194
Time-averaging, in statistical representation 187
Time-Sharing Option 232
TM see "Turing machine"
Tompa, F.W. 76
Torii, K. 107 185
Townley, J.A. 75 128 185
TRANS(A) procedure 167—168
Transducer problem, in statistical representation 189—190
TRANSFORMATRIX, as time stochastic machine or parallel processor 199—202
Transitive closure problem, recognition as 141—145
TRW, Inc. 232—233
TSO see "Time-Sharing Option"
TSP see "Time stochastic processing"
Turing machine and hardest context-free language 176
Turing machine and P=NP? problem 41
Turing machine for NP-complete language 10
Turing machine in parsing of general context-free languages 115—119
Turing machine in polynomial tape or time 17
Turing machine vs random access computer 115—116 176
Turing machine, input for 104
Turing machine, accepting states and 103
Turing machine, algorithmic analysis and 104
Turing machine, deterministic vs.nondeterministic 5 12 20
Turing machine, effectively computable function and 6—7
Turing machine, finite state control for 103
Turing machine, implementation of in Earley's algorithm 139
Turing machine, instantaneous description in 13
Turing machine, linearly bounded automaton and 27—30
Turing machine, MRAM languages and 34—35
Turing machine, NP problem and 2—3
Turing machine, off-line computation in 104
Turing machine, PTIME vs PTAPE for 30—31
Turing machine, simulation of by MRAM's 38
Turing machine, space complexity of 103
Turing machine, tape length in 24—25
Turing machine, valid and nonvalid computations for 13—15 19 22
Ullman, J.D. 2 5 8 9 13 22 28 32 41 42 82 83 103 106 116 127 132 166 177 182 183 184 185
Unambiguous grammar 82
Universal NP language 10
Unweighted systems, in statistical representation 187
Uriivac, Inc. 233
User-row approach, in information security 239
Valiant's algorithm 140—176 181
Valiant's algorithm and recognition as transitive closure problem 141—145
Valiant's algorithm in computing in less than O(n^{3}) time 161—176
Valiant's algorithm, Strassen's algorithm and 145—149
Valiant's lemma 149—166 170—172
Valiant's lemma, statement and proof of 161—166
Valiant, L.G. 79 140 141 185
Van Horn, E.C. 234 271
Vernier divider, principle of 224
Vernier encoding and addition, in burst processing 225
von Neumann, J. 187 230
Warshall, S. 52 76
Watergate affair, information security and 231
Wegbreit, B. 56 71 75 76
Weighted systems in statistical representation 187
Wimbrow, J.H. 233 272
Winograd, T. 76
Wirth, N. 76
Wo, Y.K. 199 202 230
Wong, E. 259 272
World-Wide Military Command and Control System 232
Yamada, H. 19 43
Younger, D.H. 79 107 185
Zirphile, J. 229
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