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Kennedy D. — Academic Duty |
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20-20 television program 170
Abstracts 200
Academic authorship see “Authorship”
Academic duty 2
Academic duty and change 265—288
Academic duty and misconduct 210—240
Academic duty and training of faculty 23—58
Academic duty to mentor 97—116
Academic duty to publish 186—209
Academic duty to teach 59—96
Academic duty, beyond university 241—264
Academic duty, failure of 6 19—20 22 177
Academic duty, research as 147—185
Academic duty, service as 117—146
Academic freedom 1—2
Academic freedom in research 179—180
Academic freedom, tests of 125
Academic misconduct 179 210—240
Academic service 117—146
Accountability 3 64 82 140 220 222
Accreditation 4
Administration 25 90 126 286—287
Advising 63—64 89—91
Advisory Committee Act 231—232
Affirmative action 13—14 280
African-American students 6 65
Agassiz, Louis 5 26
Age Discrimination in Employment Act 42
Age factors 30 41—42
AIDS research 229—232
American Academy of Arts and Sciences 187
American Association for Higher Education 5 95
American Association for the Advancement of Science 47
American Association of University Professors 125 128 135
American Civil Liberties Union 133
American Council of Learned Societies 157—158
American Council on Education 5 31—32 60
American Historical Association 157—158
American Philosophical Society 187
American Scientist 223
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 206
Animal rights movement 70 180—181
Anonymous folio transfer protocol 190
Anti-Apartheid Movement 121
Appointments, academic 64—65 73—75 125—132 136—137 187
Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals 173
Ashby, Eric 68
Ashenfelter, O. 44
Asian-American students 125
Assistant professors 135—137
Associate professors 135 138
Association of American Universities 4—5 147 150 154
Association of Graduate Schools 284
Association of State Colleges and Universities 5
Athletics 58 140
authorship 98 101—103 105 195—198 208 211—217
Awards, teaching 95
Baltimore, David 175 183 229 232—236
Bateson, William 218
Bayh — Dole amendment 100
Bennett, William 9 66
Biddle, Paul 168—169 172—174
Biogen 262
Bloom, Allan: The Closing of the American Mind 7 12
Bok, Derek 13 66 77 256
Bowen, William G. 47
Boyer, Ernest 274
Boyer, Ernest, "Scholarship Reconsidered" 64
Brennan, William J. 118—119 123
Brewster, Kingman 127—128
British Academy 68
Broad, William S. 220—222
Buckley amendment 130
Bush, Vannevar 28
California State University system 274
Cambridge University 78
Campus Compact 276 282
Card, D. 44
Carnegie Foundation 40 64 94—95
Carnegie, Andrew: "The Gospel of Wealth" 27
Casper, Gerhard 280
Catholic University 154
cell 232—234
Center for Teaching and Learning 72 76
Cheating 84—85 87—88
Chronicle of Higher Education 19 32 127
Citation indexes 192—193
Civil Investigative Demands 281
Clark University 26
Clean Air Act 237
Clinical associate professors 138
Coauthorship 102—103 105 198 213
Coca-Cola 263
Collaborative work 98—99 102
College of William and Mary 26
Colleges and universities as community 119—120
Colleges and universities, academic detachment vs. worldly engagement 276—277
Colleges and universities, associations for 4—5
Colleges and universities, balance between teaching and research 94—96
Colleges and universities, campus/physical plant 143 272
Colleges and universities, changes in 10—11 15 265—268
Colleges and universities, conflicts of commitment at 241—249 262
Colleges and universities, conflicts of interest at 249—252 257 262 264
Colleges and universities, corporatization of 273
Colleges and universities, curriculum issues 6—10 95
Colleges and universities, expectations regarding teaching 59—60
Colleges and universities, finances of 11—12 59 270
Colleges and universities, governance of 120 123—126
Colleges and universities, grading systems 7
Colleges and universities, growth in attendance 3
Colleges and universities, heterogeneous nature of 4 65 273—274
Colleges and universities, history of 26—29 41—42 45—46 265—266
Colleges and universities, leadership at 271 278—279 286—287
Colleges and universities, paradoxes about 3—4
Colleges and universities, perceptions of 2 5 7 12—15 32 217
Colleges and universities, permissiveness on campus 65
Colleges and universities, prestige of 24 29—33 45 191—192
Colleges and universities, professional responsibility at 19—22 59
Colleges and universities, publicly dealing with problems 17—18
Colleges and universities, racial tension 6
Colleges and universities, rankings of 31—32
Colleges and universities, relationship with public 210—211 266
Colleges and universities, roles of 265
Colleges and universities, sexual harassment 6
Colleges and universities, traditional image 10
Columbia University 26 121 137 154 222
Commission on Research Integrity 239
Commitment, conflicts of 241—249 262
committees 18 29 64—65 128 140—142 145
Competition in research 204—206 208
Complimentary authorship 196—197 212—213
Computers 190 268—269
Conflicts of interest 249—252 257 262 264
Congress, U.S. 1 14 277
Congress, U.S., and research agencies 264
Congress, U.S., and university research projects 154 160
Congress, U.S., hearings 47 112 179 211 231 233 239
Congress, U.S., on academic misconduct 223—224 227 229 239
Congress, U.S., on government-funded research 100 220
Congress, U.S., on indirect costs 169 175
Congress, U.S., on mandatory retirement 142
Congress, U.S., on medical education 178
Congress, U.S., on trade sanctions 283
Congress, U.S., tax legislation 11
consulting 243—245
Consumer Price Index 122—123 161
Contracts 100 135 137 149 151 159—162 166 198
copying 199 215
copyrights 99—100 190 197—199 214
Cornford, F.M., "Microcosmographica Academica" 72
| Corporatization 273
Council of Biology Editors 194
counseling 61 64 89 91
Creationism 69—70
Credit for work 99—100 105—106 195 208 211—213 217 231
Crewdson, John 229
Cross, Patricia 77
Cultural relativism 9
Curriculum issues 6—10 95
Curves, grading on 79
Darsee, John 221 228 232—233
Darwin, Charles 218
Darwin, Charles, On the Origin of Species 10 200
De Solla Price, Derek J. 188
Dead Sea Scrolls 205
Deans 271 287
Defense Contract Audit Agency 170—171 173
Defense Department 154 159 162 167 178—179 206
Defined-benefit plans 42—43
Defined-contribution plans 43
Democracy 2
Department chairs 271
Desktop publishing 199
Dewey, John 10
Dingell, John 169 173 175 179 229 233—236
Dismissals 130—133
Divestiture 121
Djerassi, Carl 98 261—262
DNA 183 187 206 262
Doctoral fellowships 46
Doctorates 24—25 30 40 44—47 49—51 58 98 283—284
Domestic partners, benefits for 142
Drug-Free Workplace and Communities Act 178
drugs 65—66 178
Duke University 248—249
D’Amato, Alfonse 154
editors 194 203
Electronic journals 195
Eliot, Charles William 26
Emerson, Ralph Waldo: "The American Scholar" 64
Endowments 122—123 162
Energy Department 154 159 162
England, university tradition in 27 78
Enthoven, Alain 141—142
Environmental Protection Agency 237—238
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 130
Ernhart, Claire 237—238
Essay examinations 81
Ethics, professional 19—20 68
Evaluations of students 7 62 71 78—84 86—89
Evaluations of teachers 73—76 95
Evergreen State College 286
Evolution, Theory of 69
Examinations 62 78—81 83—84 88—89
experiments 187 197 218
Exploitation, complaints about 98—99 107
Faculty and need for institutional change 286—287
Faculty as advisors 63—64 89—91
Faculty as mentors 60 78 89 97—116
Faculty as role models 60 68
Faculty, academic service 117—146
Faculty, age factors 30 41—42
Faculty, appointments 64—65 73—75 125—132 136—137 187
Faculty, attitudes toward students 71
Faculty, beginning 72 77
Faculty, committees 18 29 64—65 128 140—142 145
Faculty, conflicts of commitment 241—249 262
Faculty, conflicts of interest 249—252 257 262 264
Faculty, consulting by 243—245
Faculty, demographic profile 41—42
Faculty, development of interests 23
Faculty, dismissals 130—133
Faculty, evaluations of 73—76 95
Faculty, friendships with students 107—109
Faculty, governing of institution by 25 118—119 123—124 126 138 144—145
Faculty, grading by 71 78—84
Faculty, personal agendas 68—69 93
Faculty, promotions 30 34 65 73—75 130 136 187
Faculty, recruitment/hiring 23 32 34 40 51 57
Faculty, research scholars as 48
Faculty, responsibilities 23 25
Faculty, salaries 12 32—34 75 95 137
Faculty, sexual harassment by 111—115
Faculty, sexual relationships with students 109—111
Faculty, teaching by 29—30 33 42 59—96
Faculty, teaching loads 61—63
Faculty, tenure 18—19 30 94 125 128 130—131 134—138
Faculty, training of 23—25 28—30 44—47 49—51 58 72 75
Faculty, unions 118
Faculty, values taught by 65—66
Faculty, writing recommendations 62 91—93
False Claims Act 173
Falsification of results 217—225 230—231
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act 92
Feder, Ned 221—222 233
Federal Register 263 269
Felig, Philip 222 228 232
Fellowships 46—48
Fiduciary duty 121—122 143—144
Final examinations/papers 81
Financial aid 280—281
First Amendment 125 133
Fisher, R.A. 218
Food and drug administration 228 237 255 263
Franklin, H. Bruce 67—68 132—134
Fraud 217—226 230 238
Freedom of Information Act 168
freedom of speech 125 133
Freshman advisers 89—91
Friendships, teacher-student 107—109
Fundamentalist beliefs 69—70
Galbraith, John Kenneth 110—111
Gallo, Robert 229—232
Gardner, John 2
Gates, Henry Louis 248—249
Gay students 65
Germany, university tradition in 26—28 266
GI bill 28
Giamatti, A. Bartlett 245—246
Gilbert, Walter 256—257 262
Goldman, C.A. 50
Goodstein, David 46
Governance, institutional 120 123—126
Government Accounting Office 169—170
Government involvement 12 28 182 184 U.S.”)
Grade inflation 79—80
Grade inflation and academic misconduct 179
Grade inflation and conflicts of interest 264
Grade inflation, accountability 220
Grade inflation, efforts to regulate research 13 18 29 100 140—141 164 176—178
Grade inflation, grants/contracts 18 149—152 160—162 166
Grade inflation, indirect costs 16 164—175
Grade inflation, paying full costs of research 163—175
Grade inflation, peer review 153—154
Grade inflation, support of research 16 41 45 150
Grading 7 62 71 78—84 86—89
Graduate education 26—28 30 45—46 49—51 90 108 149
Grants 18 36 49 148—152 155 160—162 166 190—191 207
Great Works courses 7—9 65
Group learning 89 276
Guggenheim Foundation 157—158
Hadley, Suzanne 229
Hampshire College 286
Harper, William Rainey 24 278
Harvard University 9 26 62—64 72 78 88 94 110 139 247 249
Harvard University on letters of recommendation 92
Harvard University, assessment seminars at 77
Harvard University, business school 20
Harvard University, doctorates from 49
Harvard University, graduate school 26
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